Hi ladies. I'm just popping by to say I'm still alive..... After my last AF I sort of lost hope.... I stopped temping, taking my meds, everything.... I was just feeling sort of lost... DF hadn't even BD since before my last O and just felt like giving up and throwing on the towel..... I talked to DF about lack of BD, turns out he is scared to get me pregnant. The fear of MC hasn't left him. I asked should I put my coil back in, would that help? He doesn't know what he wants...... So neither do I anymore..... When I know myself I will be back.... Tried catching up with all your posts but there's just too much to take in .....
Anyway just thought I had better let you know why I haven't been around....
Atty- It is so good to hear from you... I am sorry you are in this "limbo" :flower::hugs: but I know that you and DH will decide what is best for you... I hope you stay around even if you are not TTC - I do love hearing about your life there in Ireland and all about you... but if you can't I understand that too. BIG :hug:

Terri - My Dh also has to make appointments for his SA... our next one is Monday the 14th... and I was beginning to wonder if I was going to O early enough to get some sessions in before the mandatory wait time... So I totally understand about SA and messing with fertility week...

Sis - how sad is it that you trust your psychic more than your Dr... I am not surprised though considering what I have been through with dr's!!! I am so hoping April is your month!! I would totally not wait either...

AFM- the doctor gave me two days of bed rest - something is screwy with my ears - making me have wicked dizzy spells when I move my head too quickly or lay down... which is irritating by the way... so I am laying around the house trying not to eat anything and everything...but good news - my OPK got darker with the afternoon test SOOOO it should be positive tonight or in the morning... which means we should be able to get some :sex: in (even though it will be low key :sex: with this dizzy crap :haha:) and then go into mandatory hold for Monday :happydance:
Terri - Glad the SA is scheduled and won't interfere with O week. I don't know what I would do about the Botox situation. If it were just me, I would probably TTC anyway. If DH knew about it, he would probably want to wait.

Sis - How'd the :angel: planting go? It's a neat idea. I agree with going for April if that's what you think is best.

Wish - Hooray for a positive OPK! But your dizziness sounds awful. I hate being dizzy. Could it be vertigo? A friend of mine had that and it was pretty bad for a few weeks. Hope yours clears up soon. No interfering with :sex: either. :)

Atty - Sorry things seem unsure right now. I'm sure you and DF will figure out what's best for you. :hugs:

Katie and Moni - I'm a '77er too. :thumbup:

Katie - I meant to say I'm so happy to hear you say caddywampus. I use that word all the time and everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. I assumed it was a Midwestern thing since my family uses it. Aren't you from AZ? Funny. I love regionalisms.

AFM - Still waiting for AF. I'm hoping she'll come around this Friday or thereabouts. That would be a normal cycle for me. I had a dream last weekend that I got AF and I was thinking "oh no that's too early what does that mean for this cycle/TTC/etc?" So I was thinking about this crap in my sleep. :dohh:
Atty big :hugs: I hope u and DF can come to a Understanding and both feel good about it!! I know how hard it is to be in that spot as DH told me that last week! I told him we would try for 6 more Mos and 1more loss and then we would reconsider everything if that happens!!

Radkat it's crazy windy here today like the Windy city so I didn't plant cuz I was Afraid the petals would blow off the Hydrangeas I will try Tom!!;)

Wish sorry u r feeling so yucky I've had that B4 and it was cuz of my neck hope u feel better Soon and Yay for getting some BD in!!
Atty-I'm so glad you checked in. I really miss you and I hope you do stick around, if it's not too difficult. We love hearing about your adventures, holidays, everything. I'm sorry you and DF are going through this. It makes me really sad because you're the one that has to do all the work, and if you're not scared, he shouldn't be. I know you have been through this before, so maybe it is time to just stop. At least you would have your answer, and you two could enjoy each other and think/do other things. :shrug: Maybe that's not helping, but I know that I could not stand his indecisiveness.

Wish-Yeah, sounds like you have vertigo. Try to keep your head still when BD'ing the next few days. hee hee. I have heard that it's really miserable, so I hope your bed rest helps. :hugs:

Radkat-The lady on the other board is feeling better now since i posted a link about it being unlikely to affect you while TTC. I'm glad i could help her. hee hee. I wouldn't stop TTC because I wanted to look pretty for my bday. Hope AF gets here soon for you.

