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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

Sorry for your losses Caz.

Thanks for the support ladies!

Flou I just realized I never wished you a happy birthday I'm so sorry! Very happy belated birthday! How did your appointment go? Are they giving you aspirin or anything? Yay for early scan!

Melly sorry you are not feeling well..great signs for stickiness though!! Scan coming up yay!

Itsawonder and mrsduck how are you and your little girls?

Highhopes how are you and the twins feeling?

I'm thinking of testing Monday. I have the beta test on Wednesday. This wait feels like an eternity! I'm feeling AF symptoms too so not too hopeful but would be amazing!
Flou I know how you feel, it is really hard to enjoy being pregnant once you've had a miscarriage. I was scared that if I started enjoying it and believing it something would go terribly wrong again. I also didn't want to get to attached to the babies incase I had another mc. I'm STILL waiting for something to go wrong and I'm nearly 33 weeks now!!!

Just take it one day at a time hun, focus on looking after yourself, eating well and getting plenty of rest. Are you going to have an early scan?

Buttrfly good luck for the test on Monday...FC for u xx

Melly hope you are feeling well!

Mrs duck and itsawonder hope all is good with you and your babies.

AFM, it's seriously hot here in london and I feel like I'm melting in the heat. My bump itches like crazy and I've taken to walking around the house in pj bottoms and a bra with a wet tissue covering the bump to stop it itching...pregnancy is so sexy!

The babies are doing good. I had another scan on Thursday and both are 4lb! Aiming to get to 37 weeks and then they will induce...if I make it that far. I'm enormous already! Xx
My appointment with my GP went well. I'm having a scan on 1st August (i will be 7+2 at that point) and then my GP has asked to see me after on the 5th August. He wants to keep an eye on me before sending me to the midwife. My GP had to say I had had 3mcs rather than 2 to get an early scan done. He has given me aspirin but I'm not taking it at the moment because I'm having some dizzy spells due to low blood pressure. I don't want to thin my blood at the mo as I don't want to end up fainting. I think that could potentially cause more harm. I will be entering week 6 on Wednesday and I have never got further than week 6. If I get through that maybe I can relax a little. Thank you ladies for all your kind words of encouragement. Its helping me keep some kind of sanity.

Good luck with the testing buttrfly. I hope you get a sticky bfp soon!

highhopes I'm glad your two little ones are doing well. Not long now, how exciting!
Buttfly, I really hope you get a glimmer of your BFP on Monday!

flou, glad they're keeping an eye on you, and that you get to have an early scan. August 1st is only two weeks away! Can you do anything to keep yourself occupied until Wednesday?

hh, I do NOT envy you being heavily pregnant with twins in the middle of summer! You poor thing. Your strategy for coping sounds eminently sensible and no, as far as I can tell, pregnancy is not sexy so you do whatever the hell you please to stay comfortable. :lol:

As for me, morning sickness has progress from nausea to actual puking, which is no fun, although I do think I should get some sort of pregnancy achievement badge or something. :lol: My scan is in three days! I'll be 9 weeks on the dot.
Hi ladies, was reading through this thread a bit, and wondering about aspirin. Does it help prevent miscarriage? Did it work for any of you?
My understanding is that it is only going to help if your miscarriages are caused by a clotting issue, since it thins the blood, and helps implantation. You're already far enough along that I wouldn't imagine it would make much difference? But I could be wrong! Since you have had three miscarriages already, are the doctors monitoring you closely this time? Have they recommended aspirin??
No, I haven't been in to see the doctor yet... I just found out I was pregnant a few days ago.. we were NTNP... I'm in process of getting a midwife at a local birth center... pretty disappointed over lack of care from hospitals.. thanks for the reply :)
My doctor said to me that there is no convincing scientific evidence that would indicate that aspirin works in preventing mc, however, he said to me if you were my wife or sister I would recommend you take it. You shouldn't take anymore than 75mg of aspirin. This won't harm the baby but the stronger aspirin can. But it only works if you have clotting factors which cause your losses. I've decided not to take it at the moment as I keep getting dizzy spells due to low blood pressure and I don't think thinning my blood more will help as i will probably end up fainting. I'm sorry for your losses swampmaiden. I hope this is your rainbow.

Melly I am trying to keep myself busy. I'm off on a shopping trip to Bath on Tuesday. We have a couple of weddings to go to. One next month and one at the beginning of September. So I need to find a dress for both. Good luck with the scan. And I hope the ms gets better. I'm not suffering with that at the mo, it all seems to be the other end!
Highhopes you poor thing in this heat. are you putting any cream on your bump to help the itching? A new bump pic is required ;)

yay for the upcoming scans

Welcome newbies :hi:

itsawonder i know exactly what you are going through with visitors......a relief when they go home haha

Aw buttrfly I'm so sorry :hugs:

Afm ruby is now in her big girl bed as we call it ;) she looks so small in her cot. Her personality is really coming out now she's so funny <3 <3 and she can almost roll over yikes
Awwww yay for personality!! That must be so awesome to see.

My first scan is tomorrow!!
I hope so!!! I'm planning on pleading my case that my husband is overseas and is really sad to miss it so can I please please take pictures. :D
They should give you pictures. Sorry your husband is not there for this first time!
Melly I hope the scan went well. I've got mine a week Friday eek!

I've reached the 6 week mark today so feeling anxious and nervous and probably will do for at least the next week.

Hows everyone else doing?
It went really well - there are two babies in there! Holy crap!! We are still reeling. :happydance: INSTA-FAMILY, JUST ADD WATER. And seven more months of nausea. :lol:


My mum was immediately going on about the risks and I'm like (a) what do you want me to do, selectively abort one of them?! and (b) let's just be happy and excited for a little while before the dire truth finally sinks in. :lol: Come on, mum.

flou - congrats on getting to 6 weeks. :hugs: Is tomorrow your 'hobbit leaving the Shire' moment? As in, tomorrow you'll be more pregnant than you've ever been? I'm glad your scan isn't too far away, although I bet you wish it was closer!
Congrats on the twins Melly! I'm so pleased for you. And glad you are well.

I made it to 6+3 with my last pregnancy so got a few more days to go. Got everything crossed and just hoping this one sticks!

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