My ovidrel showed up yesterday packaged in a big thick styrofoam cooler looking thing. DH was like, "What the hell, were you needing a kidney or something??" Ha! They had it packaged w/ three of those frozen packs in an insulated bag, and the styrofoam cooler looked almost (but not quite) large enough to contain an organ. Anyway, the ovidrel is now sitting in my fridge waiting for instructions on when to use.

That crazy! Ovidrel doesn't have to be refridgerated unless it's been more than 28 days. It says so on the box, lol
I just looked at my instructions for Ovidrel, and it says you can either refrigerate it or keep it at room temperature, but it says before you inject it, to make sure it's room temperature, so there's no harm in letting it sit out (especially since you don't have kids, and I don't think DH will want to use it! :haha:)

Sis-Oh yeah..I forgot that you took a test on Wed. I'm going to go with wackadoodle cycle.
Oldermom-Hi!!! How are you doing these days?

I am recovering nicely, thank-you!
One thing I have concluded...the doctor who did the surgery (who was great on the day of the surgery) has an office that is a mess. I called on Tuesday with a question for the doctor (as I left the state and had no post-op appointment), I was dizzy and REALLY tired. I needed to know if that was normal (I am normally borderline anemic, the surgery likely put me over the edge). The doc wasn't in the office that day, and after a lot of phone tag, they decided to leave a message for the doctor himself (apparently nobody there could answer my question, either). :wacko:
Fast forward to today, STILL haven't heard back from the doctor. Called them, was told the doctor isn't in today, call back Monday. :growlmad:
I was lucky and felt better after a few more days, but what if it had been more serious?? I wouldn't have called back at all, but I need to know that they will send my surgery post-op report to my (awesome) doctor. Nope, couldn't find that out, have to wait until Monday. :dohh: They spent a good amount of time flipping around looking for my results, then just told me that they can't be sent without the doctor's say, and when was your surgery again?!? :growlmad: :gun: It has been over a week since my surgery, what's wrong with his staff?!?
Anyway....I am doing pretty good. Thanks for asking. :blush:

So sad ladies 224 :cry::cry::cry:



Oh, garfie!! :hugs: I am holding out hope until the scan! Radkat is right, the scan will tell you more. :hugs: Praying for you, lady. :kiss:
Garfie - keep thinking positive...not everyone doubles and there was so much confusion going on...

Erin - enjoy the spa day - jealous!!!

Terri - I'm glad things are moving forward for you.

AFM - still waiting for AF - which likely means another cyst. Glad I wasn't planning anything for this next cycle.
Garfie, I'm sorry your results weren't better, but how far apart were your tests? 48 hours is the average, but not the hard rule. It went up, so focus on the positive!

Wish, sorry you are feeling well, and DH issues don't help, but try and enjoy your trip. I think it's a great time for you guys to be apart and really get a chance to think about things. I. Home you come home refreshed!

Sis, sorry you're having a crazy time! Hopefully this month is just a crazy cycle for you and next month everything is back to normal. That will also give DH time to straighten up and focus on the important things in life! I hope you are able to communicate what you both are feeling and find a way to work things out. :hugs: Marriage is never easy, but a great marriage/spouse is worth working to keep! My DH and I are both on our second marriage (was married for 16 years before this one!) and that is one thing we agree on....there is no out. We have great days and every now and then we want to kill each other, but ultimately he is worth it.

Erin, I heard there is a lot of money to be made selling organs! :haha: so jealous of your spa day!

Terri, so glad your DH loved his gift! Very thoughtful of you!

I know there is more that I need to respond to, but after a full day at Seaworld I can barely keep my eyes open! I'll have to skim the posts again in the AM and address what I've missed.
Hey ladies, sorry I will try to reply back more tomorrow, but I am so tired it's hard to think straight.

Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you Garfie and I know it's impossible not to worry, and being in limbo is the worst feeling, but try to keep busy this weekend so you can just get to Monday and have the ultrasound. That will give you answers. Praying for you girl.

