over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Hi guys, just a busy day at work for me. Terrible terrible cramps! I usually have pretty easy Afs but this one totally sucks! Bad cramps since Friday, having to use hot packs and Tyleno. Wondering if that chemical left debris that now is squeezing out. Wish I was in bed and my hormones are wild. I want to cry I want to say F U..just a bad day. Texted my DH and he is sympathetic. We have both been having a hard time.
This weekend we are renting a cottage for 2 nights starting Friday in the thousand island area on a peninsula. So we are looking forward to that. We like fishing with the boys.

Annie my acne has been better for a month now. It's still there, but it was absolutely aweful the 3 months after MC. It's so hard to deal with emotionally when ur face looks like crap.
We leave Saturday! Will have a day and a half in the car. Good times. They kids are excited. Packing is coming along. I have more laundry to do. I hate laundry. I need a laundry fairy.
Corn, that sounds like a fun weekend! It will be nice to get out of dodge for a bit, I bet! I'm sorry about your intense AF. That sounds miserable. Hopefully it gets all this meanness out of its system this time!
Annie, you and your acne feeling like you're pregnant yet? I know its so early, but I'm so excited for you!
I came down with an upper respiratory virus out of the blue. Good times. I thought I was getting strep throat but I ran to the doctor this morning terrified our trip was going to be ruined. But no strep, thank goodness! I feel like hell but at least it will get better eventually.
I'm sorry Corn. That sounds terrible. Unfair. Your cottage weekend is right on time. Hopefully it does you both some good. I know a few people who vacation on the New York side of the Thousand Islands.

Thanks, Libby. I don't feel pregnant at all really, but I guess I would be just 5 wks exactly today. I just hope it's still in there. I go to the doctor at 11:30. I almost bought pregnancy tests yesterday, but held out. And yes, Corn - having bad breakout is surprisingly hard! I now fully realize how lucky I was that I didn't have it as a teenager! Although I'm close to being as emotionally unstable as I was back then ;)

I'm so glad it's not strep, Libby! But I hope you start on the mend before Saturday. It sounds like such a fun trip. I forget - what's the route again?
We are traveling from the Austin area to where my family lives in Georgia, between Macon and Atlanta if you're looking on a map, and will be there until July 5th, when we will spend all day in the car and drive to northeastern Indiana, where DH is from. We will be there until the 11th and take two days to drive back to Texas! Baby girl asked me the other day "what if we get bored in the car? What should we do?" So spoiled. She's worried that she won't be entertained every second. I told her we will all chat and listen to the radio and they can look at scenery and take naps. She wasn't real pleased with that answer but she accepted it. Lol. In our old van, we had TVs and they could watch movies in the car. Idk if they are going to work in this new car we have. Honestly, I sort of feel like it was a little too much spoiling to let them watch cartoons for two days straight. But its a tough situation because its so much easier on us to let them than deal with the fighting and whining and all that. Laziness is all it is.
I'm interested to hear how your doctors appointment goes! I hope it's all good!
I didn't have acne as a teenager, either, but I blew up with it in my 20s real bad. It was pretty frustrating because everyone else had cleared up by then!
I'm taking all these medicines the doctor told me to take and doing what she said. Hopefully this will clear up sooner rather than later. I've got work I need to do and right now I'm so dizzy I can hardly stand up!
Oh no - be careful, Libby! Squeeze in a little rest! We're such 80s kids though, right? I'm always amazed at how kids are so bored without their phones, etc. My littlest niece is not even 4 and goes off and plays with the ipad by herself all of the time. It's still so surprising to me. It reminds me of the "Everything is amazing and no one is happy" type of skits that Louis CK does when he gets mad at his kids for being bored and mad at adults for having no patience.

Nothing really interesting at the doctor's except for prescribing aspirin and maybe progesterone supplements if it comes back low. So I got blood drawn today and then do a retest on Friday. If it's progressing ok, they'll make an appointment for a scan in a couple weeks.
Well I think uneventful is probably a good thing!
My nose is running like a faucet. I need to lay down.
I'm sorry Libby your sick : ( I hope you feel better, especially for your trip.
Good! Glad you're taking some rest breaks, Libby! Yes, uneventful is a good thing. I got the test results back and hormones are far higher than they were at 7.5 wks last time, so at least we're on a better track. They said I don't have to do anymore and that I should come in for an early scan on Monday since the levels are high enough to maybe see something. So no heartache this week.

How are you guys feeling today? Hope you turn the corner soon, Libby.
Oh Annie that's wonderful! I'm so glad to hear it! Do you feel a little better now?
I'm still sick as a dog. Been trying to pack but I feel dead. Idk how we will be ready by Saturday morning. DH works and then drives over an hour to get home plus he has other things to do to get us ready. The packing is sort of my thing. Right now its looking like DH and I are having a naked trip! Not one stitch of clothing is packed for either of us! I'm wiped out. I feel like laying down and crying.
Corn, how are you doing?
Thanks :) I'm being cautious about getting too hopeful, but I do feel less depressed about it.

