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'Original Jan 20th Testers' Pregnancy Chat :)

Eek I hadn't even realised - bad mummy!
I've only had 2 scans Amy :( but won't be long before you meet your little man in rl! :wohoo:

:hi: Shiv and Hayley hope you and your new lo's are well :)
Evening girls. Hows everyone feeling?. 29 weeks today! eeek!

Heres my bump progression, how the heck am I getting so big yet I havent gained any weight! :haha:


I'm ok, just getting impatient now! as much as i appreciate getting some sleep i'm just done with being preggers!

Your bump looks great Mam :) so you have not even put a lb on??
mam you look bloody fab, I have major bump envy, sooo miss being pregnant *sob* x
Not long to go now Mummy! Soo close!. I put 2lb on at around 20 weeks, was weighed on Friday and was the same weight as my booking appointment!. I think its the heartburn putting me off eating, Im abso starving just can't cope with the heartburn :(. Hows Finley Hayley? any recent piccies I bet he is getting so big now! :D xxxx
I'm hoping so Mam!:)
I find the opposite, hb makes me feel hungry! :haha:
Was the midwife ok with you not putting any weight on?
do your midwifes weigh you at your appointments or do you weigh yourself? I was only ever weighed at my booking thank God, I must have put on loads!

Finley's doing ok thank you. Having a wobbly tonight, really dont think he's himself at all :cry: so worried about him, waiting for him to wake up so I can stick the tummy monitor on him, feel a bit poo as have managed nearly 7 weeks without having to use it. Think he might have oral thrush as well but as I've never experienced it with the other 2 I dont know for sure, but I know if he does have it I can get it on my boobs so am nervous about that.. will be ringing docs in the morning!!

Anyway pics... :D

After his bath and baby massage :)
Finley bath.jpg

Drunk on milk :haha:

and lost in clothes... he fell asleep while I was sorting through Daisy's 20month worth of clothes... why oh why couldnt Finley have been a girl :lol:

He's now weighing 11lb 4oz and in 3-6 month clothes... hes soooo long! Daisy was still in newborn clothes at his age and only weighing about 8lbs :haha:
I only get weighed at my consultant appointments. The miswife has never mentioned my weight, I thought I may have been told off lol.

Awww Hayley he is adorable. His eyes are huge! wow I can't believe hes in 3-6 monthsclothes what a little chunk :haha:. I think babies get a white coating in their mouths don't they when they have thrush?. Excuse my ignorance(or stupidity!) what a tummy monitor?. Hope the little man feels better soon xxx
ahh right, yeah mine has never weighed me since the booking in app either' i've put on 8lb so far which i'm quite happy with, I think as long as baby is growing then they are happy :)
8lb is bloody great! I would be over the moon with that. Yeah my baby is growing quite big so I dont suppose they're too worried.
Hoping i can keep it to a lb a week now till he's arrives! FX

...keep meaning to ask my mw what weight she thinks this little man will be as well..
Happy New weeks girls :)

5 weeks now for me, come on baby...i'm ready...i think! :haha:
Happy new weeks girls!!!!
Everyone seems to be getting closer!!!! :)
Happy new weeks!. 37 weeks tomorrow eh Amy! excitingggg :D.

Im fine Claire, how are you feeling? xx
Good thanks Claire, just impatient to meet my little man! :haha:

Hows your recovery from the cs going? x

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