OlderM--Glad to hear you are recovering but what a hot mess that dr. office is. Oy!

Will reply more tomorrow.

AFM--This morning I absolutely felt like I wasn't pregnant. By tonight I'm having a change of heart. DH and I had a date night and I cut it short cuz the wine didn't seem that appealing and my dinner tasted awful (which guts me because it was a fancy, pricey one!) I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open to type this, I feel naseous and have a headache. Could be food poisoning, too, but I'm still going to test tomorrow just because I'm becoming suspicious. It may not be anything pg-related but these feelings are enough to make me not feel stupid for testing.
I shall update tomorrow and respond back to everyone properly. Nitey nites!
Congrats vjean!

Erose-so beyond jealous of your spa day. Hope it was great!

Garfie-I know easier said than done but I hope you can keep busy this weekend. :hugs:

Older-that's so frustrating! I'm glad that your situation improved and that you started feeling better on your own. How scary!

Kate-Hope it's a BFPS today!

Well, I tested early since I'm going to a party today and of course, a glaring "Not pregnant" on the screen. I'm so depressed but also mad at myself because it is technically a bit early (11-12 dpo - I personally think 11). I should have just waited because I'm still not going to drink much today - maybe a glass of wine if anything. Ugh - month after month after month after month. But the truth is, no real symptoms anyway...

Praying no one in the family makes baby comments today - don't think I can handle it. :(
kfs1-Sorry for the BFN, but I guess it's better safe than sorry. And more sorry that you'll have to put on a "nice" face if someone does make a baby making comment. The other day was bring your kids to work day, and someone jokingly asked if I brought my kids. I said 'Yeah, there are cells forming in my belly right now!' and then later I went by and said 'Wait..they have doubled! I'm having twins!!!' Everyone at work knows that I'm always in a good mood, and joking and laughing, but really...get out of my business. They will not know I'm pregnant until they see my belly sticking out. Try to have fun at the party anyway. :friends:

VJean-So happy to hear an update from you, and glad you're having a boy. That's great news...any names yet?

Katie-I am going to be gone all day, but when I get back, I hope to be hearing good news from you. fxfxfx.

Oldermom-Sigh, I am sorry that office sucks, but at least the actual doctor was nice..too bad his workers are incompetent. Hopefully Monday you'll get the confirmation that your results were sent. Even if they say they are, I would call the awesome doctor to confirm. Look at what happened with my work nurse. She's a bumbling idiot.

Wish-Hope you're feeling better on travel day today. Enjoy the beach! Life's a beach! hee hee. That slogan always makes me laugh.
Oldermom-Sigh, I am sorry that office sucks, but at least the actual doctor was nice..too bad his workers are incompetent. Hopefully Monday you'll get the confirmation that your results were sent. Even if they say they are, I would call the awesome doctor to confirm. Look at what happened with my work nurse. She's a bumbling idiot.

Too true. Good that your prolactin levels are normal, though! :happydance:

Well, I tested early since I'm going to a party today and of course, a glaring "Not pregnant" on the screen. I'm so depressed but also mad at myself because it is technically a bit early (11-12 dpo - I personally think 11). I should have just waited because I'm still not going to drink much today - maybe a glass of wine if anything. Ugh - month after month after month after month. But the truth is, no real symptoms anyway...

Praying no one in the family makes baby comments today - don't think I can handle it. :(

:hugs::hugs: You are still pretty early yet. And if you need to take time to disconnect, take a few moments in the bathroom. That strategy worked for me many a time, including a baby shower for someone for whom it took literally seconds to reproduce. :hugs::hugs:

OlderM--Glad to hear you are recovering but what a hot mess that dr. office is. Oy!

