Katie.....congratulations!!!:happydance: Lines are looking good! I wouldn't worry about the progression part of it, j know easier said than done. :winkwink:
Fezzle-Ok..onto the next step of increased metformin. I hope this really does the trick. It seems like last month you were so close to ovulating, but did or didn't quite get there. I hope you are on holiday when you O too. How fun!

Futuremom-Sorry you still have residual stuff inside. I say yeah, go on and schedule the D&C so you can get back to business. Are you feeling ok?

kfs1-Yeah for scheduling all that stuff. You are on a mission. I agree that you should wait for O before your Dh goes in for SA. that's the best, timing wise.

Kayotic-A hernia? Oh no...what do you have to do to make it better? I don't know much about them.

ERose-I can't remember what your update said...oh trigger last night and IUI tomorrow? Are you excited? I am. I feel like it's happening to me. hee hee.

garfie-I feel like I can't give you enough hugs. I feel so heartbroken for you. I really do. I don't know how you do this. You're my hero.

nessaw, Vjean, Sis, Radkat, Wish, Oldermom, (everyone else)-Hello!!

AFM-I called the pharmacy on Saturday to order my meds, and the lady there asked how much I wanted to put on my card to cover copays. I asked how much the meds would cost out of pocket. She said $550. I said 'ok, just put that.' She said 'That's too much. There's no way it will be that much. It should be about $50.' So I said 'Fine, put $50.' Then I got a call yesterday saying that the copays were $102, and do I still want the medicine? I said 'yes' duh...hee hee. So now I should get the meds on Wednesday. Good thing I called early because if I missed my first day of meds I would've been mad. I thought AF might be here early and surprise me and that's why I called on Saturday, and today, she's still not here. I'm not complaining, but where is she?? I guess she's due on May 01, but as low as my temps have been, you'd think she'd be here by now. I'm hoping for a dramatic temperature rise any day. HA!!HA!! A girl can dream, right? :sleep: Oh, and speaking of dreams, I've had two in two nights. :) Dreams make me happy because I can rarely recall them, so when I do, it's a nice surprise.
Hi ladies! I almost didn't test this morning, because I wanted to wait and test every 2 days. But I was in bed making myself sick wondering if I should test or not because I didn't want to see the line getting lighter. But I thought, what will be, will be and the outcome will not be changed whether I pee on a stick today or not. Cramps and backache started again today, which is unnerving, but I'm super excited about today's test. :headspin:

It never leaves the back of my mind that these lines can start getting lighter again, but I'm trying to enjoy and appreciate every moment that I am pregnant. I'll get the first beta results back today from yesterday's appt., as well. Excited, but nervous. :shock:

Okay, NOW I am going to go back and catch up on everyone else's lives and work myself out of my "ME ME ME" bubble. I've just been on pins and needles since Saturday, and I appreciate everyone's kind words and patience with me! <3


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Garfie&#8212;Thinking of you lots. It doesn&#8217;t help ease the pain, I know, but sometimes it helps to know that there are people out there who care. And in your case, it&#8217;s a lot of people. I just hope time is being kind to you.

Sis-- So, what&#8217;s going on with your painful ovary and bleeding now? Still stopped? And if you and DH are BD, ummmm&#8230;.that&#8217;s a good thing! Hope things are moving along better on that home front!

Kfs1&#8212;I&#8217;m sorry that AF came. And what an ordeal at that party. That is just terrible. However. People will think twice before they decide to bring up the topic again. And they should. It&#8217;s just rude. On the SA, our insurance doesn&#8217;t pay for it at a fertility clinic either and it would have cost $150. But I totally agree with the others and see if you can find a urologist&#8217;s office who can do it where you&#8217;re insurance will cover it! It&#8217;s worth a shot. Tomorrow is the day for you at the RE! Hooray!! You know, even though AF can really mess up your mind, I think it&#8217;s wonderful that you are immediately moving into fertility testing because it gives you something else to focus on and it&#8217;s a new avenue of actively working on making this happen! Have you done acupuncture before?

VJean&#8212;Congrats on having a little blue bundle! A girl and a boy, how sweet is that? So, very happy for you! Your hubby must be over the moon to have a little guy to do guy stuff with!

Terri&#8212;What is going on with your cycle?! Okay, so here&#8217;s the thing. You know I don&#8217;t chart. But I just looked at your chart and said, &#8220;Whoaaa. What the frick frack is going on with her chart?!&#8221; It&#8217;s like a ping pong match all over the grid! And now it&#8217;s going back up. Isn&#8217;t it supposed to go down when you are ready for AF?! What is up??

Wish&#8212;Are you on vacation or working in NC? Either way, if a beach is involved it sounds like heaven. Enjoy your time in the sand and sun!

Smiles&#8212;I have no idea how you are doing it, not knowing the gender of this little high-fiver. Serious discipline there. Do you think you&#8217;ll change your mind or not? That picture is too much!

