I take Femara it's like Clomid but doesn't thin the lining so my Dr likes it better especially for us Oldies!!! ;)

I get a headache sometimes and hot flashes but that's it
hmmm...I could have that wrong - he did say small and probably not effecting anything, so hopefully it is 3 mm... guess I'll see when the labs come back.
Oldermom1975 I'm moody anyway lol :haha:

They have prescribed 100mg, I was going to take them at night, what do you think?

Sis4us I haven't heard about that :wacko: still unsure as to why they prescribed it when OH has low count and I ovulate anyway? but willing to try...hopefully more eggs will give better odds do you think?
Hi ladies, popping over to say hi. So this thread is so that we can continue to keep up with those of us who have/will become prego, and they can still keep up with our progress too, right? But as far as what I should or shouldn't post over in the testing thread, has any of that changed? Or are we still chitty chatty over there too? :winkwink:
Me too Sis4us :thumbup:

Have any of you taken it and experienced any symptoms?

Hi felcity! I take Clomid. My Dr had me on a ridiculously low dose the first two cycles (25mg), and I didnt have many side effects at all, except my face breaking out. I was bumped up to 50mg in my third cycle, and had a lot more side effects right around my LH surge, but they all went away after O. I also got prego that cycle. :) Unfortunately that one did not stick. I had a CP a week later. I had to take last month off of Clomid until I got AF again, but I just started back on it today. It got me prego once, I feel sure it will get me prego again. However, since (like Sis mentioned) it can thin the uterine lining in some women, I am going to be taking Prog supplements this time around, starting a couple days after I O. GL dear. :flower:

Oh, also, you mentioned that you were already O'ing. I was already O'ing too. I was O'ing kinda early though, so my Dr thought it might be beneficial to give my eggs more time to mature and my uterus more time to prepare after AF. I know other girls who were O'ing as well, and their Drs had different reason for prescribing.
Oldermom1975 I'm moody anyway lol :haha:

They have prescribed 100mg, I was going to take them at night, what do you think?

I always took 50mg in the AM and 50mg in the PM (100mg total per day), so the doses were spread out. If you wanted to take it all at once, I guess the night would be better- that way some of the side effects would have lessened by morning.

Hi ladies, popping over to say hi. So this thread is so that we can continue to keep up with those of us who have/will become prego, and they can still keep up with our progress too, right? But as far as what I should or shouldn't post over in the testing thread, has any of that changed? Or are we still chitty chatty over there too? :winkwink:

I was never really sure about that to begin with, so I was probably too chatty on every thread I have been on....:blush:
Erose - Uhmmm there are rules for being too chatty????...oh boy.. if there are someone is going to have to lay out the "to do" and "not to do" lists for me :shrug: i tend to like to chat!!! :saywhat:

Hi felicity!! welcome to the fun!! Glad to hear you are starting your clomid !! Hoping that brings your BFP quick!!

felicity and older - uhm I am moody already... probably a good thing my Dr won't give me clomid right now (she isn't an OB/GYN or FE - waiting for her referral to an OB/GYN)

garfie loving the dandelions - never thought I would look forward to seeing those in the yard but this year its a whole new thing... of course if it doesn't QUIT SNOWING we will never see those dandelions!!!

garfie good luck at the gym!!! I went this morning... Check mark that for the day!!

to all those I missed :hi: hope you are all having a great day (or night) depending on where you are!!
This is what I'm thinking...the Feb testing thread is already a wash because we've been blabbing over there since the end of January. Isn't it crazy that it's only Feb. 03 and it's already a wash? hee hee. I think it'll probably remain a blab fest, and then March will be more of a testing thread, and then the group of us will just blab over here.

I think that's the intent that Sis had for starting this group. I remember in my first testing thread (Nov), it was mostly just about testing, but then we all became FRIENDS so it turned into a blabbing thread. HA!!HA!!

Sis-correct me if I'm wrong.

Felcity-Just in case you're a bit confused, we've come over here from the testing threads in TTC>35, that's how we all know each other.
ERosePW, Sorry for your loss :hugs: and thank you lets hope are BFP'S are on the way with as few symptoms as possible from the Clomid :wacko:

Oldermom1975 I didn't think of doing it that way:dohh: I will try one dose at bedtime and if that's too much will opt for Morning and Night.

Wish4another1 Hi, and thank you I am looking forward to being able to share the fun, it's been along time doing it on my own!! well not literally lol :haha: How is it they have not prescribed Clomid for you?

Terripeachy-Yes I did wonder lol, I've popped in there a few times and had a quick read, and LTTTC as well as others but was never really sure were i would be best placed...a bit of everything really:blush:

Well I had to pop out for OH some pack up stuff and a cheap Asda test fell in my basket!:winkwink: I'm so bad lol anyhow BFN :cry: silly woman I do it everytime.
I also took my clomid at night - mainly because I don't get the ok to take it until the late afternoon, but I have read that it helps with side effects anyway.
Hi Ladies! I finally made it over here. It was a crazy weekend. I survived the baby shower hosted by my DHs ex wife. It was as awkward as I thought it would be, but not nearly as awful. And I won the first game and my prize was mini bottle margarita mixers....can't go wrong with that! Then we had a Super Bowl party so I had a lot of prepping to do yesterday. This morning my DD woke up with an ear infection, so after a quick trip to her ped we have been vegging in pajama pants. My favorite way to spend a Monday. Sure beats going to work!

