Sis- if you are able to handle two then go for it. I know that I can't!

AFM - Things are going well after a hiccup at the hospital. On her first day of life, Olivia had 4 massive poops. All the nurses were surprised by it and said that it would affect her weight. Cool makes sense. The day before i was to be discharged the pediatrician came in and told me that she lost too much weight. She told me to pump and supplement her feedings with the pumped milk. Fine ok. Then on my day that I was supposed to be discharged the dr basically attacked me saying that she was too light. yet she had gained weight back To the appropriate loss metrics. I totally lost it and starting balling my eyes out bc they said that I had to stay bc I was starving her. I ended up being discharged the next day. Saw the pediatrician 2 days later and he said she was right on track and that she grew a half inch already. Since shes been home she is steadily gaining weight. What sucks though it was a great birth experience until then.
Congrats, Blues!

Sis- we still haven't BDed but will soon and will be NTNP. Not that I've had a period yet. I'll start trying with Clomid again once Freya is about 6-8 months.
So glad to hear everyone's updates and big CONGRATS Blues!!! Olivia is a doll!!! Sorry to hear about the trouble at the hospital that's crap, but glad she is doing just fine!

Glad to hear you are going to keep on trucking Driving...I'm encouraged for you that it will happen sooner rather than later. 💗

Sis--Colic ughhh! Did the other kids have it, too? Maybe right now in the moment you can't envision two babies but once the colic passes you can reassess?
Katie my oldest did U know the 19yr old :haha: kinda makes me crazy looking huh
He was also very early and had a 2wk stay in NICU

I still want a Lil girl so BAD and it's not that I don't love my boys cuz I do I guess I just always visioned having a Lil girl and it's hard not having her here


Makes it worth it when u see that Smirk
Oh those little baby smirks!!!!! Golly he's cute!!!

Sis, I have a feeling you will either get your girl one way or another, whether you decide to have another baby or adopt. You are too determined to believe otherwise. 💗
Sis - I agree with Katie. You will get your girl one way or another.

Olivia is doing great. Gaining about an ounce or 2 a day. She has grown 1.2 inches already! Her personality is starting to show. She absolutely loves being outside, especially when the sun hits her face. She stretches out to maximize the amount of sun that hits her and get this sun drunk look. Its so adorable.

Poor thing is going to be sick of taking pictures bc I take so many!


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Oh that sweet baby girl, Blues! Take as many pictures as you like now. They change every day in those early months and you'll never regret a zillion photos of them! Once they get older and start to slow down their constant changes, you don't have to live with the camera in your hand every second so take advantage now!
How is everyone doing? It's been so quiet. We just got back from visiting family in NY. Traveling with a baby wasn't as hard as I was expecting it to be. Olivia did great on the plane. She hit 8lbs right before we left so we were able to use the carrier which made it much easier.

In showing pictures to family, I realized how much she has grown already!


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Hi all - I haven't posted in a long time. Been busy with a new position and kids. DH had spinal surgery last month, before that in tons of pain, couldn't lift, etc. Now he's better, but still some lingering issues. But the most exciting news is that I'm pregnant and due with girl in December. :baby::thumbup: We were in a sort of NTNP (too much) phase, so it was a bit of a surprise, but we're super happy. Just wanted to come over and say hi as I'll be around the boards again a bit. Nice to see so many of the crew still posting!
Hello Everyone!!!!!

Well, I'm back....actually we've been TTC #2 for over a year now and I'm starting to think about giving up :sad1:

After DS was born in April 2015 we started trying again as soon as the OBGYN cleared us for :sex: which was in June. Nothing happened for the first few months. :witch: started again in August and has been pretty consistent. We had a MC in November, which is encouraging in some ways. Although with the bloodwork for that we found out that I have hypothyroidism, so I've been on meds since November and my levels are good now. The endocrinologist (who I finally just got to see a week ago!) said that I had postpartum thyroiditis, which explains why I basically went crazy right after DS was born (insomnia - basically didn't sleep for a week, anxiety with panic attacks, very rapid weight loss). She said my thyroid may recover with time. It's always good to have validation from medical experts - I wasn't just imagining these symptoms!

Anyways, the OBGYN did a bunch of tests on ovarian reserves, and other things that I'm sure you ladies are a lot more educated about than me! And it seems that there is no MEDICAL reason why I haven't conceived again since November. She did mention "sperm analysis" but DH basically didn't say anything when I brought it up! And he is very resistant to going to the fertility clinic. So that leaves me wondering what to do. I stopped breast-feeding 4 months ago at the suggestion of the OBGYN, but nothing yet. My progesterone level was just over 7, which the OBGYN said was fine, but I thought it seemed low. Also I've been having spotting before :witch:, even as much as a week which never happened before DS, which I think may be related to progesterone? So this month I'm on a major vitamin boost - eating protein three times a day, vitamin C pills twice a day, magnesium citrate twice a day, B6 once a day. As well as my usual prenatal vitamins twice a day and Vitamin D. Plus thyroid medication. It's like a pharmacy over here! We'll see if that does the trick. I'm testing on August 1st, which was my dad's birthday, so hopefully some good luck. :thumbup:

Turning 41 in just over a month, so I'm thinking if it doesn't happen by September I might just call it quits and see if DH is willing to adopt or else our little guy will be an only child. Don't want that, especially with DH and I being older parents. *sigh* Sorry for the long rant, especially since I've been AWOL for sooooo long. Just hoping for some support/empathy from people who understand how all-consuming and stressful the whole TTC journey is. Especially at an older age. Sometimes I think it's all I can even think about.

