Sis - no he didn't try to unblock it - I mean it didn't go anywhere on the left side - totally white. (no dye at all).. its ok...
I'm not having a good nite DH talked to a Coworker and got all freaked out cuz his wife had 7 MCs and now has a ton of health issues so he told me no more trying :( WHAT
Just like that we've been fighting all nite and now I'm just even more lost than I was after the MC :cry:

He was probably just trying to make you feel better in some mannish-practical-infuriating way. Don't be too hard on him, but I agree with Wish on this, also tell him that not trying will make you sadder and won't solve any issue you have right now. M/C's causing health problems? Hmmm on that...doesn't sound terribly likely.

HSG was quick - not really painful just weird... left tube completely block - right tube flowed like a river...
I don't know how I feel yet...
I have two thoughts - one it could've been like that my entire life since this is the first HSG I've ever had...:coffee::shrug:
two - the FE said I had a 5% chance of conceiving naturally - now is that 2.5% ??? :nope: :cry:

It truly seems like a miracle is what we will need... next up DH's SA on 14th... I pray we see some improvement or this whole thing might be done...:shrug:

:hugs: Wish, don't give up! You have an answer now, one of your tubes was blocked. It really can have a profound effect on fertility. Were they able to take care of it there, or will it require something more intensive? I can't answer whether or not you have had the blockage your whole life, but it seems unlikely given you had no trouble in the past getting pregnant and now you DO have trouble. Also, a lot of sperm issues have fixes. Even if they do find an issue, they will likely be able to find a way around the problem somehow.
Strength, girl! You know you have it!!:bodyb::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh, and I think I remember you saying you wouldn't be around when DH had his SA? Well, I think you should give him a *ahem* personal phonecall (Skype is better :blush:) three days before the test to buck up his numbers.

ERose: I am glad you are on the mend! Wowzers that is a HUGE cyst (garfie, too)! My cyst knocked my next cycle for a loop, but the one after that was fine (but I didn't have mine drained).

Terri: Sorry about the big bad hag. But at least now you can have your bloods and get some freaking answers!!

Fezzle: Glad the metformin is working! :thumbup: Sometimes all our bodies need is a little tweak!

:flower: To everyone else!!
Sis and Oldermom - Sounds like you both are doing the supplement thing. They make me feel like I'm doing something to help this whole situation. Do you both feel like the CoQ10 is a good thing? I was looking into that too. I have to take 10 400mg pill to get the 4g of folic acid. Crazy, but they're small.

Yes on the CoQ10 thing- it was one of the few supplements both FE's we went to suggested.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: about the name. I can see why it would be so important to him, and how knowing the gender can make it so much more personal. I agree with everyone else on this- give him time, and he will come around. And perhaps picturing your little guy can help with the grieving process...he is certainly hugging you from afar. :hugs::kiss::hugs:
Well I got my beta back it is 14 I go again Mon to verify its lower!!

Is 14 low enough to O Vjean cuz I've had EWCM for 2 days now :shrug:

Lovely chart Oldermom!! :)

DH has been stressing about work BAD I mean REAL Bad so maybe he's worried about that and Providing for us All... he usually Over reacts about that and stresses even more!!
We BD last nite though so IDK :shrug: I told him I'm already 38 I'm not going to try much longer we got a BFP 1st try after a break for 3mos from meds I think if we keep his count up we can do it and I'm not going to keep going after another Loss I can't there is now way I could Handle 7 MC!!! :(
:hugs: for Wish. Did they tell you anything about unblocking it? :friends:

I'm off to the doctor tomorrow morning for first appointment since mc. :argh:

Hope everyone else has a great weekend! :thumbup:
Wish-as usual, I agree with Oldermom. One test down, one to go, and yes, people have successful pregnancies with one tube blocked. Before you throw in the towel, I would wait for the results from the SA and go from there.

Oldermom-Thanks for checking in. You always give such good advice. And yeah, I'm eager to get my bloodwork done. I even stayed out until 10:30 today, so I'm glad I changed my appointment to Monday. hee hee. I'm ready for some freaking answers! hee hee. Although, I have an idea I know what it is. :jo:

Sis-Way to go on getting those fillings done. I hope you're mouth is feeling a bit better, and I think you are probably right about your DH and his job. A lot of men consider their job EVERYTHING, so if that's at risk, he is probably just completely stressed about that, and then having you upset isn't helping, having the MC isn't helping either and he would rather just go play golf and not think about any of it. I would just let him do what he needs to do and both of you will come out of this feeling a-ok.

