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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

Flou that's fantastic news congratulations and a healthy bean with a wonderful flickering heartbeat :happydance: I can't wait to see pics :)

Buttrfly I hope all goes well for you this weekend too :)
Unfortunately nothing happening this weekend:( my body isn't ready for iui yet. Waiting for instructions as to when the next ( and hopefully last) monitoring is
flou!! Hooray for a heartbeat. :D Glad they're monitoring you closely.

Buttrfly, what were they hoping to have happened on the weekend? Ovulation?
This weekend would have been IUIs if I was ready. Ultra probably Sunday or Monday and IUIs sometime this week we hope
Flou that is fantastic news congrats! Xx

Buttrfly good luck with the iui xx
Sorry it's been delayed a little bit buttrfly but I hope all goes well this week :)

Flou still waiting on those pics............ ;) x
Ah I see - good luck for next week, Buttrfly!

flou, how are you feeling?!
Attached is my scan pic of my little bean. Not feeling too bad. Nausea comes and goes, one minute I feel ill and the next minute I don't feel pg at all. I had a little bit of insominia but I managed to sleep well last night. Boobs still sore, clear discharge, constipation and bloating seem like my regular symptoms. Just can't wait to get to 12 weeks, then maybe I can stop rushing to the loo when I feel some cm thinking that it maybe blood.


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Awwww hey little bean.

All your symptoms sound like mine at the same point (although my nausea was near-constanct) so that is a good sign!!
They say ms can be worse with twins. Are you still feeling nauseous and sick Melly or has it now passed? Yesterday didn't feel sick much at all just a few waves but today nearly all day nausea. My mum is so over excited about everything. She has been a rock to me through everything we have been through over the last three years. I saw my parents yesterday and all she could do was stare at my belly. I've already got bigger around my tummy, mainly due to bloat but mum couldn't help but pat it. She probably won't leave my belly alone once I have a proper baby belly.

I hope everyone else is well.
Hahaha, that's adorable that she is patting your bloat.

I still feel nauseated if I don't eat every 1-1.5 hours. So I'm basically just snacking constantly. Haven't vomited in a few days!
Aw flou, gorgeous pic, thanks for sharing :) congrats again, that sounds so sweet of your mum

Melly yay for sickness easing :)
Not too shabby, thank you! Still gagging and occasionally vomiting, but I *think* it's easing off a bit. Hooray! I'm already showing though - I was at a wedding yesterday and someone asked when I was due. Sigh! I'm not even 12 weeks!! How are you and Ruby doing? Three months, she must be smiling and giggling up a storm. :D Are you heading back to work or staying home with her?
Melly Hopefully that's the end of your sickness and the start of the nice 2nd tri :) have you bought anything for the babies yet and are you finding out the genders? Aw I bet it's a lovely little bump now, I was just starting to show at 12 weeks so with you having 2 in there you're allowed to be showing ;)

Ruby is getting more and more of a personality every day, her cooing and 'chatting' is so cute and she gets away with murder with her smile ;) over the weekend she has started rolling over after being so close for a week or more but she's finally sussed that her head is heavy so if she uses that to topple herself it's easy. It won't be long I reckon til she's crawling, her legs are so strong, she has been pushing herself along backwards across the floor for a while now, she's so eager to move around.

Nope I'm not planning on going back to work until she goes to pre school at 3 but hubby has got other ideas haha ;)
Its lovely to hear Ruby is doing well Mrs duck.

Melly I'm glad the first trimester is getting easier for you.

I haven't been feeling as queasy the last few days. I have been getting the odd wave of nausea and a little dry heaving but nothing too bad. About middle of last week I felt really sick. It felt like a bad hangover. But its eased over the last couple of days. Boobs are still sore, still bloated and still lots of increased discharge. I've got my booking appointment with my midwife on Thursday. Feeling excited and nervous.

buttrfly did you have your iui this week?

highhopes not long now. How are you feeling?
Mrs duck ruby sounds like she is at such a cute stage!

Melly I started showing at around 10 weeks...my belly is huuuuuge! And I was slim and short to begin with so I'm all bump now. My morning sickness wasn't too bad either, lots of nausea but only vomited maybe 10-12 times overall. I was very hungry lol!

Flou so glad u r doing well xx

Buttrfly when do u test for this iui cycle?

AFM...I've been stating in hospital this w/e as babies hearts were slowing down a bit. They don't induce twins at the w/e but kept me in for observation. The consultant will scan me today and decide whether to induce labour today or send me home to wait one more week. I'm booked in for induction on 19th August anyway so the longest I will have to wait is 8 days!!! So excited...and nervous!

Any tips for labour mrs duck/itsawonder? Xxx
Oh wow, it's so close HH!!

What are the standard procedures in the UK for twin births? Do they let you try vaginally if the babies are head down? I hope it goes well!!

flou, glad you're not feeling too bad this week. Three days until the appointment! Eeeeeeeeee. :D

MrsDuck, I can't believe Ruby is already getting around at 3 months. That's crazy!!
The presenting twin is head down so yes I can try for vaginal delivery. Twin 2 is breech but they can either deliver breech or manually turn the second baby. An epidural is practically compulsory coz there could be complications.

I've been sent home for one last week of 'freedom' before the babies arrive!

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