Sorry I've been MIA ladies I've been having a real tough time and thought for sure AF would show yesterday after that drop!! :shrug:
We'll I've had bad shooting pains in my right ovary but no AF Cyst????

So I took a OPK this AM and it almost +++++ WTF has anyone had this right before AF??

I didn't take my P all day yesterday assuming AF was on the way do I take it today or wait this out why is my OPK so dark???

Sorry Im usually pretty good about figuring all this out but this is a bit off??!!?? :shrug:

Miss u all dearly!!!
Future - good luck today! I'm not sure what meds they were talking about. I imagine they'll prescribe something if they suspect an infection but nothing else otherwise.

Terri - you said it - both still jagged but I'm the winner for today, I guess. ;). Let us know how the hubs birthday was.

Good luck to you both at your appointments today!
Sorry I've been MIA ladies I've been having a real tough time and thought for sure AF would show yesterday after that drop!! :shrug:
We'll I've had bad shooting pains in my right ovary but no AF Cyst????

So I took a OPK this AM and it almost +++++ WTF has anyone had this right before AF??

I didn't take my P all day yesterday assuming AF was on the way do I take it today or wait this out why is my OPK so dark???

Sorry Im usually pretty good about figuring all this out but this is a bit off??!!?? :shrug:

Miss u all dearly!!!

Sis - I've never had a postive OPK right before my period but then again, I think I only tested using this method once or twice. Is there any reason why you shouldn't take P when your period is approaching? If not, I say get back on it just to be on the safe side for sure!

Miss you. Hope you're doing OK. :hugs:
Sis, I went back and looked at my notes in my chart because I knew I recalled using an OPK right before I found out about the cyst (who knows why, I'm just weird like that). I used one for two days straight, and they were both really light, and then AF came a couple days later. My OPKs didnt get super dark until after the thing was removed. That was my experience, at least. I thought I'd heard that a cyst can cause dark OPKs, but that wasn't my case.

Perhaps you should start using that P again, and just run and get a FRER, just in case...?
Sis - I've had both a POS OPK when pregnant and before AF - not helping I know - so at this stage it could go either way, has the witch flown in - your temps look good but its hard to say because your on progesterone - I personally would go back on it for a few more days:hugs:

ER - We all like a bit of line porn - go sis grab a frer:happydance:

Terri - When do you get the results?:hugs:

I really need to sit down and read your posts ladies - but at the moment my head is elsewhere:wacko:

AFM - I got my first beta back 160! (as you know) - yep I couldn't believe it either BUT the Dr said it was on the low side (13DPO) (as we know) so of course I was a nervous wreck last night and when I woke and took my temperature it had DROPPED down to 36.63 :cry: and of course I have convinced myself that my symptoms are going etc etc - I know it's quite a drop but hubby confessed this morning to opening the window last night as I was boiling and he went downstairs for a few hours:wacko: maybe that had something to do with my temps:shrug:

Anyway today I go for my second HCG test so here's hoping it's 320 or more:happydance:

If not I know what that temp drop means:cry: I daren't even put it on my chart - how silly is that:wacko:


Thanks ladies my temps are way to low to be PG so I'm thinking Cyst or another O is that even possible ???
Maybe it's the VITEX but I've always taken it every day so who knows!!

I took a FRER yesterday B4 I stopped the P stark white so I'm not thinking its picking up HCG!?!!? :shrug:

Just more Drama for my already insane life!!! :nope:

GL Garfie hang in there Love!!! :hugs: I know how hard it is!!
Sis - Super BIG :hugs: and a :flower: - I am sorry your cycle is so screwy... sometimes I just let myself think - it isn't fair... but I know that gets us no where... believe me I feel you on the insane life part... anyway I am going to hope that everything sorts itself out sooner rather than later... as always you have us to vent to... :friends:

Garfie - My everything is crossed that your beta comes back triply - so you can not worry so much (if that is possible) sounds like you had a screwy night so maybe that is all the temp drop is reflecting... just hold on sister... :hugs:

:hi: everyone... hope your Thursday is going great...

