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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

LOL, does freedom = bed rest at this point??

An epidural seems basically compulsory here as well. Part of me is disappointed to not get to try without it, for all the hormonal benefits that you're supposed to get from feeling the whole labour etc (shouldn't have watched The Business of Being Born a few months ago!!), but mostly I am happy to let the doctors do their thing and for everything to be safe.
Highhopes you are so close hang in there, you'll have your babies in your arms before you know it :) everyone kept saying to me to try and relax and let your body do its stuff and I think they were right. I really struggled until I got into a routine between contractions and managed to relax. I hope all goes really well for you, try to rest as much as poss this week xx

Melly whoo hoo 12 weeks :)

Flou I'm glad your sickness isn't too bad now :)

Buttrfly how did everything go?
Sorry for being MIA...just exhausted.
Wanted to pop by quick to ask flou how all is. I saw you had an appointment. Does that means other scan or just chatting? Hope it went well!
Will catch up soon. Just waiting at this point.
Hope everyone is doing well :)
Hi buttrfly everything is going well with me so far and I am currently 9 weeks. I had my midwife booking appointment which went well. It was mainly form filling. I had my blood pressure and blood tests taken. I am just waiting for a date for my next scan but it should happen approximately in another 3 weeks. I hope everything is good with you. I have my fx for you this cycle.
Hope you get a date for your appointment soon. Are you starting to relax at all since you're well past your previous losses? :hugs:

We had our NT scan today and both twins are doing well, wriggling away happily! I'm so happy.
Glad all is going well Melly and Flou! Melly u r nearly in ure second tri aren't u? Time is flying! And Flou 9 weeks already wow! Remember to take
Bump photos along the way!

My doc has decided to induce on Monday! Can't believe I'm at the end now. Will be a relief coz I can barely move now the bump is so big. I think the babies want out too, there is lots of movement, my belly does the alien thing all the time with lumps and bumps sticking out all over the place! I weighed myself yesterday...I've put up about 60lbs! Starting to freak about how I'm going to lose it all but then a stone of that is just the babies, then there are the two placentas and all the fluids. Hopefully I will have lost at least half of it in a months time.
Flou did the blood tests include another beta? Wasn't sure if they keep tracking numbers. How are you feeling?

Melly so glad the twins are doing well.Very exciting ! If I don't have spotting yet I will test on Monday . Last cycle I began spotting on Sunday.

Highhopes I can't imagine how uncomfortable you may be feeling! Good luck to you and can't wait to hear about it all!

Itsawonder and mrsduck how are you and the little ones?

I've been hanging back from baby and bump and I'm not completely certain why. I've been emotionally and physically exhausted from the iuis and the process this cycle. I'm only on my second too. Some good signs possibly but I also don't want to get my hopes up. I saw 6 rainbows this week in a couple days, my coworker told me Thursday and Friday I looked like I was glowing ( I thought maybe I wore more blush haha) , my mother told me that she always senses my PMS and she doesn't this month and had a good feeling. Of course after she said that I began to feel more cramping. Had some stomach pains for a little while Thursday but don't know if it's related. Anyway, enough of symptoms spotting...let's hope!! Will keep you all updated :)
I am starting to feel more positive and relaxed but I still have my moments where I feel scared and anxious. But so far so good. They didn't take a beta. They don't normally track hcg and progesterone in the UK unless there is an issue. And at 9 weeks I should be hitting my peak of hcg. I did phone the midwife today as after a bm i noticed my discharge had changed from a watery white colour to a stretchy yellow type. It doesn't smell as far as I can tell and she said it could just be a normal change due to hormones. She told me if it is still there on Monday to see my gp and have a swab to check for infection but it was probably nothing to worry about. She would be more concerned if it smelt and had a green colour.

Melly nearly in the 2nd trimester! Yay! I'm hoping when I get there I will definitely be able to relax more and enjoy being pg and get more excited about having a baby.

Buttrfly I have my fx for you this cycle. When I got my bfp this time round it wasn't until I got sore boobs a day before AF due that I realised I hadn't had my usual PMS symptoms. So I hope you get your bfp soon. And I can understand how the processes you have been through can make you feel exhausted. Take care of yourself.

highhopes good luck on Monday. I will be thinking of you.

