ERose-Woohoo!! Your RE sounds awesome, and it's even better that she was already to get started even though you're on CD13. I hope you told her that you won't be back because you'll be prego. I made that joke, even though it was not funny because it was not true. hee hee. We'll help you when you get your numbers. Did she say how long it's going to take to get your results? I'm so excited for you, and yeah, lots to think about. I'm still confused about a trigger shot, versus IUI. Is it just supposed to force that egg to come out at a certain time, so it's an easy target?

Sis-Sorry your AC broke, but good thing it is a nice day. That always helps. Did you get your truck back? I assume you did since I haven't heard you talking about Cupcake Wars. :haha: I'm sure your mouth will be feeling better soon. You certainly get a lot done in a day!

Nothing to report here. I worked from 8-3:30 today with only a break for lunch. I hate those kind of days. Now I'm making a peach cake (it's more like coffeecake, sans the coffee and sweet crumble on top). I smell it and I'm SO hungry for it. I don't know if I'll be able to let it cool. hee hee.
kfs, I would personally set up the u/s for right after you O. I loved that they were able to tell me that I O'd and which side I O'd from. Thought that was cool (because I'm a dork like that). So even if they're not doing it for that reason, you can still have them tell you. Certainly doesn't hurt. ;)
U want US on CD3 to see if u have Follies and how many also that early they can see your ovary and uterus to make sure everything is good and a good tech can show u the eggs in the ovaries it's just dark dots but it's pretty cool!!

If u want to know that u Od then go after O but I never get those my dr doesn't do them just everything up to O !!!
When medicated into when I get a +++OPK to see how many Follies and what size!

If u want to know anything about your thyroid don't go by the TSH it's a useless number I mean come on .5-5 is a huge range some of these are that's why u need a specialist to weed out the must haves!!
Terri, you are too funny! This is the first cycle where I really dont have a lot of hope that I'll be prego. All the other ones were "possibilities" as far as I was concerned, and I suppose I can still hope for this one too, but I'm not really feeling it. I supposedly O'd SUPER early, and only five days after having cyst removed?! And since i wasn't expecting to O that early, DH and I pretty much missed it, unless you want to count the next morning. In order to make the TWW fun though, I am telling myself that maybe eggie was still hanging out in there the next morning, ha! Ya know, the test results are taking a little longer than I expected. Well...it actually depends on which ones. The genetic testing can take weeks, some of the minor stuff will just be a few days, and something on there was ten days. So I guess i'm in wait mode. She said she'll call me each time something comes back in. Oh, and Thanks! I'm excited too!!

I THINK the trigger shot makes an egg release, but heck, i kinda thought that's what the Femara was for, so I'm a little unclear. Why both?? I didn't think to ask because so many women here do it, so i just thought Okeydokey! And then I thought about it later. She was going to explain it all to me when I come in on cd3 next cycle and show me how to use it and all that, so I'll get more details to understand then. Or maybe i'll google it before then. Enjoy your peach cake!
Oh yea, if the point of your Dr doing an u/s is to see your follies, then yes, listen to Sis....Day3. Your Dr. will tell you that when you call anyway if that's what she's planning. I wasn't sure what she was doing an u/s for, so that's why i thought the day after O would be kinda fun. ;) When I had my u/s done in Dec, it was to check and see if I had gotten any more fibroids, so there are many reasons for having an u/s. So i didnt even think about the fact that she might be wanting to check your follies, duh! :dohh: LOL
I talked to my doc again. She said that 90 is in the normal range according to the lab they use. Not really helpful. And right, she said we'd schedule the ultrasound when my next period comes. So, in the meantime, my husband will get his SA and I'll research FEs under my insurance plan.

I cannot believe that I might have a "diminished ovarian reserve" at 35. There doesn't seem to be much you can even do for it. I mean, I'll be lucky if I'm able to have ONE child at this point. :cry:
Kfs1 when I looked back at my labs it did say range up to 115 or something but every lab is different and I think I had a chart that went by age and it was a Lil diferent also!!!

Try not to stress it will just make things harder on yourself and we get enough of that in the daily I think your FSH is good and they use that to detect reserve also since the AMH is a new test!!

RU taking any Supps at the moment some of those can cause number issues if u didn't know Urs were high like I have to stay away from Estogenic stuff like Royal jelly and soy even though I'm allergic to milk yea what's up w that!! :haha:

I have a friend that got PG a week after me w high E and high AMH she took some of the egg vitmans and did acupuncture she's still PG so there is hope!! Hang in there sweety
Ok as far as the trigger goes it help mature the eggs basically gives them a boost at the end and makes ALL Eggs rupture if u dont do a trigger only the lead Follie will rupture and u might have some big ones left that can turn into a Cyst!!!

So like me when I got my BFP I had 2 big Follies on the right and a few small ones on the left that's how I got PG on the left even w a smaller one!!
So it gives u more chances if u have more follies and also prevents Cysts!!

