Just had a session of reiki and feeling lots of pressure so fx it does kick something off, then reflexology booked for monday and if both the natural interventions don't work a s&s on thurs
Shiv, yes we did really pleased we did too! I think I was just feeling down in general where the smallest thing seems huge iykwim? Felt better for getting it out and talking about it, but Finley seems to suit him now. I just couldnt change a babys name after so many things having a different name on. Still kinda wish we just called him Ollie from the start but am happy that I didnt change it, would have been too confusing x
Anyone heard from Amy?. Come on babies we are all waiting for you!
Glad you feel better about Finleys name Hayley . Hows Cora doing Shiv?
Well I've been losing some of my plug since yesterday, and I had a real feeling of panic when I wiped and it was pink!!!. But my midwife says just to keep a eye on it and ring if its red, its still the same this morning but I feel fine so assume its normal.
Yeah I would like to keep her cooking until after Xmas! haha. I hope Amys ok and we get a update soon . Nothing going on with you Mummy? I thought I would be the only one left out of the group to give birth by now lol
She said i was 2cm dilated and fully effaced so she thinks it won't be long. Been having some mild contractions for last couple of hours so i'm hoping its worked!
I had another bloody show yesterday, was examined but they said its my plug and it regenerates so not too worry....but I still can't help but worry! lol.
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