Atty-We are all here to support you, but I can understand being afraid to test. If I were you, I would try to hold out until Thursday as well. I'm trying to hold out this month too. You ALSO have an amazing story. I'm so glad you had the courage to pick up and leave your NSDH (not so dear). That is so brave.

Garfie-Pee on those baby dandelions!! This test is bound to work for someone! It's still freezing cold here so there are no dandelions in the state.

Fezzle-I'm right there with you. New to all the TTC stuff too. I wasn't even married before, so you have one up on me.

Felciy-stay away AF!!

Wish-Another jump up in temp. Woohoo! I love being a :ninja: this month.
Just wanted to say :hi: gotta get DS2 ready for school he should be ready he's been up since 6:30Am :haha:

Will check in later!!!
terri - I am not impressed with my temps this month... last month had definite dip in temp around ovulation... and then jump in temp... no dip and no jump(yet)... but the OPK is definitley negative this morning... the surge started Sunday around noon - and it is leaving as fast as it came...
I don't know what to think...
i guess I keep waiting... and keep making the hubs "stay home" hahahahaha

Batty - wow and good for you - what a drive that must have been. FX for your testing on Thursday and that it is a sticky bean!!:hugs:

fezzle - YAY for BD fest!!! :)

i know this is a dumb question but why can't you fire a dr in the UK?? :nope:
Wish - In the UK we have the NHS - which we should all pay into (some don't for various reasons low incomes etc) :wacko: anyway everyone is entitled to free emergency Healthcare should they need it ie: Emergency, Doctors, Dentist, Opticians etc

The emergency Department or A&E is free, the local Doctors are Free (although you are assigned one depending upon the area you live in). I live in a quiet village so most of his patients are elderly :haha: so if I need a referral to a FS - I can have one provided I meet certain criteria and that criteria tightens every year (the NHS is in crisis - overstretched etc). So most people have a dr and stay with that dr - as trying to get on another dr's list is almost impossible - unless you move:wacko:

The Dentist - you still have to pay for (unless you meet certain criteria) - so I suppose I could fire my dentist :haha: or go private (which costs an arm and a leg).

Most of us in the UK do not have insurance that pays for all of the above - some of us do have private healthcare - but usually they are people in well paid jobs with private health schemes.

So if you was a cleaner/shop keeper you probably would rely on the NHS if you got sick/had an accident - from the ambulance that took you to the hospital, to the operation you may need, to the nights in hospital, to the blood tests etc even down to the food it is all free for us in the UK:happydance:

I have had many operations, 2 emergency c-sections, 2 dncs, countless blood tests etc - so work out how much that would cost on insurance:wacko:

Sometimes though I think now I am in a better position financially - I would prefer if I could skip the NHS and just pay towards blood tests etc - but then I think of some people in America who don't have insurance and realise we are quite lucky in England (Scotland I believe has different rules) not sure about Ireland - Batty?

Still doesn't stop me wanting to fire a few dr's I have known:winkwink:

Hope this helps - no dumb questions here - remember WINGS :haha:


Wish-As you know, or will find out soon enough, every chart is different, so while you had that dip last time, it may not mean that you'll have it this time. It's kind of like the stock market; past performance is no guarantee of future results. I always think that the differences are positive until AF comes. HA!!HA!!

Garfie-Oh, that's too bad about the doctors, but I guess if it's free, you get what you get. I live right outside of the city, and there are doctors all over the place. The only problem is that sometimes they aren't taking new patients, but you go to the next one if you really want to change doctors. No biggie, but yeah, we pay for it.

Sis-Sorry about your tooth cracking but good thing you already had your appt. scheduled.
OMG VJean that sounds absolutely horrifying!!! I never even heard of that happening! I hate when doctors ignore what we are saying. If something feels wrong, there is usually something wrong!
Batty - Your drive home sounds bliss, plenty of time for thinking I bet. Brave woman to make that journey :flower: We are close in age I'm 47 in July, soon creeps up lol

Garfie- BFN for me :cry: was expected though, good luck with your testing. There isn't any dandelion leaves in my garden just a wet mess which the ducks are loving!! :wacko:

Fezzle - I had mine done yesterday too, good luck with your results mine were fine so Clomid next for me.

