So so sorry I Have been MIA it's been Cray Cray !! I was so tired last week I was in bed most of the week until Friday at 11:30 when my water broke!! :saywha:
Quinn LaRoux Woodring was born 4/29/16 at 1:58pm by all Natural Vbac... My birth story is quite the story my water broke at 11:30 I called the Dr cuz it looked like mucus and it wasnt gushing out like my previous Boys! DH got home at 12 in a panic and told me we had to go I insisted on waiting on the Dr cuz I swore it was just my plug but I packed a Bag while I waited (yea I didn't have a bag ready was going to do it saturday)
When my bag was ready to go I felt contractions so I Agreed to go to the hospital on our way we tried calling the Dr AGAIN and left a message w the answering service!
The hospital is only about 10-15mins from my house but by the time we got to the Hospital they were 2mins apart and hurt like Heck!! I Arrived at the ER and they wheeled me up to Labor and delivery and the Guy knew my Dr and told me "good thing u didn't wait Ur Dr is in San Antnoio for state track meet" WTH
Made it to labor and delivery and they took there sweet time even tho they knew how fast my contractions were asking me a ton of stupid questions and making me sign papers when I could barely talk or focus!!
When I got There around 12:50 I was 4cm dilated w contractions on top of each other well by the time they tried to start my IV and failed miserably it was 1:30 or so and I was fully dilated and he was Coming!! They pushed me down the hall to a delivery room fast and in a hurry and told me to Push .... I kept telling them " I can't do this knock me out I can't do this " they told me u have no choice and yes u can do it!! One hard push and his head was out and one Lil push more and he was Born 1:58 PM!!
He had bruising pretty bad hince one reason why I was to have a Csection ... When in delivery they watched him closely cuz he had rapid breathing and was a bit shakey. They checked his sugar and it was low so they fed him and it increased but his breathing was still rapid they called NICU the dr watched him and didnt feel the need to take him from me so he was in room me most of the nite until about 3am I let my nurse take him so I could sleep for a few hrs only to get woke up by the NICU nurse letting me know he had a X-ray and they found fluid in his lungs so he was being admitted to NICU

He has been in NICU but improving every day and he will HOPEFULLY be home tomorrow !!