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Others smoking around your children

In Australia the smoking tax is unbelievable. We pay $37 for 50 grams of tobacco, and minimum $14 for a packet of 20 tailormades. The government just rorts the absolute arse out of smokers, and they won't be stopping any time soon, sadly, as prices went up yet again just last week. I paid $16 for a pack of 25 two weeks back, and then $17.50 for the same pack at the same store this week. It's shocking. They make so much money out of it I can't ever see them stopping. Mind you this government has a LOT of debt and we are just helping them out because they know it is so addictive and people will pay these prices :dohh:
As another poster mentioned, the money also goes back to the health services provided for people with smoking-related illnesses.
In Australia the smoking tax is unbelievable. We pay $37 for 50 grams of tobacco, and minimum $14 for a packet of 20 tailormades. The government just rorts the absolute arse out of smokers, and they won't be stopping any time soon, sadly, as prices went up yet again just last week. I paid $16 for a pack of 25 two weeks back, and then $17.50 for the same pack at the same store this week. It's shocking. They make so much money out of it I can't ever see them stopping. Mind you this government has a LOT of debt and we are just helping them out because they know it is so addictive and people will pay these prices :dohh:

As much as I dislike the thought of the government making loads of money from exploiting people's terrible habits, isn't this preferable to having cigarettes be cheap and accessible? Surely at some point the amount of money being spent on cigarettes will be a trigger for some people to quit. Not all, but some.
In Australia the smoking tax is unbelievable. We pay $37 for 50 grams of tobacco, and minimum $14 for a packet of 20 tailormades. The government just rorts the absolute arse out of smokers, and they won't be stopping any time soon, sadly, as prices went up yet again just last week. I paid $16 for a pack of 25 two weeks back, and then $17.50 for the same pack at the same store this week. It's shocking. They make so much money out of it I can't ever see them stopping. Mind you this government has a LOT of debt and we are just helping them out because they know it is so addictive and people will pay these prices :dohh:
As another poster mentioned, the money also goes back to the health services provided for people with smoking-related illnesses.

I'm in Australia, not the UK. I don't know where the money goes, but it isn't into the health system, which is screwed royally here.

In Australia the smoking tax is unbelievable. We pay $37 for 50 grams of tobacco, and minimum $14 for a packet of 20 tailormades. The government just rorts the absolute arse out of smokers, and they won't be stopping any time soon, sadly, as prices went up yet again just last week. I paid $16 for a pack of 25 two weeks back, and then $17.50 for the same pack at the same store this week. It's shocking. They make so much money out of it I can't ever see them stopping. Mind you this government has a LOT of debt and we are just helping them out because they know it is so addictive and people will pay these prices :dohh:

As much as I dislike the thought of the government making loads of money from exploiting people's terrible habits, isn't this preferable to having cigarettes be cheap and accessible? Surely at some point the amount of money being spent on cigarettes will be a trigger for some people to quit. Not all, but some.

I would hope it would, but unfortunately, there are a lot of smokers that will just keep paying and paying and start to neglect areas of their wellbeing to afford it, like food and that kind of thing. Alcoholics do it, so do drug users, why wouldn't smokers, is my line of thought. Given that it is so addictive, it isn't a stretch to see it happening. Especially in low socioeconomic areas where not much money is made. I know people now who go without food-- and make their children go without -- to get their fix of booze, drugs and now cigarettes. It's really upsetting, but that's the reality for you :(
I am a smoker and I did quit when I was pregnant with my 4th child Ava, I lost her at 22 weeks. My other 3 boys I am ashamed to say I did smoke, there are 22 19 and 13 years old now and thank God they are healthy. I quit for a year and after I lost Ava I went back, I know dumb. But I always respect other people's space, I never smoke even in my own home, I go on my deck outside. I am in New York so you can't smoke anywhere inside, if I go outside while we are out having dinner, I even go the extra mile and walk away from the door and go to the side to smoke. And even when I am on the side of the door if I see kids I go further, what more can I do than that? I am very cautious and very aware of my surroundings, so for me I feel i do my best.. :flower:

What are the smoking laws in NY? I always remember them being one of the first and it being on the news, are you allowed to smoke in the street or is it just indoors that is is banned? How do you think it has changed NY?

