Girls, I've been so busy lately, trying to type away like a mad woman on my diss. and applying for jobs. It's been nuts!
It doesn't help that I have to go in twice a week to the doc's b/c I am "high risk" (only because of the gestational diabetes, everything else is fine) - you know how long it can take to be seen at a doctor's office!
So I'm just on here to give a quick update: no baby yet! She is due on Friday, but I don't see her coming then. I am thinking Tuesday of next week. Every time I go in for the monitoring and scan, the doctor says, "She's happy in there." This is, of course, great news!
But it also makes me think her entrance is a little ways off yet.
I had an external cephalic version during week 37 (where they turn the baby from the outside). It was not exactly the most pleasant of experiences, but I am pleased to say that baby girl has remained head down! I at least have a chance at giving birth to her through the birth canal!
Only thing is, it still might end up in a c-section because she is measuring very large. A week ago she was estimated to be 9lbs, 3oz. I know those estimates can be off, but there has never been a time during this pregnancy where she has measured less than the 92nd percentile for size. She's a big gal. And that's even with the GD being under control for the past two months!
So that's the update. Going in for a growth scan an the hospital tomorrow because their machine is supposedly better than the one at my doc's office. I guess they're trying to figure out at this point whether I will be able to push her out!
I'll keep you updated!