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Others smoking around your children

I have said MULTIPLE times in this thread, I don't smoke around kids. Not unless I'm in public and they wander too close.

Like I said, I understand that. But you seem to refuse to understand my point if view of not wanting my son around smoke, instead you harp on how I can't protect him from everything.
What does another thread have to do with this? And yes, they are, but that isn't the point. I don't even recall the thread you are talking about. Sorry if you felt attacked, and if I didn't put my opinion across respectfully.
I just think there's a valid connection, that's all.

I don't.

Weed and cigs are two completely different things. If you knew any research on either you would know that.
I have said MULTIPLE times in this thread, I don't smoke around kids. Not unless I'm in public and they wander too close.

Like I said, I understand that. But you seem to refuse to understand my point if view of not wanting my son around smoke, instead you harp on how I can't protect him from everything.

I believe pink was only trying to say that as much as we try, most likely kids will be exposed at some point whether it be the smallest amount to cig smoke, I don't think she was trying to make it seem you were being silly in protecting your kid. We all agree that kids shouldnt be around it, but it does happen unfortunately no matter how vigilant a parent can be.
I have said MULTIPLE times in this thread, I don't smoke around kids. Not unless I'm in public and they wander too close.

Like I said, I understand that. But you seem to refuse to understand my point if view of not wanting my son around smoke, instead you harp on how I can't protect him from everything.

Could you be a little less rude? I'd appreciate it.

Anyway, you say you don't want him around smoke. I understand that. I do. I don't want mine around it either. But unlike you I seem to understand that I can't police all smokers everywhere. There are going to be times you aren't successful in protecting your child from cigarette smoke, or anything else bad for him. But if the majority of the time you are mindful then I don't see why extremely minimal exposure is such a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

That is just my view and even as a non-smoker I would feel this way. My family has a lot of smokers in it, and I still take my sons to their home. They don't smoke indoors, either, so it's not everywhere in there. Because they smoke, should I not allow my sons to see their grandfather, uncle and aunt, who all love them very much? They shouldn't miss out on a relationship with them. There are times outside when my kids are a little close to the smokers, but I simply move them away and accept that I took them there and so I took the risk, vs them never seeing their family because they might get a whiff of secondhand smoke outside once or twice a month.
I have said MULTIPLE times in this thread, I don't smoke around kids. Not unless I'm in public and they wander too close.

Like I said, I understand that. But you seem to refuse to understand my point if view of not wanting my son around smoke, instead you harp on how I can't protect him from everything.

I believe pink was only trying to say that as much as we try, most likely kids will be exposed at some point whether it be the smallest amount to cig smoke, I don't think she was trying to make it seem you were being silly in protecting your kid. We all agree that kids shouldnt be around it, but it does happen unfortunately no matter how vigilant a parent can be.

This. Nobody is silly in wanting to protect their kid. I'm only saying that life happens and it doesn't always work out exactly how you want it to, in spite of your best intentions.
I'm not being rude, nor am I trying to police smokers. If you want to smoke and destroy your lungs, be my guest. I've said that ample times in this thread. Until your last post, you kept dismissing my concerns, which was annoying. My son has and will continue to run into cigarette smoke, I know this. I'm just cautious.

I understand you must feel outnumbered in this post but I also think you were being purposefully difficult to try and get a point across.
Not really. I'm not easily flustered. I think we just have very strong opinions on either side. It's cool.

Anyway, if your family had smokers in it, as in my above example, what would you do? Genuinely curious.
If somebody smoked around my son I'd be furious - my mum has him (she's a smoker) but she only smokes in her kitchen/ he stays in her living room / garden. It's not ideal and he sometimes comes home smelling of smoke purely because of her home, which I hate. But that's my issue not hers, she does her best by not smoking inside on the day she has him, and she waits until he leaves to smoke if she knows she's having him.
My dad has been known to have Eamon in the shed with him and be smoking. I've just about given up bashing my head against that brick wall. So I just ask that Eamon is as far away as possible in the shed, or not taken out there at all. It's maddening.
I do have a few smokers in my family. I also lost a grandfather due to lung cancer; it's why I feel so strongly about it. However, I currently don't live close to them so it's not an issue I have to face very often. When I do see them, we tend to meet somewhere neutral like my sister's home, my parents home, or a restaurant. It's definitely not easy though.
My dad has been known to have Eamon in the shed with him and be smoking. I've just about given up bashing my head against that brick wall. So I just ask that Eamon is as far away as possible in the shed, or not taken out there at all. It's maddening.

