Katie....I am 12 wks as of Friday.

Terri...I already warned him, if he lets anything skip he's in trouble. My fear is he'll say something by accident and ruin it or me. I'm reluctant to even tell him what appt they can tell him via the u/s because I'll be there looking at the screen not wanting to know and might see a little Vienna sausage or lack there of and then know. My girlfriend asked me today " how are we supposed to plan anything without knowing" my response...make it gender neutral or decorate in pink and blue. Then she said " how am I supposed to buy clothes if I don't know what you're having" my response " buy gender neutral or don't buy clothes" she was pissed! Lol. I got everyone pissed at me for not wanting to know. Lol
terri- yep! I took the last ones on Thursday morning. I'm not sure if it would have stopped anyway, but it's down to just some tinged CM after BDing now!
SPP - Thinking of you, honey. A friend of mine spotted through her whole first tri. Hope all is OK. Maybe a scan to check?
Hi all, I'll read through the posts to catch up tomorrow but I just wanted to say that I'm thinking positive thoughts for you spp!!!! Hope you're doing OK.
Hi ladies,
Just jumping in to get something off my chest that is making me feel ashamed. At this point in my life, none of my friends are TTC. They either had their children and are done, or they don't want children. So, I'm definitely flying solo in this quest. I've actually been the unwanted cheerleader in many of their lives, trying to convince them to have children/more children.

So when my BFF just told me that she is actually wanting to have another child (hopefully, a girl after 2 boys), as genuinely excited as I am to hear the news (because I have been bugging her to tears to try one more time for a girl), there's this little part of me that is feeling anxious about it. She's excited and hoping that we will be pregnant together this time around. But all I am thinking about right now, at this moment, is that because she gets pregnant within the first couple of months of trying, it's going to be a mixed emotion when I find out that she is pregnant.

There's a part of me that is going to be beyond the moon about the fact that she is pregnant again and it's what I've wanted for her so much, and then, given my issues with trying to get pregnant, there's also going to be a sadness that I just can't accomplish it myself. It's not like it's taking away my happiness for her, but is just adding on to my misery with my own situation, if that makes any sense.

Does anyone feel that way? I feel ashamed to even admit it. :(
Katie- YES!!! I feel the same way about a girlfriend of mine at work... I am thrilled she is preg but... I am so sad it isn't me.... She tried for two months and march is a year of me trying... And not one BFP for me... I truly am happy for her but it makes it so hard for me to maintain hope...
So yes others feel the same and don't you feel shame... You aren't doing anything wrong... You are being human... :hug:

Terri- I forced my o date on ff... I still think it's off by one day ...it's only giving me a vertical line... But with all this cramping I'm just taking it one day at a time... Wednesday should be 10 dpo... Or close to it ;) might test then....
Thanks Wish... Just hearing someone say that they understand the emotion, makes me feel like less of a monster. :) And looking forward to your testing! It's crazy that it's already time again for you!
And to add, I don't have that emotion with ladies getting BFP's on this site. It's weird. I guess because we watch each other's struggles to conceive and hear such intimate details of what everyone is doing to try to get pregnant, that in a way, it makes you feel like you are a small part of that person's journey. And there's something special about that, which you don't even always become a part of in your friends lives out in the "real world." In the February thread, where we had BFP after BFP rolling in, even though I had experienced a chemical, it didn't deplete my joy for others, or my outlook in the future for my own outcome. The only time I have ever been upset about hearing somebody get a BFP on this site, is a girl I've been following for a long time who is very, very unstable. Very. But outside of that instance, I anxiously await to hear of all of you lovely ladies getting your BFP's and watching the preggers continue to thrive in their pregnancies.