AFM-The nurse called me this afternoon. My numbers looked good. I compared them to Sis' paperwork and also asked her. The only thing that was high was my prolactin (pituitary gland hormone that produces breastmilk). In normal men and women, it's usually low and pregnant women it's higher. I have to take a retest because they usually look for <26, and I was slightly elevated at 28.4. She said they worry when people have prolactin of 40 or higher. My Estradiol was 40.1, FSH was 8.65, LH was 8.17, TSH was 2.15, and my AFC (the follicle count) was 12. According to Sis' paper, you want FSH greater than LH, and approximately a 1:1 ratio. Not bad!
Radkat, Moni-I'm a 77 baby, too! And Radkat, how funny about catywompass! Spent many years in AZ but my family is actually from Minnesota and Northern Michigan, where I grew up. Most people ask if I'm from Canada when I talk. :)

Yay Sis for a positive opk! I don't think anyone could talk you out of an April try! And hydrangeas. My favorite flower. What a beautiful thing.

And yay Terri for hubby getting a nicely timed SA! And I read that Botox thread too, and thought, "Pshh, plenty of women get Botox and I've never heard of it being detrimental to fertility." Her doctor sounds like a kook. And if it is, I'm in trouble. We have bigger fish to fry in terms of keeping fertility alive other than some little muscle relaxants in our mug wrinkles. And GREAT news on your results! No idea what the breast milk prolactin number is about, but is that something they are concerned about in terms of TTC?

Atty--Glad to see you pop back in, and I agree with the other ladies that it would be a shame to see you go because we love your sense of humor. But sometimes we need to take a step back to sort everything out in real life. It was so encouraging to see that you and DH were both settled into new jobs that would allow you more time together. I know it's been a bit of back and forth with you getting on the same page about TTC, but whatever decision you make, remember to enjoy time with each other because that is the most important thing.

Wish--Sorry to hear about your crazy dizzy spells, but even if your leg was falling off you could still get that BD in since it looks like you are gearing up to O! (Just no swinging from the rafters right now!) but hope the dizziness subsides for you soon.

AFM--Just getting ready to finish up AF and bought my next box of OPK's. After being away from TTC for 2 months physically and mentally, I'm ready to take on April like its nobody's business.
Terri, my prolactin was slightly elevated too. Barely above normal though, so they didn't seem too concerned, but my Dr gave me a script for bromocriptine and said I could take it if I wanted. I did take the month supply, but haven't been re-tested yet. Not real sure that it was really necessary. So not taking it anymore. I see an RE for the first time tomorrow morning, and we'll see how my bloodwork comes back then.

Hi everyone!! Sorry I haven't written lately. During March I was working 12-14 hrs a day, had that lovely trip to the ER right in the middle of it, threw myself right back into work (DH and doctor were mad), then that surgery last Mon. I check in and read your posts all the time, but haven't had a whole lot of time to comment myself much. I think I'll be able to stay caught up now that things have calmed down.

Excited about my RE appt tomorrow. Just feels good to be taking another step in the right direction. I'm ready to get this show on the road. I was wondering when I'd O this cycle after the cyst removal. Honestly, I expected to O late. I ended up O'ing on cd9! Wth?? I've never O'd on cd9 in my life (that I know of). Five days after a giant cyst is removed?!? Whacko. Anyway, I was in shock when I saw my temp spike Sun morning. We didn't BD the night before because I was still leary after the surgery and had NO way of knowing I'd O that early. When I saw the temp spike, we did BD right away that next morning. But I always hear it's too late by that time. All I can do is hope that I O'd really late Sat night and that maybe the egg was still hanging out the next morning. Urg!
Hi Erin, glad to see you back! And glad to hear that you were through the surgery and recovery from the cyst being removed. Where were you hiding that big thing girl? Well it gone now, thank goodness. Yeah CD 9 is early to O but it may have been that cyst making your cycle all wonky and I'm sure it will right itself soon. And doesn't the egg hang out 24-48 hours after you O and a temp spike indicates you Od? I wouldn't count yourself out!
ERose-I hope things go well today at the RE and they have all good news to share with you. :friends: It definitely is a breath of fresh air to see someone who can help you through this whole process. At least progress is being made, ya know? Glad you're feeling better too, and CD9 is crazy early, but Katie is right..maybe it's a good thing.

