Over 30, expecting #1

Purpelilly, I'm glad things went OK with your mom. So exciting to have heard the heartbeat, and I'm sure your u/s tomorrow will go perfectly. You are so close to the 2nd tri, I am jealous!

I will be 6 weeks on Friday, and I have been nauseous on and off, but nothing too bad. I have been more nauseous today than the other days, but that may be because I am thinking about it too much :haha:

Thank you hon. It's gonna take some time but it's all for Cadbury so it's worth it! It still doesn't feel real half the time! We've told almost all the "important to tell in person" people but i'm still nervous about making it general knowledge till my u/s. Crazy i know but i'm so nervous i'm just trying to keep my mind off it with all you ladies in here today:winkwink:

I was very lucky with the m/s but i'm feeling it alittle more now. Doc said i probably fended most of it off by never really getting hungry.... but of coarse now i'm paying for it. I've only gained 5lbs as of yesterday but i gained 15lbs while TTC. So she told me to watch my weight. Now i'm not eating as much but getting nausous. :shrug: I think it's a crime against nature to let me be this hungry if it's no good for me:haha::haha:

Hope all you get is alittle nausous here and there honey!

i was told to never go more than 2-3 hours without eating. i eat a lot of little things throughout the day. lately i've been craving sugar which is making it harder to stick to fruits and stuff!

i don't know if i posted this before, but i had my 3rd beta on monday and it was 8,184. My progesterone was 73 :shock: no wonder i am so TIRED!!
Purpelilly, I'm glad things went OK with your mom. So exciting to have heard the heartbeat, and I'm sure your u/s tomorrow will go perfectly. You are so close to the 2nd tri, I am jealous!

I will be 6 weeks on Friday, and I have been nauseous on and off, but nothing too bad. I have been more nauseous today than the other days, but that may be because I am thinking about it too much :haha:

Thank you hon. It's gonna take some time but it's all for Cadbury so it's worth it! It still doesn't feel real half the time! We've told almost all the "important to tell in person" people but i'm still nervous about making it general knowledge till my u/s. Crazy i know but i'm so nervous i'm just trying to keep my mind off it with all you ladies in here today:winkwink:

I was very lucky with the m/s but i'm feeling it alittle more now. Doc said i probably fended most of it off by never really getting hungry.... but of coarse now i'm paying for it. I've only gained 5lbs as of yesterday but i gained 15lbs while TTC. So she told me to watch my weight. Now i'm not eating as much but getting nausous. :shrug: I think it's a crime against nature to let me be this hungry if it's no good for me:haha::haha:

Hope all you get is alittle nausous here and there honey!

i was told to never go more than 2-3 hours without eating. i eat a lot of little things throughout the day. lately i've been craving sugar which is making it harder to stick to fruits and stuff!

i don't know if i posted this before, but i had my 3rd beta on monday and it was 8,184. My progesterone was 73 :shock: no wonder i am so TIRED!!

my doc is such a twit (we've decided to change) I just had my bloods done and she told me nothing other than everything came back fine except that i show recent exposure to shingles, so i need to retest in a couple of weeks. No idea what my beta/progest levels are:growlmad: I actually had to remind her that the bloods were done & she needed to check the results:dohh: Time for a new doc! She didn't even send me for the blood work, another doc in the group did because he was upset that i went to another appt without them done!:growlmad: Next appt 10/31 (besides u/s) with the new doc!!!
Sorry to hear your doc is being such a nitwit! Do you already have a new one all picked out? I changed doctors early in pg too, and am sooooo glad I did!
Sorry to hear your doc is being such a nitwit! Do you already have a new one all picked out? I changed doctors early in pg too, and am sooooo glad I did!

