Thanks again everyone. Still on :cloud9: It's insane.

Blues-I'd be angry too. She's had four months to request the panel and tried to do it last minute and didn't get it, so it's your fault? Oh.HELL.NO. They better give you a refund, or a free cycle, and yes, you need a change of nurses. She is totally incompetent AND we seriously don't have time to wait another cycle and wait another cycle. I hope your BD'ing worked and you won't need to go back. fxfx. I'll be stalking your chart.
Wish-I forgot to say congrats to you on the new house!! How does it feel to be in a new home?? So happy for you. You never know..a new house, a new bed...you may get that BFP afterall when you're least expecting it. I'm still thinking it can happen. :hugs:

Sis-I guess the metformin can't really hurt anything. My coworker found out he's diabetic at age 68, and he takes metformin. I think it can fix a lot of different things.

Fezzle-Have a great time and see you when you get back.

I added a ticker. :haha: I liked the little black lady walking in the snow.
Well day one I didn't have any issues really just a headache but that's norm when I take a E blocker!! ;)
Terri - Yaaaaaaaay for a ticker. It's official. :)

Sis - Hope the new meds do the trick! And I hope no yucky symptoms, too.

Wish - Congrats on the house!!! It must feel so amazing to be in a new place. I agree with Terri - maybe the new house will be just the trick to spark that BFP. :)

Blues - I would be BEYOND livid. Did you complain about her so that you can get transferred to another nurse? That's absolutely ridiculous.

Happy Friday everyone. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend. How about everyone else? Any fun plans? My crib came today. Wow - things are getting real around here, huh? :)
Hi girls!
Ive been told by Terri I must pop in and say HI:happydance::happydance::happydance:!!!!
I was doing my normal nija stalking on the site and stopped to congratulate Terri on the April thread, and she told me to say hi here!

So here I am Terri!

Needless to say viewing the first page in a long time I cant get over how many of you have :baby: I'm thrilled for you all, and all the :bfp:!!!!!
I cant even say congrats individually there are so many!! so just lots of love coming your way to all of you from me!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

afm, Im done, we stopped trying after Christmas, I only started temping again because I want to track my menopause! I was diagnosed PCOS last summer due to high AMH and with loosing my mum last year and not even a squint of a line in nearly 2 years, I threw in the towel.
I am getting the marina put back in as it will help get me thru the change.... so i shall now have to wait for grand kids, but not too soon I hope, don't feel like a granny yet!:jo:
battyatty - it sure is good to hear from you lady - TTC or not!!! I have missed your irish flair!!! I hope the mirena is good to you!! Yes there have been so many babies... but there are still a one or two of us plodding on... :wacko:

:hi: to everyone else

My new avatar is my new back yard... we start moving on Saturday and I am so stinking happy (and so is my husband and daughter) we have already had our first guest fishermen (my nephew) and canoe enthusiasts - my daughters friends... It is just awesome how God orchestrated this house for us... I am hoping by my birthday I am snuggly in my new wonderful house...
I turn 42 soon - so I feel as though my TTC days are numbered - my guess is the Lap on June 5th will tell the tale...since coming off the pill I have had lovely hot flashes at night - and I have no idea why :shrug::shrug::shrug: and the witch keeps coming and going and now she won't leave... lovely... but that is all in the background now as we prepare to move to our new house!! have a great week everyone!!
Okay...so I've been M.I.A not to be confused with Mia. Lol and I log in and go to the last page to back track and what do I see????? CONGRATULATIONS TERRI!!!!!!

I'm soooooo sorry ladies...things have been crazy so I really need to properly catch up but just know you all have been on my mind and I've continued to hope all the best for all you ladies. Not sure if I was still posting when I found out I got to keep my job but since then I've started another business in addition to working full time and trying to build the other business. I'm all over the place, I swear! :wacko:

Now I'm going to back track so I can get caught up someone and see what else is going on. Wish...I saw you're about to move! Congrats!!! You're moving to the house with like a zillion acres right?? Lol
Batty! So good to hear from you and glad you updated us on what's going in on your world! It sounds like you are comfortable with the decision to stop TTC, and that certainly takes a whole lot of pressure and stress out of your life. Before you know it, yes, there will be grandbabies to snuggle! Just so pleased to hear from you and wish you well!

NEESAW--Again, great to hear about your u/s going smoothly and looking fed to hearing good results from your next one coming up soon.

TERRI--Glad to see your ticket is up...but shouldn't you be walking in the sun and not snowflakes? Lol!

Sis--So you've never been on metaforum before? This will be very interesting to see how it does for you and I'm glad u are trying something new. Hope this leads to a sticky!

Wish--Yay for the new house!! I can only see your profile pic on my phone and it doesn't enlarge but from what I can see, it looks green and beeyootiful! What a fun time getting a fresh start. Very anxious for your lap in June, too!