So I guess I should do a proper (and hopefully short) intro:

Me: 37 (38 in May). DH: 32 (just turned a few weeks ago)
I have 3 older children I commonly refer to as my "Bigs" from my previous marriage. They are DD 18, DS 17, DS 14. After my DS was born I had my tubes tied. It was a bad relationship and the last thing I needed was another baby! Fast forward 12 years and a divorce I married my DH. He was 29 with no children so we decided to pursue a tubal reversal.

I had the surgery done in Oct 2011. By Jan 12 I was pregnant. Unfortunately that pg ended in a mc. We didn't wait a cycle and got pg again in Feb, but once again I had a mc. We decided to take a month off to let my body heal. I stopped temping, using OPKs, etc and one too many margaritas later we had another BFP in March.

I was a hot mess the whole pg! By 5 months along I kept telling my DH and my Dr that I didn't feel right. I'd been pg before and this was completely different. I physically couldn't do anything. I had no energy, my heart raced all the time, I had severe swelling. I would walk up the stairs to my office at work and then spend 45 minutes laying on the floor until I felt like I could sit at my desk. My Drs response was that I was an "older" pg lady!

On 12/12/12 my DD was born, just perfect, at a whopping 10 lbs 3 oz! It was a horrible delivery (shoulder dystocia, excessive blood loss, etc). Before I went home I told the nurse that I felt bad and I could hear my lungs crackle when I breathed. She said I needed to walk more, and bc they were discharging me I would be able to do that at home. I went home and was terrified to go to sleep that night. It felt like I was drowning every time I laid down. I went back to the hospital that night and they told me I was in heart failure (25% function) and my iron level was extremely low. I had two blood transfusions and spent the next week in ICU. My first cardiologist (appointed by the hospital) was terrible. He was not familiar with Postpartum Cardiomyopathy, told me I couldn't breastfeed my baby and wouldn't even consider baby-safe meds. One day I had enough and fired him, got a new cardiologist that treats 2-3 cases of PPCM a year and worked with me to find meds I could take while BFing. After a ton of medications, multiple echocardiograms and a stress echo, my cardiologist has given us the green light to try for another baby.

We were able to get pg this past Oct, but unfortunately mc'd in Dec. Hopefully Feb is our lucky month. I have an appointment with my RE on Friday to discuss some concerns I have with my FSH and multiple miscarriages. We are also pursuing adoption as we would really like our DD to have a sibling close to her age. I'm terrified of getting pg again and mc'ing, and I'm terrified of my heart condition returning, but we have faith that everything will work out how it's supposed to. And luckily my DH is a saint and puts up with all my neurotic-ness!!

If you've made it thus far reading, well done! :thumbup:
Welcome VJean once again a very strong Lady!!

As far as Rules we R Oldies we don't need no Stinkin Rules!!! :haha:

I was just trying to make a place we Could all stick together from TTC-Baby!!! So we have each other for support from month to month day to day!!!
Vjean - WOW- I am amazed at your story!! why do dr's not listen to us about our own bodies??????:growlmad::growlmad:

I have to tell you ladies - I am in awe... thanks for letting me in on your journeys!! :hugs:

I just got called into my boss' office - one of my Soldier's had a complaint filed against her at the Governor's office!!!!!!!!!!!!:nope::nope::nope:

so it was a wonderful afternoon!!! I was sweating like a pig!! Talking to a Colonel, then the legislative liaison ... ugh... thank goodness my Soldier is good to go... but man what an afternoon - if it wasn't O week I'd have to make my own jello shots!!! hehehe
Sis-HA!!HA!! I like that idea. No rules. You crack me up!

VJean-Glad you made it over here. I can't believe your story! PPCM?? I've never heard of that before, but I'm glad you're ok to try again! Some of your doctors were absolutely terrible. That's one thing about being in the US. We are free to fire our doctors and get new ones whenever we feel that it's necessary.

Everyone here has something different going on, but we still have the same ultimate goal. Just amazing.

I guess it's time for me to hit the books. Boooooo...

Wish-I just saw your response. Nope...no jello shots this time around. You'll be waiting 9 months for those bad boys. Of course...I'll probably have to wait until the Superbowl party next year too. Shucks! I guess your day can only get better from here. Have fun at your party tonight!
Moni77- Thank you, did you experience any symptoms?