Well, today was the day that hubs was supposed to go to his SA. He took his car to the shop first thing this morning, and didn't get it back until 4:30. It was too late by then, so I guess we'll have to wait until next Friday at the latest. I should be ready to party by Sunday evening, so we can work out all the bad :spermy: then and take a break until whenever he plans to go. That will definitely work for me.
Hi my girlies! I'm back home from our longggg vacation and still working on getting unpacked/settled in. Please indulge me with my recap:

We went to Las Vegas for a wedding, wherin there was a lot of emotion because the bride's (my BFF's sister's) mother passed away from cancer and wasn't there for her youngest child's wedding. And when her father gave her away on behalf of himself and her mother, there wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. Until the pastor asked everyone to be seated...and some girl's chair broke and she was flailing around with her legs in the air, her sunglasses all catywompass falling off her face, and people rushing to help her get upright and into a new chair...and everyone laughed and it broke the sadness in what was meant to be a very happy occasion. I still believe the bride's mom had something to do with the ordeal to add some light and laughter to the event!

So, we stayed 10 days in Vegas, also visiting family we have there and it was such a great time! Vegas is always a great time, lets be honest! Then, my daughter and I flew into Arizona and spent time visiting friends and family for another 2 weeks and it was so nice to reconnect with everyone.

I don't know how many of you are away from your "roots," but getting back to them sure does the soul some good. It puts things into perspective about where you came from, who you were before this crazy TTC struggle, and it's a reminder that we are all just wandering about on this crazy blue and green marble doing the best we can.

I've had a chance to really read through all the posts I missed during my time away and WHOA. Oh my stars, so much going on. Please know I've read all your stories through mc recoveries, horrid cysts, various testing, SA appts., doggie adoptions, HSGs, AFs, O's, tempings, frustrating scenarios and all else.

After being gone for a month its difficult to catch up and respond with my thoughts for everyone, just KNOW my thoughts are with everyone in what you're going through at this moment in your lives, and your cycles.

During vacation, after experiencing the joys of a pregnancy announcement, 2 baby showers, and spending time with some little bitty ones who have recently been added to families, it makes me overwhelmed with the happiness of these blessings. And it also makes me wonder when more of the ladies on this site will be able to experience these blessings. In real life, people are getting pregnant and having babies and it's wonderful! I just wish that kind of happiness could also be spread around this thread, because we're all "real people, in real life." And after all that everybody has gone through with trying to conceive, I'm so ready to start seeing babies being born, (with Mommas who are so tired they don't remember the last time they took a shower), on this thread. So prayers to everyone to keep on, keeping on until we get there! <3 Katie
So glad to have U back Katie!! :)

Terri iDK I swear the fillings made my teeth more sensitive on the opposite side of the RC tooth so I'm not sure how I'm going to Eat!! :haha:
That's OK I need to loose some weight! ;)

I have the boys Bday Tom so I will be busy Cooking and Dealing w a House full of teenagers sine it suppose to Rain :( so I might be MIA!!

Hope everyone has a Great weekend!!
Hi all. Future 2 weeks is def normal. I had nearly 3 wks with both my mc and afraid to say it stopped and came back again with both as well. Hope it stops soon for you. At this stage I know I just wanted to get back to normal.x
Katie - loved reading about your trip. It sounds like you had such a great time and were really able to reconnect with loved ones. The story about the wedding and the chair breaking - I ABSOLUTELY believe that was her mother's spirit. So amazing. You're so sweet to read through all of the missed threads. Thanks so much for the positive thoughts for all of us ladies. I can't WAIT to be so overwhelmed and tired from being a first-time mom. :) At least we're all lucky in that we won't take any moments for granted when it finally happens for us. xoxoxox to all you wonderful ladies.
I just wanted to write down all the upcoming testing, so I can refer to it later if need be. kfs1-I also posted it on the testing thread for you.

The tests that I am getting on Monday are Estradiol, Prolactin, FSH, LH, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), genetic testing and the ultrasound. Last week I had CBC (full blood panel or complete blood count) and AMH and STD testing along with rubella, blood type, and other random blood stuff. It's a lot, but hopefully I won't have to give that many vials. My blood has been flowing pretty well lately, so I just have to remember to make sure to drink a lot of water on Sunday.

Sis-Best birthday wishes to your sons today, and have a great time.

