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Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

I hate that cliche. It happens like that for some but not everyone. Certainly not me. And I don't have time to stop trying.
I hate that cliche. It happens like that for some but not everyone. Certainly not me. And I don't have time to stop trying.

Exactly beaglemom! She has a 6-yr old daughter which she conceived accidentally while still on BC pill! So that's why she has this notion that it's more likely to happen when not trying and when you least expect it. But she was 30 at the time, so that whole "stop trying" thing isn't that practical for me at 37 yrs old, and having already tried for a year (if I don't get a bfp this cycle, it will officially be a year).

I can understand better that whole "relax, don't stress" thing. I know stress can mess our bodies up, so I get that, and although it's a lot easier said than done, I do make an effort. But just flat out stop trying at my age....that's comical.
I was/still am shocked that his parents are that way too. They're just a strange bunch. Sadly enough, my husband was actually diagnosed with PTSD bc of having such a rough childhood. So that's definitely not what I want my children to be around.
I can imagine IBS is awful. My mom recently had to quit working too bc she just couldn't stay at work all day, especially sitting. I know Crohn's is somewhat hereditary so I'm really hoping it misses me! That sucks that you have to cut so much out of your diet. I don't think I could do it. I have no self control when it comes to food. I'm so amazed that I don't weigh 300 pounds. Lol. So what can you eat? Mainly just fruits and vegetables? And super healthy outrageously expensive stuff? I wish it wasn't so dang expensive to eat healthy!! It's annoying!

Your poor hubby! I feel terrible that he had to deal with that as a child. So glad that he removed himself from the business - I am sure it has made him much happier.

Yes the diet is crazy expensive. As you can see my user name is savvysaver...I have a hard time spending extra money on food...well I should say on food that I don't even like! I am comparing the diet to like the paleo or clean eating diets. Basically select fruits and veggies that are low in fodmaps - no high fructose corn syrup (which is in almost everything that tastes good), no artificial sweeteners, no dairy, no gluten...basically I am going to consume only water! lol!! Actually started crying at Whole Foods today when I realized a small bag of gluten free pretzels was $8! I can't keep living how I am now - I am constantly sick and unable to really leave the house, especially if I eat. So this must be done. I am guessing the reason I haven't had a bfp is because nothing can survive in my body longer than a few minutes - I need to take care of my body so it can take care of a baby.

Thanks girls for listening again :hugs:- I am such a picky eater I am having a real tough time dealing with this big diet change.

Yay! So glad erin and allison are done with clomid...now comes the fun part! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

That diet, price wise, sounds awful. I get a feeling of dread everytime I walk into whole foods. I know it's all healthy, good things, but sooo overpriced. It's just ridiculous. I don't know how everyone is expected to be so healthy when it costs you a whole paycheck for groceries. Sure, put out coupons for candy, chips, sodas, etc, but where are the coupons for produce or things that are healthy? My husband is the pickiest eater so when it comes super healthy meals, it's hard enough to get him to eat it, so it's even harder to spend so much for something nobody really wants. It sucks. But you're right. You have to get yourself healthy so you can get that BFP! I'm sure after a while, it'll become the norm. My mom was really worried about the gluten free thing but after feeling so much better, she's ok with it now. So hopefully once you start feeling better, the whole thing will be easier! : )
Omg, I hate hate hate the "it'll happen when you least expect it cliche!" I kept telling myself that every month. Never made a damn difference. I've just come to realize that it's one of things you can't really understand unless you've been there. Too many people get pregnant accidentally that it's hard to grasp that some people aren't like that. Getting pregnant just seems natural. It's a part of life. So it's tough to realize it's not so natural for some. It's so nice to have you ladies to talk to that really understand. : )
CBFM said low this am. I am thinking a cyst. i should get my first high this cycle in maybe five days not positive on that. had a creamy and stretchy cm today. . . .i am not good with this cm stuff.

I'm not so good with the cm stuff either.... I think I used to get decent CM before starting clomid... Now I think it's too sticky/creamy during O. :( But even when I think I had decent cm prior to clomid, I still wasn't always 100% certain that it was necessarily the perfect EWCM. Why are our bodies so difficult to read sometimes, lol!

On a side note, I decided to tell one of my best friends tonight that I've been TTC for a year (because she's usually the one who always manages to say the perfect thing), and I got the typical "When you stop trying, you will get pregnant." CLICHE anyone?

Oh and FutureBabyG, do you really think it could be a cyst? According to my doc, I have one on my left ovary, but they acted like it was fairly common for one to pop up now and then, and that it should only cause pain if it were to burst... Do you think the pain felt bad enough that it could've burst? Or was it a mild ache? Will you check w/ your doc on Mon? Please keep us posted... Ill be thinkin' about ya, Hun.

