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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

The infection sounds awful Flou but I am glad you are better. 9 1/2 weeks to go!! Amazing!!! Your day will be here before you know it!

All is well here. Rivkah is 7 1/2 months. Her really cute and really loud yells found a new and much higher octave today which I heard on lunch break.
Hahahah, the new octave sounds ear-piercing!

Sorry about the chest infection flou, glad it was able to be dealt with. :hugs: And I totally hear you on the appointments - this afternoon we have a hospital tour, then tomorrow we have a growth scan, then on Wednesday we have a check-up with the OB, then on Thursday I have my chiro appointment!
Hey ladies. Do any of you know anything about weaning? Mrs. Duck maybe?

I just made a mountain of pureed food for Rivkah and froze it. Then I realized that she needs to start eating more textured food at some point but I don't really know when. Occasionally, when we travel, I will buy food and Stage 2 is still pureed. Therefore I assume that it's okay for her to still be eating pureed food but I really have no idea. On Friday she will have a few shots with the nurse but we don't see her doctor again until her 9 month check up.

I also don't know when I should start backing down on breastfeeding or if I just follow her lead on when she is hungry. Some days she will eat a lot of food some days she won't eat much of anything other than breast milk. I plan to stop BFing the day after her first birthday.
Flou I'm sorry about the chest infection but glad all is good with baby and WOW only 9 weeks whoo hoo :)

Yeah those last few weeks you may as well camp out at the doctors/hospital as you are there so often haha

Itsawonder the weaning guidelines I believe are just to get baby to be eating the same food as you by the time she is 1. Go at whatever speed she is ready for.

I do a combination of finger foods that she can hold herself ie large chunks of fruit and cooked veg, different things on toast, sandwiches cut up, omelette in strips, anything really that she can hold and chew bits off and I also just crush or chop up whatever we are having for her ie pasta in sauce, fish with veg or chicken with veg etc and I keep a supply of mashed vegetables in the freezer in portion size to give to her too.

If she's only used to purees she will gag as soon as she finds the smallest lump so introduce lumps slowly and as the gagging stops make the pieces bigger (or that's what I did anyway) now Ruby hardly ever gags no matter what I give her. Just let Rivkah lead you :) also with milk, Ruby some days doesn't want milk at all during the day, I think because there is stuff going on that she thinks she will miss out on if she lays down for milk haha and other days like today she doesn't really want much food instead she wants her milk, I'm just letting her guide me. Not sure if I'm doing any of it right but hey ho haha

Afm we went back to mummies and babies this week and guess what?? She has a cold again aaaaaagh! :(
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been around for ages...the twins are keeping me very busy! I'm loving being with them but it's so exhausting! Saffiya now sleeps through the night but Zayaan has a feed at 4am so I still don't get a full nights sleep. They will be 5 months old on 20th jan! Can't believe how fast time is flying by.

Hope the bumps are doing ok. Can't be long left now! And hope mums and babies are doing ok too! Mrs duck I hope ruby recovers from her cold soon. Itsawonder we will be starting solids in a few weeks too eeeeek! I'm doing a course on introducing solids in feb as I really don't have a clue what to do. Thinking of just giving finger food like Mrs duck says - baby-led weaning is meant to be the big thing at the moment but I don't really know much about it!
Mrs. Duck - thanks for the advice! Since we have so many purees still in the freezer we are now mixing them with some finger food. Purees with blueberries, cheese or whatever she can pick up on the side. You are right about the gagging. She is finally getting over that so I will try some larger chunks next.

How do you make your omelets? Do you use just yolk or do you use the whites too?

HH - I can't imagine how busy you are with twins! So glad to hear they are sleeping through the night though. Rivkah has had many phases where she does but she regresses a lot too and will wake 3 times a night. Every time we travel she seems to regress.

I hope your class on solids is informative. Please pass on info you can. Our community is so small we don't have an opportunity to take classes.

How are all the pregnant ladies doing??
I had my whooping cough injection yesterday, so my arm is still feeling a little sore. I had trouble convincing my mum that the vaccine would be safe. She didn't get me vaccinated against whooping cough when I was little as we have a family history of epilepsy. Since then research has shown no link and the vaccine is completely different. I am also a biologist so looked up the research myself and spoke to my doc about it. I am happy that it is safe for me. And I know if my lil man had whooping before he got vaccinated when I could have prevented it I would feel so guilty. Anyway mum wasn't convinced and I know she is only trying to protect me. In the end she realised it was my decision and relented.

I feel now I am on countdown to maternity leave which I can't wait for. I am starting to feel really tired now after a day at work. 5 more weeks to go!