Moni&#8212;How are you doing with your time of TTC freedom? Has it still been as refreshing and relaxing for you?

Kayotic&#8212;Yowsas! A hernia? How did that happen? Do they need to do anything to treat the cyst and hernia? Was it the hernia that was actually giving you the pain or the little cyst? But what super news about the sac and yolk!

Fezzle&#8212;That must be a relief to know if you don&#8217;t get pregnant in the next couple of months, you will have a referral to an RE in July. That must take some pressure off you, as well. And good luck with the soy isoflaven regiment. For so many ladies, it has done wonders and many people swear by the soy isoflavens taken at those days for helping them get pregnant. I&#8217;m hoping you are one of them! I took them for one cycle and it royally messed it up&#8230;.but that&#8217;s because I had no business taking them and it fell under the category of &#8220;I have to try everything because something might work!&#8221; But soy sounds like a perfect avenue for you!

Future Mom&#8212;Ugh, I&#8217;m sorry that this is just dragging on for you. Are you going to do the D&C? Now, what do you mean &#8220;try again before it&#8217;s too late?&#8221; Are you guys on a timetable? I&#8217;m sorry if I missed something?

Radkat&#8212;YES to the catch 22. I always have to test in the morning, even though it&#8217;s not recommended, cuz I can&#8217;t hold my pee for that long to test in the afternoon. Have you thought about trying Mucinex pills (the over the counter cold pills) for increased CM? That&#8217;s what my doctor recommended since my cervix doesn&#8217;t produce normal amounts of CM due to a past surgery on it. May give it a shot. It can&#8217;t hurt!

Erin&#8212;Excited for your current cycle. Wednesday is another big day here on the thread. IUI, here you come! You will have to let us know how it goes!

OlderM&#8212;That&#8217;s funny about your husband sleeping on the couch. Hee hee! It&#8217;s a running joke between me and my husband about the house being a disaster when I&#8217;m out of town. I had told him that my ex-boyfriend used to leave the house in shambles when I&#8217;d be gone on business trips, and I&#8217;d come home exhausted, only to find a filthy house. So, my husband always makes a big deal about how bad he&#8217;s let the house get when I&#8217;m away&#8230;and he sends me pictures off the internet of disgusting microwaves, toilets, dishwashers, etc., claiming they are our house. It&#8217;s funny. Men!

Am I properly caught up? I hope I didn&#8217;t miss anyone&#8217;s recent posts. Off to spend the day with DD. I SHOULD be vacuuming the house before we go, but I&#8217;m not gonna. The dog hair and dust can wait another day. I&#8217;m going to enjoy this day, dirty floors and all. :)
Garfie, I'm so sorry to hear this news. My heart just breaks for you. I really thought this was it for you. Huge hugs to you. If I could see you in person, I'd hug you really tight.
Katie, I already said it, but with that dark line, I'll have to say it again... a huge CONGRATS to you and DH!

Terri, yes, trigger was last night, and IUI is tomorrow. I did an OPK today, and it was SUPER SUPER dark, and CB digi had a smiley. I have no doubt that's being caused by the trigger shot, so I'm just praying that my typically over-eager ovaries will hold onto that egg until as close to the IUI as possible. Yes, I'm pretty excited! For the most part, I'm just going about my business, but when I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach. I'm excited for you too!! I'm sure since you're starting with a medicated/monitored cycle soon, you're probably anxious for AF to get here! (but i'm secretly hoping for a temp jump for you too, hehe!)
Erose the trigger will make that OPK and HPt super dark u have to watch Ur temp now no point in taking any test after that trigger !!!

GL hope u cath that eggy I know w me I need to go a day after trigger cuz I always started to surge on my own B4 trigger I think the only way I got a BFP last time was due to the Lil ones on the other side!!! ;)
Erose the trigger will make that OPK and HPt super dark u have to watch Ur temp now no point in taking any test after that trigger !!!

GL hope u cath that eggy I know w me I need to go a day after trigger cuz I always started to surge on my own B4 trigger I think the only way I got a BFP last time was due to the Lil ones on the other side!!! ;)

I kinda wish I could go in this afternoon for the IUI (the day after trigger, like you). But since the pos OPK I got on Sun was supposedly a false pos, they went ahead and stuck with the original plan, so i have to hold out until tomorrow morning. Since the OPK was neg on the morning of the third day after taking last pill, they assumed I had not had my actual surge. I really hope they are right. When you discovered that you were surging prior to triggering, did your RE just automatically start scheduling you for the day after the trigger? (I just realized, I dont even know how many IUIs you had before getting your BFP).

And yea, I realized this morning that there really is no point in using OPKs after triggering. That HCG in the shot is WAY strong right now.
Terri - glad that you're going to be able to get the meds in time. I hope you're able to move on to your next cycle soon!

