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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

:hugs: Mrs Reinke I am so sorry for both your losses and that you are going through a tough and emotional time. Most of us here have either experienced one or more losses and can relate to how your feeling. In terms of my background we have been ttc baby number one since April 2011. After just over the year we went to the doc to get checked out. Everything came back normal. We were waiting for an appointment with the FS when after ttc for 19 months i got pg. Then i mc at 6 weeks. We tried again and after 10 months asked to be referred to the FS again. Whilst waiting for an appointment and after 11 months ttc we got our second bfp but unfortunately mc at 6 weeks. We had a couple of appointments with the FS but they wouldn't look into recurrent mc until I had another mc. I sometimes felt as if I was trying to get pg to just have another mc. After 7 months ttc i fell pg again and I am now currently 16 weeks pg and so far so good. We do not have any explanation as to why it takes us a while to conceive as all our tests show our fertility is good. And no reason for our 2 mcs. I still get nervous with this pg but each day I am grateful that I am this far. Go to your doctor and see if you can get tested. It does depend on where you are in the world as to whether they make you wait until you have had another. My doc told me the chances of there being a reason for my two mcs is very small and the chances then of it not being able to be fixed is even smaller. Most women who have mcs will go on to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Try and take each day as it comes. Time is a great healer. Good luck and I am sure you will get that healthy take home baby. I hope its soon fx!
Aw lovely bump melly, I'm missing my bump :(

Flou have you tried a bump support belt? Not sure how good they are as I never suffered from an uncomfortable bump, only being uncomfortable because I couldn't bend etc

Haha highhopes that made me chuckle, I don't know how anyone manages with more than one baby at a time, not enough hands, boobs etc I'm the same, I think I'd suffer depression if I had to leave her, I'm loving being a mum and spending so much time with her, she's getting big SO QUICKLY it's scary.

Juliars sorry about your losses but congratulations on your rainbow baby, I too loved my Doppler until I could feel proper movements

Mrs reineke :hugs: sorry you have been going through a tough time on your ttc journey, I don't think any of us found out the reason for our mcs, like you say drs just put it down to bad luck unless you've had 3 then will do tests. I hope your luck has now changed and you get your rainbow baby very soon

Afm ruby caught a cold from our play group and we've all been suffering although she has taken it in her stride. She's now in her 6-9 month clothes (already) and she absolutely loves her jumperoo, I can't recommend them enough, I've bought her a walker too as she wants to be on her feet all the time but she can't quite reach the floor :( she's such a happy baby, laughing and smiling all the time, I'll have to post some updated pics :)
Thank you ladies for your stories and kind words. It means a lot. :hugs:
Mrs. Reineke - my story is very similar to yours and I did get my happy ending. DH and I are both 37 now, we were 35-36 when ttc. We ttc for 5 months when I got my first positive in March 2013. That ended in a chemical pregnancy at about 5 1/2 weeks. I got pregnant on my next ovulation and had a positive test, I think, in late April 2013. At about 8 weeks I started spotting and an u/s showed that the pregnancy was not viable. I was unable to miscarry naturally and had a very long and drawn out miscarriage in June 2013. I found a new doctor who has been amazing. We tested my thyroid, blood clotting - anything that insurance would cover for blood draws. All was normal. We also did an ultrasound followed by a hysteroscope (a camera in the uterus) to see if there were any major malformations as some fibroids were found. I had some retained tissue from my miscarriage but nothing else to explain why I miscarried. I then had a d&c for the retained tissue in late June.

I thought I should do something - take aspirin, stop exercising -something. My doctor explained that aspirin only works if you have a blood clotting disorder and you use both aspirin and heparin shots. (I did extensive research and came to the same conclusion. Aspirin is basically a placebo in other circumstances.)

I made two changes - I stopped drinking a cup of coffee each morning and stopped taking vitamins with biotin. I doubt that did anything but it made me feel better.

I was able to ttc again in August and had a positive in September (my second ovulation of ttc). My baby girl was born healthy and happy in May.

My doctor thinks I am very fertile. So fertile that eggs which should not have fertilized b/c either the egg or sperm were not healthy did so my body recognized that and shed the pregnancy.

I have since met so many women that were third time lucky. I just had to take deep breaths and stop worrying about so many things.