Thank you. I use to have trouble with cysts when i was pretty young before i went on bc pills. My doctor put me on the pill bc ovulation, cysts, and menstration was so painful that she felt it would help. From 16-18 I was on a very mild dose of bc. I had to change it when i chose to become active. It definitely helped the pain but i wonder if i was on it for too long i started bc when i was 16 and i stopped it in my early 20s i believe i was 21ish so five years. after stopping it i did have ovulation pains every once in a while but none since we started thinking about actively trying. i have a year appointment in January and i figured i have this all wrote down so i will just wait and get all my questions out at once. i am trying to research as much as possible before then.
That diet, price wise, sounds awful. I get a feeling of dread everytime I walk into whole foods. I know it's all healthy, good things, but sooo overpriced. It's just ridiculous. I don't know how everyone is expected to be so healthy when it costs you a whole paycheck for groceries. Sure, put out coupons for candy, chips, sodas, etc, but where are the coupons for produce or things that are healthy? My husband is the pickiest eater so when it comes super healthy meals, it's hard enough to get him to eat it, so it's even harder to spend so much for something nobody really wants. It sucks. But you're right. You have to get yourself healthy so you can get that BFP! I'm sure after a while, it'll become the norm. My mom was really worried about the gluten free thing but after feeling so much better, she's ok with it now. So hopefully once you start feeling better, the whole thing will be easier! : )

Unfortunately it is not a cheap diet to follow...I have to be on this diet for 6-8 weeks and then if it works for me...the rest of my life! I am sure I will learn to get foods on "sale" or just make them myself - I love to bake! As much as I hate to spend the money on food I don't even like...if it makes me feel better I would spend any amount! I just want to be able to do "normal" things again since I am pretty much homebound if I want to eat! Thanks for chatting about this, I am super worried and it has helped me prepare! :)
Seriously? How do you "stop trying?" When one of the most important things to you is becoming pregnant, how do you force yourself to stop trying? As much as I can say "I don't care if it happens this month" - you know all I think about is hoping for my bfp!

I try not to stress and I try my best to keep positive. Very happy to have found such an awesome group of ladies to chat with! Looking forward to when we all get our bfp's soon!!

futurebabyG - I was on a low dose of BC pills for over 14 years. I started back in high school when I had unbearable cramps and AF. Over the years I forgot just why I took the pills all those years...since I stopped the BC back last winter/spring time I have had some crazy periods. Hoping you are feeling better and can find the answers you need!
So I took a cheap test today. Dumb, I know. Plus it was not fmu & it is too early. Negative of course. I am not down about it...just anxious. For a few days now I have been having a lot of cm. Never had this much when I wasn't ovulating or pre-ovulation. Just strange. I also woke up around 4 & felt some light AF like cramps...too early for that, too. Hoping all this means something, but I am trying not to think too much on it. I have been googling all sorts of nonsense. So I decided to rip up the carpet in my spare room & begin the laminate job without my husband. That is how I will spend my holiday tomorrow...if I don't decide to totally veg out instead.
The tww is the hardest! Fx'd for good symptoms - I never noticed so many little aches or changes until ttc! I was up around 4:30 am with light cramping too...but figuring it was just what I ate last night! Hoping you can keep busy this week and get the bfp you deserve!
So, I had an ultrasound today to see how my follicles were looking after the Clomid. There were no big ones yet. I had to go 3 times before they were ready last cycle, so I'm trying to be hopeful. I go back on Wednesday so they can check them again. And then probably again on Friday if we continue the trends of last cycle.

How is everyone else feeling today?
Erin, have you noticed any new side effects from the clomid now that you're done with it?
allison - fingers crossed that things look better on Wednesday! Make sure you keep us updated!

I am feeling okay - my wondfo opk barely had a line today after lines every day last week I am hoping it is a good sign that I ovulated. My bladder is crazy today - I am peeing every hour or two...too early to symptom spot though...

How is everyone else doing?
I would take the barely there line as a good sign! My dr told me that if I got negatives and then got a positive, and negative again that it was a good sign I had Oed. I will definitely keep y'all posted after my next appt. I'm pretty sure I remember having at least one that was growing at my first ultrasound last cycle, but I'm hoping I'm just late this time and they'll pop up!!
So, I had an ultrasound today to see how my follicles were looking after the Clomid. There were no big ones yet. I had to go 3 times before they were ready last cycle, so I'm trying to be hopeful. I go back on Wednesday so they can check them again. And then probably again on Friday if we continue the trends of last cycle.

How is everyone else feeling today?
Erin, have you noticed any new side effects from the clomid now that you're done with it?