A IUI is just for Isemination In Utera Insemination it basically puts the Lil Guys in the uterus so they don't have to fight thru the harsh VJJ!! :haha:
Kfs1-yeah, don't be upset this early. You don't even know if it's true you have diminished ovary reserve. Sis said that there are a lot of different papers and such. And, if your doctor said your numbers are normal, believe her for now. I'm sure she's seen the good, bad and ugly and as long as she didn't say 'we can't help you' at least she's interested in trying. Let her do her job for now. It's good that you'll go back for an ultrasound if need be :winkwink: ha ha. It was kind of cool even though my eyes weren't made for that kind of thing and I couldn't really tell what she was seeing because I couldn't see much except gray and white.

What a great discussion today. I really learned a lot! I had a piece of cake and yum!! Sometimes I amaze myself. Of course, the cameras weren't rolling today either because I was trying to work fast because I was hungry. It would have been a good camera day because I was chopping, mixing, and stirring with ease. Ha ha.
Kfs - first off :hugs: but hear me on this diminished ovarian reserve business... it doesn't mean you can't have kids or that you cannot get pg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You may not have a ton of eggs left but you have eggs - there are things you can do to make your remaining eggs as strong and healthy as possible... DO NOT LOSE HOPE!!!
I take ubinquonol (I cant spell - its a purer form on coQ10), fertilaid for women, DHEA and extra folic acid. and there is lots of research that acupuncture helps too... I just started that last week...
please do not give up - it is easy to give up when doctors give us numbers and stats and tell us 1-5% chance of conceiving... women do conceive with low ovarian reserve... so keep your chin up and research which supplements you can take... its going to be ok!:hugs::flower:
Wow everyone is in "fertility-testing-mode"! Or has been! I know that some of you have concerns with some of your results. But think of it this way in my attempt to put a silver lining on it. Taking the plunge to do this and get those tests are to provide you with exactly what you need to know that may be challenging your TTC journey....and what needs to be done to help fix or improve those areas. And thankfully, there's sooo much stuff out there that can help. I see so many ladies on other threads who have had all the teating done and have normal results with no answers. Just unexplained infertility...and often for years trying and nothing happening.

To be perfectly honest, I have a great amount of respect and a bit of jealousy for you all in moving forward with testing, fertility specialists, etc. Even though my OBGYN wrote me a referral back in November to a fertility specialist, I'm dragging my feet. The first thing she wants done, and wrote orders for, was a SA, and I haven't had the guts to even tell my DH about it. He won't take it well and won't want to shell out the money for everything. I mean, I could cry and that would probably work, but I'm just not there right now.

So kudos to all of you for getting serious about this. I so envy you! <3
Thanks Katie. I think it's a little different because some of us don't have kids so we have to find a way because it's something we really want. I don't know about ERose and kfs1, but it's even harder I imagine if you have had a miscarriage because at least you know you can get pregnant. I guess I'm wondering if I even CAN get pregnant because it has never happened to me.

Anyway, I think you should at least ask your DH if he is willing to do it because of lack of success. It's worth a shot. It's scary though, I know. Hopefully you'll get there soon.
Hi all,

Thank you so much Sis, Terri, Katie, Wish, and eRose for your support. I was pretty upset yesterday but I'm feeling a bit better today. I guess there's always a part of you that expects to have perfect results ... so I had my hopes up a bit I guess. But Katie, I didn't really think about it that way. So many women literally have NO answers so maybe it is a blessing to at least have an idea of what's going on.

Terri - having the MC has only made me more worried, especially now considering my results. I imagine if I am able to get pregnant again that I'll be a nervous wreck. Also, my periods have not been 100% the same since my MC. They used to be on average 28 days and the 2 that I've had were 24, and then 26 days in length (and my bleeding time was shorter). Also, I used to always have VERY noticeable EWCM and it hasn't really been the same there either.

I just have to keep moving forward like you all keep telling me. My husband has been GREAT and said he's totally fine with doing a SA and that he'll do anything he can to help.

Love you ladies!
Thanks Katie. I think it's a little different because some of us don't have kids so we have to find a way because it's something we really want. I don't know about ERose and kfs1, but it's even harder I imagine if you have had a miscarriage because at least you know you can get pregnant. I guess I'm wondering if I even CAN get pregnant because it has never happened to me.

Anyway, I think you should at least ask your DH if he is willing to do it because of lack of success. It's worth a shot. It's scary though, I know. Hopefully you'll get there soon.

I agree with Terri, Katie. I think you should bring it up with your husband. Maybe he'll surprise you!
Katie, you could just tell DH the reason he needs to do it is because they won't do anything to/for you without it. It was easy w/ my DH because when he realized that I couldn't even so much as get clomid or Femara without that SA, he knew he had to just go. I think he was still a tad nervous about the results (which is only natural), but for the most part, he had in his mind that he was only having to do it so that my Dr would be wiling to move on w/ MY treatment. It's sorta sad how they're so scared of having their sperm checked under a microscope, but being men, I guess I can understand why.

