Been to see MW today & she couldnt feel babys head!! No wonder Im feeling so much pressure. Anyway began to have pains very mild cramps in my back from about 4pm and still got them I hope she doesnt come too soon. Although I had my scan on Monday and she now weighs 5lb 10oz!
Mam youre a good gestation if she did decide to come now, when I was inlabour with Finley at 35 weeks they said they wouldnt stop it at that stage and he would likely only need a small amount of neonatal care - if any!
Just to update had another false alarm yesterday bloody show, 6 hours of contractions and then nothing so i will be having a 3rd sweep on sun, not that i really think it will do much now but she offered so...then induce Tues i think. Although they haven't given me a time, i would have thought i'd fairly high priority as i'll be over 42wks by then.
This weekend will be filled with vindaloo, pineapple and sex! just in case!
why they hell are they leaving you till AFTER 42 weeks? surely thats not safe push for monday at the latest I really hope he comes over the weekend xxx
Ahh I hope baby comes over the weekend. Daniel was 15 days late and I was due to be induced on the 16th day over!. Ive fallen while shopping today I felt like a whale trying to get back up! . I feel like this baby is ready though, I cant describe the feeling but I just know x
It was the day i chose Hayley, just wanted to give it the full 2 weeks so i could have him in the birth centre. I will see the midwife on Sunday for a final sweep so she will obviously check everythings still looking ok.
Did Daniel come naturally then Mam? i bet that was a surprise after that many days over..i'd be really surprised now and i'm 'only' 11 days over!
Look after yourself hun..hope you can get to 37wks x
Hows your lo's Hayley? Seems like ages now since you had Finley
I've read a few stories of that happening, not so late on though! Well hopefully i will but otherwise least i will have my baby..really finding it difficult to imagine now after 9 1/2mths!
Oh Ok, please just make sure you pay extra attention to him and his movements Just think youre soo nearly there now, I'm so jealous, I want another baby
Finley's just wonderful thank you He's such a happy little boy and Daisy loves him to bits, she calls him Bertie now, but I'm also suddenly 'Hayley'
ahh gorgeous pics, he's such a cutie. at Daisy its funny what they pick up! Thomas has really progressed with talking now since turning 2
Yes i will do, so looking forward to just having him in my arms now. These last couple of weeks have put me off going for number 3, but i know much like birth you do forget it all in time so never say never!
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