AFM: I am sick. I went to dr he says it is allergies and gave me a HUGE :saywhat: steroid shot in my arm (holy hell that hurt - still does) and allergy meds... i hope he is right because traveling this sick is REALLY going to suck :growlmad:
and :witch: arrived last night - and is here with a vengence today - which makes the sickness that much worse...
and for those of you who asked about my new pic - that is our engagement pic (yes the one I put in the local newspaper :haha:) we were hunting in Jan 2013 - the last deer season... my DH shot a deer out in BFE and we were lugging it back to the car - I was carrying the two back legs and got separated from him... when I finally found him I was so upset (worried the coyotes were gonna get me - nevermind I also had a loaded shotgun - i wasn't thinking ok????:rofl:)
and then he got down on one knee and proposed - out in the middle of NOWHERE... it was awesome ladies... just awesome... :) and this is the picture I took right after - blood, sweat, gun and my guy... *sigh* it was good to just relive that...

Have a great day ladies - I am going home and going to bed...
Well google isn't helping keeps pulling up PG people testing w OPKS :nope:

I'm guessing +++OPK 15dpo or CD28 will do that!!

Also in my YEARS of temping I've never had such a low temp for AF or O??

Here's a pic of the 2 this Am not quite ++ but close???? They are darker in real life camera always makes things lighter as we all know w line porn!! :haha:
Thanks wish I know that feeling All too well wanting to remember How Happy u where and wondering what happened along the way to change everything!! :cry:
We'll life happens and we forget to take care of each other and ourselves because we are too darn busy!!

No more I'm loosing weight too I'm sick of being the Fat House wife So I'm going to start thinking about a Job again wow it's been 7yrs but I can do it and I need too incase things don't work out for us in the end!! :thumbup:

Chin up Sugar Pop hope u feel better!!!
Kayotic - Fantastic news on the beta!

Terri - We need updates! How was hubs' bday dinner? Any SA results? How'd your appt go? I guess I need to know a lot of things about what's going on with your life! :haha:

FutureMom - I didn't get any meds after my mc and I had a D&C. I would think you would only need it if you had an infection. :shrug:

Katie - I'm so glad your aunt is OK. Shocking that the info was everywhere and they still gave it to her! Very scary. I've heard the thing about couples staying together because they didn't want to get divorced at the same time. It sounds kinda grim, but probably just more realistic.

Wish - Love that you're bringing out the engagement pic. What a story! He was thinking, this girl can lug half a deer from the forest - She's for me! It's nice to remind ourselves of why we love our SO's so much and try to get back there. I'm sorry you're sick and that you got a shot! :growlmad:

Sis - I have no idea about the almost +OPK. I'm really hoping it's not a cyst.

Garfie - My advice would be to stop temping. I did 2 days after my BFP because I got a drop and it freaked me out. Just go on the betas, which yours so far are great. :thumbup:
Wish, what a sweet, funny story! Love it!

Sis, what the??? Gosh, I wish I knew what to tell you about the dark OPK, but like Erin said, I feel like I've read cycsts can cause that, but not 100% positive. But if you are experiencing some sharp pains near your ovary, I would assume that's a possibility??

Garfie, Very excited to hear about your next beta results. Yeah, step away from the thermometer, will you?? Don't cause unnecessary stress on yourself and just savor being pregnant!

Hi to everyone else!
I have actually had a busy work day today so I will update on everyone else when I get home.

For the most part things were good. They recommended that hubs return for another SA just to make sure that his numbers weren't a fluke, but then he said 'well, if you go the IUI route, we can check the numbers, so don't worry about a retest.' Thank goodness. As difficult as it was for him, I don't want to have to tell him he has to take another one.

They said he had 16 million/mL (they normally like to see >20), 69% motility (they like >50), and 58 (or 5.8) something (maybe morphology) but I can't read the word (they want >4). I could probably go back and look at my original paperwork when I get home.

