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Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

Oh gosh, Savvy, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that! On top of the emotional roller coaster that you're already on while TTC! How crappy that they've alienated you like that, especially when you were once so close. Does she know that you are trying? Because i have to say, that's the rudest thing to do to a woman who has been TTC for a while, is to show favoritism to the ones with the grandbabies. That only makes things feel worse for you, and you don't need that. I truly am sorry for that.

My MIL and I have never had a real close bond... she and I have nothing in common, and I dont really agree with some of her beliefs and principles. BUT, we are civil to each other, and we get along fine. We just stay away from topics that we don't agree on (which is a lot), and we get along fine and we joke around about things and all that. But regardless of our relationship, she definitely wants a grandbaby. She's super ready. And the fact that I haven't been able to provide one, only makes me feel like I'm putting that much more distance between us. I know she doesn't blame me at all... but those feelings are hard to shake sometimes.

No, they don't know we are TTC - but it still hurts my feelings. We have certain traditions and have done the same thing for holidays for the 13 years I have known my husband...this is the first year we will not see them for the holidays since they will be visiting their only grandbaby. I guess I just feel excluded since we were not even invited. It doesn't bother my husband so I guess I should get over it! Sorry for my whining!!

At least you and your MIL can be civil - I have heard stories from friends and that is why I was also so thankful that my MIL was the best ever...until a few months ago! I am sure your MIL wouldn't want you to feel pressured to have a baby...I don't think you could be a woman if you didn't feel bad hearing when someone is struggling trying to get pregnant. Hopefully when you get your bfp and have your sweet little one it will strengthen your relationship with your MIL since you will have the love for your baby to share.

Hoping everyone here has a great weekend - and lots of fun baby making!
I try not to think about the past as wasted time (just talking about TTC). I often think how grateful I am I didn't fall pregnant back then. I was 21 & life was not easy for us. We have had a great run & I feel now we are more prepared...still not completely, but who is? I feel like my life has fallen exactly the way it was supposed to. Even though I am in this situation right now, I am so optimistic about what lies ahead. My husband & I are are the same page with everything. We have gone so long without a baby, I know my marriage will survive the struggles of infertility & the struggles of never having children if that is what is supposed to happen.

I keep googling cm after ovulation. I don't know why I bother. No matter what symptom you have, all the articles say it could be pregnancy...but then again it might not be. No sure things.

My husband said to me if my montor tracks lh & estrogen, then why not do a strip every day & then it can start picking up hcg? Good point. Clearblue needs to get on that.

So glad to hear some positive thoughts - I am having a hard time staying positive and I know that is what is best. I can't worry about what others are doing. We all need to take care of ourselves too!

I feel the same - I have learned so much about my husband and now being older I feel like we have prepared ourselves for a family.

Last month I symptom spotted myself crazy. I swear I was pregnant with the nausea, back aches, sore bbs, acne, etc. I promised myself I would just focus on getting ready for the holidays and ignore all the symptoms since like you said they can be implantation symptoms, AF symptoms or just regular female symptoms...crazy! Why can't symptoms mean one or the other??
QUESTION. . . I was just reading through some threads when I read this one I sort of became frustrated. Please help me out with this. This person went off bc in the attempt to become prego. She states her she has missed her period for a while now has neg tests. She does not want to go to the doctors for an ultrasound bc they don't have the money. I am sorry but i find many things wrong with this. Don't go off your birth control if you can't afford the medical bills it takes to get a child. .. ps you have that child for the next ohhh 18 yrs of their life. . . and i am going to guess they will go to college and in some shape or form they will need you fir an additional 4+ yrs. sorry for my rant that is just one of my peeves.
QUESTION. . . I was just reading through some threads when I read this one I sort of became frustrated. Please help me out with this. This person went off bc in the attempt to become prego. She states her she has missed her period for a while now has neg tests. She does not want to go to the doctors for an ultrasound bc they don't have the money. I am sorry but i find many things wrong with this. Don't go off your birth control if you can't afford the medical bills it takes to get a child. .. ps you have that child for the next ohhh 18 yrs of their life. . . and i am going to guess they will go to college and in some shape or form they will need you fir an additional 4+ yrs. sorry for my rant that is just one of my peeves.