I say rest when you feel like it and try to get ahead of the sickness. When it comes down to the last second for packing you can operate on adrenaline and then sleep in the car all day haha. Buy some ear plugs and let dh referee!
I called the doctor since I feel worse than I did when I went in. Called in antibiotics for me. Hopefully they will knock it out for me!
DH told me throw it in garbage bags if that will make it easier and we can repack after we get to my moms. Lol
Oh my goodness I am tired of feeling bad. I took a shower thinking it would make me feel a little better. Made me feel worse. Idk how that happened. The timing is just dreadful! Got my girl packed up. Two of the boys are mostly packed. The little has almost nothing packed. Guess he's having naked vacation, too.
Oh man Libby! That's aweful, I hate being sick and being in vaca. There's no rest for mom! I hated when the kids would get sick and then I would get sick, being sick and still having to take care of someone else : ( hope u have a miraculous recovery.

Annie ahhhhhhh! Yay! That's great! Looks like you have a stubborn, head strong little bean growing in there. Will you be 6 weeks by Monday? Exciting!

We are off to our mini vaca weekend...although I was a little pissed that the weather changed to rain on Saturday and Sunday...why why why?!
But not suppose to rain until 3pm Saturday so hopefully we can enjoy for the most part. My son and I will still be out fishing in the rain ; )
Yuck, that sounds bad, Libby. I love the garbage bag idea haha. Just do that and curl up in bed!

Monday would be 5w6d.

Fx for good weather for you, Corn! Maybe it'll hold off! Have a great time!
Have a great trip, Corn!!
I might be feeling a little better. But just a little. I still feel horrible. Instead of doing laundry I packed everyone's clean clothes. We are going to have some wild looking outfits! Ha-ha! At least it's family we are going to see! Lol
Annie I'm so thrilled about your stubborn little bean. You wished for him to go head to head with your DH. Sounds like he's coming! You have no idea how much hope it gives me.
DH went to go get the munchkins. Twelve hours or so and we will be on the road. Wish I could go ahead and go to bed!
So....we drive 2hrs to this cottage and it's a total dump. The location was decent but it was totally falling apart. The lady leaves and we discover the toilet doesn't work. I turn on the shower and nothing... Then I turn the knob and mud shoots out everywhere and all over me! OMG.. My husband was not impressed. Kinda funny after the fact. So we call her and she's a rich little spoiled brat in a escalade BTW... Shes like this is just part of cottage living blah blah. Then she tries the water and realizes something is definitely wrong. So we get our money back and leave. I was so pissed and wanted to cry after driving 2 hours. Then we drive down the road and see this place that has cabins and boats for rent and except dogs. So I ask and they have availablity ha! So we are staying here and renting a boat tomorrow. We were gonna drive back home. This always happens. What an adventure.
How wonderful that you found another place! I would have totally bratted out, I'm ashamed to say. I'm so glad that you guys still get to have your weekend!! A good attitude makes all the difference and it sounds like you guys have them!!
Oh my god Corn - yet another crazy getaway for you! I cannot believe that mud shot all over you...it sounds like a movie haha. How cool that you found another place and congratulations on not having a meltdown. Very impressive!

What cycle day are you on, Libby? I have high expectations for that ultra toned uterus this month!! Good call on no more laundry. The littlest ones probably never have a clue about what they're wearing anyway! Fx that you wake up tomorrow and feel better!
I'm on CD13. I'm afraid it's not going to be my month. I've been so sick we haven't even been BDing! The timing for this flu or sinus infection or whatever it is has just been dreadful, on several fronts! My super toned uterus is going to have even more time to get in shape! Lol
I've just about got us all packed up. Most of our stuff is in the car.
I think it's about time to go to bed. Trying to keep from throwing up. This antibiotic is really rough on my stomach. Brutal. I read online to drink it with a big giant glass of water on an empty stomach and sit straight up and don't move for a half an hour and that will help make you not vomit. So far it's working. I think I might be feeling a little better. Fx I can get some sleep tonight!
Annie you and your bean have a good weekend! Corn, enjoy the water!
I hope you woke up feeling a bit better! You poor thing. Are you getting any info from the temping? Don't count this month out yet! When I got a bfp in January, I had just come off two leg surgeries. I ate almost nothing nutritious the entire winter because I couldn't cook or shop and dh was running ragged doing everything and we pretty much just ate crap. I had almost zero exercise. There was nothing going for us. We had sex twice because I was too beat up from surgeries and then gave up. I was doing nothing right and have never felt so unhealthy. Things just don't make sense sometimes! You're going to be cramped in a car all day feeling like hell with a crazy outfit on and a runny nose and that's when your future quadruplets will be like, "This is awesome! March 2016 here we come!"
So back to reality...our weekend of "fun" is over and I'm ok with that haha! It was a beautiful disaster. My son catch a big pike, DH leaned how to drive a boat, and we laughed pretty hard playing badminton. So all an all it wasn't a total bust! Drinking a couple whiskey sodas and colouring my hair...not sure if that's the smartest combo ; )

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