Having said all that, I must say that DS is a joy. 15 months old now and talking, walking, even running up a storm. The tantrums are...interesting...but I'm starting to be more relaxed about those. Just part of the process. So we're very thankful and very blessed.

I have to confess that I did not go back and read all the posts since I've been away :haha: but I'm hoping to catch up on how everyone is doing lately. I'm sure there's been lots of news - hopefully more good than bad. Thanks for listening. :hugs:
Welcome back Future Mom so nice to hear from u sorry u r having a hard time conceiving this time around I took me forver to get my sticky rainbow baby so I know how's feel!! :nope:
I'm also on Thyriod meds and had to have my dosage increased after I had Q seems with every pregnancy my Thyriod has gotten beat up a Lil bit!!
I think my first Progesterone test was a 7 also and she is probably thinking its norm for Ur age but it should be above 10 to sustain a pregnancy u may try VITEX it helps to increase P!! GL

AFM Q is finally sleeping better but still spitting up like Crazy :nope: he in 13wks today and I hope all this Colic BS ends soon DH is on the baby train idk what did it but he told me we need to try ASAP we aren't getting any younger :haha:
So we r officially TTC!! :)
Hi Sis!

Great to hear from you and welcome back to the TTC train! :happydance:

I didn't know you had the thyroid thing too. Kind of sucks but I'm hoping mine will spontaneously fix itself :haha: Not sure I can take vitex with the thyroid thing? Anyways, I might not need to....feeling rather....pregnant :shrug: I really hope I'm not just imagining it, but I have the sore boobs, crazy super nose, occasional nausea but also some brown spotting for the past week. :witch: is due tomorrow so I'm gonna test in the morning. I hope it's another happy and healthy one, but the spotting scares me...

How old is your little one now?
OMG fingers crossed that you are pregnant Futuremom! Interesting that you and sis both had the thyroid messed up. How could you tell that something was wrong?
Radkat, Congratulations on your baby girl! Wow!! Thanks for stopping by to share your news that's awesome!

FutureM--I wrote out this long detailed response to your original post and lost it!! Gaw!! Anyway, I just wanted to say I totally get the pull to have another baby to give your child a sibling. I often say that we had Cody for Kaylee. Meaning that it was my love for her, to have him for her...of course for us, too. But she was absolutely the reason for my drive to have #2. I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with the messed up thyroid situation, but at least that is something that is able to be managed! Let us know what's happening this cycle. FX!

Blues--Olivia is too cute!! And they really do grow and change by the day!

Terri--Was stalking the other "BFP Chasers" thread (I think I started following that one when some of you ladies went over there), and read about your rental. I think we are going to rent the house we are flipping. Need some advice for being a "landlordess." 😂 We will use a rental management company, but still hear horror stories. But it's either rent or break even.

Sorry ladies I had so much more to write and respond to but my brain is just fuzzy wuzzy tonight and I lost my original post. Just happy to see some of the old gang popping back here to say "hello"! 😀
Katie-Being a landlordess is really a pain, but when your house is only worth about $2k (if that), it makes sense to rent it out. The best advice I can give is make sure you have them fill out an application with a non-refundable fee ($20-$25), call the people's references, previous landlords and do a credit check. The worst credit they have the more likely they are to mess up your place. Do periodic inspections, and outline everything you want in a lease (number of people allowed, if they have to vacate prior to lease being up, what happens, if they smoke in your place, what happens, if they cause excessive damage, is that reason for immediate termination, etc...). Sometimes you get great tenants and it's not so bad, but when you get sucky tenants, things are the pits.
Future Mom Quinn Turned 17wks on Friday he's finally sleeping most nites but last nite was not one of them :(
I'm so ready for Fall so we can go for walks and not Melt or get eaten Alive!! Plus Mommy put the weight one I lost b4 him :nope:

I found out I had Thyriod issues a few years ago nothing due to baby but it did get worse with him so my meds have been increased I think with every MC my Thyriod got outta wack that's why I kept gaining weight when I was PG it fixed it and I lost weight and felt Normal most the time!! :shrug:

Sounds like u may be Hyper if u lost weight and couldn't sleep cuz u were producing more Thyriod then needed those r easier to go back to normal Hypo tends to get worse not better unfortunately

This is my Qt Q!!!
Terri thank you so very much for the rental advice. Ugh. Just. Ugh!

Sis that Quinny is so freaking cute!
I ended up renting through Catholic charities. It's a government funded program, similar to Section 8. The good news is that the social worker checks on the tenant regularly and they have to go to classes and such. The goal is to get them on their feet after a while. The good news for me is that they pay the rent. My tenant is pregnant so she'll be in the house for at least a year. Woop woop.

My fil asked me the other day if something was in the oven. I told him I think my oven is turned off! :rofl: He got a good laugh out of that.

Hope you all are well.

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