I am totall with you on that. I think I was part of a forum where a woman said she didn't have health insurance. And I see women all the time say they don't have the money for pregnancy tests or opks...not that they don't want to waste the money...that they don't have it. Which I see as 2 very different things.

Right now I am going through my health insurance open enrollment & I am considering new things because I hope to be pregnant next year. I have gone out baby shopping, just not buying. News flash! Babies are expensive!
QUESTION. . . I was just reading through some threads when I read this one I sort of became frustrated. Please help me out with this. This person went off bc in the attempt to become prego. She states her she has missed her period for a while now has neg tests. She does not want to go to the doctors for an ultrasound bc they don't have the money. I am sorry but i find many things wrong with this. Don't go off your birth control if you can't afford the medical bills it takes to get a child. .. ps you have that child for the next ohhh 18 yrs of their life. . . and i am going to guess they will go to college and in some shape or form they will need you fir an additional 4+ yrs. sorry for my rant that is just one of my peeves.

I am totall with you on that. I think I was part of a forum where a woman said she didn't have health insurance. And I see women all the time say they don't have the money for pregnancy tests or opks...not that they don't want to waste the money...that they don't have it. Which I see as 2 very different things.

Right now I am going through my health insurance open enrollment & I am considering new things because I hope to be pregnant next year. I have gone out baby shopping, just not buying. News flash! Babies are expensive!

Thank you. I saw that post and got frustrated. Maybe I am just emotional. but i would never attempt to conceive or take on caring for a life form i couldn't afford. i understand things come up and kids get sick. i also acknowledge there are extreme cases where a child is born with something and you can't always be prepared for that i understand but a simple ultrasound. sorry rant over.
QUESTION. . . I was just reading through some threads when I read this one I sort of became frustrated. Please help me out with this. This person went off bc in the attempt to become prego. She states her she has missed her period for a while now has neg tests. She does not want to go to the doctors for an ultrasound bc they don't have the money. I am sorry but i find many things wrong with this. Don't go off your birth control if you can't afford the medical bills it takes to get a child. .. ps you have that child for the next ohhh 18 yrs of their life. . . and i am going to guess they will go to college and in some shape or form they will need you fir an additional 4+ yrs. sorry for my rant that is just one of my peeves.

Oh goodness... I agree with you completely. If they don't have the money for u/s, then how the heck is she going to afford the other ultrasounds that come with really being prego!?? And the other doctor's visits, etc? I totally get it when the medical bills start to add up, that it can be tough financially to keep up. But if she cant get an u/s because she doesnt have the money at all, then I think TTC was a bad idea! Newflash...having a baby requires doctors! ugh.
Wow, I missed so much in so little time!! Lol
As for people trying to get pregnant who can't afford it... I don't understand it either. If you can't support yourself, why do you want a child?? It's just irresponsible and stupid.

And I'm sorry for the pressures some of you have, it must be so irritating. I'll probably sound like the mean one here, but I'd be perfectly fine if my in laws never wanted to see their grand babies. My husband worked for his parents for 11 years getting treated like s**t and so he finally got a new job a few months ago. Now his dad won't even speak to him. His dad is seriously the biggest asshole I've met in my life. And his mom just lets him act/treat my husband like that. She's a huge enabler and just plays sides. Not to mention that neither of them have any respect for my decisions. My husband used to take our dogs to work with him, and no matter how many times I asked them not to feed them, they'd give them whole bacon and egg tacos every morning, and gave them everything they ate. Granted, I give my dogs people food, but my 8 pound tiny dog doesn't need a whole taco every morning. So I finally had to quit taking them up there. But since his dad hasn't been talking to him, we haven't been invited to any family events, even though his mom posts all kinds of pictures of family events of Facebook... Whatever, right? Obviously we're ok on our own, so I'm just staying positive. We've got all we need. : )
Weird thing just happened. I am at work & a co-worker who I just recently started talking to more. No real reason why I did or didn't before. Just work is usually nuts & I don't have time to talk to people outside of my office. So she said something about going to lunch by herself & I said feel free to come get me if you want company. So anyways...today she came in & was just talking to me & no one is here but me. So somehow we were talking about the bathroom & she told me this crazy story about how she started bleeding because of infertility surgeries she had had. She has a 3 year old now I think & she is about 40. So anyways...I just thought how random that I am going through what I am & out of nowhere she starts sharing this with me. Anyways, I know some women are just super open about things (I am not that way outside of this forum). So I just find the timing interesting. She has been here for like 6 months now but for a random reason we have started talking.
Weird thing just happened. I am at work & a co-worker who I just recently started talking to more. No real reason why I did or didn't before. Just work is usually nuts & I don't have time to talk to people outside of my office. So she said something about going to lunch by herself & I said feel free to come get me if you want company. So anyways...today she came in & was just talking to me & no one is here but me. So somehow we were talking about the bathroom & she told me this crazy story about how she started bleeding because of infertility surgeries she had had. She has a 3 year old now I think & she is about 40. So anyways...I just thought how random that I am going through what I am & out of nowhere she starts sharing this with me. Anyways, I know some women are just super open about things (I am not that way outside of this forum). So I just find the timing interesting. She has been here for like 6 months now but for a random reason we have started talking.

