'Original Jan 20th Testers' Pregnancy Chat :)

north east shiv think iv found one near im gonna call them
All fine at our 20 week scan, we were in and out within 5 minutes - didn't look too hard as didn't want to see any "bits", although i am sure she slipped up and said "here are her legs" but i could have imagined that!
Glad all went well Shiv! Oooo so might be girl then?! :) did you get any pics?! X
I did get some pics but they aren't very good.
I just ordered myself a ridiculoulsy expensive maternity dress! I don't have anything dressy to wear and we are having a leaving do next week (because we are moving) and i just would like to feel attractive for once. I swear I don't think i have felt attractive once since before Sophia was born, so I thought maybe a nice dress help!

Here it is!

What do you think? I am clearly mental as it will probably only be worn a couple of times, but I don't remember the last time i treated myself to anything, and I do find it really hard to treat myself when pregnant as youc an't exactly have a bottle of wine!
absolutely beautiful dress shiv you will look amazing :) a lot of money but its one of the best maternity dresses I've seen :)

Glad to hear your scan went well, exciting to guess, what does your gut feeling say?

Went to town today and got Bertie some gorgeous little shoes from pumpkin patch, Daisy lived in a pink pair like this so its nice he has a special pair too :cloud9:101_5450.jpg

2 days until our big scan, getting really nervous!
I am not sure what my gut says Hayley - I had a boy dream a few weeks ago, but nothing since, today i am thinking girl, so who knows! Towards the end of my pregnancy with Sophia I was having lots of girl dreams (didn't have a single boy dream) so I figure I might have a feeling a bit more nearer the time.

Feeling the baby move quite a lot recently, it was confirmed I have an anterior placenta so that explains why i haven't felt too mush up until now. I had an anterior one with Sophia and when other people were moaning about being kicked senseless I was still only getting an occasional battering, so I am hoping to get an easy time of it again.

Good luck with your scan on Friday Hayley, I love the little shoes! Sophia would never keep anything on her feet :dohh:
I had an anterior placenta with Daisy too and I'm glad I dont have one this time, didnt with Alex either! I think girl for you but that might be influenced with what you said about the scan, wish I'd have guessed before :lol: x
Shiv that dress is just beautiful, I had a look on that site the other day funnily enough! x

Hayley how cute are those little shoes..Arrrr! I love pumpkin patch, I can't wait to start buying some pink or blue things from there :) And good luck for the scan on Friday, I am sure everything will be just perfect x
ahh shiv thats a beautiful dress, i love it! and i love the little shoes...so cute!

Well done on not finding out Shiv, i remember with my 1st we didn't find out but did ask could she tell and she said "oh yes" so we were thinking that's prob a boy then! and he was!

Not long to find out now then Claire! i'm jealous i asked my oh about having one but he didn't seem convinced in finding out earlier than 20wks boo!

Rachel work on him! My oh wasn't convinced either but I said well what if they couldn't tell the sex at the 20 week scan, that seemed to bring him round plus the fact I'm paying for it not him helped... Lol...I didn't find out with Jay so I'm kinda nervous to find out actually, more worried about how I'll feel if it's another boy! X
hubby has said no to all 3 gender scans :rofl: just book him it as a 'treat' :lol: Is your birthday coming up?

Jaybear - do you desperately want a girl then? Try and focus on all the benefits of another boy. A little brother for your son. Reuse his clothes (if you still have them) another gorgeous son. Getting to have another baby after this one. I hope you get your girl but try and prepare for a boy as much as you can just incase xxx
It's honestly all I can think about, I would just love a girl, have always wanted one of each and would def feel like my family is compete! Of course I'd be happy with a boy and would love him just the same, but know my heart would sink knowing he would be my last child and I'd of never got the chance to have a girl :( the fact that nearly everyone is predicting girl makes it worse cos I want to believe them but daren't get my hopes up and worry people will think I'm a selfish cow for feeling this way! Im telling myself tho that the feeling of disappointment would only last a second which it will cos the minute I see my baby I fall in love each and every time! X
I understand that now, you'd be sad for the daughter you'll never have rather than sad for the son you're having. tbh until this pregnancy I didnt understand why people could have a gender preference. I didnt let myself believe I was desperate for a boy. But the truth is I was. I am. But I know I would love another daughter more than anything if he was to be a girl iykwim. Most people guessed boy for me from the start, IRL. Have you posted your scan pic in the thread by 6lilpigs? the ladies on there predicted Oliver was a boy from his skull as he had no visible nub, maybe worth giving that a shot? its only a theory so nothing definate. Whats your gut feeling on sex? x
Aww Hun I think deep down we do all have a preference even if we don't want to believe we do so I guess we will all feel a little upset if we don't get what we want! It's only natural x I'm over the moon you got your little boy I really am :)
No i don't think I have! Is the thread in the 2nd Tri?! Everyone predicted girl pretty much by the skull theory so who knows?! Funny thing is I have no gut feeling, it's weird!
No nothing special coming up but might be able to convince him if i can get a late app or sat maybe? he wouldn't want to take a day off work as he wouldn't get paid so would work out v expensive!
I completely understand Claire, i feel the same :( I would just be a second of feeling disapointed but all the same. I think thats why i want to find out this time, so i can prepare myself. However i do feel its a boy, much stronger feeling than i had with Thomas.
evening girls, love the guts feelings about sex talk. My family is over run by girls so think I'll have another but i do feel different i never felt this sick last time it went and now its back full swing the pain in my tummy with it is awfull so hoping it mite be a boy this time but i would be happy either way. Well when she weighed me yesterday I'd only put 1kg on since my booking appoint so felt better about that x
I knew with all of mine, hubby is still amazed my gut feeling was 3/3 :smug:

both boys I had no sickness, my girl was opposite and although I wasnt sick, I felt like I was being dangled from a ship all day :lol:

30 mummy, defo get an evening scan appointment, its so worth it :)

amy, how many children do you already have? just the one? x
yeah just my little girl i breezed thru that pregnancy apart from the heartburn

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