We have books about techniques. One GIANT cooking book, and one GIANT baking book. And then other recommended ones.I've got an herb dictionary. Lol. I've got several books about cocktails. And then, of course, our chefs had their favorites (or ones they helped write, etc) that you really ought to have because it helps you if they think you have proper respect and THEN ask them for help. Chefs are a bossy, arrogant bunch. We all have our way of doing things. And we all think ours is the best!
I remember my anthropology class being just the worst! I have no doubt it had to do with the professor. It was his last year before retirement. He didn't give a crap about anything. His wife works for my dad (at another college) and my dad still shakes his head because she is apparently a really great professor and my dad can't reconcile their very different teaching philosophies. Lol
If I have twins I'd be cool, and very hopeful that everything went well. I'm interested in smaller headed babies than DHs others. Apparently DH had a giant head when he was born, too, but his mother delivered him fine. She's hearty farm stock, though! Lol
I hope you'll check back in soon so we know you didn't get murdered by your contractor!