Oh..and I was telling hubs about my elevated prolactin and then he reminded me that we partied it up the night before, so there was definitely nipple stimulation (that cracks me up), which would cause my numbers to be elevated. So..I'm probably normal, and I hope they don't give me medicine when the results come out. I hate medicine. :sick:
Hey all,

Atty - I hope you can talk some sense into that husband of yours, or at least come to a decision that you're both comfortable with. :hugs:

Erose - Glad you're feeling better and I hope you caught that egg! Good luck at your RE appointment.

Wish - My mother-in-law had vertigo and it does NOT seem fun. :( Lay low and try to relax (with some BDing thrown in there of course).

Terri - As I said on the other board, congrats on your numbers. You must feel relieved. And leave those nipples alone before your next test. :winkwink:

Hi everyone else!

Supposed to hear back about my test results today. Getting closer to O time and of course, I'm feeling like another sinus infection is coming my way - stupid allergies! Trying to drug myself up now before it matters.
Terri I don't know much about prolactin but your LH looks high this was CD3 right??
What was your AMH cuz its prob just do to Age and Reserve so time is the kicker like ALL of us Oldies!!!! :nope:

Don't take my word for it I'm no DR I just know FSH needs to be between 5-7 and on CD3 LH should be below 7 so higher numbers can mean PCOS and the follie numbers kinda indicate that too! But look at Fezzle easily corrected so u r in the right place!!
U will be able to know more at your next scan

I don't want to rain on your parade I just know how frustrated I was w my 1st FS who said my numbers where good then on BNB ladies where like ummmmm iDK went to a different FS and what do u know!!
Ladies here r pretty good w this stuff :)
Atty :hugs: Again!!!

Kfs1 FX those numbers are good to go!!

:hi: everyone else DH had to leave for a day again but my temps are down and we partied this Am!!! :)
Off to the dentist I go Again!!!! Boooo
Hmm...she didn't say AMH. I can call again and find out. She only told me the follicle count. I took my tests on Day 04. The paperwork that you posted on 03/31 (which i compared my numbers to), says that LH should be <7 (on day 3), and mine was 8.17, so I don't think that's bad. They also said that if LH is greater than FSH, you may have PCOS. Mine was less, and my ratio is 1.05, and you want it to be close to 1, so I think all is ok. Once we get hubs' sperm back we'll go for our follow up appointment. Stop trying to scare me. It's not working. :nope: :winkwink:
Atty, I'm sorry you're going through this again... :( I really hope he changes his mind again and that things will get better. I've always loved having you around, so check in with us either way!

Wish, Ugh, I hope you feel better soon! When I lived in Tennessee, I had some terrible allergy issues every spring and fall, and like clockwork, I'd get a cough that would keep me up all night, and I'd be dizzy just standing there doing nothing. It was awful. Yours doesn't sound like allergies if they're putting you on bed rest. I hope you'll feel better soon Hun!

Katie, thanks! And btw.... I, too, love that word caddywampus. I feel like I've just been given the perfect word to use in sentences to perfectly describe so many things, LOL. I'm excited that you are ready to take on April! Sounds like you are gung-ho, so bring on ovulation! :thumbup:

Terri/Sis: I love that Terri was able to compare test results against Sis'.... it is truly so helpful since sometimes a FS/RE has a different opinion on what's considered "good" or "okay". When I get my results back, I'll probably lean on you two, just to make sure my FS isn't one of those!

kfs, so sorry you're feeling a sinus infection coming on. Those are so awful. Btw, let us know how it goes with the test results!

AFM, I'm SO glad I finally went to an RE today. I'm on cd13, so I'm supposed to call them when I get AF on cd1 so that I can schedule day 3 bloods. But she was ready to jump right into everything that she could today... They took about 6-7 vials of blood to test a ton of stuff. Genetic testing, AMH (which I'm hoping Sis can explain to me what exactly that is), prenatal testing (I think vitamin levels, Vita D in particular), and some other stuff too. It was a lot. She's switching me to Femara, but not because of the cyst... that's just what this clinic prefers for all their patients, even under 35. She thinks I should go ahead and start the trigger shot with it. She told me to think about whether or not I want to do IUI in my next cycle too, or just try a few trigger cycles normally with DH first. I'm gonna roll that over in my head for the next couple weeks and talk to DH about it tonight. I may go ahead and do the IUI, but I just want to make sure DH is feeling the same.
According to my doc, I'm in the normal range. She didn't mention LH which many of you did. The estradiol # seems high, huh? FYI - I tested on Day 2. What do you experts think?

