I think it's hopeless to catch up now- I hope everyone is doing well!

I wish I had my actual numbers- though in a way, they'd probably make me more worried too! But I agree with what some have said- I'm glad that my last tests found something wrong, because otherwise, I was at a loss trying to figure out why I wasn't ovulating! I was relieved it was something fixable- now I have to just hope the fix works!

Wish- I hope you get a solution that works for you and your DH!

VJean- hope your new OB is good!
Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to pop in and say Hi and hope your all doing Ok. :flower:

Atty - Thinking about you :hugs: Looks like were in similar boats.

I've decided to just let nature takes its course. I seem to have spent the last 2 years so focused on TTC that everything else just pailed into the backround.

I've spent the last couple of weeks feeling low, I had an awful AF this month 3 days and very heavy, maybe something to do with the Clomid? IDK I stopped temping and just decided enough was enough.

I'm fed up with the upset, confusion, frustration, disappointment and the time spent doing all the things that go with TTC. I would have loved to have given my OH the chance at being a parent but if it's not to be then I have to accept that. I am to old for Fertility treatment other than Clomid so my options were limited.

I have two beautiful children and an adorable Grandaughter..I count my blessings, I am very lucky :happydance:

Good luck to all you lovely Ladies I shall be stalking for those BFP's
you will all be getting.:thumbup:

I hope you won't mind me popping in from time to time.

kfs :hug: I am glad you are feeling better this morning

Katie - I have issues with my DH and doing SA's - as I have expressed before - its not that he doesn't want to get tested - he is just not going to do the job there at the clinic... so Sunday night we would stay at a hotel just blocks from the clinic and I would drop of the sample and go to work... maybe your DH would do better with it if you have that kinda option... :shrug: :hugs:

AFM: my OB/GYN office just called about my HSG results... the OB recommends that I should go to the FE because my fertility is now reduced with the blocked tube... :cry::cry: I will talk to DH but I already know the answer - its no :nope: there is no other FE except the one we went to last year close to us and he pushes IVF with donor eggs or IUI... and we will NOT do either... DH and I will need to have a talk tonight and decide if we even want to do the SA on Monday/urologist on Friday... does it even matter what the results say at this point... I hate putting him through all the testing when the outcome will be the same...trying naturally :cry:

I'm so sorry Wish. There is absolutely no possibility of going to another RE??? What about if you explain how you feel to them and just see if there are any other options available for you? :hugs:
:hi: Ladies sorry I've been MIA I was up all nite w throbbing tooth pain I guess all that pushing and drilling yesterday aggregated the RC tooth :nope: I'm just hoping it dulls soon cuz I can't think straight and was wanting to put off the RC until Af shows if it does but I guess I better just get it outta the way!! :(

Since I was up all nite I didn't get a good temp this AM it was 98.89 :shrug: I'm sure that's just Cuz I didn't sleep so we will see what the Am brings kinda hoping I didn't O yet cuz DH is still gone !! :nope:
Still have a ++++ OPK but that happens w VITEX and me so who knows!

Wish maybe see if there is a FS in the next town even if it's a Lil drive it would be better than dealing w a Crappy Dr!! :hugs:

Kfs1 glad u are feeling better today and my cycles where messed up after my MC in 2012 my cycle went down to 24-25 days and my dr wants happy w that so she started me on P and also said I needed a stronger O to lengthen that!!
Have u tried VITEX and Ubiquional for egg quality might help!! GL

Erose glad u r on the track to a BFP!!! :)

Hope everyone else has a great day!!
kfs :hug: I am glad you are feeling better this morning

Katie - I have issues with my DH and doing SA's - as I have expressed before - its not that he doesn't want to get tested - he is just not going to do the job there at the clinic... so Sunday night we would stay at a hotel just blocks from the clinic and I would drop of the sample and go to work... maybe your DH would do better with it if you have that kinda option... :shrug: :hugs:

AFM: my OB/GYN office just called about my HSG results... the OB recommends that I should go to the FE because my fertility is now reduced with the blocked tube... :cry::cry: I will talk to DH but I already know the answer - its no :nope: there is no other FE except the one we went to last year close to us and he pushes IVF with donor eggs or IUI... and we will NOT do either... DH and I will need to have a talk tonight and decide if we even want to do the SA on Monday/urologist on Friday... does it even matter what the results say at this point... I hate putting him through all the testing when the outcome will be the same...trying naturally :cry:

Wish, :hugs: I hate that your options are so limited. I wish you had a different FE that could offer help that you are comfortable with. I think you should do the SA just so you know for sure. I'm really hoping you get a positive outcome...you are long over due!!
Vjean-Hi!! The cake isn't really that sweet. I used some store brand peaches (in pear juice, no less-blech!), and now I'm actually glad I did because it's not that sweet. If you use Dole peaches in their own juice, it'll be way sweeter. Here is the link. I meant to put blueberries in it, but I left those sitting right in the refrigerator. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/sweet-peach-cake-recipe.html I'll eat the blueberries for a snack.