That is really weird! Maybe it happened for a reason though. Did you tell her that you were trying? I've never been that open to people that weren't close friends. It's just weird for me. Some people just really don't care though. Lol.
Weird thing just happened. I am at work & a co-worker who I just recently started talking to more. No real reason why I did or didn't before. Just work is usually nuts & I don't have time to talk to people outside of my office. So she said something about going to lunch by herself & I said feel free to come get me if you want company. So anyways...today she came in & was just talking to me & no one is here but me. So somehow we were talking about the bathroom & she told me this crazy story about how she started bleeding because of infertility surgeries she had had. She has a 3 year old now I think & she is about 40. So anyways...I just thought how random that I am going through what I am & out of nowhere she starts sharing this with me. Anyways, I know some women are just super open about things (I am not that way outside of this forum). So I just find the timing interesting. She has been here for like 6 months now but for a random reason we have started talking.

That is really weird! Maybe it happened for a reason though. Did you tell her that you were trying? I've never been that open to people that weren't close friends. It's just weird for me. Some people just really don't care though. Lol.

No way...just kept it to myself. But if I do get pregnant, I would probably share with her my struggle.
That makes me sick - why would you want to bring a child into a life that you can't provide the best things for them?? I know money isn't everything but come on - babies are expensive!! I think I read that the average cost to raise a child is $250,000. Diapers, wipes, clothes, food, etc isn't free!

Okay - I have to make sure all of you girls know here that when I was asking about the testing and if it was covered by insurance, etc...I was not saying I didn't have money to pay for it. I would spend the money I need to get the best care for myself or my "future" baby. Having IBS, I have spent more money in hospital bills and with specialist doctors visits than I ever thought possible...plus I am starting a new diet which is crazy expensive because I can only eat certain foods...mostly fruits/veggies/protein - no dairy, processed foods, etc. Sorry to defend myself...I don't want you to think I am like a cheapo for asking about testing costs!!

allison - I am sorry for all the in-law troubles you have had! No one deserves to be treated like that! I give you and your husband credit for standing up to his father (and family) and doing the right thing! I don't care that they are your parents, they still need to respect you! My cousin's husband had a similar situation working for the families multi-million dollar business. He was constantly "on call" and they got sick of his father running their household - they packed up and moved across the country! I was so proud of both of them for taking care of their own family and not worrying about what his father (or the rest of the family) thought!
That makes me sick - why would you want to bring a child into a life that you can't provide the best things for them?? I know money isn't everything but come on - babies are expensive!! I think I read that the average cost to raise a child is $250,000. Diapers, wipes, clothes, food, etc isn't free!

Okay - I have to make sure all of you girls know here that when I was asking about the testing and if it was covered by insurance, etc...I was not saying I didn't have money to pay for it. I would spend the money I need to get the best care for myself or my "future" baby. Having IBS, I have spent more money in hospital bills and with specialist doctors visits than I ever thought possible...plus I am starting a new diet which is crazy expensive because I can only eat certain foods...mostly fruits/veggies/protein - no dairy, processed foods, etc. Sorry to defend myself...I don't want you to think I am like a cheapo for asking about testing costs!!

allison - I am sorry for all the in-law troubles you have had! No one deserves to be treated like that! I give you and your husband credit for standing up to his father (and family) and doing the right thing! I don't care that they are your parents, they still need to respect you! My cousin's husband had a similar situation working for the families multi-million dollar business. He was constantly "on call" and they got sick of his father running their household - they packed up and moved across the country! I was so proud of both of them for taking care of their own family and not worrying about what his father (or the rest of the family) thought!

