Smiles - OH MY GOODNESS... she is soooo cute!!!! thank you for sharing - and what in the world happened to you???

Terri - thinking of you today and I hope you get to hear/see that little heartbeat!! :thumbup:

Driving - whew - back to work and moving!! plus new baby!!! you have lots going on!!! :)

Blues - I hope staying home to BD worked!!! FX and HOH for you!!

Sis - Yay for weight loss - 4lbs is nothing to dismiss either!!! I hope the metformin does the trick... I have heard that a high AMH means PCOS... but that is just from reading on this website... keeping my FX for you!!!

kfs - LOVE the itty bitty bump pic!! thank you for sharing!! I cant believe how many weeks you are now!!! it seems to go so fast!! :hugs::thumbup:

Katie - sometimes meds are all we need!!! I hope this takes care of it and soon you won't even need those!! any new pics of Cody?

:hi: again Batty!!!

AFM: well off to the Doc today -been having AF bleeding/spotting for 12-13 days - and started bleeding bright red blood after working out Monday - uncomfortable/painful :sex:, plus hot flashes at night - AND I am taking my temp again and its way to high for the :witch: time of the month...so I am thinking Mr. Cyst has returned or is trying to return...
it feels defeating for sure :cry:... so who knows what the dr will say today...
prepping for the move... not much longer now...:happydance::thumbup:
Smiles-Yes, I love her!! Thanks for sharing the picture. You are cracking me up with all your jobs. You seriously cannot stop. I wish my husband had that work ethic! Just kidding. His one job is perfectly fine. Yeah, definitely fill us in on the accident. Scary, mama.

Wish-Bleeding for 12 days? Yikes. I'm glad you have an appointment today and I hope the doctor doesn't say that there is another cyst. But...it would be good to know why you're bleeding so much. I'm torn on what I want. I just want you to be better. :hugs:

Blues-Yes, today is the day. I'm starting to get really nervous, although I really have no reason to be. I'm not bleeding/spotting, and really nothing is going on. I guess that's why I'm a little scared/nervous. I just want everything to be ok. I'll update you this afternoon, of course!
Terri - hoping you are getting scanned and seeing/hearing the good news as I type!!!

AFM:well first off the dr had to cancel seeing me today because of some emergency surgery issues - but they wanted me to go ahead and have the ultrasound - glad they did - I have alteast 4 cysts they can see - one large fluid/blood filled cyst on my left ovary - and 3 on my right ovary - 1 is large and looks to be filled with blood - while the other two are solid (or at least more solid - definitely a different color on the screen than the cysts filled with fluid)

not the news I wanted to hear - and I don’t even get to talk to the dr about what now until Monday at 250pm - so these things are going to keep growing all weekend!!! I don't even have spare birth control pills to take - if that would even work... I don't know what my restrictions should be… nothing… I am very frustrated and concerned
Things went well. We have one baby inside. All three phlebotomists wanted to go in the room with me to check out my insides! My hubs was scared to look at the screen but the doc said 'come over here!' It was great. Picture later if I can get it to load. Phew! So happy.
Yay Terri!! Just came on real quick to check how the appointment went. I didn't have any worries at all for the ultrasound considering you have had such great numbers and no bleeding or spotting. Was baby big enough to be able to see the flickering heartbeat? So Happy for you!

Sorry, to post and run, I didn't have time to read everyone else's posts yet. I am packing frantically for our trip tomorrow. I don't know if I mentioned it, but I lost my mind and decided to travel by myself with both kids across country to go visit friends and family in Arizona. DH can't go because he has to work. Grandparents are in their 90s and I want to make sure they meet the new baby just in the event something happened to them before we all meet in Michigan for the summer. The Zoloft is going to come in handy for this venture!
Will catch up and respond back later when I get to my grandparents and settled!
Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in? I will admit that I have been stalking this page and it looks like one of the friendliest threads I've seen. (Not to mention informative)
Terri that's brilliant news. Congratulations .x
hi everyone and welcome joy.x
I told my dad last night and it went well and he's excited. The setup was perfect because I was talking about my blood pressure medicine and how they had to change it and my oral surgeon sister didn't tell me that I may get puffy gums as a result. My dad said "Why did they have to change it?" I said 'For pregnancy' and waited. Then he started laughing.

Then he said 'Well, don't expect me to come babysit.' WHILE HE IS BABYSITTING MY SISTER"S BABY IN AUSTIN WHILE SHE PARTICIPATES IN A CONFERENCE!! I was just like 'Ok, Daddy. Whatever.' This is reason #1 why we have mothers. To block out all the stupid s^*&@ that our dads would say to us given the opportunity. I'm not sad or mad. I'm just happy that today I'm pregnant.