I'm glad you have an appointment at a new OB. If you do like the new place, I doubt you even have to call the old place and tell them you've left. There are so many patients, they hardly miss people when they don't return. It's crazy...but it's good that we have so many options available. that practice really does sound like it's the pits.

Felcity-I have missed you. Glad you checked in even though it's not with good news. I'm sorry you've decided to let it all go, but I bet, good things will happen when you focus on other things. :hugs: Please, stalk us. stalk us! hee hee.

Fezzle-yeah, you're lucky to have an easy fix. I've been :ninja: your chart.

Sis-If I were you, I would go on and get the root canal. That way you're mouth is all fixed and you won't have to risk taking meds again next month when you get pregnant.

Wish-Good luck tonight with your talk. I'm nervous about what your DH is going to say. He may surprise you too, so I'll say a little prayer for you.
kfs, I'm feeling a lot better, thank you for asking! I feel 100% now. :) Yes, I have some high temps on my chart, lol. Still annoyed that I O'd so early and probably missed it. But such is life. There's always next cycle. I hope you're feeling even better today, Hun. Like everyone is saying, don't worry about those numbers. I know that's easier said than done, and I will be getting mine in about a week too, so I'm a bit nervous myself. But listen to these ladies... its still VERY possible to get pg with your numbers, and your Dr will know exactly what to do in order to get you over that obstacle. :flower:

Wish, I'm so sorry about how you're feeling about TTC now. :hugs: If you don't have any other options for a FS, maybe you should go back to that original one, and just tell them you really want their help without doing the other procedures. I mean, did they actually say to you that they absolutely won't try something else? The thing w/some of these clinics is that they are too worried about keeping their success rates high, so they automatically push you to go the route that they think is most likely to be successful. It's really not right. They should be willing to help you, but let you move at your own pace. GL with your talk with DH tonight. We'll be thinkin' about ya'.

Vjean, crazy OB story! I'm glad you fired them. I'm surprised they operate they way. GL at your new one! I'm sure you will have a more normal experience with them! Btw, I'm so happy to see you doing well. :)

felcity, of course we dont mind you popping in. I wish you didnt feel like you have to stop TTC, but I understand the discouragement gets to be a bit much sometimes. I think its great that you are able to look at all the blessings you have in your life and be so positive. But maybe you'll change your mind and decide to start trying again. ;) Either way, we'll be here.

Sis, i'm SO sorry you're having such bad mouth pain! Mouth pain is some of the worst, since that's how we EAT. You poor thing. I agree w/Terri... maybe get the root canal over with and out of the way!
Felcity I forgot to give u a BIG :hugs: and to tell u we r here if ya need us and stalk away!!

Vjean also forgot to tell you WOW what a bunch of Idiots I would have FIRED them a long time ago so good for u for doing it!!
Glad to see u and Baby are still doing well!! :)
Hi Ladies, sorry I've been MIA. For some reason this has been a tough emotional cycle for me. I don't know why. I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are getting pregnant accidentally when i can't get pregnant on purpose! I think I am really scared of getting testing done. I don't want them to be like NOPE you waited to long so sorry!

Wish-I'm so sorry about your numbers and I wish you had a better RE who would listen to your needs.

Vjean-Wow your ob sounds terrible! Glad you switched and have better relationship with the next one.

Terri-I think your numbers look great. FX that your hubby's numbers are great too!

Erose-So glad you are feeling better! So glad the cyst did not do any damage!

Atty-So sorry your DF has changed his mind again. That would make me an emotional wreck!
Blues-It's ok to be emotional. I think we all are about this whole process, ya know? Of course, you know we're all going to say 'don't be scared...it may be an easy fix, but nothing can be fixed if you don't know what's wrong.' I always take the route that it's better to know than not know, and maybe if you do go see a doctor or specialist they will help you figure it out and you'll be upset that you didn't go sooner. I went 9 cycles in, and wish I had gone 6 cycles in, but whatever. There's nothing I can do about it now.