Oh savvy, not at all! I dont think anyone here thought that when you were talking about the cost of that test. Its totally different when we're already spending money anyway, and just trying to be a little cautious when we CAN be. Completely different from not being able to afford an u/s while TTC, lol! Besides, we know that you want it really badly, and if it comes down to it, you'll pay for that test yourself when/if you have to. I wouldn't put you even close to the same category as that girl! :flower:
Yeah it took a lot for my husband to finally leave. I was really proud of him. There's just no reason to treat anyone like that, much less your family. My husband is an only child too, so why ruin that relationship? Working for family is the worst it seems. It doesn't seem like anything good ever comes of it. We've thought about packing up and moving, but I couldn't leave my mom and everything I know. I'd just move to a different house and not tell them. Hahaha!

But no! I didn't even think you were asking about costs bc you couldn't afford it. Even if I can afford something, I'm still going to want to be prepared fully for it. It's best to know exactly what you're going to be looking at so you can plan accordingly. And that sucks about the special diet. IBS seems to be getting so popular.. Not in a good way of course, but just in general. Lol. My mom has Crohn's Disease so she's on some weird and gluten free diet. Good luck though! I hope it helps you!
So everyone, I just wanted to say to you all to have a great weekend! Now that we've had some vent sessions today (healthy to get it out of our systems sometimes, lol!), I want to send positive vibes to everyone!! I know those positive vibes are what we all need in order for our bodies to make that BFP happen! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be able to chat like this with you all! I can talk to my DH and even a couple of my friends, but not in such detail like this, and not just whenever I feel like it (I dont think anyone really wants to hear about it in this much detail besides you girls, hehe!), so I'm so tremendously grateful to all of you. :flower: Listen girls, I know we are all going to get BFPs SOON... We're all really good people, and we deserve it, and we're all gonna make GREAT mothers. So it's taking some time, but pretty much everyone I know that took some time to get pregnant, eventually did get their BFP. We're all going to have our little miracles very, very soon, and all the things that are weighing heavily on us now, are going to be a thing of the past! :) I'm hoping for some BFPs this month, girls! Baby dust to all here!! :dust:


Oh, and I'm sure I'll be back online over the weekend as well, whether it's to vent or ask a quesiton or just check on everyone! xoxo
That makes me sick - why would you want to bring a child into a life that you can't provide the best things for them?? I know money isn't everything but come on - babies are expensive!! I think I read that the average cost to raise a child is $250,000. Diapers, wipes, clothes, food, etc isn't free!

Okay - I have to make sure all of you girls know here that when I was asking about the testing and if it was covered by insurance, etc...I was not saying I didn't have money to pay for it. I would spend the money I need to get the best care for myself or my "future" baby. Having IBS, I have spent more money in hospital bills and with specialist doctors visits than I ever thought possible...plus I am starting a new diet which is crazy expensive because I can only eat certain foods...mostly fruits/veggies/protein - no dairy, processed foods, etc. Sorry to defend myself...I don't want you to think I am like a cheapo for asking about testing costs!!

allison - I am sorry for all the in-law troubles you have had! No one deserves to be treated like that! I give you and your husband credit for standing up to his father (and family) and doing the right thing! I don't care that they are your parents, they still need to respect you! My cousin's husband had a similar situation working for the families multi-million dollar business. He was constantly "on call" and they got sick of his father running their household - they packed up and moved across the country! I was so proud of both of them for taking care of their own family and not worrying about what his father (or the rest of the family) thought!

Wanting to find out about a cost is totally different. Especially for what I would consider an unnecessary expense. Well, a better way to say that is an expense not everyone goes through & also not everyone is prepared for. When you stop birth control, you are now in the baby mode. Which means be prepared to get pregnant & all that comes with it. Not everyone is prepared or expects to be in the infertile mode. I have put off things like IUI or IVF because of money. I know in the grand sceme of life it is not a lot of money...but it is for something that is not a sure thing. So it takes extra thought & preparation. That is another reason 2014 is so exciting for me. I know I am finally emotionally & financially prepared to go the next step if clomid fails me.