Blues--Oy! I'd be ticked beyond belief, too. I just can't imagine you'd get charged for their screw up. Yup. Change nurses for sure if possible. It's scary the incompetence that floats around the medical community. Hang in there!!

Kfs1--25 weeks already! Where's the bump pic lady?? What nursery theme are you doing? Is baby going to sleep in your room at first or go right to his/her own room. There's definate benefits to both. Yes things are getting real! Btw, does your sister know the gender of her baby?

Wonder how Moni and Future are doing?! And Fezzle with the wedding?

AFM, I finally called my OBGYN to ask for a prescription for anti-anxiety Meds. She prescribed me Zoloft, which is also used for depression, which I don't feel I have, but I swear, my hormones must still be kooky because I'm on edge a lot. With my DD, I had the typical Baby Blues for about 4 months, where I'd cry and get emotional for no reason, but not this time. None of that. Just always anxious. So hopefully the meds will help me chillll! Anyway, I just mention it because you don't hear a lot about the physical and emotional changes women can go through after birth and you aren't always floating around on Cloud 9 even when your greatest wish came true! Damn hormones!
Hi Smiles! We must have posted at the same time. Glad to hear you are well, although crazy busy! Mia pics?
Wish-I'm so happy that you love your new place, and that grass sure does look REALLY green. Glad everyone is happy thus far. It's going to be a big adjustment and I know it will be a great one! Congrats again.

Smiles-Thank you, thank you!! You just can't stop, can you?? hee hee. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly on the go, but I'm trying to pare a few things back, but then I get bored and want to do more things, so it's a never ending battle. Hope Mia and the rest of the family are doing well. Thanks for stopping by. And yes, pictures please! She probably looks like a completely different girl by now.

Katie-Someone else asked why I'm walking in the cold, but it's because i'm having a December baby! hee hee. In real life I don't like snowflakes, but I liked that ticker. I have noticed that not many have a cold ticker. hee hee. I'm odd I guess. I really just like the black lady walking with her hat and scarf. I hope your new medicine works for you and you can enjoy everything instead of being anxious about it. And..I hope that you can eventually come off of it. Some of those meds make me nervous because once you're on them, that's it.

AFM-I had to get a new blood pressure medicine. It's 5mg of Amlodipine or something like that. Before I was taking 25mg of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ). When you're pregnant your blood pressure tends to be lower, so I'm wondering why I even have to take 5mg, but whatever. I'll just do what they say and see how my pressure checks out. I'm also salty because the pill is a little bigger than my other one. I was fine with taking blood pressure meds because the pill was so small. This pill is still smaller than my prenatals, so I need to just relax, but I'm being a baby because I can. hee hee. My MIL called me last night to say congrats. I told her we'd call her on Thursday with the update. I still haven't told my dad yet. He's coming in May, so he can be excited then. I really want to tell him in person so I can see his smiling face. I imagine he's ready to see someone other than my sister's four kids. HA!HA!!
Wish - Loving the pic of your backyard. And I'm sooooooo happy that you're so happy. :) It sounds like this place is going to be amazing. You'll have such a great summer! :)

Terri - That's nice that your MIL called to congratulate you. I'm sure you must be SOO excited to tell your Dad. Awww - I can't wait to hear that story. :)

Smiles - Glad to hear that you're doing well. So, you're going to work full-time and have another job on top of that???

Batty - Nice to hear from you. It sound like you're doing well. I hope you're feeling good now that you've taken the TTC pressure off of yourself.

Katie - Good for you for getting some anxiety meds. So many women have hormonal issues after birth and just ignore them but why suffer?. I hope they do the trick and you start to feel more like your old self again. 25 weeks is crazy, right? We actually have most of the furniture set up in the nursery already since everything came last week. No real theme but our bedding is gray, white, and turquoise so we're going with those accent colors and we were thinking of adding some elephant pics on the walls, too. I think the baby will be in with us for the first few months but then I really want to try to have him/her sleep in the nursery after that. Our room is TINY and I can see it being a struggle once I go back to work if we don't try to. Oh - and my sister doesn't know the gender of her baby either. It'll be a double-surprise. :) Here's a bump pic from a few weeks ago. I'm really bad at taking pics - I hate being in them.


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Batty :hi: so good to hear from u!! My AMH was high last time so I'm on Mertformin now what does it mean w high AMH?? I don't get it
A few yrs ago it was 1.2 now it's 4.2!!! :nope:

Smiles good to hear from u Too!!

Wish new house new start!! :)

Love the Bump Kfs1!!

Katie I had really bad BLUES w both oys I've read that's it can be worse w Boys cuz u don't have those Happy Boy hormones anymore and go straight back to Girl Witch Mode!! :shrug:
Hope those meds help but if it's anxiety I'm not sure it will FX it does!!