AFM--This morning I absolutely felt like I wasn't pregnant. By tonight I'm having a change of heart. DH and I had a date night and I cut it short cuz the wine didn't seem that appealing and my dinner tasted awful (which guts me because it was a fancy, pricey one!) I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open to type this, I feel naseous and have a headache. Could be food poisoning, too, but I'm still going to test tomorrow just because I'm becoming suspicious. It may not be anything pg-related but these feelings are enough to make me not feel stupid for testing.
I shall update tomorrow and respond back to everyone properly. Nitey nites!

Hot mess, hehe, that is what I call my hubby!
He told me yesterday that he has thoroughly defiled our bed in the bedroom (after being there two months on his own), but instead of cleaning the sheets, he is sleeping on the couch. :dohh:

Any update? :coffee:
Yay Vjean Congrats in the Boy kinda thought that when u where craving McDs!! :haha:

KFS1 I know how u feel I've literally had 4 people posting new baby pics on FB I'm so over it I want to shut it off!! :nope:
Go have fun and be carefree!!! :)

AFM full on Witch last nite been crying like a baby for 2 days I'm so sick of feeling this way so I'm just going to work on me
Going to my BFFs tonite to get away and Regulate a 17yr old party gotta get my Bat out!!
:grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:
Garfie am keeping everything crossed for you. Huge hugs.x
OlderMom - Glad you're OK. I'd be pissed with that dr's office.

Katie - Hmmm, are you gonna test? Let us know!

Kfs/Terri - People are way too nosey and think baby news is their business, but it's totally not. Actually one of the most private things there is actually. Hope the party went OK, Kfs.

Sis - A step back might be a good idea. Hope the party goes well. They'd better respect the bat.

Wish - Enjoy your beach walks and your time to relax/reflect.

AFM - As Sis suggested, I was hoping I'd be Oing soon, but no pos OPK. Temps and CM suggest now. Weird. Any thoughts?

VJean - Hooray for a boy. How exciting!
Hi ladies - I'll check in more later but just wanted to tell you that not only did I fall on my ass HARD in front of everyone at the party but that my DHs cousin, who's a nurse, decided to ask me about my infertility issues while we were sitting amongst people. Turns out that she casually asked my DH if we were trying and he went into quite some detail, not thinking she would say anything. I was in SHOCK and started immediately bawling but went right into the bathroom (thanks for that tip Oldermom). But she and my SIL followed me and I had to hear a lecture about "when a woman ovulates." Needless to say, I looked like a leunatic when I came out of the bathroom. I think the only blessing is that my DHs cousin has learned a lesson on etiquette when it comes to approaching that topic. AND my husband will think twice about sharing at a party as well (he felt soooo bad).
Oh, kfs1, I am soooo sorry. Sorry you fell down, and sorry you had to deal with those questions. What is wrong with people, and why are they so obsessed with your fertility? I think you have to tell them that you're not trying anymore because they are all too nosy, and just keep it to yourself. Haven't you told them multiple times that "you're working on it, etc..." UGH!! I'm getting so angry with them for continually asking. They need to get their own lives.

My hubs knows that he can tell people 'we're trying' but that's when I'm not around. If I'm around, I'll field the questions. Of course, people have given him advice and since he's clueless for the most part, he just agrees with them or nods his head or whatever guys do. *rolling eyes*

So sorry..hope today you feel better. :hugs:
sis, I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad during this AF. :( I hope you were able to have a little fun with your BFF last night.

vjean, congrats on the boy!! How sweet!

Garfie, looking forward to getting some good news from you on your next hcg results. :)

Oldermom, I had to laugh at your comment about your DH sleeping on the couch rather than just washing the sheets, haha! What is it with men?

kfs, wow, that is one of those parties where you wake up the next morning and just sorta wish you could undo the whole evening. I'm so sorry. There are people that know I've been TTC for a while, and they never bring it up, so I have a hard time wrapping my head around such nosy people! :hugs:

Terri, my DH is the same... if someone were to ask while I'm not around, he'd likely just nod his head at any advice, and he'd probably forget to even mention it to me. I find it hilarious when people don't know quite how long its been, and they attempt advice like "Prop your hips up on a pillow after, that works every time!" And I'm thinking...ok, I am already SO far beyond having used that advice.