I'll be thinking about you and hope no one else around you (in real life-these boards are a different story!) turns up pregnant in the next few days. :hugs: :flower:
:hugs: to you Felicity.

Blues - I agree with Terri. Let it all out here - that's what we're here for! And I feel the same exact way as you - so many pregnant people around me, it's crazy. I have to see family next week and I'm partially dreading it because I'm scared someone's going to bring up the subject and I'm not sure I can handle it this week. And I think that's sad and it makes me feel bad - to dread seeing your family. Thank god, most of them know not to say anything but it's the younger cousins who don't realize...

Anyway, hope you're doing OK. :hugs:

Vjean - I'm glad you fired that OB. Sounds like a nightmare! Hope things go more smoothly at the next one. How are you feeling?

Sis - How are those teeth doing today?

Wish - Hope things went OK last night. :hugs:

Hi everyone else!

Nothing much going on here. Coming up on my O week but not feeling too excited about it for some reason. It is what it is I guess. My good friend's coming up today to spend the weekend and we're meeting up with some girlfriends tonight for dinner. My friend's been out of a job for some time now so I'm hoping to cheer her up this weekend. You would think there would be more opportunity in Manhattan (where she lives) but it's still so tough. Sunday, I have some other friends coming over for a BBQ so it should be a pretty busy weekend - which is good. Need to think about something else for a few days.
Blues big :hugs: to U too I think we have to just take it day by day!!! I hope u feel better soon maybe the Fam will be a good thing!!!

KFs1 sounds like a great weekend and a much needed break from thinking about TTC just have fun and enjoy it!!! :)

AFm my tooth is a Lil better today Thank goodness I couldnt think straight and I have to much to do to be Like that!! :nope:
My temp is up still so I'm think my temp yesterday was up or hoping cuz we didn't get to BD the past few days :(

I'm afraid we missed my April month :cry:
Morning ladies!

Wish....thinking about you and hoping your convo w/DH went good last night.

Blues, I'm sure everyone here understands. I'm in that place right now too. While most of my friends got married and had kids earlier, there are a couple who waited as long as me, plus my DH is 4 yrs younger, so some of our friends thru him are starting to have babies. My best friend (37 like me) has a 10-month old, which she conceived in 3 tries, and she called a couple wks ago to tell me she's pg again. She's like my sister, so I'm excited for them (again!), but I have to admit that I got knots in my stomach and felt sorry for myself for a few hrs. As for testing, I agree w/ terri. It is a tad scary, but if we don't know something is wrong, there's no way to correct it. :flower:

Kfs, I hope you're able to have a good time this wkd! I know it's hard when people ask. It is always the younger ones that don't really know any better! I'm lucky I guess...interestingly, I never have anyone asking about it.

Oh, Sis, I wanted to say thanks for explaining the way the meds and shot work together. :flower: And for all the other knowledge you've shared over the months. You're always so helpful.

AFM, not much new.... The RE called yesterday and said my vit D is a tad low. 24.8..... So not that low, but lower than she likes. So on top of the CoQ10 that she insisted DH and I both start taking immediately, she wants me to take 4000 IU of vit D for a month too. So off to the store I go this morning before I start working!
Darn Sis, I was hoping yesterday's temp was just a fluke. Urg. Is it at all possible that the temps could be up because of your mouth pain? I'm sure that kind of pain can cause stress, and maybe there was also a slight infection....?
kfs- Your weekend sounds fun! Has your friend looked into temp agencies in her area of work? I did that when I was laid off. It helped me not get upset that I wasn't getting hired.

sis-ugh I'm so sorry about your teeth. I think I read certain pain meds can mess with your temp. did you take any?
Wish - Big :hugs:. Let us know how the discussion went with Dh and were you guys are for now. We're here whatever you decide, of course!

Blues - :hugs: to you too. Some months are just harder than others. I agree with others re: testing. I'll probably be getting some tests done next cycle. Hang in there, sweetie.

Kfs - It sounds like you have a great weekend planned! That's the best plan since you're feeling a bit down. Have fun! :happydance:

Terri - I'm with you on the more info is better. Then you know and can decide what to do about it. Your peach cake sounded wonderful. DH made a lemon cake last week. I'm not a huge cake fan (more of a cookie and brownie girl), but it was good!

