:rofl: KFs1 that's what my BFF said baby Blues Yumm!!! :haha:
I'll have to snap a pic while he's poolside for your enjoyment!! ;)
We tried to date in Highschool but he was always like my Lil bro and that's just kinda weird!!

Have a great Apt!!!

Terri yes the longhorns we have them here too in the medical center I've been to Austin a bunch but not in a long time and not w out the Fam so it should be interesting to say the least since my BFF is on a mission for FUN!!
Yeah snap a picture! hee hee.
Are you just going up for the weekend? There's so much to do in Austin, and such good food too! The food trucks, the bats (scary, mama), the LBJ Library (HA!!HA!!-we're nerds, shutty), UT, etc...fun times.
Hi Ya!

Thinking of Erin and kfs1 on their big days today (IUI and RE appt, respectively). Can't wait to hear from you ladies and see how everything went!

kfs1--Have you jumped over to the "Chinese Acupuncture" thread on the 35+ section? I'm a June baby also...June 10th, but I'm 36, turning 37. Turning 36 ain't no thang. Actually, in terms of being pregnant, being over 35 will work in your favor cuz they'll give you extra attention. They'll monitor your pregnancy more closely. You'll get a bunch of ultrasounds and tests and stuff. So, it's actually good in my opinion!

Terri--I CANNOT believe you don't have AF, you haven't tested, and your temps have not dropped. Granted they are weird temps, but still!!!!! When is AF due? I'm slightly on the verge of anger with you. But just slightly!

Sis--Have fun with your BFF and your BFFF! I think this is perfet timing for you to have fun with your closest friends. They help to center us and make us forget this TTC shit. Unless they are TTC, too, and then you're kind of stuck. But considering your BFF wants to party it up in Austin, I doubt she's in TTC mode....and the BFFF is self-explanatory. :) I love Austin, too. Who doesn't love Austin, really? Any particular reason you chose to go there for vacay?

AFM--Line porn attached. Bottom test is this morning's. Today I've actually allowed myself to exhale and feel optimistic and happy and start thinking ahead. I mean, I truly feel that way...not forcing myself to be happy and relieved. Kind of like when I tried doing "The Secret." I'd force myself to have positive thoughts because I was trying to follow "The Secret," but it was really just an act because I knew what I was really doing. Ha! My soul didn't really feel it. Today, my soul feels this pregnancy.

Beta at 12 dpo--101
Beta at 14 dpo--262

I'm so grateful today.


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    Preg test 2.jpg
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Great progression, Katie- those lines are looking great! I'm glad you're feeling positive!

Sis- hope you have a great time in Austin! I've never been but my brother loved it there (he went for SXSW a few years ago) and one of my friends almost moved there she loved it so much.

kfs- good luck with your appointment!

AFM- just waiting to ovulate :coffee:
Katie! Awesome beta results, lady!!! I'm happy that you're happy and feeling optimistic. Btw, you're being paged on the testing thread. Everyone will be so excited to close out the month with your news.

Don't get mad at me for not testing! I just don't think it's going to be positive, and I don't want to see a negative. I seriously don't feel anything except calm. So...I'm just in limbo, and right now, I'm ok with that. HA!!HA!! AF is supposed to be here tomorrow or the next day, so I can wait a few more days to see if she shows up. My chart sure would be one for the record books if it turns out that I'm "in a family way." HA!!HA!! That's what my dad says. He's so old fashioned.

Off for bloodwork!
kfs, let us know how your appt went! I'm sure it went great!

Terri, wow, still no AF! Woot woot! :thumbup: Viewing the backache as a good sign, lady! ;)

Katie, WOW! I'm loving those lines, thanks for continuing to share. :) I look at those lines longingly and I yearn for the day I see something like that at 14dpo. :flower:

L.Ann, I'm excited for you this cycle! FXd this IUI was it for you!

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, the IUI this morning went fine. Took DH in for his "deposit" and then went back about 2 hours later for the procedure. My RE was literally in and out so fast. It was maybe 3 minutes, as far as the actual procedure itself. It wasn't even that uncomfortable. I've had pap smears that were more uncomfy than that. I laid there about 10-15 minutes, and then we were done. I will say though, I've been pretty bloated and uncomfortable ever since doing the shot, and about an hour after the IUI, that discomfort got worse. Not so much the bloating, but the lower abdominal discomfort. I don't know if I just O'd soon after the procedure or if it was just caused by something else. I was sitting in a meeting super uncomfy and then at some point I felt like something was comin' out down there (sorry TMI), so I got up and went to the restroom. I wiped a ton of EWCM, like I've never seen before in my life. Or at least, I'm assuming that's what it was....? Anyone know anything about that?? Anyway, finally now, about five hours later, I think the pain and discomfort is starting to subside.
AFM, the IUI this morning went fine. Took DH in for his "deposit" and then went back about 2 hours later for the procedure. My RE was literally in and out so fast. It was maybe 3 minutes, as far as the actual procedure itself. It wasn't even that uncomfortable. I've had pap smears that were more uncomfy than that. I laid there about 10-15 minutes, and then we were done. I will say though, I've been pretty bloated and uncomfortable ever since doing the shot, and about an hour after the IUI, that discomfort got worse. Not so much the bloating, but the lower abdominal discomfort. I don't know if I just O'd soon after the procedure or if it was just caused by something else. I was sitting in a meeting super uncomfy and then at some point I felt like something was comin' out down there (sorry TMI), so I got up and went to the restroom. I wiped a ton of EWCM, like I've never seen before in my life. Or at least, I'm assuming that's what it was....? Anyone know anything about that?? Anyway, finally now, about five hours later, I think the pain and discomfort is starting to subside.