You are allowed to smoke in public outside, except in certain areas around a hospital you aren't there are designated places outdoors around the hospital you can smoke. You cannot smoke anywhere indoors, except your own home. Also a pack of smokes is 12 dollars and is going to go up to 15 dollars, if Mayor Bloomberg has it passed. A lot of people have quit , cause they can't afford it. I get my smokes from my dad he lives in Florida and they are only 5 dollars a pack. New Jersey which is right over the bridge from me is more lenient they allow smoking even in hotels in designated rooms and other places. New York will definitely, I know it, pass a law that you can't smoke in public. I am just waiting for it to happen and IMO is only a matter of time.. :flower:
The only person I know who smokes is my grandma and when we visit I open all the windows on her flat to let the smoke out and if she wants a smoke I go and stand in the corridor with
the kids.Luckily I only go once a week for an hour or so.
I hate smoking. My ''best friend'' decided it was okay to light up in my garden with Jacob standing next to him. He's now my ex best friend.
I was out today, stood away from shop doors in a public place... Some woman with a little baby in a sling decides to come along and stand beside me! Is it then my fault her baby is breathing my fumes? She gave me some dirty looks which I ignored then eventually moved away a bit.

Hate the holier than thou attitude of some non smokers.

You don't know why I smoke, if I told you then I'm making excuses... Can't win
In all seriousness though, is there ever a justified reason for smoking?
I was out today, stood away from shop doors in a public place... Some woman with a little baby in a sling decides to come along and stand beside me! Is it then my fault her baby is breathing my fumes? She gave me some dirty looks which I ignored then eventually moved away a bit.

Hate the holier than thou attitude of some non smokers.

You don't know why I smoke, if I told you then I'm making excuses... Can't win

That is because there isn't a plausible reason to smoke.

It's not healthy, it will not prolong your life, it stinks, it's very dangerous, it's expensive.

Your reason is an excuse, because there is no way it can be for the good of you and society.
Jeez oh. Pinklightbulb is getting a kicking here! I have to say I'm in agreement with her sentiments. It is hard to quit smoking and using the word "choice" isn't always as black and white as some may think. I started when I was a dumb teenager too. Some can say I was smart enough to have known not to, but there is a reason even smart teenagers are forbidden by law to enter into a contract. We didn't always make the best decisions. As an adult I've tried to quit but each time I keep going back to it. I've no idea why.

I never smoke in front or around my own child (or anyone elses) and don't expect anyone else to either. I do have a go at my mum for smoking in her house when Abby is coming. She can go outside and do it or we wont visit, its that simple. I even tell my husband off if Abby can even see him smoking. If I had friends who smoked in their house, I wouldn't go there. I hate seeing people smoking around their own children. To me it is a very ignorant thing to do. And those who smoke in their cars with children deserve a punching. So so wrong. People who stand around entrances and smoke are just selfish, as there is no reason they can't move along so people don't have to walk through a cloud of smoke. That said, walking through that for a couple of seconds isn't going to do anyone any harm. I do think businesses have a responsibility to stop it too, though.

On the other hand, if I'm sitting somewhere out of the way having a cigarette and you come and sit next to me with your children, whilst I will get up and move, it will really piss me off. And certainly don't come sit there and have a go at me. I always choose somewhere well out of the way and if I can't do that, I just wont light up. Our public smoking laws are fair, I think. You can't smoke in bus shelters, or in any enclosed space. I think applying it completely to public parks is a bit too harsh, but it could be done that parks have to have a designated smoking area. That would actually make things much easier because everyone knows where they need to be.

Sure it could be banned totally and hell, who knows, that might even make me quit. But until it is, I'm not breaking the law by smoking and I will agree with Pinklightbulb that smokers are made to feel like second class citizens and there is definitely a judgement thing going on, which I don't think is fair or necessary. We are all just people who got to this stage of life with a bad habit or two - and everyone has them. As long as we all do our best to make sure those habits don't affect other people then there shouldn't be a problem.
If a person chooses to smoke that is their right , but they must be respectful of others and I am and so are others/ We don't need to justify our smoking , we do the best we can for others around us. I always am in a designating smoking area and sometimes people who don't smoke come into my space and I still move away. WTF more can you do?
I smoke because I have schizophrenia and smoking improves cognitive function in schizophrenia. Yeah... Just an excuse.

I started smoking when my son was born and I was in psychosis and had very bad pnd. Smoking helped me get through my day. The fact I could use smoking as a coping mechanism literally meant my partner could work during the day. Just an excuse, sorry

I smoke because it helps my anxiety

I smoke because I like it

I smoke because its legal and cheaper and safer than taking drugs

I smoke because I shouldn't use my other coping mechanisms - cutting myself, anorexia, bulimia...