Yeah I like the new guy. He was very patient with me and explained everything that needed to be done (that she never did) and what was going to happen next. He even had the nurse come back in to make double check that i had everything i needed :thumbup: He is actually in the same "group" as the other lady but she is a Nurse Practioner, which in my experience are usually much more personable than doctors. :shrug: I think it's the right decision and DH is happy as long as i am!
I've only had one occasion where I really thought I'd be sick but other than that it's only been nausea when I'm hungry. I have breakfast at 6:50am so as long as I have a snack such as a banana, apple or granola bar at about 10am I'm ok until lunch. Being diabetic is a bit of a bind - I had my dinner later than usual tonight and had a hypo (low sugar level) which is a risk I run because I have to keep my glucose levels within very tight parameters.

All good fun!
I've only had one occasion where I really thought I'd be sick but other than that it's only been nausea when I'm hungry. I have breakfast at 6:50am so as long as I have a snack such as a banana, apple or granola bar at about 10am I'm ok until lunch. Being diabetic is a bit of a bind - I had my dinner later than usual tonight and had a hypo (low sugar level) which is a risk I run because I have to keep my glucose levels within very tight parameters.

All good fun!

That sounds like such a pain!!! My eating schedule had basically been like that but now i'm trying (unsuccessfully right now) to go back to 3 meals a day so doc doesn't have an issue with the weight.:cry: i'm hungry!
My nausea has also been when I am hungry. This morning before lunch I was alternately hungry and nauseous, and it was making me nervous about eating because I hate the idea of being sick at work. Once I ate, I felt much better though. I had heard that eating throughout the day can help, so I guess I will give that a try.
My nausea has also been when I am hungry. This morning before lunch I was alternately hungry and nauseous, and it was making me nervous about eating because I hate the idea of being sick at work. Once I ate, I felt much better though. I had heard that eating throughout the day can help, so I guess I will give that a try.

yeah, i was told to eat 6 small meals a day :flower:
My nausea has also been when I am hungry. This morning before lunch I was alternately hungry and nauseous, and it was making me nervous about eating because I hate the idea of being sick at work. Once I ate, I felt much better though. I had heard that eating throughout the day can help, so I guess I will give that a try.

yeah, i was told to eat 6 small meals a day :flower:

i think i need to move to the west coast! :rofl:
Purplelilly- well, I guess it went as well as possible with your mom. Here’s to hoping her behavior/attitude remains as inoffensive as possible ;-)

Touch the Sky- I had nauseousness weeks 6 and 7 and week 8 I have been less nauseous and more hungry- either way I eat because it works to quell the hunger or the sickies!

And Purplelilly- I agree, it is a crime to keep a pregnant woman from her food! Seriously though, if you know you are eating healthy don’t be too hard on yourself. I have heard about women who restrict during pregnancy only to put the same amount of weight on as the non-restricting group, because the body just sucked every damn calorie it could outta every morsel.

Today I was truly stomach growly hungry every two hours. In the morning it made sense because I just ate fruit and a handful of almonds each time I was hungry but then at lunch I had a spicy McChicken sandwich and got hungry again in two hours, even though the bread, chicken, mayonnaise and grease had plenty of calories. It is so weird to have my body just do whatever the hell it wants, even when it defies logic.:dohh:
Hi not pregnant but would like to support whenever I can stop by.
hey, i don't mean to be one of those girls that asks a lot of questions, but i noticed today my tummy has been tight all day. i figure this is normal but i'm just wondering how many of you have had it. i feel it mostly if i move a certain way or reach for something. makes me happy cuz i know baby is growing!!
My nausea has also been when I am hungry. This morning before lunch I was alternately hungry and nauseous, and it was making me nervous about eating because I hate the idea of being sick at work. Once I ate, I felt much better though. I had heard that eating throughout the day can help, so I guess I will give that a try.

yeah, i was told to eat 6 small meals a day :flower:

i think i need to move to the west coast! :rofl:

Purplelilly- well, I guess it went as well as possible with your mom. Here’s to hoping her behavior/attitude remains as inoffensive as possible ;-)

Touch the Sky- I had nauseousness weeks 6 and 7 and week 8 I have been less nauseous and more hungry- either way I eat because it works to quell the hunger or the sickies!