That is similar to my experience - crazy discomfort - the doc told me it was ovulation pains - made stronger by the clomid/ovirdril mixture. Glad you are already feeling better! Here's to a happy 2ww!
FX for U Erose!!!!! ;)

Katie love those lines woop woop!!!

We will be going to Austin for a few friends of ours Actually a Ex of mine(shhh) his band is playing and he has a Art Gallery he's been asking us to check out plus a few other friends we know are artist there Also!!! :thumbup:
Prob won't go until next week still waiting for DH to watch the kids!!

Lucky my BBFF will be here to keep me busy!!
Am I the only one who doesn't like Austin? :winkwink: I live 45 minutes south of Austin and we are there almost every weekend with my son who plays club soccer. It's a little to crazy for this conservative girl, but my husband on the other hand LOVES it there and would live there in a heart beat!

I'm so excited for all the IUIs and RE appointments going on right now! It's going to be a great summer around here!

Terri......:coffee::test:!!! :haha:

Katie, :happydance: that's some fabulous line porn! And your beta was fantastic!

:wave: to everyone else!

I just spent 4 days getting over the norovirus. I highly recommend it if you need to loose 5 lbs quickly, otherwise, I'd say avoid it at all costs! It wasn't pretty around our house this weekend!
Sis - Have FUN on your lil trip with your bbff and bff! :thumbup:

Terri - :test:

Katie - So happy for you! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Erin - GL!!! It's your time now!!!

:hugs: for VJean. Hope you're better now.

AFM - HCG came back AGAIN too high, so tomorrow is my last ultrasound before my doctor FINALLY sends me to a Gynecologist for a D&C. I just want this to be OVER already...:wacko:
Futuremom-Sorry you are still having residual stuff going on, but thankfully you can get in to see your gyn for a d&c. How frustrating...Sorry you have to go through all this.

Vjean-Ugh..I have only heard of the norovirus, but I'm glad you and your family are over it. Yuck! Being sick is no fun. You don't like music/traffic/hippies/bats (all found in Austin)? What's wrong with you? hee hee.

ERose-Thanks for the heads up on what's going to happen. Are you taking those progesterone pills now? Your temperature is sky high! I got my "organ" in the mail last night and there was a lot of stuff to read (I love reading!). I'm so ready, although it seems my body is not. I feel like today is the day AF is coming, but my temp is going up a degree at a time. If she shows, I hope it's today so I can go in on Saturday for my US and CD3 bloodwork. If she shows tomorrow, I'm not sure what they do because the office is closed on Sunday. Maybe CD4 bloodwork. My AF is always here on weekends. Isn't that funny/odd?

kfs1-What's the scoop? How did your appt. go?

Hi everyone else!!
Katie - I am SOOO excited for you. Look at those lines and numbers! So amazing, Katie! I love that you're a fellow June baby. Mine's the 16th. I did pop into the acupuncture board but there is so much to read through that I was overwhelmed and left. I will also talk to my FE about it when we discuss my treatment plan. And thanks for the positive thoughts about TTC over 35. I never thought about it that way - it is great that we're able to be monitored more closely. Especially this group with our stress level.

Fezzle - Hope you O soon!

Terri - I would never be mad at you for not testing early. It's such a letdown and it can so often be a false-negative! How did your bloods go?

eRose - I'm so happy your procedure is over and done with - so exciting! Those cramps sound horrible, though. How are you feeling today?

VJean - the Norovirus? Oh no - are you OK?

Future - Seriously, this waiting needs to end for you. I hope you're able to get that d&c soon! :hugs:

Sis - have a great time on your trip!

Hi everyone else!

OK - here's the recap of my appointment. The practice is very small - just one doctor. I was literally the only patient there the whole time which is nice I guess. When I walked in, the assistant came out to greet me (which I've never had happen) and spoke in such a soft, calming voice it kind of creeped me out. :) But anyway, the doctor looked over the info about my MC, my Day 3 results, paps, etc and then just went over my history. She was very impressed with my charts (at least someone appreciates them) and said that they looked great and that I'm clearly ovulating (uhhhh - yeah).

