One Blighted Ovum - One Missed Miscarriage

Do you know what? Nothing ceases to amaze me about that hospital. They sound utter shite and I’ll be having doubts about going to their trials.

You will get through this, it might not seem like it just now especially after that horrendous experience.



All scans are delayed at this wonderful hospital, apparently, so that women due their 20 week scan (which checks for abnormalities, no?) are having to wait until they are 23 weeks, which gives them ONE WEEK to make a decision on a termination if any problems are established.

Brilliant, eh?

To say I have been rendered faithless is an understatement.
Thanks for telling me all that, Toby. Isn't it just shocking that they discharged without giving ANY of that information? I was just too dazed to ask. Couldn't find words.

I feel weepy and sad. I feel like a little girl again. The whole experience from start to finish was just so awful that I want to cry for it all. I keep looking back at myself in Barcelona. It was the second day I had been taking Buserelin. I was so full of hope. I was picking up those tiny little Barca socks saying "I will buy these soon." That was my holiday to begin it all. My little 'break' at the start of it all.

We went away to prepare ourselves. So full of hope, we were. I can picture myself smiling.

When I look at that person it's not me.

That's not me any more.

How dramatic do I sound, now, when I say that I want to cry for that poor, 'innocent', hopeful person that I was?

:hug: I know this has/is really hard for you. It is OK to feel this way and to want to cry. Just let yourself. It will be like a release of sorts. This is never easy for anyone, but you have it double whammy because you tried so hard for this too. You are not just grieving the lost pregnancy, but also the hard work you put into becoming pregnant. Also, you just had a sudden loss of pregnancy hormones. Ever heard of the "baby blues"? This is it hon. I got it will all my m/c.

When I had my D&C I bled pretty bad for the first day, but after that it was better. Any temperature, extreme pain, smelly DC...and the like. Mostly look for feeling unwell and fever.
It's not a pleasant experience, that is true Jasmak, but the alternative was much worse. Apparently the larger sac measured 36mm. It was still growing.

People said expect the 'baby blues' - seems harsh when there is no baby, but then all of this seems harsh when there is no baby. The physical pain is pretty bad at the minute. I'm concentrating on that before I start to deal with the mental pain. Trying to, anyway. Trying to find a comfortable position to lie in tonight because I have been up since 3.30am (Codeine only did so much) and the sleep would probably be a good thing.

Maybe one day it will stop feeling so unfair. We were supposed to be going to a barbecue next weekend but since our friends are going for their 12 week scan next week (their baby would've been due a little before ours) I don't think I can face it.

I only hope they understand :(
((((((((()))))))))I am sure they will understand
I think what has happened to you is really unfair so its only natural you feel that way, i think that the pain you feel with that becomes less acute and settles down to a point where life can carry on and please believe me when i say your hope and happiness will creep back in, they really will.
How are you physically? if you still need codiene today please give your out of hours gp a ring for a chat-it may not be their idea to keep an eye on you but just force them to, its your body and your too important to get caught up in their crappness
lots of love and keep talking
your hospital sounds horrid hun.. i am so so sorry u had to go thru this terrible experience.. i have tears in my eyes reading your post...

i hope the pain subsides soon hun.. both physically and mentally so u can move on..

big :hugs:
Not much I can say but wanted to give you :hug: Hope you feel better soon physically and mentally :hugs:
Hey. How are you feeling. Your physical pain experience reminds me of mine. When I went to A&E because I couldn't handle the pain, they also gave me codeine which really helped. Although by the time that happened, I'd already been through the worst of the pain. We were travelling back in the car after a weekend away and I was in agony, writhing around in the passenger seat. No position was comfortable. DH took me to A&E when I couldn't speak. Spent about an hour there and passed the sac. Pain stopped.

Thinking of you :hugs:
lots of love lady, hope things are starting to settle down a bit for you physically?
thinking of you
Take care curlysue, i hope the pain and bleeding stops for you very soon xxx
Bleeding got better, thanks. Brain didn't get so much better. OH seems to think that I should be 'over' things straight away. After he picked me up following D&C he barely spoke to me all night. The only times he did speak to me he was in an utterly bad mood, which wasn't particularly fun, said he wasn't in a bad mood with me and that he was just simply in a bad mood. I stayed upstairs, he stayed downstairs. He didn't even come up to see me. Not at all. Not to ask "Are you okay?" or "Do you need a hug?"

No and Yes?

Yesterday we went to the match. I had been looking forward to it, actually, but I was looking forward to being almost ten weeks pregnant when I went. I wasn't. I was one day post D&C which is a kind of raw and painful time at the best of times. He told us that we were getting dropped off at Anfield and then getting picked up. We weren't. We got a taxi there, yes, but have you ever tried getting a taxi after a match has let out? Well, it's nigh on impossible. So without even thinking, he said "Oh, we'll just walk."

I thought "Lets see how far I can walk without wanting to die, eh?"

I didn't get far. So we ended up waiting at a bus stop for hours. And he seemed in a bad mood then, too, as if I had ruined everything by simply not wishing to walk the four miles home the day after having a D&C.

THEN, he decided that we were going to go to his auntie's barbecue straight after. He decided this without even asking a) if I wanted to or b) I felt up to it. To be perfectly honest, I didn't feel ready for sitting around all night whilst his whole family get drunk but I don't particularly seem to matter any more, these days, so I went along with it because I simply cannot be bothered arguing.