Wish-Did you call your pharmacy? You may have refills on BCP from when they first submitted the order. Just a thought. Sorry you have four cysts. That's crazy. Where do they come from, honestly? I have that fibroid and it's away from my uterus, but it is seriously growing more and more every time I get a scan. Yesterday the doc mentioned that my high risk doctor will have to keep an eye on it. That's not very reassuring. I don't want to have another surgery. I hope you stop bleeding by Monday and the doctor can get you some more BCP. It's one thing after another. :hugs:

Hi Joy! Tell us about yourself.
Hi Neesaw and Terri! Thanks for letting me join. Hmm about me...well I was stalking this forum looking for any guidance based on what I learned from my last doctor visit. I just turned 44 this month (ugh!) and my husband is 45. We have 1 daughter from my past relationship but she is now 21. We got married when I was 40 and I've been wanting to have a baby for a long time but we wanted the first 2 years just to be us...oh if only I had known better! When I was younger my doctor told me to be extra careful because I am fertile as the day is long. Unfortunately after being on DPO for way too long (noone told me to take a break) my system is completely jacked!

Trying to make this shorter...fast forward to now. Went to get a fertility eval and based on my blood work I was told that I am menopausal. *Que crying* The stalker that I am saw that Oldermom had similar high fsh so I was hoping that maybe there was still a chance for me to make it happen. My DH has no children of his own and I would love to have one with him. Some times you don't find the good guy until its late.

So my stats from the doc:
FSH 50.9
LH 12.3
TSH .976
Prolactin 15
Estradiol 17
Progesterone .5

Thyroid and liver functions are fine. We aren't going to be aggressive in terms of doing IVF or anything. He is ok if we don't have children and I guess I can be too but I really would like to have just one more. I was hoping I could use supplements and perhaps accupuncture to try and 'fix' my system to make it happen. Long shot I know but there it is.
Congrats to you Terri! Feel like I kind of know you already. LOL I'm definitely a foodie so your cooking posts always made me smile

Neesaw- Congrats on your wedding. I hope it was as beautiful as you hoped it would be.

Hello to everyone else. Have a fabulous day :)
Terri - I am so happy happy happy happy happy for you!!! :yellow::yellow::yellow::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::dance::dance::dance:
I just can't help it - I hope you are soaking in every little moment of this time!!! which I know you are - and I love your ticker - it actually fits how I see you in my minds eye!!! :) anyway - love love love happy happy happy... i think you get the picture!! :haha:

Neesaw - I also smile every time I see your ticker!!:happydance::happydance: When is your next appointment?? how are you feeling??

Joy - Welcome!! You and I share similiar stories - my DH has no children of his own I have two daughters (23,18) from previous relationships... and I would love for my husband to have a LO call him daddy... we have been trying since our wedding night over 2 years ago - and not even a hint of BFP... I look forward to walking this journey with you... this thread has amazing ladies - so supportive and caring - and yes full of information!!! Good luck with lowering that FSH!!:hugs:

AFM: Terri - I never had a script for my pills - my dr gave me 3 sample packs... I am reallly hoping he talks to the nurse about my ultrasound and they give me a call today and not make me wait all weekend... today is my last day in the office for a week :happydance: and tonight will start the big ole production of moving - I am already tired :haha: but so excited too!!
if at all possible I am leaving early today - I only have one meeting... and couple of the bosses on gone -so maybe just maybe I can escape - if all else fails - hey I have all these cysts :rofl:
have a great weekend ladies!! :yipee::yipee::yipee:
Wow Ladies sorry I've been MIA I've been dealing w Prom prep and Graduation Annoucements and pictures!! Prom is tonite and w only a week to figure it all out I've been running like a chicken w my head cut off :headspin:
After all that my DS1 tells me he thinks he will just skip it he feels weird going w out a date :grr:
I understand I would feel weird too but I told him last week if he didn't want to go I understood so not to buy a ticket !! Well he bought a ticket and said he was going now he's NOT!! :nope:

At this point IDC I just want it to be over and done w he has the suit all ready if he changes his mind AGAIN I guess !! :shrug:

Wish so sorry about the cyst Girl u need Metformin I think :) :hugs:

Welcome Joy sorry I haven't been around to update the front page I will add u if u want just let me know!! :hi:
I would say w those numbers Supps might help or medicated cycles are u on Thyriod meds Ur TSH seems low but so is mine cuz I take Armour Thyriod u really have to go by Ur Free Ts TSH is a BS test!!
If u need any help w a Supps list let me know I will help any way I can !!

Terri yay for seeing Ur Pea!! :) Only one ??? was kinda hoping for twins w u too :)
I keep seeing twins everywhere so I thought for sure .... maybe it will be me :haha:
A girl can dream right :)

My BIG I know I must be Cray Cray to start over huh!!? :)
Sis-I've been wondering what you've been doing, but you sure do have a lot on your plate! I agree...if your son decides to go, he'll be ready. How come he didn't invite someone? Is he shy? He's so handsome, I think all the girls would have accepted if he just asked someone. hee hee.