Oldermum - Did you resist the FRER?? It would have been singing to me from the cupboard :blush: lol

Terripeachy - Thank you but spotting started today so not long for AF.
Many of us in the states have insurance through the companies we work for. (And Wish, I'm sure you get great insurance through the military). In my situation, my company pays most of the monthly premium on my insurance, and then I pay a small portion of it (although my portion seems to be growing by a few dollars every year :winkwink:). After that, treatment just depends on the type of plan you have. Some just pay a small copay ($10/$25) for every Dr. visit. Some have to meet a small deductible first, and then everything is paid at 90%. There are lots of different types of plans. For those that I know who do not work for a corporation that provides their health insurance, they pay a hefty amount for private insurance (if they're choosing not to use Obamacare, which I dont know much about). But even prior to Obamacare, a lot of people who did not have insurance and ended up in emergency situations, ended up getting some sort of State funding, from whatever program their state offers for them. So its not too bad, I guess. I'm not real sure how Obamacare will change things.
Vjean, I'm so sorry for all that you've been through, yikes!! Like Terri said, there were some terrible doctors. Some people just have no business becoming doctors at all, ugh.

Felcity, sorry for the BFN. :( I hope the Clomid does the trick for you!! It did for me. Although it didnt stick, I'm expecting it to this month, hehe! I'm being overly optimistic, I know. But I figure...good thoughts will bring good energy!

Wish, Terri is right, our charts can change so much from month to month. I used to overanalyze every temp until I had a few charts behind me, and I realized since none of them were BFPs (except my CP), it didnt really matter if my next chart was the same as the last or not, lol!

I find it difficult to believe that Oldermom will resist that FRER.... isn't it calling out your name?? I know it's early and all, but you are the POAS addict. Let us know if you end up able to wait for the cheapies or not. :winkwink:

Garfie, YES, the dandelion leaves again. Best experiment on these threads to date... you even took pics of your progress. LOL. It rocked.

Hi to everyone else!! I have nothing new to report, per usual. Second day of Clomid. No side effects. But honestly, in my last cycle on 50mg, my side effects didn't come until my LH surge arrived. It was BAD for about two days. Super emotional, face broken out, worst headache ever, hot when I went to bed. Two days, then gone. After I O'd, I felt great. Wonder if it will be the same this time around.
I don't think Obamacare has done anything but make our Taxes go Up since us tax payers are paying for others to have insurance!! :shrug:
Military insurance was good cuz we didn't have to pay for anything but the Drs on base aren't the best and not all Drs take that insurance (slim Pickens)

Had to go get my BIGs he had a break up today and wasn't in the mood for school I might have boys but they are Emotinal wrecks like girls I swear!!!
We r having a movie day and he's chillin w the Pit she always knows when one of us is feeling Bad!!!
I don't think Obamacare has done anything but make our Taxes go Up since us tax payers are paying for others to have insurance!! :shrug:
Military insurance was good cuz we didn't have to pay for anything but the Drs on base aren't the best and not all Drs take that insurance (slim Pickens)

Had to go get my BIGs he had a break up today and wasn't in the mood for school I might have boys but they are Emotinal wrecks like girls I swear!!!
We r having a movie day and he's chillin w the Pit she always knows when one of us is feeling Bad!!!

Sis, I agree w/you on Obamacare, but didnt want to mention it and start a political debate, haha! You've got bigger balls than me. ;) I think its going to be pretty helpful for some people. But yes, its affecting others negatively. Who the hell knows what the answer is! :shrug:

Aww, bless his heart, he had a breakup. :( Those teenage boys do take it badly sometimes, just as badly as the girls. Poor guy. Well, at least he's got the pit. I'm sure she's a comfort. I know my dog always is. :)
Yes the military has good insurance and I don't pay any premiums for me or my dependents... and I am not on active duty base - so I get to use civilian doctors - as long as they take TRICARE... but they cover zilch on fertility treatment... they covered our tests to find out what was wrong - but once you move to treating what was discovered its completely out of pocket... and the only FE covered by TRICARE is right here in the city I work - but the DH and I did not have a good experience with him - the only other one is in ST Louis - 1 1/2 drive from home... so unless I can get my dr to prescribe me clomid or any tests - like an HSG... DH and I will continue on with our supplements and praying for a miracle!!!
there are active duty bases that do IVF (walter reed is one) it ends up costing about $4000 - but since I am active duty and in the National Guard - not feasible for me to go to Walter Reed for anything...:nope:

Obamacare - we don't want politics raging here on our thread... but I do believe its a step in the wrong direction for the US

This is only my second month seriously charting - so I know I should relax...i keep forgetting I am just starting this!!! :) thanks terri and Erose for the reminder...

the snow has started... AGAIN :dohh: I am taking tomorrow off - after 7-9 inches of this stuff I don't want to drive in it tomorrow... I plan on enjoying my day in my PJ's!!!