Katie - LOVE those lines. And, yes it's still a bit scary, but as you said, you should absolutely enjoy every moment as much as you can! Thanks for the SA info. I'm fine with paying if we have to of course but I figured I'd just ask tomorrow since I'm going anyway. I haven't done acupuncture but I'm really thinking that I want to try it this month. I found someone online who seems great and is covered by my insurance so I'll bring her name along, too.

Kayotic - Hope you're doing OK with that hernia you poor thing. Try to take it easy.

Future - I hope you're able to get the d&c soon so that you can start to feel better and get back to normal. You've been through enough, that's for sure.

Garfie - Again, I'm so unbelievable sorry. No words.

Sis - How are you feeling today?

Erose - Veeerry excited for you this month. Good luck with everything.

Hi everyone else!
Katie-Those lines are o-mazing (that's what we say here in Birdland with the Baltimore Orioles). Congratulations!!!

Yeah, who cares about dust bunnies? hee hee. Did you tell DH yet? What did he have to say?
Peaked last night (finally), so I did IUI this morning... and now for the 2WW :p
Hi everyone!!

Great lines Katie!!

Everyone with the IUIs this week - FXed for a quick and productive 2ww.

AFM - AF finally started. Looking forward to relaxing the next 2-3 months. We'll see...
Kfs I'm Ok Thanks for asking not really sure what's up w my cycle had a spot today so it's been more than crazy probably a cyst so I'm just ginna double up on my VITEX and push on we aren't really TTC anyway !!!!

I'm on the DL like Garfie since DH never really turns down a BD ;)

My BFF and I are planning a Lil Vaca to Austin next week so that will be fun to relax and be away from Everything!! :happydance:

Also my BBFF (boy best friend) is flying in Thur for his Sis wedding so I'm excited to see him he always makes me feel better!!
He's been living in LA and been Doing some Modeling on the side so this should be a fun weekend!!!
My BFF said to ask him to be a Donor cuz he prob would do it for me and since DH told me a while back to cuz he had jacked up Sperm :nope:
but how weird would that be :haha:
I'm here I'm reading but swamped in class... And only able to post via phone - so short posts for me for now!!!
:hug: to all
Happy Birthday, Wish!!!!

Sis-Have fun in Austin! My bestie and I were there a few years ago, and had a fabulous time. Of course, she's a mom and was freaked out about all the college girls' dresses on 6th street. I just wanted to sing, dance, drink and be merry with the older crowd on 7th or 8th street. HA!!HA!! We loved taking pics with all the different painted cows/longhorns/bulls? Whatever animal they have all around the city.

Erose-This is it for you!! Hope your IUI lasts no longer than 5 minutes and your DH has a great count.

L.Ann-:coffee: for you now. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? You jumped in, but we don't really know you that well. Spill, chica!

I have been feeling very calm since Saturday, and then today when my temperature was the same, I thought 'What if I have PCOS???' Then I remembered that I am calm and everything is fine. hee hee. I have to get my blood drawn today for my blood type. I guess it was another oversight. I may have to leave work early for that. :thumbup:
Hi all,

Moni - Enjoy the mini-break. Hope you're able to step away from the stress for a bit.

Terri - How are you feeling? Any symptoms (BFP or AF)?

Katie - More line porn, please. :)

L.Ann - Woohoo. Good luck in the TWW!

Garfie - <3

Sis - A trip to Austin sounds amazing. I've heard such great things but have never been. And that's great that your BBFF is visiting - always nice to focus on other things in life other than TTC. Hahaha - interesting about the donor sperm. Probably would make for some pretty good looking babies, though. ;)

Hi Wish, eRose, Fezzle, Smiles, Older, Blues, VJean, Sweetpotato, Momof3, Radkat, Driving, Kayotic, Futuremom, and everyone else. :wave:

Big appointment today for me at 1. I'm a bit nervous but excited. I was thinking about it on the drive in today - this is my last shot at conceiving while I'm 35 (my bday's in June). Not like that matters really - just another year down the tubes. And if I am lucky enough to get pregnant this month, I will have to POAS on a camping trip at the end of the month! That should be interesting... :)
kfs1-Your appointment will go great, I'm sure. I hope your doctor is really nice and explains everything to you. That's funny about POAS while camping. hee hee. I would like to do more camping, but I'm not that skilled at it. Hubs and I are going to camp out in the backyard one day when it gets nicer, but I don't feel self-sufficient enough to camp in the woods by ourselves. Hmmm..Maybe I should look into an information session at REI. Thanks for the idea.

Oh..so I put on FF that my back has been hurting a bit for the past two days. It feels like I need a massage. I will blame it on riding my motorcycle for three days straight and I'm just a little sore and out of practice. I sit very upright when I ride. I don't feel anything AF or BFP related. Just biding my time. My meds get here today, so I guess I'll be eager to get to CD3 when I go back to the specialist. I have a dollar store test at home, but I'm unsure if I want to use it-and you guys can't pressure me. :haha:

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