And Purplelilly- I agree, it is a crime to keep a pregnant woman from her food! Seriously though, if you know you are eating healthy don’t be too hard on yourself. I have heard about women who restrict during pregnancy only to put the same amount of weight on as the non-restricting group, because the body just sucked every damn calorie it could outta every morsel.

Today I was truly stomach growly hungry every two hours. In the morning it made sense because I just ate fruit and a handful of almonds each time I was hungry but then at lunch I had a spicy McChicken sandwich and got hungry again in two hours, even though the bread, chicken, mayonnaise and grease had plenty of calories. It is so weird to have my body just do whatever the hell it wants, even when it defies logic.:dohh:

ha, i always tell my OH that everything i put in my mouth goes straight to the uterus! nothin left for me! :haha:
With regards to eating, I had to stop myself from eating 3 meals a day and train myself to just graze. I got MS at 10 weeks and still get nauseous now. I get nauseous if I don't eat for longer than about 2 hours. It's the best way to keep your body ticking over. Also, once you get a little further along you might find that you simply can't eat 3 meals like you do now. I can't tell you the number of times I'd finish lunch and almost cry because I was so uncomfortably full.

My advice - train yourself now to eat little and often. I found it a real struggle but now I have a small breakfast about 7am, some fruit and yoghurt about 9am, half my lunch around 11am, the rest around 2pm, a snack at about 4pm or 5pm and then dinner around 7.30pm.
Hi ladies!! Just checking in, I just got back from my u/s and i'm :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: It's real now!!! DH is excited to go to the next one at 20wks! I'm measuring at 13wks which is close to my dating (my dippy doc had me at 12+2 today) I am just SOOOOOO in love today! Now it's real!!!
Purplelilly- well, I guess it went as well as possible with your mom. Here’s to hoping her behavior/attitude remains as inoffensive as possible ;-)

Touch the Sky- I had nauseousness weeks 6 and 7 and week 8 I have been less nauseous and more hungry- either way I eat because it works to quell the hunger or the sickies!

And Purplelilly- I agree, it is a crime to keep a pregnant woman from her food! Seriously though, if you know you are eating healthy don’t be too hard on yourself. I have heard about women who restrict during pregnancy only to put the same amount of weight on as the non-restricting group, because the body just sucked every damn calorie it could outta every morsel.

Today I was truly stomach growly hungry every two hours. In the morning it made sense because I just ate fruit and a handful of almonds each time I was hungry but then at lunch I had a spicy McChicken sandwich and got hungry again in two hours, even though the bread, chicken, mayonnaise and grease had plenty of calories. It is so weird to have my body just do whatever the hell it wants, even when it defies logic.:dohh:

I've decided to take her advise with a grain of salt! I got on the scale this morning and i was down 4lbs from my appt on tuesday. I think it was just retension from a late dinner w/mom on monday night (i didn't eat until 8:30 + 2 cups of decaf after that) I've been eating healthier than ever so i'm not gonna worry too much. I don't eat "just to eat" so sometimes i'll go 4-5 hrs cuz i'm bloated and not hungry. But somedays I am hungry every 2 hrs and i hate feeling like i'm starving! I'm definitely not stick thin but I still fit in my size 6/8 jeans even with the extra weight i gained TTC. Being tall helps to hide it!
Hi ladies!! Just checking in, I just got back from my u/s and i'm :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: It's real now!!! DH is excited to go to the next one at 20wks! I'm measuring at 13wks which is close to my dating (my dippy doc had me at 12+2 today) I am just SOOOOOO in love today! Now it's real!!!

That's so exciting! :happydance:
Hi ladies!! Just checking in, I just got back from my u/s and i'm :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: It's real now!!! DH is excited to go to the next one at 20wks! I'm measuring at 13wks which is close to my dating (my dippy doc had me at 12+2 today) I am just SOOOOOO in love today! Now it's real!!!

That's so exciting! :happydance:

Hi Hakunamatata! You're gonna love it! My first ever view was straight on with bub's lil legs crossed and a hand in front of his/her face!lol. DH can dodge a camera like no one i've ever met so i'm not suprized!:haha: It is just so cool to see them moving in there!

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