Ortho Tri-Cyclen? - Updated for new question on same topic!


Going with the flow!
Jul 7, 2009
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Hi! I'm kind of new in this forum... but active in the TTC forum. I'm looking for a little advice, and I guess I am technically WTT suddenly.

I was ordered 2 days ago to take BCP for a month or two. I was given Ortho Tri-Cyclen, and I have an appt with a fertility clinic on Sept 23. They will ultimately decide if this month of BCP is enough or if they want me to take it for another month. So, I'm WTT until at least Sept 23, and I expect it to be the worst month of my life. :(

Regardless, any info about that particular pill? If I should expect any issues? Something you wish someone would have told you? Since it's 2:15am, I don't know whether it's today already or still yesterday... lol... but Sunday (8/23) will be my 3rd day on it. I'm 28 years old, and I've never ever taken BCP before. So, I'm pretty unhappy and confused. lol

Thanks in advance! :)

Never heard of it tbh hun, has it got another name?
Not that I can find. Are BCP brands different in different countries? I'm in the U.S.
I think the names are different in the uk to the us
I think it could be called cilest over here, not sure though.
Hey sweetie Ortho-tricylcin is common BCP in Canada. At least in my area that seems to be the one that everyone tries as their first BCP. I've been on it but its been several years since then. Its a triphasic pill which means the amount of hormones in it fluctuate throughout the month. Are you taking the ortho low?

Here is some info:
Brand Names: Mononessa, Ortho Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Previfem, Sprintec, Tri-Previfem, Tri-Sprintec, TriNess

Risks are the same as with any BCP. Blood clots, strokes, heart attack etc

Here is write up from https://www.lycos.com/info/ortho-tri-cyclen.html

Ortho Tri-Cyclen (Lynoral) is an estrogen and progestin combination contraceptive pill used to prevent pregnancy. It may ... be used to regulate the menstrual cycle, treat symptoms of menopause, or treat other conditions as determined by your doctor. The dosage of Ortho Tri-Cyclen, for the initial cycle of therapy is one active tablet administered daily from the 1st day through the 21st day of the menstrual cycle. Tablets are taken with-out interruption for 21 days. Then make an interruption for 7 days. After 28 days a new course is started the next day.
Ortho Tri-Cyclen is an oral contraceptive (OC) prescribed for the prevention of pregnancy. Oral contraceptives... referred to as "the pill", consist of synthetic forms of two hormones produced naturally in the body: either progestin alone or estrogen and progestin. Ortho Tri-Cyclen is in a group of oral contraceptives called "triphasic oral contraceptives (OC)".The triphasic OCs have a constant or changing estrogen concentrations and varying progestin concentrations throughout the cycle.[/I]

There is a lot of info on the net about this particular drug. If you need anymore help let me know.:hugs:
My body doesn't like triphasic BCP so now I only take monophasic pills like Minovral. For me it would cause my:witch: to be VERY heavy and last almost 2 weeks. I would also get vicious migraines...but that was me. Many women don't experience that at all. I had too much hormones floating around in my system to begin with is what they told me. So I have been on the low dose pills or monophasic ones (the hormone levels are the same throughout the month).

What are your specific concerns? How it works? Side effects? It might help me get the right info for you...
I used it for years with no problems. After 3.5 years though I started to spot a bit on it (between cycles) and switched to Aleese.
I don't know if its the low dose or not... I'll have to check the package that is in the other room. I'm hoping that I don't have any issues with it. The last thing I need is to deal with BC related issues when I get with the fertility clinic people BEFORE I can even TTC. I don't even want to be taking it, so I'd be a bit irritated if it caused more harm than good. *sighs* I'm hoping so much that this is actually going to be helpful and get me closer to the :bfp: quicker... but it seems SO counterproductive! :(
I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about what fertility clinics do, but what was the reasoning for putting you back on BCP? Are they hoping it will regulate your cycle or something else? I know I'm being really nosy! I'm Sorry!
i'm currently taking this exact pill and have been for almost a year and i haven't had any problems with it. but i guess its different for everbody.