It's like normal life has resumed, which is what I wanted, yes, but something HAS changed, and it'd be nice if I were allowed to come to terms with that in my own time without OH expecting me to run a marathon immediately after. I had his mother asking me if I wanted a double JD and Coke, highlighting the fact that I could drink, now, if I wanted to. The fact that i wouldn't drink a double JD and Coke before all of this makes me wonder why I all of a sudden would now. Did THAT part of me change, too?

I don't know. It's back to work tomorrow, life resumes, it all moves on as if nothing ever happened and it just doesn't feel all that right.
oh honey.. I am so sorry.. I suppose DH does not understand or does not want to understand.. men deal with grief differently.. but he is being far to harsh on u.... he needs a talking to.. u need to tell him how u feel...

I am so sorry hun about this.. I wish i could make the pain go away for u

Thinking of u again.. big hugs:hugs:
I believe people want you to 'move on' in these situations because they care and they just want you to be alright, however the unfortunate part is that is what you'want' too but wanting it doesnt make it happen. It can be very hard and very hurtful when those closest to you seem to have no understanding at all of how you are feeling, I know its hard but for now just try and concentrate on you. You have a small bit of physical closure but you have also had an operation and sometimes its worth reminding people of that, you need time and space to physically recover so you dont get ill, as for the brain part, well like we have talked about thats slower to happen and it is such early days for you. Its a horrible feeling when the world around you carries on regardless and you just want it to stop so you can catch up with yourself, there is lots of love and understanding for you here which i really hope can be of some comfort to you, all be it a little one
big hugs
im so sorry to hear what u have been through, it sounds like ur hubby doesnt understand how u r feeling, either that or he is trying to block it out, men just dont talk about their feelings, well mine doesnt anyway.

i cant believe the hospital offered u paracetomol, that would touch a headache let alone the pain you was in.

i know its not what u want to hear right now, but time is great healer and u will get that family that u so much deserve. their are no words that can comfort you right now, if i was there i would give u a big hug.

stay strong xxxxx

Firstly, just wanted to again express my sorrow for what has happened, its never easy and it takes time. You should not be expected to be back to normal straight after a D&C and do not feel like you should be.

Re: Dh, mine got back to normal very quickly and infact only felt dissapointment at that time. You have to realise its not the same for them and they deal with it in very different ways. If he is feeling fine, it may be hard for him to understand why you can't move on now and that is frustrating him. If you are still upset it drags him back to a place he no longer wants to be. He could also be directing his anger over what has happened at you. Its cruel but this happens and is part of his own grieving process. The best thing to do is to talk about this and try and get him to open up about he feels, so you can understand. You both lost all the dreams and hope you had and have to deal with the aftermath of this. This acute stage does pass, but I know for me, I still wanted to talk about it for a quite a while afterwards and my OH and mother had lost interest to some extent. It is a lonely difficult time but there are lots of women on hear that really care and have been through the same thing so you are not alone.

For me the fact OH moved on so quickly was bewildering and difficult, but don't try and do so yourself when you clearly need time. It takes as long as it takes. Thinking of you xx
Jesus Christ, there was just a total moment of De Ja Vu as well from when I was on holiday during my wedding.

Whilst we were there, this Spanish footballer named Antonio Puerta died of a heart attack, leaving behind a pregnant girlfriend.

Yesterday another Spanish footballer named Dani Jarque died of a heart attack whilst ON THE PHONE to his pregnant girlfriend.

Almost two years to the day, exactly.

I don't know why this makes me so sad. It's my favoured sport, my little life's distraction, so when I hear about these unborn children losing their fathers it's just shocking.

I understand what you are saying, Bramble and Toby, also Hayley. It's just that even if I am emotionally raw does he really expect me to be able to walk four miles the day after a D&C? That, to me, was more than thoughtlessness. It was like he simply did not care. When I said it to him he said "I forgot."

How the fuck could he forget?

I suppose I am just really angry with his carelessness. It might be his way of dealing with things but he shouldn't expect me to be the same, really :(
I suppose he forgot because like brambletess said, he wants to-it is shit, i can remember ny oh comming home from work a day or so after my d/c and crapping onto me for about half an hour about stuff that had happened at work that had bugged, i really didnt know what he expected me to say about it when all i could think about was what had happened to me. Completly understand your anger, just try and remember that by the sounds of things his reaction is fairly standard-hurtful but unintentionally so.
Tkae care of yourself today and go easy at work tomorrow
Glad that you finally got your D&C. I hope the physical pain is easing up a little for you. You've been very brave.. :hugs:

As for your husband. It seems a bit reckless to me. Sure, men are programmed differently to us and we strive to understand them and their feelings, but it should work both ways. He should strive to understand yours too. Afterall you are carrying the physical scars too. Forcing you to do so much so soon isn't really fair on you. Perhaps you could both sit down and talk about your feelings. Once. Agree that you both think differently but that he shouldn't expect you to be 'fine' again so soon as much as you don't expect him to feel exactly as you do right now.

I'm sorry this nightmare never seems to end for you.. :hugs:
Just stopping by to offer hugs, I don't think there is any new or different advice that I can offer regarding your DH.
Men are different, they think differently, they deal with things differently and they sometimes forget we are not like them, they forget we need something different from them.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
hope work wasnt too horrible if you went back today?take it easy when you get home
lots of love

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