Even if you aren't quite there yet, don't worry yourself over it. You'll go when you're ready, if you even end up needing to! Hoping for your bfp this cycle. :) I agree w/ terri.... I know I'm just starting to get really scared of the idea of being childless for the rest of my life, so there's this sense of urgency that rarely leaves me. I want to be a mother SO badly, and I'll be turning 38 in July. So I get scared sometimes. That's the main reason I'm being more aggressive now.
erose - your chart's looking good. How are you feeling this month?
kfs :hug: I am glad you are feeling better this morning

Katie - I have issues with my DH and doing SA's - as I have expressed before - its not that he doesn't want to get tested - he is just not going to do the job there at the clinic... so Sunday night we would stay at a hotel just blocks from the clinic and I would drop of the sample and go to work... maybe your DH would do better with it if you have that kinda option... :shrug: :hugs:

AFM: my OB/GYN office just called about my HSG results... the OB recommends that I should go to the FE because my fertility is now reduced with the blocked tube... :cry::cry: I will talk to DH but I already know the answer - its no :nope: there is no other FE except the one we went to last year close to us and he pushes IVF with donor eggs or IUI... and we will NOT do either... DH and I will need to have a talk tonight and decide if we even want to do the SA on Monday/urologist on Friday... does it even matter what the results say at this point... I hate putting him through all the testing when the outcome will be the same...trying naturally :cry:
Wish-I was stalking your chart earlier and remembering that your appointment for the SA is on Monday, so I was thinking 'I hope she BD's today! It's the perfect time' Now, I guess you're pretty upset. I don't think it would hurt to still go to the SA/urologist and just see what his results are. They may be poor again, but they may be better this time with a shorter hold for your DH, so that would at least give you hope, right?

I'm so sorry you have a blocked tube and the FS only recommends two things that you are not willing to do. That really sucks. :hugs: I still think you should keep trying though and maybe those vitamins/supplements really are the answer. Do you have a stopping point in sight like garfie, and felcity? I hate stopping points. :cry:
Terri - tonight was my next scheduled :sex: session - especially since my temp did not go up this morning... but we have class tonight and won't get home till late - so its iffy... :wacko:

I don't know about a stopping point yet... I will know more after our talk tonight - it really depends on my DH. He is the one without biological children :cry: if we do not do the SA Monday - that is essentially stopping...
All these numbers floating around is making my head hurt! Despite being a scientist, I hate math. So much so I completely over tipped my hair dresser last night! Accidentally gave her a 50% tip...:haha:

Terri, your cake sounds delicious! I still hate sweets, but I dream about eating them. You may need to share your recipe!

Overdue update for me- I've had a horrible time with my OB, so I fired him and am going to a new practice tomorrow. Kind of nervous (I'm a creature of habit and will usually just put up with BS to avoid the uncomfortableness of changing things up), but I'm looking forward to it as well!

So in March my RE released me to a reg OB, and even sent a letter to the OB detailing my treatment under him. I called my practice and booked my "new OB patient" appointment. They got me in on 31 Mar. I went to my visit and they mentioned that I was due for my annual exam, and did I want to just take care of it that day. I said sure. Doc came in and it was clear he had not read letter from RE. He did a quick exam, including a quick sonogram, but didn't measure baby or discuss due date, etc. He told me to book another appointment in 2-4 weeks to have free cell DNA text done, (MaterniT21). At check out they told me I owed $93... Weird bc all OB is covered 100%. Then couldn't get me back in until 21 Apr. I booked appt and left, but it kept bothering me. Double checks dates with DH...if DNA test was done on 21st and there was an issue I wouldn't have time to do an NT scan or a CVS bc I'd be too far along. Leaving amnio as only choice. I got online and reviewed my notes and it said I was there for "preventative" appointment (annual pap) and instead of classifying visit as OB it said "threatened abortion". What the heck? This was my third sonogram, baby looked good, strong heartbeat, no spotting? Doc said that was his policy until I booked my "new OB appt". I also tried to move blood work up a week and they said I couldn't because I hadn't had my new OB appt yet.... It was such a cluster! I was very clear in why I booked my first appt, they gave me goodie bag of prenatals, all the paper work for hospital and what meds not to take... but it wasn't an OB appt? Then they made us feel stupid for questioning them.... Keep in mind this is the same practice that missed that I was in heart failure, missed that I was severely anemic requiring 2 blood transfusions, and missed that my DD was over 10lbs, resulting in shoulder dystocia during delivery! So in the end the OB office tried to "fix" things. They coded my sono as OB so I didn't have to pay the $93, said I could go do blood work on the 15th, etc., but we had to kick and scream to get these things done. So I scheduled an appointment with a new OB in a different practice for tomorrow. Fingers crossed it goes well! If it does then I have to call my old OB and tell them they are fired. I hate confrontation!

Thanks for reading this far! :winkwink:

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