Katie-So glad to have you back. I missed you. Yes, :dog: adoptions. hee hee. You're making me cry with your post this morning. My mom was not at my wedding, and my dad was trying to say something funny about my mom, and I cried the entire walk down. So of course, everyone else was crying. Then, during my vows, I sounded like a ghost (so wobbly and steadily increasing in octave). I finally heard my voice, and then busted out laughing. You guys don't know, but I have a hillbilly laugh, and every time I laugh, everyone else starts laughing, so we went from tears to laughing as well, and then we all had a great time from then on out. It was too funny. I may be able to input the audio in here. I'll try it in a bit. I can only download it in MP4 format, and i have it in MP3 format. Grrrr....I'm listening to it again. So great!

I'm glad you got back to your roots and got to visit tons of family and friends. I bet all were very happy to see you. Let me go find that audio tape. I'm doing taxes this morning. blargh..I hope we don't owe.
hello ladies. Wish sorry about the blockage but you do have another one. My guess is the 5% is taking into account the blockage. A normal person has a 20% chance of conceiving. I am at the 5% level as well, and the IUIs bring me up to the 20% level.

I had my first of 2 IUIs today - we go again tomorrow. Hubbies sample today was 55mil with abut 50% motility - so he is improving. I had 2 eggs on the left again (both 17 on Thursday) and a smaller one on the right that may or may not have matured. My monitor registered peak today - so that is a good sign that things are working. I am feeling very positive about this month - finding out on Easter seems like a good omen for me.

Doc did mention that my FSH is starting to get high and we may need to speed things up a bit - so I am going to sign up for the IVF classes and tests so that when we are ready for it (hopefully not needed) we can move right into it. I think our plan was 5-6 IUIs first and this is number 4 anyways.
Wish- sorry about the blockage!

moni77- good luck with the IUIs!

That just reminded me that I signed OH and I up for a fertility clinic open day when I was freaked out about the receptionist saying my hormones were high- I think we can leave that for now, so I should cancel it, but also curious.
moni-Good luck with the back to back IUIs. I like your positivity too, although it won't hurt to go to the IVF classes, just in case. I'd rather be ready, myself.

Fezzle-See above. hee hee. Why not??
It DS1 (17) and DH (38) Bdays today Terri we have a tin of food and a giant Cake so I'm not dieting today!!!! :haha:

Moni GL w the IUIs hopefully we will be back to those to get another BFP soon!! Still trying All natural this month so who knows!! ;)
Hope the party was great Sis.

Moni-Fingers crossed for you today at your appointment!!

I'm about to go catch up with a friend who can sew. I have a pattern for a 1950s style dress, and two of my other girlfriends and I are having it made for our motorcycle convention in TX. I looked online for some white go go boots and can't seem to find any. I hope they have some in spring. Where do those NFL cheerleaders get them? hee hee.
Go go boots ???? I usually see them in the Halloween stores and the Adult stores have dress up sections :haha:
Back in the day b4 DS1 I use to be a cage dancer at a BIG Club Downtown ;)

AFM what's up w my temp I went to bed late cuz of All the boys in my house and slept in but dang Holy Temp jump guess I'll have to see what happens Tom!! :shrug:
I need them for July. I guess I'll have to look in the adult stores. The ones on Amazon have really bad reviews. I guess for a one day thing, who cares but I hate to waste money on cheap stuff.

Yeah temp jump. That is strange, Sis. Or maybe your temp pattern is still a little :wacko:
I'm not sure I had EWCM for a few days now this I'm not sure how I Od but my Cervix even dropped so maybe it's possible and the opks didnt work cuz I still have HCG?? :shrug:

Might just be my sleep pattern last nite I have 7 BIGS upstairs w deep voices laughing and yelling at the ps3!!! :haha:
We will see what TOM brings!!

Have u tried EBay?? What Motorcycle Convention is here where is it?? DH keeps wanting me to take his Nightster and wants to get a bigger one so we can both drive I've just never driven one so big and heavy so IDK!!?
I'm a Motor Maid, and our national convention is in Kerrville this year. That's my women's motorcycle group. We always go to small towns for convention because there are budgetary restrictions on hotels. Anyway, they are going to San Antone on Sunday, July 6 for a bus tour, but we'll mostly be in and around Kerrville July 8-10. Hopefully I'll have a special concession :yellow: to drive/fly but otherwise I'll be riding down. Can't wait!

I have a Street Bob. If you start riding a bigger bike, you get used to it. I used to think my bike was big and scary, but I got over it a week later. hee hee.

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