Just one in the ultrasound. I was freaking out before we went in the office that it would be so crazy if there were two sacs, but then I was kind of disappointed that there was only one, but, of course, I'm happy with one. It was all just a toss up.

Joy-Thanks for sharing your story. As you can see, you're not alone on this thread! That's funny that you like my food stories. I haven't really been cooking or eating out lately, but I'm sure I'll get back to it. My happiness the other day was when I went out to dinner with my bestie and all the cheeses on the cheese plate were pasteurized. I LOVE a cheese plate but was worried. I ate every piece of cheese and the homemade apple butter alongside it. It's the little things. hee hee. Hopefully you and your DH will be able to have a baby soon.

Wish-Maybe you can get a quick nap in when you leave work today and then you'll be pumped for moving. Sorry about not having a BCP prescription. Hmmm..Hopefully someone will call you. Thanks for saying that my ticker looks like me. In real life, I would love to look wistful and carefree like that lady. hee hee.

Fezzle-Are you back yet? Tell us all about your wedding/honeymoon.

:wave: to everyone else!! Hope everyone has a great weekend! I have the SPCA annual fundraiser on Sunday to attend, and on Saturday I'll just be hanging out at home. I may read my book or clean up the spare room. It's going to be chilly (60s), so I don't really want to be outside. Since baseball is back, I can always just sit and watch tv. hee hee. No big plans, that's for sure.
Hi Sis. Prom and graduation...oh the joy/pain of it all. LOL At least DS1 has everything just in case :) Handsome guy! I'm middle of the road on being on front page. Not a big deal to me because I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going on this crazy train. You can if you like but I won't be mad if you don't either.

I'm not on any medications for thyroid or anything. I've always been relatively healthy and currently I'm just taking herbs/supplements. If there is anything else you can suggest, I will gladly consider it. What I do now is DHEA 25mg 2x daily, whole food multivitamin, vitex berry, CoQ10 100mg 2x daily, and folic acid 1000mcg 2x daily. I'm thinking about going for a consult with an accupuncturist but haven't made the call just yet. I keep alternating between believing I can make it happen and calling it quits. I try to stay positive and my DH is the one that is more sure of it than I.

Wish- Thank you! I haven't had a hint of a BFP in all this time either so we are definitely in it together. Glad to be welcomed into this thread :) Let's get to walking...
Hey Terri! One is perfect! Once you feel up to it, I full expect to hear about your cooking show adventures. LOL I mostly like baking but cook pretty much every day. going to get some pies or cookies going today. Going to a fish fry tomorrow night and not sure what I'm going to take.

Wish- I'll be thinking of you as I move furniture tomorrow. Just moved my parents out of state and have to go pick up some furniture tomorrow for my daughter's apartment. Good thing I only move light stuff. My DH always tells me I can't help with the heavy stuff because he "doesn't want me to hurt my uterus"! LOL Hey, you don't have to tell me twice ha ha ha
My next appt is on wed-scan and rmc appt. Everything feeling ok at the mo-sore boobs, tired, nauseous, stuffy nose. Am 8 weeks today! Had to sort my midwife appt as they had sent the referral to the wrong place - it's in a couple of weeks.
nessaw-I saw you on the December 2015 thread so I decided to sign up. Not sure if I'm on the front page yet, as I haven't looked. Is this your first scan?? I'm so excited for you. Happy 8 weeks!! I guess you're really only two weeks ahead of me. It seemed like you got your BFP WAAYYY before me, but I guess only two weeks. hee hee.
I had a scan 2 weeks ago @ 6+5 with a heartbeat. It's going very slowly! Yup am on the dec board but there are a lot of people on there-it goes v fast. Sadly I find it more comfortable on the dec rainbows one. I just saw you flash up on there and was v excited!
How was everyone's weekend?
Sis-did you big go to the prom? I've been waiting for the update!

Wish-are you super sore from moving? Are you finished?

Joy-you'll be happy to know that I have a new love; frozen vegetables. Hee hee. I bought frozen onions and peppers, bell peppers, and mushrooms. How convenient. I usually just buy fresh and chop them all up but this girl is hungry! I put it all in a pot with Cajun, boneless chicken thighs, rotini and broth and let the pasta cook. Oh and then I added mascarpone because I didn't have cream or cream cheese. Hee hee. Yum yum. Lunch for the week!

The annual Maryland SPCA fundraiser was cancelled because of the protesters in the city even though it was in a different part of town. People that don't go into the city are scared as it is (silly), but when there are riots/protests I guess they are really scared. Funny though because the Os stadium had 43k people and that's right downtown. They beat the Red Sox 18-7. Yeah! So I just stayed home and watched the game and read. Oh and my dreams have been out of control. Mountain lions, affairs, taking classes, etc. they are all in color too. It's exciting going to sleep every night!

:wave: to everyone else!

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