So, she did some more bloods - another round of Day 3 to capture some more information that my OB didn't and to test for any infectious diseases (in case I should go the IVF route) and any genetic diseases. I can't remember what they were exactly - the one where if I'm clear them my husband doesn't have to get tested - can you guys remember?

She also did a pap to get some cultures and an internal sonogram. I was watching her during the sonogram and she kept making confused looking faces - she was making me so nervous! But then she just said "Everything looks OK." which I guess is fine but I was hoping to get more information - maybe at my next appointment? I do have small fibroid at the top of my uterus but she said it's harmless.

So - next steps. HSG scheduled for tomorrow and then my husband's SA. I tried to get an appointment for tomorrow/Monday but they only had an opening for Tuesday. Now I'm thinking this might be too close to my O so I might push it out until after that. What do you ladies think?

We meet again on 5/19 to look over all of the results and to work on a treatment plan to start my next cycle. We shall see!
Kfs1-Yeah!! Your appointment sounded really good. Katie was saying she was getting mad at me for not testing, not you. hee hee. Katie's mean like that..I blame her PG hormones. :haha: Yeah, the doctors at the fertility place seem to be very calm, softspoken and reassuring no matter what your deal is. It is nice, though, but yeah, I can see how you would think creepy (and my doctor is a man with that same demeanor). I had to take a Counsyl test for the genetic screening and it was a panel of about 10-12 different genetic tests. Luckily, they were all negative for me. If I were you, I would push out the SA because you don't want to risk missing your O time, and it's not like she can give you medicine this cycle anyway, so wait until after O to schedule his SA. That's what I did. It's too risky. HA!!HA!! So you feel good today, right? I feel good for you.

Yesterday I had to get blood drawn for my blood type. I already know it, but I guess the office needs the official test to know it too. Not sure why they can't take my word for it! :wacko: just kidding.
You're right, Terri - I feel great today. I am honestly so mad at myself for not going sooner. It was much less scary that I imagined and it's just so silly thinking back on it. You're right about the SA, too. I'm going to call and push it back. Thanks for the info about the tests.
Sis, I really wish you would add a little more mystery to your posts. You gotta work on that! Lol

I will respond to everyone in a bit, when I can get my daughter off the computer. Really hard to do on the iPhone......
Sis-Yeah, WHAT?! hee hee. Oh!! oohh oohh, I know who it is!! HI!!!!! Well, I think I may know.

Ok girls...so it's been almost a full day and no AF. I'm going to be a symptom spotter for two seconds. Here goes...

When I got to work (at 7a), I felt like I needed to get a pantiliner on just in case AF showed up (I thought she was coming). Well, I had to go to the bathroom (#2-HA!!HA!!)anyway, so the timing was perfect. When I went, I was watching for red because i was expecting red. Well, two dime sized dark reddish spots of CM dropped out and then the rest came out. Now...since I was going #2, everything in the bowl was hidden. Is this getting gross or what? Since then, nada. Not one spot of red. I still feel like AF should be here, and thankfully I drink a lot of water all day, so I'm in the bathroom all day and seriously nothing. :wacko: I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm getting my hopes up a little. Eek. I hope I don't jinx myself for typing that.
Katie - So fricking excited for you! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

ERose - I'm glad things are moving onward for you. Very exciting!

Terri - Hmmm, interesting... Keep us updated on your bathroom experiences. :haha: Hoping this turns into good news for you!

FutureMom - I'm so sorry this is dragging out for you. A D&C will be a new start for you so you can move on. :hugs:

VJean - I can't believe you had the norovirus. How awful. And when pregnant. Ugh. Hope all the badness is over with and you can eat normally again.

Kfs - Your appt sounds like it went great. How reassuring.

Hello stalker. Come say hi when you're ready. :flower:

AFM - Looks like I did O. At least FF says so. I'm thinking I tried to O when I had the EWCM, but waited a few days. So dotted CH it is. Seems like we're covered BDwise. It was a struggle this week, I have to say. Both DH and I have some weird week long nausea/stomach ridiculousness. We called it sex for procreation only. No fancy stuff, in out and done. So into the TWW. :coffee:
Ok never made it on the computer...at gymnastics now...so still no long replies.

TERRI--TEST!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever had that kind of minimal spotting then stopped? Sounds suspect to me! Hi everyone else....getcha later!
No, I never had that before. And I usually don't have much warning for AF. My temp drops and she shows up the same day. How about this? I'll wait until hubs gets home at 7:30 and then I'll go for it. I'm scared!! Hee hee. I'll report back as soon as I know something. Fxfxfx.

I know something. I'm out. I will enjoy my AF cramps that are now hurting because they are going to be my last for a while. Redemption is mine!!!!

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