I was on an exercise ban for my pregnancy b/c I would get contractions when I did exercise. I also had tons of braxton hicks from about 24 weeks on but easily carried to term.
Thank you for sharing your story with me ItsAWonder. It really helps me too hear stories of success after multiple miscarriages.
Okay ladies- this is my 4th attempt to write to you all. Hoping for no interruptions!

I cannot believe we have another set of twins!!!! Congrats!

Mrs. Duck I agree. It makes me nervous to try again as we will probably end up with twins our second time around :)

Is Ruby feeling better?

Melly - great pics. Thanks for sharing. Your bump is beautiful!

HH - How are you hanging in there?

Ahhhh.... and there's the call for milk. I will write more at work if I have a break.

Thinking of you all
Twins could be fun, but I am just praying for one healthy baby. We've always thought 2 kids would be great, but I'll take just one if I have to.
Ruby is just about over her cold now thanks for asking itsawonder, it was one of those ones that both her and me just couldn't shift :( also I think due to her continuous waking down to the mucus and her spluttering, she is now waking up every 2 hours during the night aaaaaaarrrrrrgh it's worse than having a newborn :( I guess I've been lucky up until now that she's been a really good sleeper, hopefully she will revert to the norm very soon

How is Rivkah?

Mrs Reineke your chances of twins have just increased from being on this thread haha ;)

I hope everyone is well :)
Hahahaha!! There are no twins in my family MrsDuck, but we'll see what happens!:thumbup:
I am .. I have been through it all. Clomid, Femara, 2 IUI's, 2 IVF's but didn't get preganant. I had conceived naturally last month but miscarried 10 days after I had my BFP. It was devastating but I still have hope..
Aw scarletwater :hugs: you really have been through it all and it's fantastic that you conceived naturally after it all, I'm so sorry things didn't work out. I hope your body has had a kick start and you will conceive naturally again very soon. Wishing you all the best
:hugs: scarletwater. Life just isn't fair sometimes. If you have conceived once naturally then you should be able to do so again. I hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your rainbow.

How is everyone?
All good here thanks, finally we have all shifted this cold and cough yay I've got mummies and babies play group today so that should tire ruby out :)
Going pretty well here! Flou, why don't you have a ticker yet?! :lol:
All is well here. Rivkah also went through about 4 weeks of not sleeping after sleeping through the night since about 2 months. Turns out there is something called the 4 month sleep regression. Wish I had been prepared for that one. During this time we also moved into our new house and put her in her crib in her own room. Figured since she wasn't sleeping anyway it was a good time for her to adjust to a new room.

The past three nights though she has been much better - only waking 2-3 times.

Flou - I agree. Where is that ticker???

Scarletwater - I am sorry for all of your struggles but hope you get pregnant again naturally soon. If it can happen once it can happen again. My your next BFP be sticky!
Here is my favorite picture so far. It's about two weeks old.

Posted this from my phone - not sure why it's sideways.....


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Aw she's gorgeous itsawonder, what a lovely smile :)

Ruby didn't go through the 4 month regression thing, I think she saved it for a 6 month one ;)

Are you still bfing itsawonder? If so how do you find Rivkah being in her own room? I've been delaying putting ruby in her own room until she sleeps through the night because I can handle her waking and me shoving her on my boob when I've only got to lean over and then 10 mins later put her back in her cot and both of us go back to sleep. but if I had to walk to her room, get cold, feed her, walk back I'd be wide awake and therefore take me longer to get back to sleep

Oh and I really must post an updated pic of Ruby when I'm next on the PC rather than the ipad
I am still breastfeeding and plan on doing so until she is one year. Of course it's not as easy as laying in bed w/ her on my boob and going right back to sleep but I am actually happy to have some private time with DH. The first few nights were really hard so we set up an air mattress and slept in her room for three nights. Now we are living in the room next to hers rather than the master which is two floors above. I have a glider rocking chair in her room which is very comfy and I haven't had any problems falling back to sleep once she is back in her crib. We also have a video monitor so I can roll over in bed and see her little face.

Honestly, it's better than I thought it would be and she is getting better at soothing herself to sleep. She will whimper once and by the time I am in her room she is sucking her thumb with her eyes closed.

Please do post a pic!!
Maybe I need to take that jump too then because I do disturb her when I go to bed at night and maybe I'm disturbing her during the night too?? Rivkah doesn't have a dummy either does she? I have a video monitor ready :) an air mattress is a good idea for a few nights too :)

I will post a pic I promise :)

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