AFM got a High on monitor today not sure if it's the Clomid or what DH has to go to a JOB most likely when I will O :grr:
We will just have to do the best we can I guess :(
Batty :hi: so good to hear from u!! My AMH was high last time so I'm on Mertformin now what does it mean w high AMH?? I don't get it
A few yrs ago it was 1.2 now it's 4.2!!! :nope:

My AMH came in at i think 17.6 in European levels, what ever that is in US I'm not sure????
Idk the difference so I'm not sure either :shrug:

Well DHs job got pushed to Monday so he should be here for O .... Happy Mommy!! :)
Batty-So good to hear from you!
Wish-OMG You HAVE A POND!!!!!!! Dying of jealousy right now! I'm in SoCal so no ponds anywhere with our drought!
Sis-Woah that's crazy how high your AMH got! Did the doctor say it would be harder to get pregnant at those levels?
Terri-I love your ticker!!! Oh you need to have a video camera set up so you can video your father's reaction!
Katie - So glad you are getting medicine for your anxiety. My mom had postpartum depression after my brother was born. I must say, I thank you for being so open about it. So many women hide it.
KFS-You have the cutest bump! You hardly look pregnant!

AFM- Nothing much going on as now I have to wait to the next cycle unless us staying home from work to bd worked! It has been interesting testing out the trigger though. I used both hpt and opk. The HPT has been fading but OPKs have stayed strongly positive.
Blues idk the nurse said the higher the better but then the dr said high AMH can mean PCOS so I started the Metformin!! :shrug:

From what I've read a normal AMH for a woman of my "Advanced Age" should be 1-2 so mine has gotten higher but I've been taking Ubiquinol and other Supps to help w that so idk if it increased my number to a 20 something's :shrug:
It does state that ladies w a higher number for there age group can be suffering from Insulin resistance PCOS which can cause infertility and MC!!
The Metformin seems to be helping and I'm down 4lbs :)

Also yes w every loss I've had blaring OPKS even after a Negative HPT!! FX FX u dont need the IUI!! ;)
Blues-Your charts always look amazing, I just really hope this is the truly amazing one. :)

Sis-Awesome on the weight loss. I hope that's supposed to happen with metformin. :wacko:

My sister called last night and she was asking me when I was going to tell my Dad. I told her that I'd tell him in May when he visits, and she said 'I'm just so excited, I may slip up when I see him tomorrow night.' So...I may have her videotape his reaction on the phone when I call him and tell him after our ultrasound. That way she can talk to him about it (or whatever!). She is such a goofball. She was like 'Do you have nau-sea yet?' I said "no, maybe at 6 weeks. The interwebz says it starts around then." Then she said 'It doesn't start at 6w.' I said 'Then when does it start? When did you have nau-sea?' she said "I didn't have it." I said "Then why are you bugging me? Maybe I won't have it either!! I gotta go finish dinner and pick up my car. I'll call you later." She is such a goof. She wants me to be miserable? hee hee.
Hi all!

I am back to work! Monday was my first day... sad. But, easier than with my first son, I didn't even cry much! Hasn't been too bad. Also, our move to the Bay Area in CA is now certain ... we are relocating in July. Which means I have to find a place there, already stressed, it is so expensive...

We are also still kind of thinking about #3. Not really an issue yet, as I am not supposed to TTC for 6 months after a c-sec and I am breastfeeding, so no period yet. Last time I got my period at like 9 months after. I just don't know if I want to go back on the TTC bandwagon at 42.5 or so... Anyway, I first have to lose the last 15 lbs of the 40 I put on with DS #2.

Batty- HI! It's been ages!! Glad all is well and you are content with your choices.

Wish- Gorgeous :)

Sis- I always thought high AMH was good... Mine was 2.9 last year and the IVF clinic was slobbering over having me be their patient and helping with their 40+ statistics :p (They actually kept on calling me and asking when I was coming in.) Of course, I got pg on my own shortly after doing the battery of tests.

Terri- I am super happy for you!! Love the ticker too, very elegant!

Katie - Sorry you have to take the medicine for your anxiety, but am glad you are taking control of it... *hug*

KFS- The bump is super cute!
Oh, Terri, I forgot to ask when your first ultrasound is? Can't wait to hear whether there is 1 or 2 in there :)
Well...I'm still playing catch up but this is how far I've gotten..

Rad..congrats on the birth of Penguin!!! Glad to hear everyone is doing fine :hugs:

Nessaw...congrats!!!!!!! Very excited for you!!!!

Oldermom...did I read right TWINS???? Double congrats

KFS...yes I am working full time, trying to grow my adult party business AND I decided that wasn't keeping me busy enough so I became a presenter for a cosmetics and skincare company called Younique :haha: who needs to sleep right? How is everything with you?

Here is Mia's latest picture taken on vacation a couple weeks ago before we were damn near killed. Yeah I ended up with 4 stitches in my left eyebrow, 7 stitches down the center of my forehead as 4 staples in m scalp! It was horrible! I'll have to post the story in more detail in a bit.

Gonna keep backtracking to catch up some more.


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