So I have three IUI options or IVF. My insurance said I can go right to IVF, but I'm going to try IUI option two (I'm a middle daughter), which has a 10-12% success rate. Compared to the 0% that we have going on now, I'm jumping for joy. Option 1 is clomid (50 mg, twice per day, CD5-9) and monitoring, Option 2 is clomid (CD3-7) + injections (CD9-11) and monitoring, and option 3 is daily FSH shots. Option 3 has the best chances of working, but the highest chances for multiples.

They also gave me some pamphlets to read and a lot of information that I will look through tonight because I'm excited. I was nervous going in especially when my doctor said 'I've invited another doctor from a nearby hospital to sit with us.' I was freaking out as if something was really wrong. I said 'Is my case that serious?' He started laughing and said 'No, it's a resident, checking out our practice.' I laughed and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

I think I'm in good shape...

kfs1-Hubs loved his gift. He was thanking me profusely this morning. We were at cocktail hour, and he said it seemed like he was having a dream. He was shocked the entire hour we were there. Of course, he will only be there for 3 months, but he better enjoy every minute there as it's super expensive. The members that talked to us were the typical "old money" types. They were missing their sweaters over their neck like Blair or Blayne in Pretty Woman [gah! Pretty In Pink], but it was totally that type of person. I had two glasses of wine at the cocktail hour and one at dinner. I went home and passed out. What a great day! HA!!HA!! I was giddy as a schoolgirl all night.

And as far as adoption-the facility that is near us based the cost on a sliding scale based on income. I now kind of wish I had done it as a single woman, BUT, I don't want to be a single mom, so I waited and now we'll be paying more, but hopefully it'll be worth it. They say we have to wait one year after marriage, so we have some time to look at some other facilities in the meantime.
Terri - so glad your hubs loved his birthday present. My husband would love that, too. And sounds like just a fun evening. Too funny about the Blair/Blayne reference - definitely puts an image into my head. :) And I'm happy that you feel good about the SA results and your appointment overall. Here's hoping for a BFP soon! :happydance:

Sis - That OPK definitely looks dark to me but alas, I have no helpful advice. Just :hugs: coming your way.

Wish - Love the engagement story. My husband proposed to me while I was covered in muck and wearing waders. We were meant to be friends. :) Hope those steroids kick in and you start to feel better soon. Allergies are the worst.

Garfie - I agree with everyone else. Step - away - from - the - thermometer. :)

Hi Katie, eRose, Radkat, and everyone else!
Thanks kfs!!! We were meant to be friends!!!
I forgot to say we served that very deer at our wedding reception!!!! Italian deer... people still talk about how good it was :)
Sis-Yikes...You know I have no idea, but just be patient and see what happens. Did you consider calling the nurse and going in just to make sure you don't have a cyst? I hope your pain stops soon...and sorry you're feeling so down, but yeah, maybe a job would help keep your mind occupied. If you do get a job, make sure it's something you like. Otherwise, you'll be miserable on top of miserable. And don't say that you're a fat housewife. You're you, and we love you, fat or skinny. <3

Radkat-Was my previous post enough about me? Here's more! I wear a size 8.5 narrow shoe, and btw, I went a little crazy with my shoe shopping. I pretend that I'm a medium width and the other day I ordered two pairs of sandals that were M. Well, of course, the straps were too wide, and my foot looked like a kid trying on an adult shoe. I went to the narrow part of the site, and all the shoes looked orthopedic/old lady-ish. I ended up ordering 4 pairs of the most attractive shoes they had, and guess what? They all fit, and they really look cute on my foot. I want to keep them all and I think I may just do that. :thumbup:

Wish-I hope things are much better at home, aside from the allergies. Hopefully the shot and meds will get you better by Saturday (or the time you leave. I can't remember now). Your engagement story was adorable, and how cool that you got to serve your engagement deer at your reception. That's double love. hee hee. I've never heard of an engagement deer, but it sounds endearing. Ba dum ching!

garfie-I agree with the others...leave the thermometer alone! What were the results today? It's almost 6pm here, so I know you have them by now. Spill..Good or bad, you know we are on your side, and care oodles (a lot) about you too.