Okay, that is all! Good night!
I think it's understandable. I'm in a similar situation where a lot of my IRL friends are done or never want kinds. I have one friend where the two of us were both single for ages and while everyone else was settling down, we stayed single and would go out together, go on holidays together, etc. When she moved away and then started dating someone seriously, I was happy for her but also felt a bit left behind. Then again, it probably helped me get out of what was an unhelpful on and off again FWB type relationship with an exboyfriend when I realised I wanted something more substantial too! So she's been with her OH for about a year longer than OH and I, but she's never mentioned if she wants kids now or if they've tried. She's a couple years younger than me but has struggled with PCOS and her Dr told her years ago she might have trouble with fertility. So in general, if she wants kids, I hope it happens for her, and the thought that I could have a friend who would be pregnant at the same time as me and with children the same age as mine would be amazing, but there's part of me too that would feel a bit jealous if she suddenly announced a pregnancy while I'm still trying, and a bit betrayed because I've told her we're trying and about my irregular cycles and she hasn't said anything about them trying too. W
Katie absolutely know what you mean. My cousin who is a few months younger told my other cousin that they were trying last summer. No news yet but I was so pleased I was pg again before her-there's a few issues btwn us-I actually said to my fiance if she gets pg before us I'll be so upset. Have had dreams about it too and woke up upset. Strangely after this mc I don't feel the same way as I did last time. I was very jealous and upset just seeing bumps or babies or announcements for nearly a whole year. This time am taking them in my stride-well so far! As long as it's not my cousin lol.
Happy Monday everyone.....
Well I have decided that FF has it completely wrong and I changed from Advanced to Fertility aware and I am now I have gone from 16dpo down to only 10dpo.... Cant believe I am back in the TWW again!!!! Grrrrr
TBH I don't think it really matters, apart from sore BBs (which I always have after O) I have no symptoms at all.
So I do think I am out on this very wacky cycle......
Good morning/afternoon/evening all,

Atty - hang in there. You're not out until that witch comes!!

Smiles- love the scan. Congratulations!

Wish - temp's still up there, huh? fx!!

SPP - hope everything's OK with you.

Katie - Don't feel bad. I completely understand. It's all around me, too. And it's simply human instinct and emotion. Of course you genuinely want your friend to be happy deep down inside. Same as you, I have no one in my life who can actually relate to what I'm going through, except for you girls!!!

The majority of my friends already have kids but some still plan to try for more. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine (same age) who has 2 girls already was saying that she's feeling baby crazy, to which I replied, "Go for it then! What's holding you back?" She said, "I don't think it'll happen so easy. I'm old now." Gee - thanks.

Another close friend (same age as me) got pregnant her FIRST MONTH OF TRYING and was actually upset about it because I don't think she expected it to happen so fast. As for everyone else, no one had to try for very long, expect for one friend of mine. That being said, come to find out, she didn't actually "try" - like didn't pay attention to her O and cycle.

My sister-in-law is pregnant with her second, and I've been trying for my first since she FIRST got pregnant.

A co-worker of mine (same age) is now a few months into her pregnancy and it happened for her right away, too.

Ugh - now I'M depressed. :)

Hi to everyone else!!! :wave:

I'm feeling crampy this morning - doesn't feel like a positive sign. According to FF, I now might get my period early on Saturday since I O'd so early. Fun, fun, fun.
SPP-Check in please! We're all wondering how you are doing. :hugs:

Katie-Don't feel bad/ashamed. Your bestie is not pregnant yet, and you don't know what she is going through. She may have trouble, she may not, but you will be there for her regardless. And if she does get pregnant before you, she can pass her baby clothes to you, and you can enjoy her and the baby while you're still trying. I totally get it, and it sucks, but that is your best friend. She would do the same if you end up pregnant before she does. It would be better that way (ha!), but you don't know what's going to happen. And so we wait....(this is our life, huh). :hugs:

Oh yeah, my good friend's daughter is due with her first son today. Talk about unstable...they live in VA in the country, and I'm sure she's going to be on welfare. It's sad, but not unexpected at all. I sent a gift for the shower, and was not pleased that I didn't get a thank you call, email or card. That is one thing I have a huge pet peeve about. I don't know why I have high expectations of others. Well, I know why, but I need to be better about having no expectations of others. And double oh yeah, my old bf told me yesterday that his wife is pregnant for the second time. She turns 40 in the spring. He said 'what about you?' I said 'we're trying.' They got pregnant the first time on their wedding night. UGH!!! Another dagger.