Hope this helps a little bit :flower:
I used Ortho-Tricyclen for 9 years and would definitely recommend it. I came off it twice in that time period to try other birth control methods that I thought might be easier (the patch, nuvaring), but came back to it pretty quickly each time. Of all the things I've tried, I had the fewest side effects with the Tricyclen. Actually, I'm having a hard time thinking of any side effects other than I have been break-out free for years!

We are now in our 5th month TTC. I started temping my first month off BCP (obsessive type A personality, what can I say?) and I have ovulated consistently from the very first month off. I'm not pregnant yet, but at least I know that my body is doing its thing and I was very relieved that I didn't have to wait ages for normal cycles to return. My only worry was that my first cycle off only had a 9 day luteal phase. I started taking B vitamins and have had normal luteal phases every cycle since. Have a look at my charts if you're interested.

Good luck Megg33k! I know this must feel so backwards, but hopefully this is just a blip in your TTC efforts and will get you one step closer to holding your baby. :flower:
I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen. It was great- my skin became nicer but I did gain a few pounds on it. Other than that, it was fab!
I'm on it now and was before we had Brianna. The only thing I've found with it is take it RELIGIOUSLY if I skip one for an entire 24 hours I'll have some bleeding. Also the first week or two makes you feel pregnant as hell. Sickness, cravings and the like. Other than that its the best pill I've used. Really helped with my periods.
I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about what fertility clinics do, but what was the reasoning for putting you back on BCP? Are they hoping it will regulate your cycle or something else? I know I'm being really nosy! I'm Sorry!

Yeah, she said it was to "get my cycles in order" or something of the sort. But, she went on to say that after I finish taking it they will "start to manufacture my cycles." Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but why would I take something to get my cycles in order if someone is just going to manufacture them for me anyway? I'm so confused and annoyed... and it seems that it might affect me much like Prometrium did (ie: I'm hungry and I hate everything that lives and breathes). So, I might call her tomorrow and tell her that I'm 12 seconds from homicidal while taking it and see if there's another option. I felt exactly like this with the Prometrium, but Provera was fine with me. I don't understand... I think my body truly hates me and doesn't want me to be happy! LOL

Thanks for the advice though, girls! :)
I was on Tricyclen for years and the only complaint I have about them is that AF lasted 8 days every month, and was heavy from day 2-7. I also never had cramps before being on them, and now i have cramps whether on them or not.

I later switched from Ortho tricyclen to Orthocept and went from 8day AF to 4 day AF. MUCH better!!!! I guess the triphasic wasnt so good for me.
Thanks, girls. I just wanted to update that I'm off of the birth control. I previously had taken Prometrium a few months back and it made me hungry, sleepy, and angry. I found that I reacted the same but more intensely to the birth control. I can handle the hungry and sleepy... but I can't be angry for an entire month. The Prometrium was only a 5 day thing... but 28 days? No way! When I called to tell my ob/gyn about my reaction, she agreed to let me go back to Provera (which I reacted well to) in order to start a new cycle and I'm going to go ahead and use the Clomid I've already filled. If the fertility clinic wants to put me on birth control for a month, I'll just explain to them that I tried and it wasn't something I was able to take. If they insist, then someone else can take my insurance company's money. There are so few people in the U.S. who have insurance that covers infertility, I think they'd be willing to work with me without the use of birth control... just at a guess. :) Thanks again though! Enjoy your wait and best of luck when you start trying! I hope to be moved to the pregnancy forums by then, but I'll see you there if I haven't! :hugs:
Updated for new question but same topic:

For anyone has taken birth control pills... I was only able to take the first 5 days of the pills. I have now stopped. Would the 5 days of it be enough to cause a withdrawal bleed? Or, will I have to take a progesterone supplement to achieve my withdrawal bleed? I would think it would be enough, but I don't know! Thanks in advance! :)
Not too sure. Honestly I have been on several BCP, and I think I only went off of them for 1 month when I was coming off depro-provera.....for me it wasn't bad....I'm coming off my BCP on the 8th of Sept so ask me again then lol!
Well, I think it did give me the withdrawal bleed... something opened the gates for Niagara Falls... so, there's the answer, I assume! Thanks though! :)

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