VJean- OMG, I cannot believe you had to go through all of that, you are very lucky to be able to tell the story:hugs: I love that fact you can fire your Doctor, we could do with some of that here in England lol

Well AF due today, will test later as woke in the night for a pee :dohh: not that it matters was BFN last night so not expecting any other :wacko:

Have a good day all x
Wow, VJean!! :hugs: That must have been so frightening- not to mention angering that your docs could have discovered it sooner if they had listened to you! Yes, thank goodness we can still fire our doctors when they S-U-C-K!!
VJean all I can say is you are a very tough cookie! I cant believe you had to go through all that, I have heard of it, saw it on a maternity show last year and it was frightening to watch!

AFM ..... Well I will try to keep up in both threads......

For all you lovely ladies here's my very abbreviated story!

I think I may be the oldest lady around here at 47 (please correct if I am wrong!) I have 3 big'uns DD19, DD almost 14 DS 13 I was with their dad for nearly 20 years. We were living in Malta, and I just had enough. It had been bad for years and moving to Malta was a desperate last ditch hope...
In the end I packed the kids off with my mother and sent them home to Ireland then took my car and drove back home, the long slow way... 12 days of freedom and sunshine driving through Italy and France all alone! I so needed it after all those horrible years!

I got back to Ireland and set up home in July 09, by Oct I was very lonely... I got myself onto match.com and bang a rather handsome man contacted me, he was much younger and I thought oh yeah I know what you are after lol! After being a "good girl" all my life I decided why not, we ended up talking on the phone that night for 8 hours! The next day he drove across the country to take me out for dinner. Needless to say with the kids at my mums for the weekend we had fun! I never thought I would see him again, but damn over 4 years later he is still here!

Last year Jan he asked about kids so I took my IUD out, it had been 5 years and in need of renewal. I told the doc I wanted a quick break to see if everything was still working. I was pregnant straight away, but it wasn't meant to be.... I got scared and got my IUD put back in.
Then in July he started asking again. This time I told the doc what I was up to. The first time I was too scared that he would laugh at me, at my age. He was wonderful though and did loads of tests, which all came back great! So first month trying yet again a BFP, but this time a mc at 11 weeks. My doc said I dont seem to have a problem getting pregnant, I just cant hold onto them, and that is due to my age......

So now here I am again, this is the first month of actually trying since my MC and even though I am now 11dpo I am too scared to test! I am going to try and wait till Thursday when AF is due. Then in 2 weeks we have our first appointment with the fertility clinic..........

I really want a BFP but at the same time I am scared witless, I dont know if I can go through another mc...............
VJ - Wow that's some story - let's hope the next one is plain sailing :happydance: don't you think sometimes it makes us think why would we ever put ourselves through it again - well we all know if it was left to the men the population would decline:haha:

I wish we could fire our Doctors in the UK - do you think there would be many left - I know of a few I would like to fire right out of a cannon ball:haha:

Felcity - Have you tested yet?:happydance:

Older - What about you - I am just hanging on until tomorrow:dohh: although it was more by default then anything - I got out my pregnancy test and the lancet ready to use (my sister had given me two - they were past there best but I only needed the needly bit) so I tried and the bloody things snapped on me:haha: do you think someone is trying to tell me something:wacko:

Wish - Wow you can't say your days are boring eh:winkwink:

Batty - I hear you about wanting a BFP - but then the worry that goes with it:dohh: I guess we just have to follow our hearts on this one - my heart is saying one more try and then I'm done - if the outcome is the same so be it but of course a BFP and then a baby is so much better:cloud9: Not ready to give up quite just yet but the door handle is getting closer:cry:

Sis - No rules sounds good to me:haha:

Terri - How are those socks on or off :haha:

Moni - Good luck with the clomid - I know nothing about it - my Dr won't prescribe anything to me:cry: I had to fight to get progesterone - which is still sat in the cupboard waiting for my rainbow:happydance:

AFM - 7DPO should I pee on the dandelion leaves again - we have some new ones growing - must be all this rain:haha: anyone else got any:flower:


Wow- everyone has such amazing stories! I am such a noob at anything TTC-related. I was married when I was 22 and my exDH wanted us to have children young (like mid-20s) while I was still finishing my PhD, but I left him when I was 23 so we never even started trying, and I really haven't wanted to settle down with anyone until I met OH when I was 36!

I had my trans-vaginal scan this morning. It was more uncomfortable than I thought it would be, but it was quick at least! The woman doing the scan said she didn't see anything 'sinister' but they'd have to have a closer look and then I'll discuss the results with my GP. So I have an appointment again with my GP for the 20th of Feb as that will be after my blood tests to check my progesterone to see if I ovulated too. My CM seems to have picked up lately so I'm going to try to OH to start the BD-fest by the end of this week!
Batty, thank-you for sharing that! Your ex-DH sounds like a total boob. I am glad you are happy now! Out of curiosity, what is Malta like?

Fezzle, I can relate with your story somewhat. Before my awesome current DH I was married to another man- and he was not a good person (to me, at least). Still, it is tough to leave someone- especially while in school! I admire your strength of will.:hugs:

Garfie- I have been slacking! My DH hasn't yet picked up my cheapie tests- and I am not wasting a FRER on 7dpo. Um, I think.:haha:

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