Thank you sooo much ladies and for your patience also

Lyla is napping beautifully for me for the first time so I'm doing everything I can right now (already napped and showered.. woohoo!). I'm gonna try and make my birth story as straight forward and short as possible lol!
I went to bed crampy on the night of the 13th, woke up at 5.30am on the 14th to a BH that gave me shooting pains and pressure, they kept happening.. I timed them for awhile, they kept jumping from 5 mins to 9 mins, so I was discouraged. They kept up aaalll day long and I had my show (disgusting

), I called the MW in the afternoon just to ask if they were in fact contractions and she confirmed it was early labour! So I timed them every now and again, but 9pm rolled around and I was fed up and wasn't progressing any.. so my OH and I got into bed and I took some Tylenol. At 9:20pm my contractions were all of a sudden coming anywhere from 3-5 mins apart and lasting up to 1 1/2 mins at times.. I timed them for two hours (I was afraid if I called my MW I'd jinx my whole labour lol), finished up my hospital bag and called. Met my MW at her office and she checked me, I was 3cm and 100% effaced (Monday I was just shy of 2cm and 20% effaced) so I was thrilled about the progress. She sent me home and said come back for a check in 2-4 hours when contractions get more intense.. pretty much as soon as we got home they kicked into overdrive, I toughed it out and called again at 2.30am and went back for another check. I was 5cm

so we decided to move ourselves to the hospital (between me moaning like I was dying!). It was pretty straight forward from there, insane contractions, lots of pain, I was absolutely EXHAUSTED but I knew she was coming so I was fighting! I was checked again around 5am and was finally at 8cm with a TON of pressure and feeling like I wanted to push, so we went ahead and broke my water (what a weird feeling). By 6:40am I just wanted to push more than anything, so I was checked one last time and I was finally at 10cm and ready to go... once I had the green light, it was game on.. I waited for my next contraction and just gave it all I had! I ended up pushing for 20 mins and my beautiful little girl came into this world FINALLY after 26 hours of labour, 7 being active labour! My mom was with me and got to cut the cord, boy was she ever excited.. I've never seen her SO happy!

The rest is history basically, I've been madly in love ever since

We both were so healthy and perfect, we got to come home when she was just 6 hours old.. none of my friends/family could believe it lol! Now here's my little Lyla nice and fresh and one when she was getting ready to come home