ERose - I've heard vitamin D is a big deal. Glad your doc found that out and it's an easy fix!

Sis - Maybe the temp spike is your teeth still? Here's hoping... :flower:

VJean - Glad to see everything is going well for you! Well except that crazy OB. Glad you kicked him to the curb.:thumbup:

AFM - No AF yet. Today would be 28 days, so that would be great if it would come today and be a normal cycle. Hmmm, we'll see... :coffee:
Thanks for the Well wishes ladies but I'm pretty sure I Od or tried too!! :shrug:

If I did I just hope it was Wed nite we BD every other day from Thur to Wed so that would be my only chance I think!!
As far as the meds I did have to take some pain stuff but ive taken it B4 and didn't notice that much of a difference the only time I got a 98.5 jump was my BFP cycle so FX I got a miracle brewing!!!
ERose- I know you don't want to hear it, but you have high temps too! VERY INTERESTING. hee hee.

Radkat-C'mon AF!! hee hee. We like regular cycles.

kfs1-Sounds like you're up for a fun weekend. Definitely enjoy it and have fun with your friends..friends are so great. Just doing nothing is more fun with someone you like being around. :friends:

Sis-Don't cry...if you O'd on Wed, you have Mon and Wed. There is definitely a chance and quite possibly a miracle brewing.

Wish-I hope you're not crying in your soup somewhere. Let us know how last night went, babe. <3 <3 :hugs: :flower:
Good afternoon Ladies...

Sis - I would hate all that teeth pain!! I am sissy I truly hope you are about done with all that!!! and I hope you caught the egg - hope those :spermy: lived long enough to meet mrs. right :haha:

kfs- you weekend does sound lovely - visiting with friends can be so theraputic... :flower:

blues - I would like a cycle where I am NOT an emotional mess... so yes we all understand and that's one of the reasons we are here - so unload- we have big shoulders!!!

radkat - here's hoping for a 28 day cycle - but even more I hope for a BFP for you :)

Erose - vitamin D is an easy fix - how nice that they called you right away!!

Vjean - totally fire those #@%$^&%&*^&*.... why is it so hard to find good caring doctors!!! let us know how your appointment went!!

Here is my typed response for last night... a part of me is ashamed to even tell you what happened... but it is what it is... sorry about the TMI portion :(

I have spent the morning trying to decide what to say about last night...:shrug: I attempted to talk to DH about our options/what the OB/GYN said. It went no where... He was like ok we aren't going back to RE (this I knew) ...so SA on Monday - I am really stressed out at work right now" and that was all about ttc until bed time - when I attempted to get one more :sex: session in because my temp had not went up so I thought maybe... NOT SO MUCH... :cry: nothing makes you feel more unattractive that out right rejection...:cry: and as I was getting dressed - yeah outright rejection without a bit of clothing on :growlmad:- I was so angry at him I thought fine - you can just do your SA and go see the urologist - I don't care how "nervous" you are about a guy examining your bits... :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: probably not the best attitude...:haha:
so his hold for Monday will be about 5 days - which is 100% better than last time...
So thank you for all your kind words... :hugs::hugs:
Terri - I did my crying in my pillow last night... trying to keep a stiff upper lip today...
I am not in the best mind frame right now... just want to get through the SA on Monday ...then urologist on Friday... until then... I will try not to :bike: my husband... :rofl:

looks like I will atleast be here till 5 May when I go back to OB/GYN - hoping I am not looking for donor sperm then too :rofl: kidding...
Oh Wish, I'm so sorry you felt like your talk last night went nowhere. But hey, at least he's doing the SA... if he was nixing the whole TTC thing, he wouldn't be doing that! And then maybe his count will be up and he'll be willing to try something else. I'm keeping my FXd crossed for that!

Btw, I know that feeling you were talking about last night... although my DH is usually willing, he does get tired more these days with work, taking care of stuff around the house, and just life in general. There have been nights where I've been rejected as well, and you are right, it does feel crappy. But you are most certainly not unattractive, you are beautiful. He thinks you are beautiful too... they have their own things going on in their heads, and as far as they're concerned, you're still gonna be there tomorrow and the next day and forever, so it happens sometimes (so different from dating, right?!?!). You are gorgeous and you know it, and so does he! Now, let's just get that SA done, and have another nice little chat with him, shall we? (and maybe even another nice little chat with that pushy RE if we have to) :flower:

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