Congrats to you too Nessaw! A wedding and a baby :happydance: So exciting!!

Terri - Funny thing is that I made braised chicken thighs last night, LOL onions and peppers with tomatoes simmered in broth. Today I'm rolling with meatloaf and mashed potatoes because its cold and rainy. How are you feeling today? Stinks they cancelled the SPCA fundraiser though. Hopefully it can be rescheduled for a later date.

Sis- Would love to hear a prom update too. When is graduation? Oh, and you're not crazy to want to start all over. I'm a grandma and I want to start all over so...nope, not allowed to be crazy LOL (at least not alone)

AFM- My chart is all kinds of wacky this month. Don't even know what to make of it. On day 18 and still no ovulation which hasn't happened before. I've only been charting since December but it's always been detected just irregular. Sometimes early day 7 or 8 and other times day 13-15. Even fertility friend says my cycles are irregular. Ugh! It's hard enough trying to BD when it's time much less when the target keeps moving. BD on command does not work well for us. LOL

Hope everyone had a great weekend :hi:
Well I had a very Exciting weekend but NOT in a Good way!! my BIG didn't go to Prom he never made it there!! His Auto class went on a field trip Friday and 2 Truck full of Boys got Pulled over for Racing!!! Mine went to jail cuz he was 18 along w 2 others he was in Jail yes jail for 26hrs cuz there Computer system went down Friday nite!! :nope:

Mommy bailed him out at 6Pm and stayed at a hotel downtown to get him ASAP but he wasn't released until 11:30Am Saturday!!
I'm glad he was in there w the other boys at least he wasn't alone but also kinda Mad at the boy driving the truck but BOYS wil be BOYS!!
He has court and will probably get probation so his running wild and free days r over now!! Hope he learned his lesson early on!! ;)

Just glad he wasn't in school per say so they can't prevent him from walking!!

I'm totally confused about when I Od if I Od cuz I didn't temp or take a OPK a few days dealing w this BS!! I filled in what I think my temps probably were but idk for sure!! :shrug:
Sis-Jail?! Ugh..I hope he learned his lesson. Unbelievable. All that prom indecision and then it didn't even matter. Did he say he was scared in jail? I would be.

I think you probably O'd, but with all that stuff going on, who knows. I guess we'll see what tomorrow's temp brings. :hugs: Sorry for all of your son's drama. This is why you need a girl. :winkwink:
Sis what a nightmare. Can't believe how long he had to stay in-blooming computers.
Joy hope you work out that ov.
Terri you're making me hungry!
Terri-What a bummer the fundraiser was cancelled! When I lived in Baltimore, it always humored me how afraid people in the surrounding areas were afraid of the city! I enjoyed my time in there while I was in college! You normally dream in black and white? I always dream in color. I thought everyone did!

Sis-OMG I can't believe your son went to jail! I hope the charges get dropped!

Joy-Welcome to the group! I know you stated you didn't want to do IVF but are you going to try clomid and timed intercourse or IUI?

Nessaw-I love seeing your ticker passing time! When is your next scan?

AFM-I was assigned a new nurse and she is awesome! She had no problems getting DH's medical records immediately! She is so communicative and friendly. She will be a much better fit for us.

I have a question for those that used triggers-How long was it before the trigger left you system? For comparison, I'm 5' and weigh 115.

So I have been testing out the trigger, which I took on the 14th, and on Friday got a stark white strip but a faint positive on Saturday. I'm thinking its still the trigger because I felt that my urine was more concentrated than the day before. I also got a faint positive today but again it seemed more concentrated than Friday's. I'm I right to think its still the trigger?
Blues-Usually I don't notice any color, but in my dreams lately, there has been something that I noticed in color, for example, a blue car, a room that is lit with lamplight. Normally I would just see a car. hee hee. Wait..so you took the trigger shot on the 14th and on the 25th you noticed a line?!! EEK!! That trigger has to be out of your system by now! Are we going to be bump buddies?!!! I'm getting really super excited. Keep testing.

I'm so happy you stood up and told them you hated that nurse. This whole process is so draining, it doesn't make sense to have a sucky nurse. But now..you won't even need the nice nurse. I am so excited. :wohoo: that's me right now.
Terri-I'm like 99% positive that its still the trigger shot in my system. I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. :(
How much HCG Blues?? I would say 10DPT or 8-9DPO it should be out of your system but I've been fooled B4 !!!! FXFX
Sis- WOW! Jail for that?! Seems a bit excessive to me but that's just my opinion. I'm with Terri I would have been scared. I love the pics though. The black and white one is my favorite. Hope you get to de-stress soon. I just picked up a dvd on easy yoga to try and help me relax a bit. Plus I could use some gentle exercise.

Blueshoney- Thanks for the welcome. I think right about now I'm just praying for a miracle. My doc (don't have an RE) did my blood work just to see where I stand and when it cam back that my FSH was high (50) she flat out said there's no point and that she wasn't going to give me clomid. Originally she was going to but she just killed any hope I had after that. I've kinda been licking my wounds and trying to move forward with supplements and diet. As much as I can we try to time BD but the on command thing doesn't work well for me and my DH. Not promising I know but like I said...holding out for a miracle.