Estradiol: 90
FSH: 7.2
Prolactin: 8.7
TSH: .995
OK - So, I wish I didn't ask for my numbers. From what I can find, elevated levels of estradiol tend to indicate a problem with ovarian reserve, and in turn, this can also suppress the amount of FSH in your system. :(

Experts - any thoughts on why my doctor would consider this normal?
That's what I'm talking about IDK why Drs want to sugar coat everything it's BS!!!

KFS1 have u had your thyroid checked Ur TSH seems low to me mine is way low cuz I'm on thyroid meds cuz my Dr looks at my Free Ts so it might still just be outta wack from your MC the baby increases the thyroid use but ideally u want TSH 1-2 for pregnancy

Your FSH is borderline but good and the E is high have u had a scan to verify no cyst are there Also may just be your hormones regulating from the MC!!

Terri I'm not trying to Scare ya I thought 40 was Ur E and I was like OMG :haha:
Sorry wasn't trying to rain on Ur parade if u think it's All good then I'm happy!!

My E was Low and my Dr said it was Ok but that's why my FS said no worries cus we do good w meds!! :shrug:

I'm gonna have to pull my labs and look at this prolactin stuff!!????!

AFM been at the dentist all day 3hrs w bleeding gums I try to come home my AC goes out WTH good thing it's nice out!! :nope:
Heres my test from a yr Ago 4/13

AMH 1.2 borderline they like >1.06
Prolactin 11.7 normal range 4.8-23.3
TSH 2.74
FSH 6.8
P <.5
Estradiol 29 it was good here a moth later it was 19 I think???!??


These r the number I got And was told they were normal come on BNB and everyone jumped my TSH and they were right it was high and P was Low!
That's what I'm talking about IDK why Drs want to sugar coat everything it's BS!!!

KFS1 have u had your thyroid checked Ur TSH seems low to me mine is way low cuz I'm on thyroid meds cuz my Dr looks at my Free Ts so it might still just be outta wack from your MC the baby increases the thyroid use but ideally u want TSH 1-2 for pregnancy

Your FSH is borderline but good and the E is high have u had a scan to verify no cyst are there Also may just be your hormones regulating from the MC!!

Terri I'm not trying to Scare ya I thought 40 was Ur E and I was like OMG :haha:
Sorry wasn't trying to rain on Ur parade if u think it's All good then I'm happy!!

My E was Low and my Dr said it was Ok but that's why my FS said no worries cus we do good w meds!! :shrug:

I'm gonna have to pull my labs and look at this prolactin stuff!!????!

AFM been at the dentist all day 3hrs w bleeding gums I try to come home my AC goes out WTH good thing it's nice out!! :nope:

No - I haven't had any other tests done yet. She said that my tests came back normal and the next step is to schedule an SA. She had mentioned before that she was going to do an ultrasound but I forgot to ask her about it (distracted - at work). My O is coming up soon so when do you all suggest that I should schedule that? Otherwise, I think I'll try to get some RE recommendations from her and will set something up. I mean - I didn't ask her about the high estradiol number because I didn't have a chance to look it up until later. Could my numbers possibly still be affected from my MC in January???

Ugh - I'm depressed.
I think they Could everyone is different and I would say 3-6mos IDK I'll look up and see if Ur E goes up while PG cuz I'm not sure!!!

Try not to worry I think Ur numbers are still very workable and if your Dr isn't worried then maybe it's nothing to worry about but yea my OBGYN didn't know squat about my Numbers I had to go to a FS for more answers!
kfs1-All I have to go on is Google and that paper Sis gave us (03/31) if anyone wants the date of the post to print it out like super nerd did (me!) :rofl: It doesn't have any info on TSH. For Estradiol on Day 3 it says that you want 25-75. 25-55 is ideal. <20 is menopausal. It also says that abnormally high levels may indicate existence of a cyst or diminished ovarian reserves. I would print out the paper and call your doctor back and ask her about scheduling an ultrasound. Not sure if they can do it so close to O date, but I would ask her about that too. I wonder why she didn't do LH. Maybe she just forgot to tell you that information.

Don't be depressed. Call back and get more specific information (LH, Progesterone, ultrasound, normal ranges).

TSH "normal" ranges from 0.5-5 (per about.com), so even though you're towards the lower end, you are in the range.

Hope that helps.

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