Nope, I think I'm still good on the side effects...I didn't have a breakout again this cycle, wuhu! So besides the VERY emotional night I had a few days ago, I felt good otherwise! How about you? Same as last month? Better, worse?

Good luck with your appointments!! I feel good that you're gonna have some good follies soon!!! :) Can't wait to get an update!!! :)
So, on a positive note for me, the hostile cm went away... Granted, I'm not getting EWCM, but it's slightly wet at least. Better than thick and creamy. I felt like even if I used the Preseed, the yucky cm could still get in the way and interfere. So I'd rather have plain wet cm, and I feel like the Preseed can do its job easier without that sticky creamy stuff in the way. Just my thoughts, but I over analyze everything, lol! Still gonna get robitussin tomorrow though.

I've been eating one yogurt per day for the past 3-4 days, so not sure if that had anything at all to do with helping... Last cycle, I was having very mild yeast symptoms (although never a full blown YI), so I figured the yogurt would help, in case it happened again. That's the only reason I was eating the yogurt, but I wonder if that's helping with the cm too...?
Well, I'm a bit disappointed this morning.... I was expecting to see a pos opk on my CB digital with the smileys, but still getting a flashing smiley only (its considered High instead of Peak). In my first cycle on clomid, I O'd on cd14, which would be tomorrow, so I'm confused why still no LH surge. I was using the FR opk with the lines too, just for backup (I know, crazy obsessive), and those were pretty dark Sun and Mon, but I don't THINK they were darker than the control line, its hard to tell. But the CB digital is more sensitive, so I've ALWAYS relied mostly on that one with no issues. The flashing smilies dont hold a lot of weight w/me, as i get those on completely random days sometimes, but when I get the solid smiley, its a sure thing and my temp always goes up next day. So I'm completely thrown off this morning. My temps are no help, as they're still all over the board from the clomid. And IF those dark lines on the FR were pos (even though they didnt seem to be darker than the control line to my own eye), I can't help but wonder why the CB digital hasn't shown me a pos.
So I kow this is all in my head, but stuff keeps popping up. I just started watching Dr Oz & Celine Deon was on talking about her infertility. Then yesterday Friends was on with the episode where they decide to adopt. I never watch Friends reruns...my husband had it on. Then last night I had baby dreams. I haven't decided if I want to still test on Friday. I may hold out the entire 32 day cycle. I just don't know. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I work at a bank, so I am coming back from a 3 day weekend.
I took an OPK this morning, and it looked kinda positive to me. Which can't possibly be the case since I had no follicles yesterday... Maybe it's just the clomid still? Like I've said before, I hate OPKs. I just wanted to try them since I had no follicles, but now I'm questioning that...
That's really weird that it hasn't shown up on the digital one though. Maybe every clomid cycle is different? You never know, but I'd give it a couple more days before you start worrying about it. I'm sure it'll show up tmrw or the next day!
And beaglemom, omg I know. It's everywhere. I've been watching American Horror Story and Witches of East End, both about witches. And both containing some sort of infertility being treating by witchcraft. I'm like really?! That is not the route I want to take! Lol. Not to mention that every time I check Facebook, someone new is pregnant, had a baby or is posting pictures saying how much they love being a mom. It's so frustrating!!!
What is up with all of these confusing opks? I am going cross-eyed looking at mine and now they are acting up for you girls too?

erin and allison - would you be able to test again later today? Maybe they were just invalid tests or your urine wasn't strong enough? I am keeping positive thoughts and my fingers crossed that ovulation is on its way for both of you. Please keep us updated!

I agree that I have never seen so many pregnancy commercials or pregnant women before - or I just never noticed it. Trying to remain positive and hoping it is a good sign for all of us!
Well, I'm a bit disappointed this morning.... I was expecting to see a pos opk on my CB digital with the smileys, but still getting a flashing smiley only (its considered High instead of Peak). In my first cycle on clomid, I O'd on cd14, which would be tomorrow, so I'm confused why still no LH surge. I was using the FR opk with the lines too, just for backup (I know, crazy obsessive), and those were pretty dark Sun and Mon, but I don't THINK they were darker than the control line, its hard to tell. But the CB digital is more sensitive, so I've ALWAYS relied mostly on that one with no issues. The flashing smilies dont hold a lot of weight w/me, as i get those on completely random days sometimes, but when I get the solid smiley, its a sure thing and my temp always goes up next day. So I'm completely thrown off this morning. My temps are no help, as they're still all over the board from the clomid. And IF those dark lines on the FR were pos (even though they didnt seem to be darker than the control line to my own eye), I can't help but wonder why the CB digital hasn't shown me a pos.

Test again later today. some times surge in the afternoon.

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