I think the older generation definately has a harder time grasping just how bad smoking is. Like i said in my earlier post my great-aunty who is 85 smoked right on top of my and my sister´s babies without a second thought. And when i was in primary school (so going back almost 20 years) the school busdriver, who must have been between 50-60yrs at the time, chainsmoked with a busload of kids. My mum complained to the school and to Signor Matteo himself but he continued to chain-smoke for the total of 1hr that i was on that bus everyday. Thinking about it now makes me so angry! I suspect if this happened nowadays he would probably be fired.
I'm guessing everybody here holds their child's hand crossing the road? Doesn't let them play with adult scissors or knives? Teaches them about strangers? To me keeping smoke away from them is another protective measure, sure there's worse around but that doesn't mean it isn't my job to protect him from as much as I can, it is not an overreaction and I will do it until the day smoking is banned in public which IS going to happen in the UK it's a matter of when not if, it may not be soon but smoking is becoming less and less acceptable as time goes on. Surely smokers here will be happy for their children to grow up in a society without people being slaves to this habit? The thought of my son growing up to be a smoker makes me sick to my stomach.

If tobacco was discovered today it is often said it would never be legal, it is right the government taxes it through the roof (in the UK at least) due to the massive costs on the NHS.
I was thinking about this when I read an article last night about all the crazy harmful things people did in the past - treating EVERYTHING with mercury, giving babies narcotics to calm them down etc. Hopefully smoking cigarettes will be looked upon in the same 'WTF were they thinking?' way eventually!
I was thinking about this when I read an article last night about all the crazy harmful things people did in the past - treating EVERYTHING with mercury, giving babies narcotics to calm them down etc. Hopefully smoking cigarettes will be looked upon in the same 'WTF were they thinking?' way eventually!

I definitely think so, think how much healthier people would be and the relief on the NHS. I think it's only because of its addictive nature the government knows it can't do an all out ban, I know they are extremely heavily taxed but from the reports I have read this no way covers the costs on the NHS at the moment.
I am a smoker and I did quit when I was pregnant with my 4th child Ava, I lost her at 22 weeks. My other 3 boys I am ashamed to say I did smoke, there are 22 19 and 13 years old now and thank God they are healthy. I quit for a year and after I lost Ava I went back, I know dumb. But I always respect other people's space, I never smoke even in my own home, I go on my deck outside. I am in New York so you can't smoke anywhere inside, if I go outside while we are out having dinner, I even go the extra mile and walk away from the door and go to the side to smoke. And even when I am on the side of the door if I see kids I go further, what more can I do than that? I am very cautious and very aware of my surroundings, so for me I feel i do my best.. :flower:
I am a smoker and I did quit when I was pregnant with my 4th child Ava, I lost her at 22 weeks. My other 3 boys I am ashamed to say I did smoke, there are 22 19 and 13 years old now and thank God they are healthy. I quit for a year and after I lost Ava I went back, I know dumb. But I always respect other people's space, I never smoke even in my own home, I go on my deck outside. I am in New York so you can't smoke anywhere inside, if I go outside while we are out having dinner, I even go the extra mile and walk away from the door and go to the side to smoke. And even when I am on the side of the door if I see kids I go further, what more can I do than that? I am very cautious and very aware of my surroundings, so for me I feel i do my best.. :flower:

What are the smoking laws in NY? I always remember them being one of the first and it being on the news, are you allowed to smoke in the street or is it just indoors that is is banned? How do you think it has changed NY?
In Australia the smoking tax is unbelievable. We pay $37 for 50 grams of tobacco, and minimum $14 for a packet of 20 tailormades. The government just rorts the absolute arse out of smokers, and they won't be stopping any time soon, sadly, as prices went up yet again just last week. I paid $16 for a pack of 25 two weeks back, and then $17.50 for the same pack at the same store this week. It's shocking. They make so much money out of it I can't ever see them stopping. Mind you this government has a LOT of debt and we are just helping them out because they know it is so addictive and people will pay these prices :dohh:
My dad has been known to have Eamon in the shed with him and be smoking. I've just about given up bashing my head against that brick wall. So I just ask that Eamon is as far away as possible in the shed, or not taken out there at all. It's maddening.

I think the older generation definately has a harder time grasping just how bad smoking is. Like i said in my earlier post my great-aunty who is 85 smoked right on top of my and my sister´s babies without a second thought. And when i was in primary school (so going back almost 20 years) the school busdriver, who must have been between 50-60yrs at the time, chainsmoked with a busload of kids. My mum complained to the school and to Signor Matteo himself but he continued to chain-smoke for the total of 1hr that i was on that bus everyday. Thinking about it now makes me so angry! I suspect if this happened nowadays he would probably be fired.

Yeah my dear old Dad is one of them, he used to smoke in the car with us and all. My first birthday photos feature my aunt with me on her lap, a cigarette in one hand, ashtray on the table in front and about four packs of smokes from the other various smokers in the room, all smoking in the photo :*sigh* Obviously that wouldn't happen in sensible homes these days! Tonight we were at my Mum and Liam's birthday at my parents' (they share it) and all the smoking was definitely outdoors!

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