I went swimming with DH and Sophia when I was 39 weeks pregnant and the size of a house, the looks i got1 I think people were thinking "what if her waters break whilst she is next to us in the pool"!
Woo hoo, full term yay! Although i'm not ready for baby today, feeling bit rubbish and can't go out and get any lemsip to make me feel better as oh is expecting a delivery!
Baby was weighing in at 3lb 11oz today . I have a scan next Monday and another one the Monday after to check growth. So not as big as I think they thought...phew!!
Had some quite painful bh's for couple of hours last night in bed, and he didn't seem to stop fidgeting either! actually he's been more active for last couple of days now, don't know if it means anything?!
Been trying to bounce on my ball but Thomas wants to keep joining in! Trying to bounce with a 2 year old on your lap is hard work!
Just eaten a v hot chilli, see what the baby makes of that!
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