Atty-You and your chart! hee hee. I guess we'll just see what happens in the next few days.

Wish-Oh ok about forcing the O date on your chart. Doesn't look bad, though.

AFM-Huge dip today. I was a tad worried I'd be at the end of my cycle, like last month's crazy surprise, but so far, no red. I hope it jumps back up in the morning. I'm pretty calm this month.

We are in the middle of a huge storm, and my plant is open today. I got up at 4:35 and got to work by 6a. I didn't want to be on the road with a ton of other cars. I'm hoping by this afternoon the roads are at least plowed. We're supposed to get between 6-10 inches of snow. I'm still working on my newsletter. I think i can finish it today. *sigh*
SPP been thinking of u All nite Hope u are OK!!!! :hugs:

Katie..... Don't be ashamed for feeling like u do it's normal!! All of my friends have BIGS so they kinda think I'm crazy for wanting a baby anyway!! :haha:
Once u get to the fertity Dr and get UR boys figured out I think that BFP will come quicker than u think!!! ;)

Atty I think u r right now hope that BFP shows soon!!!! :)

Afm feeling better but I'm going to take the LO to the DR today to make sure he doesn't have Strep I don't want him giving it bak to me :nope:
He got his tonsils out last YR but he's still showing sign of something so we will see!!

Happy Monday Ladies!!!

Scan Tom Eeeek!!!
Terri - don't get too stressed about the temp drop. hopefully it'll shoot back up there tomorrow. We were supposed to get that same storm, too, but it missed us! Be careful driving home.

Sis - glad you're feeling better! Looks like your fever went down, too (you poor thing). So exciting that you're having your scan tomorrow. :)
Sis-Hope the LO is ok. And yes, tomorrow is exciting (yay!), not scary (eek!).

kfs1-We're glad you're here and you can talk freely about this stuff. My friends have kids of all ages. My bestie's daughter is the oldest at 10, and it ranges from there to 1 year. Oh, an acquaintance that I see quite often is about to have twins sometime soon. No one talks about having more kids though. I'm the last one to even get married out of the group. hee hee. Late bloomer or loving the single life a little too much? HA!!HA!! PS. Your chart looks good too. Do not speak of that lady with the hat just yet!

nessaw-Your last sentence made me laugh. For reals!! No to the cousin!

Fezzle-Hey chickie!

Felcity-Do you have another update for us?
Happy Monday from frigid Illinois... not even in double digit temps this am...but we didn't get the 8-10 inches of snow!! thank goodness!!

SPP - I am thinking about you lady... I hope you know we all care about you and we are sending big :hugs: to you...

Sis - Glad to see your temp is down and good idea to take the lO to the doctor... you don't need to keep passing it between each other!!! this isn't football you know!

Atty - this month must be the month of crazy loopy cycles.. im totally there with you... I manhandled FF this morning myself... I think it is right now...I am 8 DPO...but sometimes we girls to take the bull by the ... well you know... :devil:

Terri - here's to hoping your temp goes back up tomorrow - you don' t need those 23/24 day cycles... I have em and they get old!!!
and I hope the storm passes you by like it did us... we still got some sleet and cold temps but no crazy snow!! good luck getting that newsletter done!!

Katie -The BFP's on here don't bother me as much with the ladies I interact with on this thread...but if I see one on another thread that says... oh gee we just had sex one time and look at my BFP... I will puke... I have got to stop reading other threads but sometimes I have no life, am bored and click away... :growlmad:

Smiles - love that U/S of your baby... so stinking cute!!!

Kfs - FF has me starting this weekend too because I O'd ridiculously early!!!

:hi: to everyone else!

AFM: all I can say is GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.... I am so crabby today - I woke up and no cramps so I thought awesome maybe I will get a day with no craziness...:nope: got to work and go to bathroom and spotting brown stuff - stained MY NEW FREAKING UNDERWEAR... ok sorry TMI and done shouting at everyone... I just splurged and bought new undies and the first day wearing em...ugh... just another punch in the gut... I hate being crabby... I hate it all...blah blah... I will get over this too...

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