AFM - nothing new... waiting for my temps to rise to show I tried to ovulate... gonna let my Hubby rest tonight- regenerate those swimmers for tomorrow :happydance:
Not to get on an insurance/politics kick, but all of us have ALWAYS been paying for those without insurance since the day we started working and got taxes taken out of our paychecks. Why do you think we have to have unisured car insurance coverage?. The people without insurance are the most likely to get into accidents. That's why no one will give them coverage!

Sorry your son had a break up today. You're such a nice mom. My mom would be like 'Well, keep learning. There is nothing at home for you.' HA!!HA!!
Dogs are the best! Have a great afternoon.

Felcity-awww...sorry AF got you. Do you have long cycles? Will you still be able to test in February?

Blues-Hey chica!
Wish... you're still seeing your general Dr, right? Do you have an OB? My OB prescribed my Clomid, and he also did some bloodwork and ordered an HSG too (I didn't do it, because I fell prego with the CP right before it was scheduled). But he did do all that for me. Have you considered trying an OB? My Dr. did put down a bogus reason for my HSG though, so that they wouldnt start dipping into my Infertility funds yet, lol. My insurance pays up to a certain amount of infertility, and I haven't dipped into those funds yet.
HA! We were all posting at the same time. I'm just happy that my work covers most of my insurance and I don't have to pay a ton out of pocket.

Everyone here is talking about 1/2" of ice in the morning and people are planning on taking their computers home. If I take my computer home, I'm staying home regardless, so it's pointless for me to pretend I'm even coming in. I'll check the weather before my day ends and decide if I should plan to stay home. I can't really work from home though, so it's stupid to take my computer. I guess I should just play the game that everyone else does and hope I have one work email to check while I'm at home.

Wish-Yeah, give him a break tonight. He was a trooper!
Erose - yes I went to see my doctor a week ago last thursday - she was going to call me last week and see about sending me to an OB... no call yet :nope::nope::nope:

I will call her office on Thursday if I don't hear anything... I hate to become "That patient"... but I would like to get my progesterone tested and an HSG - just to make sure everything is good to go... she was surprised that the FE didn't even offer to do those kinda tests... I think he saw my AMH and forgot the rest... :(

terri - i would rather have 7-9 inches of snow than ice any day... but given a choice... 80 and sunny - on a beach!!
Felcity- I hope the Clomid works for you! I'm not sure what the next step will be for me if they find out I'm not ovulating, but it will be good to know why if I'm not!
All this talk of cold weather, you guys are making me cold. It's 80 and sunny here today. When my parents were down, the highs were in the 50s and 60s. But of course shortly after they left, the temps jumped back to around 80. I'm loving it.

Fezzle, GL to you Hun. I hope they will come up with some answers for you. I'm sure they will... Who knows, maybe Clomid or Femara will end up being an option for you. :flower:
ERosePW - It;s always good to be positive..fingers crossed for you. The side effects of Clomid sound lovely!! lol

Terripeachy - My Cycles average 25/28 days so with my poas problem there is a good chance I will be testing a fair bit towards the end of Feb! :blush:

Fezzle - Thank you, I have to say I'm feeling quite nervous about taking it now but it;s my last option :wacko: I hope you get some answers from your tests.

My spotting has stopped, I've done really well this cycle no spotting before 28 days :happydance: was started to get concerned that I was going through the menopause.
Oh I totally forgot to update you ladies about my doctor's appointment. She was a new doctor who specializes in women over 35. I adored her. She was just so nice and informative. She had prepared for me what my insurance would and would not cover. She looked over my charts and stated that it looks great. She was very happy that I have a 15 day luteal phase. She stated that it indicated good fertility.

She did not want to do any specific testing until 6 months have passed but already noted what test she want me to take, so I can just call and set the appointment up. So I will just keep trying for now and hopefully this will be my month!

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