Katie-I'm glad your aunt is getting better. So scary! What does she have to say about the situation? Is she angry, or simply happy that someone figured it out?

Futuremom-How did it go today at your appointment? Ready to get back in the game?

Smiles-check in, chica! How are you doing?

I forgot to ask the doctor about Femara, but I just emailed the nurse and she said that they do offer it, and do I want to call the doctor and find out what he recommends. I said 'No, I'll be ok this time, but if I have adverse affects, I will consider switching.' :shrug: I'm not going to think about negatives today. Maybe tomorrow but not today!
AFM.... I've had a hard weekend DH and I keep fighting and he's being really mean even his friend noticed the other nite!!
He keeps saying maybe it his way of grieving he's doesn't know why he feels this way!!
IDK either but I'm not going to sit here and take it!! :cry:

So I prob won't be around here anymore not sure we will be together much less be TTC anymore if things change I'll let u guys know!!!

I am so sorry, Sis! It hurts so much when the ones we love the most are mean and thoughtless. It sounds like he is lashing out at you- so he is hurting bad about something. Divorce is a hard, hard route (speaking from experience), so I hope you guys can find another way to reconnect. Couples counseling is a good option, sometimes having a mediator can help so much while we hash out the nasties. :hugs: and love, lady. :flower:



I had my HCG test yesterday and today I got my results - I have been informed they are low :wacko: okay when I go for my second lot tomorrow and if they haven't moved or gone up/down maybe then I will worry but for today again I am still pregnant wouldn't you agree?

My HCG level was 160 (at 13DPO):happydance::happydance:



Your levels sound perfect! Looking forward to your update! :coffee:

Needed todays beta to be 180 at min, it was 327!

Superbaby, indeed! :happydance:
Great news!

Thanks kfs!!! We were meant to be friends!!!
I forgot to say we served that very deer at our wedding reception!!!! Italian deer... people still talk about how good it was :)

I loved the story associated with your avatar pic. Sometimes remembering why we fell in love in the first place helps in the hard times. :hugs: Thank-you for telling us!
AFM - I got my first beta back 160! (as you know) - yep I couldn't believe it either BUT the Dr said it was on the low side (13DPO) (as we know) so of course I was a nervous wreck last night and when I woke and took my temperature it had DROPPED down to 36.63 :cry: and of course I have convinced myself that my symptoms are going etc etc - I know it's quite a drop but hubby confessed this morning to opening the window last night as I was boiling and he went downstairs for a few hours:wacko: maybe that had something to do with my temps:shrug:

Anyway today I go for my second HCG test so here's hoping it's 320 or more:happydance:

If not I know what that temp drop means:cry: I daren't even put it on my chart - how silly is that:wacko:



As you know, my first beta at 11DPo was 9. So, that would make my 13DPO beta 36. Yours is NOT low and its perfectly normal.

Your temps can and will dip, its normal unless you have a lot of temps under coverline.

* At 14 DPO, the average HCG level is 48 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-119 mIU/ml.

If you go to betabase, you can search average HCG by DPO.
Terri--Good stuff all around! You must be so relieved. I think you are definitely in good shape!

Wish--How funny that you served that same deer at your wedding reception! I think that's what Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton did, too. Look how fancy you are keeping up with the country music elite trends!

Garfie--I'm getting worried because we haven't heard from you yet. I hope you're doing alright. <3

Hi to everyone else!

AFM--I'm somewhere around 7 to 8 dpo. This weekend, I'm supposed to go over and drink wine with a friend. That would be 9 to 10 DPO. I kind of like to test that morning just in case...but do you think there is a chance I could get a faint positive (God willing!) on a FRER? Is that really the most sensitive test? Gaw! They are expensive and I'm a penny pincher, so it's shocking I'm even thinking of getting one. :)
I'm in the same boat Katie. I'm going to a party at my sister-in-laws this weekend and I'm tempted to test just to be sure. But I really hate testing early. That being said, my friend found out she was pregnant the day after she shared a bottle of wine with her mom. ;)

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