Hi to everyone else, and sorry I'm sure I missed several posts!

AFM, I woke up to a pos OPK this morning and wanted to throw the thing across the room. I really dont know what it is with my body always being so eager to ovulate early as hell every cycle. Even on Clomid, instead of O'ing five days after the last pill, I'd O four days after the last pill. Now using the Femara days 3-7, here I am already getting a pos OPK. At first I thought, maybe false positive since I just took my last pill on Fri. But the CB Digital supposedly isn't affected by meds. Maybe I'm wrong though. I would normally just BD a ton of times and just see what happens, but this is supposed to be a trigger/IUI cycle. My day 10 u/s is scheduled for tomorrow, and I'm scared to death that its going to be too late. I just left a message with the on-call nurse just to see what she has to say about it. Does anyone have any insight as to whether these clinics would take this into consideration, or do they ignore these OPKs and just go by u/s only?
I'm on CD 15 and still no peak after taking 50mg Clomid this cycle. If I don't peak tonight, I have to call the clinic tomorrow for them to do an ultrasound and blood work to see what's going on. How late in your cycle have you Clomid ladies ovulated? Do I still have a shot or am I looking at an anovulatory cycle this month?

This is so disappointing! Had such high expectations for this month. So many shooting pains in both ovaries this cycle I thought for sure... I'm trying not to lose hope.
L.Ann, Do you use fertility friend? Can you put your chart in your signature, or post it so we can all stalk you? I'm going to take Clomid for the first time next cycle, so I can't help you as far as ovulation goes. :shrug:

Welcome, btw.

Sis-I'm sorry you're feeling so badly the past few days as well. Hopefully time spent with your bestie will make you feel a little better. :hugs:

ERose-I don't know the answer, but hopefully the nurse will call you back. I'm going to ask about OPKs when I go back too. I just bought a pack of 20, so I'll use them regardless of what they say, but I won't let it freak me out. Oh...and I called to order my medicine, and they said the same thing about keeping the Ovidrel refrigerated. I was going to ask the lady on the phone, but she's just a phone representative. I'm going to keep mine at room temperature so it's ready to go when I need it.

Radkat-I hope you're not having a wonky cycle as well. I would just keep BD'ing. I thought sure you were about to ovulate too...we'll see what your temps say. They look like they're on the upswing.
I'm on CD 15 and still no peak after taking 50mg Clomid this cycle. If I don't peak tonight, I have to call the clinic tomorrow for them to do an ultrasound and blood work to see what's going on. How late in your cycle have you Clomid ladies ovulated? Do I still have a shot or am I looking at an anovulatory cycle this month?

This is so disappointing! Had such high expectations for this month. So many shooting pains in both ovaries this cycle I thought for sure... I'm trying not to lose hope.

Hi L.Ann! When I took Clomid on days 5-9, I was O'ing around cd13 or so, but it was my Dr's goal to push my Ovulation out because I used to O on cd10 without meds. So I think my body is just overly eager to O each cycle. A girlfriend of mine who was on meds didn't O until cd17, so its different for every woman. They say you should ovulate between 5-9 days after taking your last pill, so you're still in the window, and since you're seeing your Dr tomorrow, you'll get more answers then. Keep us posted!
I got a call back from the nurse. They recommend not using OPKs until three days after taking last pill (which I already knew, but I feel like i have to stay on top of this crap since I O so early). She said its possible that Femara caused a false pos this morning, so they want me to test again in the morning. If it's still pos in the morning, she said most likely it was a real LH surge. If that happens, I am supposed to take the trigger shot in the morning, and I will go in tomorrow for the IUI. If it's not pos in the morning, she said they'll assume it was false pos, and I'll just go in for my regular appt, which was the day10 U/S and bloodwork.

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