How do you get your chart to show up on your post?
Hey Girls!!!! I'm sure you all guessed why I've been AWOL...yep, I had my baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:And he's awesome. It was on Thurs. Apr. 9th at 12:04 pm after a 20 hour labour :dohh: Well at least I had my natural birth - no drugs at all other than a bit of oxytocin to move things along after my water broke. I'll try to post a picture of our little man - we named him Daniel Alan after his two grandfathers. A pretty big boy at 8 lbs, 9.5 oz and 21 inches. He's doing great - breastfeeding like a pro and steadily gaining weight. At this rate he'll be into the 3-6 month size clothing by the time he's one month old. :haha:

I quickly read through the posts from the last couple of weeks and I'm sorry that I can't comment on everyone, but I MUST say...
:awww::friends::friends::friends: WAY TO GO TERRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bfp: Now you hang onto that sticky bean!!!!!!!!!!! GL GL GL GL!!!!!!!

And just a quick word regarding the discussion around baby blues...yep, been there done THAT :wacko: My doctor says I was slammed by an extreme case. I actually ended up in emergency with the first of 3 panic attacks. Really really sucked for the first week, but on the plus side I'm feeling soooo much better now. OH's sister and mom came to take care of me and fed me tons of healthy foods and vitamin supplements and now...ta da!!! I'm feeling better. But I can totally empathize with anyone going through it now. Feel free to personally message me for more details, etc.

I hope everyone's having a FANTABULOUS day!!!!!!!!! :thumbup: Talk to you later!


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Sis-the box said it was 250mcg? So I am not sure?

Futuremom-OMG Congratulations!!! He is so beautiful!!! I'm so sorry your first week has been so tough.Your baby blues only lasted a week? That's great!
Futuremom He is beautiful!! Congratulations and I wish your family all the best.
Futuremom-Congratulations!! I love little Daniel. He is so cute. All natural huh? I'm glad you got to do what you wanted. Sorry about the baby blues but only having them for a week is pretty impressive, and glad you had family to help you out when you needed them. I'm so happy for you!! Thanks for the well wishes. <3
Congrats FutureMom he's Gorg!!! :) :)

AFM IDK what's going On I think I'm Oing from the left now Od from the right this weekend my left ovary was killing me last night and now I feel good finally no bloating or Pain :shrug:
My temp dropped to 97.73 this Am but all OPKs still say low so I put a higher temp and just noted the low temp to refer to later if it stays down tomorrow !!

This cycle has been a mess to say the least I'm sure from adjusting to the Metformin so I see why my Dr wanted to wait for the trigger and P until next cycle when I'm on full dose of Metformin!! :nope:
Wish - How'd the move go??? More pics of the new house, please. :) Any news about your cysts? Ugh - what a pain in the ass.

Sis - Jail? Yikes - I would have been scared if I were him. Sorry that you feel that this cycle is a bust. Hopefully next month will be better like you said.

Blues - I'm happy that they gave you a new nurse. For me, it definitely took a while for the trigger to be out of my system. I want to day I tested at 9 DPO and it was still there.

Futuremom - Congratulations!! He's adorable. I'm so sorry to hear of your scary first week though. It sounds like you made the right moves by seeking medical attention and letting your family help out a bit. I've been reading about the first days home and it definitely sounds BEYOND overwhelming. I'm glad it's behind you!

Nothing really new here. Baby's been moving and squirming around like crazy. :) I'm going to register for my shower this weekend so that should be interesting. Seems a bit overwhelming to me but I'll just do a little bit at the store and then the rest online I think.
Sis What are we doing...tag teaming crazy cycles this month?! LOL Hope your body settles in with the Metformin and next month you are able to catch that egg.

AFM Obviously my cycle has been out of control. Not sure what is going on as its two cycles now that ovulation has been a challenge to detect. Nothing like this month though. Temps are all over the place. One thing I noticed is that my CM has been much better this cycle. Not EW but an improvement none the less. Started DHEA and CoQ10 so maybe it is having a little bit of an impact already.

On a side note...got my new oven delivered today so it's time to make bread and pies. Yay! My grandson loves my bread and butter :)
I spoke to soon Now the school is trying to mes w ALL the Boys and not Allow them to walk to Graduate!! :nope:
Geez don't they have to deal w enough haven't they been punished enough ?? Guess not well I'm Appealing the decision and will talk to the lawyer Tommorrow about both issues!! :grr:
Well looks like I'm Oing now finally IDK if all the stress this weekend messed me up or if I Od from the right and it was weak so my left Od now!! FYI that's how I got my BFP last January FXFX!!!

Cray Cary cycle for sure and all this stress w my BIG is not helping!! :nope:
Hi girls had another scan today. All good-baby measuring 3 days ahead. Fxfxfxfx!

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