Mrs duck and itsawonder how are you and your little ones doing?
HH, Monday!! You get to meet them on Monday!! How exciting. :D

Buttfly, those all sound like good signs, I have everything crossed for you. :hugs:

flou, my discharge does the same, sometimes it's more yellow-green and stretchy, sometimes it's more white and lotiony. Who knows what's going on down there. :lol:

According to my OB I'm second tri now (I guess they say from 12 weeks?) but I don't actually feel any better yet (sitting on the couch after my morning cup of tea feeling nauseated and trying to muster up the energy to make myself some breakfast). I am hoping to soon though!! I feel emotionally better though, having seen them both wriggling and playing yesterday. :D
Highhopes yay for meeting your babies soon, I can't wait to see pics :)

Flou and melly your pregnancies seem to be flying, I hope you both start feeling better soon

Buttrfly it's hard being on bnb sometimes, I totally understand needing a little break from it. I've got everything crossed for you, I really hope this is it for you

Ruby is just perfect thanks, she rolling all over the place now, who knows if she will bother crawling as she seems to prefer rolling haha
Pretty good here. Except our plumbing has all backed up again (stupid house!) and my MIL is in town visiting and she has lots of issues since she had colon cancer a few years ago, so she is currently holed up in a bookstore waiting to hear that the plumbers have arrived and sorted it out before she comes back here!
Melly i hope the plumbing is sorted out soon!

highhopes I hope everything went well on Monday and I can't wait to hear about your lovely babies.

Everything is fine with me, just waiting to hear from the hospital about a date for my nt scan. I go back to work in two weeks having had the summer off. Even though I'm not feeling so sick anymore, I'm feeling so fatigued instead. Also none of my clothes fit so not quite sure how I'm going to dress for work! I'm quite slim but I already have a little tummy and I'm only 10 weeks today. Most of it is bloat but I'm convinced I won't be able to hide it for much longer.
Oh no melly what a nightmare and your poor MIL :( I hope it can be fixed easily

Flou I had a belly from about 10 weeks and then at 13 weeks I looked huge but then the bloat went and it went down again which was weird and then it came back as baby.

Dh took a photo of me every week but in silhouette by shining a bright torch and photographing the shadow, it worked really well :)
Oh flou, I'm jealous, I wish my feeling sick would go away! Just spent the morning vomiting up my tea and vitamins.

I had lots of bloat, but now I'm pretty sure it's baby. :lol:

HH, we can't wait to hear an update!!!
Hi ladies!!!

Flou - Congrats!!!! So happy that things are going well.

Melly - twins!!! Sorry you feel so sick but glad they are wriggly and healthy. Also, I forget, are you in Colorado? I remember someone on here is from the Denver area.

HH - can't wait to see pics and hear all about your delivery. Enjoy every minute of it :)

Butterfly - we will be thinking of you and will be here when you come back.

Mrs. Duck - glad Ruby is doing well. Any new tricks up her sleeves?

AFM - Rivkah is also doing well. She smiles and uses her hands. She is finding her feet and sleeps well most nights. I am in love... I start back at work on Sept. 2 so my husband will care for her while I work. He owns a restaurant/bar so he will work nights when I work days and will work days on my days off. We won't see each other much but it's better for her. She will do to daycare when she is 1-2 years old. I am going to try to work 3-4 days a week instead of 5 - as long as the office isn't too busy. Also - someone who looked at our house in the spring contacted us and wants to buy it. She signed a contract and paid our asking price. We found another house a few blocks away with a yard and detached two car garage and signed a contract on that two days ago. If inspections etc. go well we will close on both properties on Sept. 30th. In a few weeks DH and I are going away for the weekend with Rivkah to get new tattoos. I am getting Rivkah's left hand print on the inside of my right forearm and DH is getting her footprint on the inside of his left forearm. This will be my first very visible tattoo but can't think of a better one for the world to see.

Since DH and I are both 37, and we really want to have a sibling for Rivkah, we are going to ttc again at the 6 month mark (if I am menstruating). So, 3 more months and we may be on the train again. With breastfeeding I wonder if I will be fertile or if I won't ovulate until I stop breastfeeding. Either way, it will be nice to forgo preventative measures again :)
I think you'll be less fertile but probably not completely infertile. My MIL was telling me while she was here that the reason her son and daughter are 15 months apart is because she thought she couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding! :lol: I'm glad Rivkah is doing so well. And congrats on the house!!! That's so exciting. :D
Hi ladies how's everyone doing? I've had my nt scan through for the 11th September by which I will be 13 weeks. I can't believe I'm nearly 11 weeks. As a teacher I'm back to work next week. I hope the fatigue eases a little by then.
I've only just started getting some energy back now at about 14 weeks, but I am enjoying it!! Hopefully you can make it through the teaching.

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