I smoke because I was in a mental hospital and literally it was the only thing to do because I didn't have the cognitive function to read books, watch tv... Anything really.

All excuses. And yes I've had many years if CBT counselling etc.
I smoke because I have schizophrenia and smoking improves cognitive function in schizophrenia. Yeah... Just an excuse.

I started smoking when my son was born and I was in psychosis and had very bad pnd. Smoking helped me get through my day. The fact I could use smoking as a coping mechanism literally meant my partner could work during the day. Just an excuse, sorry

I smoke because it helps my anxiety

I smoke because I like it

I smoke because its legal and cheaper and safer than taking drugs

I smoke because I shouldn't use my other coping mechanisms - cutting myself, anorexia, bulimia...

I smoke because I was in a mental hospital and literally it was the only thing to do because I didn't have the cognitive function to read books, watch tv... Anything really.

All excuses. And yes I've had many years if CBT counselling etc.

My friend was advised by his alcoholism therapist to start smoking to ease the alcohol addiction - has helped although now he's addicted to smoking so not sure which is worse! But yeah there are reasons for smoking.
My friend was advised by his alcoholism therapist to start smoking to ease the alcohol addiction - has helped although now he's addicted to smoking so not sure which is worse! But yeah there are reasons for smoking.

Alcoholism is far worse than smoking. At least if you smoke you can function in normal society- hold a job, take care of kids, have a normal relationship, do normal daily tasks. And a severe alcoholic will in general die much younger than a 'severe smoker'. I worked in Glasgow hospitals, the alcoholic capital as some drs put it, and saw a few 20-something-year-olds die because of it. Very sad.
My friend was advised by his alcoholism therapist to start smoking to ease the alcohol addiction - has helped although now he's addicted to smoking so not sure which is worse! But yeah there are reasons for smoking.

Alcoholism is far worse than smoking. At least if you smoke you can function in normal society- hold a job, take care of kids, have a normal relationship, do normal daily tasks. And a severe alcoholic will in general die much younger than a 'severe smoker'. I worked in Glasgow hospitals, the alcoholic capital as some drs put it, and saw a few 20-something-year-olds die because of it. Very sad.

Ah right that makes sense, don't know why I didn't think that :dohh:
I smoke because I have schizophrenia and smoking improves cognitive function in schizophrenia. Yeah... Just an excuse.

I started smoking when my son was born and I was in psychosis and had very bad pnd. Smoking helped me get through my day. The fact I could use smoking as a coping mechanism literally meant my partner could work during the day. Just an excuse, sorry

I smoke because it helps my anxiety

I smoke because I like it

I smoke because its legal and cheaper and safer than taking drugs

I smoke because I shouldn't use my other coping mechanisms - cutting myself, anorexia, bulimia...

I smoke because I was in a mental hospital and literally it was the only thing to do because I didn't have the cognitive function to read books, watch tv... Anything really.

All excuses. And yes I've had many years if CBT counselling etc.

My friend was advised by his alcoholism therapist to start smoking to ease the alcohol addiction - has helped although now he's addicted to smoking so not sure which is worse! But yeah there are reasons for smoking.

Alcoholism is far worse than smoking. At least if you smoke you can function in normal society- hold a job, take care of kids, have a normal relationship, do normal daily tasks. And a severe alcoholic will in general die much younger than a 'severe smoker'. I worked in Glasgow hospitals, the alcoholic capital as some drs put it, and saw a few 20-something-year-olds die because of it. Very sad.

I'm still not a huge fan of smoking and still prefer to take my son away from people who are smoking around him once he's born, but I do agree with this. My mom's ex-boyfriend (who growing up, was one of my favorite people in her life) died because he drank so much his liver bled out. I won't get into the other deaths I know of that are alcohol related, but I will say you can smoke and drive and not kill anybody. You can't drink and drive and not have a huge risk of killing somebody.
I smoke because I have schizophrenia and smoking improves cognitive function in schizophrenia. Yeah... Just an excuse.

I started smoking when my son was born and I was in psychosis and had very bad pnd. Smoking helped me get through my day. The fact I could use smoking as a coping mechanism literally meant my partner could work during the day. Just an excuse, sorry

I smoke because it helps my anxiety

I smoke because I like it

I smoke because its legal and cheaper and safer than taking drugs

I smoke because I shouldn't use my other coping mechanisms - cutting myself, anorexia, bulimia...

I smoke because I was in a mental hospital and literally it was the only thing to do because I didn't have the cognitive function to read books, watch tv... Anything really.

All excuses. And yes I've had many years if CBT counselling etc.


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