And it is not an expense that is immediately needed. When you are pregnant, that is it, no more time to prepare finanically for medical bills. But when you are TTC & considering tests to find out what is wrong, you have the benefit of being able to take a little time & save up or prepare for those costs one test at a time.
That makes me sick - why would you want to bring a child into a life that you can't provide the best things for them?? I know money isn't everything but come on - babies are expensive!! I think I read that the average cost to raise a child is $250,000. Diapers, wipes, clothes, food, etc isn't free!

Okay - I have to make sure all of you girls know here that when I was asking about the testing and if it was covered by insurance, etc...I was not saying I didn't have money to pay for it. I would spend the money I need to get the best care for myself or my "future" baby. Having IBS, I have spent more money in hospital bills and with specialist doctors visits than I ever thought possible...plus I am starting a new diet which is crazy expensive because I can only eat certain foods...mostly fruits/veggies/protein - no dairy, processed foods, etc. Sorry to defend myself...I don't want you to think I am like a cheapo for asking about testing costs!!

allison - I am sorry for all the in-law troubles you have had! No one deserves to be treated like that! I give you and your husband credit for standing up to his father (and family) and doing the right thing! I don't care that they are your parents, they still need to respect you! My cousin's husband had a similar situation working for the families multi-million dollar business. He was constantly "on call" and they got sick of his father running their household - they packed up and moved across the country! I was so proud of both of them for taking care of their own family and not worrying about what his father (or the rest of the family) thought!

Wanting to find out about a cost is totally different. Especially for what I would consider an unnecessary expense. Well, a better way to say that is an expense not everyone goes through & also not everyone is prepared for. When you stop birth control, you are now in the baby mode. Which means be prepared to get pregnant & all that comes with it. Not everyone is prepared or expects to be in the infertile mode. I have put off things like IUI or IVF because of money. I know in the grand sceme of life it is not a lot of money...but it is for something that is not a sure thing. So it takes extra thought & preparation. That is another reason 2014 is so exciting for me. I know I am finally emotionally & financially prepared to go the next step if clomid fails me.

And it is not an expense that is immediately needed. When you are pregnant, that is it, no more time to prepare finanically for medical bills. But when you are TTC & considering tests to find out what is wrong, you have the benefit of being able to take a little time & save up or prepare for those costs one test at a time.

Well said Beaglemom! Perfect way to put it. :)
That makes me sick - why would you want to bring a child into a life that you can't provide the best things for them?? I know money isn't everything but come on - babies are expensive!! I think I read that the average cost to raise a child is $250,000. Diapers, wipes, clothes, food, etc isn't free!

Okay - I have to make sure all of you girls know here that when I was asking about the testing and if it was covered by insurance, etc...I was not saying I didn't have money to pay for it. I would spend the money I need to get the best care for myself or my "future" baby. Having IBS, I have spent more money in hospital bills and with specialist doctors visits than I ever thought possible...plus I am starting a new diet which is crazy expensive because I can only eat certain foods...mostly fruits/veggies/protein - no dairy, processed foods, etc. Sorry to defend myself...I don't want you to think I am like a cheapo for asking about testing costs!!

allison - I am sorry for all the in-law troubles you have had! No one deserves to be treated like that! I give you and your husband credit for standing up to his father (and family) and doing the right thing! I don't care that they are your parents, they still need to respect you! My cousin's husband had a similar situation working for the families multi-million dollar business. He was constantly "on call" and they got sick of his father running their household - they packed up and moved across the country! I was so proud of both of them for taking care of their own family and not worrying about what his father (or the rest of the family) thought!

I never took your question that way. asking how much something costs is planning. stating you don't have enough money for something that concerns your health or the health of your child is no bueno.
Omg, I just got all teary eyed bc I can't get my hair up the way I want it! Hahaha, these emotions are crazy! Lol
Ok ladies help me out. Tonight i was having pain right inside my left hip. it was sharp and radiated. it went down my left thigh and up to my sternum. it was a throbbing and sharp pain. it lasted 45 minutes to an hour. i did my monitor this am but it. read low. is this a cyst?
Ok ladies help me out. Tonight i was having pain right inside my left hip. it was sharp and radiated. it went down my left thigh and up to my sternum. it was a throbbing and sharp pain. it lasted 45 minutes to an hour. i did my monitor this am but it. read low. is this a cyst?

I hope everything is okay. I am not sure what would cause that pain. Hoping someone else can offer some advice. Please keep us posted. :hugs:

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