How is everyone else?
My mum originally complained about getting the vaccinations that I asked her to (flu and whooping cough) ('I've never gotten the flu shot! They inject you with THE FLU!') until I explained to her how vaccinations work (she never had a problem with us getting chicken pox/measles/etc vaccinations as kids, for instance) and then she got them. Phew! Speaking of which, my own bloody husband hasn't gotten his whooping cough shot yet!

I am happy today thought because WE MADE IT TO 35 WEEKS! WOOOOOO!
Itsawonder I use all of the egg for her omelettes and scrambled egg, as long as it's all well cooked I believe egg is fine

Yay for 35 weeks melly :)

Flou I hope your arm is better, yay for being on maternity leave countdown :)

Highhopes Ruby will be 9 months on 28th!!! How did that happen already? It's scary how quickly time flies
Hi ladies how are all of you, bumps and babies? I seem to be so busy with appointments and antenatal classes at the moment. Everything seems to be going well, my lil man is wriggling away inside as I type. I discussed my birth plan with my mw last week. On most of it she has put open minded which my DH says is me winging it. I just find it really difficult to decide now what I want having never been through it. I have opted for a water birth with gas and air. But if the pain is too much I will take some pethidine but I am hoping i can manage it without. After having spoken to lots of different people about birth and labour this last week, I feel like bring it on! Just another 3 weeks until I am full term. I can't believe it!
Can't believe you are almost full term Flou! I remember that "bring it on" feeling. Do your best to just go with the flow and don't beat yourself up if you alter your plan. Most likely all will be picture perfect but either way, once your baby is in your arms the rest will begin to fade away. So excited for you!!!
That's so true itsawonder, you have all these plans but baby has it's own ideas haha

Flou 2 weeks to full term whoo hoo, I'm so excited for you, I remember my last few weeks as though it was yesterday, rest as much as you can :)

Afm Ruby has a food allergy we think to peanuts and thanks to her sandwich being on the same plate as hubby's peanut butter one to encourage her to eat it, we ended up in A&E with her face all blotchy and lips swollen :( she's alright now thankfully. She's a cheeky monkey refusing to crawl but is almost walking, she want to hold your hand and walk ALL DAY LONG if you'd let her haha She's also babbling all the time and shouting mama and hiya or hello all the time, she's a little live wire

I hope everyone is well :)
Sorry to hear about the allergy, MrsDuck :(

We are doing well here. The twins are back above their birth weights, and we are getting some more sleep at night, which is great!
Oh gosh how long have I been off this site...melly you've had the twins already?! Big congrats! And Flou ure nearly there too how exciting. I will read back through when I get the chance but hope you are all well. Mrsduck hope ruby is ok after her allergic reaction.
Itsawonder I did go to the wesnjng course I mentioned last time. They gave me a few links to useful websites etc. I can forward you the email if you like?

Basically they said there are two options: purée or baby-led weaning (finger food progressing to whatever you are eating) both methods are fine but if you are only giving purées baby will find solids harder as they won't have experienced textures etc. best way is to just give finger sized chunks of fruit/veg to begin with and progress to bread/pasta etc. u can steam/boil/cook veg or give it raw...rare for babies to choke apparently they will just gnaw on the harder stuff. When u give cooked food just avoid salt as babies kidneys can't handle it. Herbs are fine to use. If using prepackaged purées check the ingredients as some have a lot of extra stuff in. Baby porridge has sugar in so be aware of that. Babies will get most of their nutrition from milk though so keep up with that they said! Initially babies just need to get used to textures and flavours but won't consume as many calories as they would with milk. Doidy cups are great apparently.

Sorry if that's all random stuff, it's all I can remember lol
HH - thanks for the weaning info. We are finally getting into our groove. Since she still doesn't have any teeth, dry chunks of food like fish/meats she refuses to chew and just moans until I remove it from her mouth. Luckily she does like chunks of fruit and some veggies. Everything else she eats as a chunky puree and she eats a lot.

Mrs. Duck - so scary about her allergy! Glad she is ok. Rivkah also doesn't want to crawl but will walk all day holding our hands. Stubborn little girls. Can't wait for her to say Mama!! When did that happen?

Melly - glad to hear you are getting a bit more sleep and that the babes are back to birth weight. How are you hanging in with two little ones?
Sorry to hear about the allergy, MrsDuck :(

We are doing well here. The twins are back above their birth weights, and we are getting some more sleep at night, which is great!

Glad to hear your two little ones are doing well.
Itsawonder our girls sound so similar, in the past few days she will stand completely on her own and take a few steps without us holding her but then she tries to run and over she goes haha. I'm not sure when she first said mama because her first noises were a sort of ummmma ummmma which eventually developed into mama. She still won't day dada no matter how many times I say it to her. You are right stubborn haha

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