over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

It's awkward...not a lot of eye contact ; ) since he's with the same chic that he was with during our marriage it's always a bit weird. And I hate her being a "stepmother" to them after all the lying... I always feel a bit down afterwards but it is what it is..and it could be worse ; )
Oh how awkward, Corn. Her being the stepmother would make me insane. You are so much nicer than me. I would show my butt. It wouldn't be the right thing to do but I know myself and I'd be a brat. Toronto sounds fun, though!
Annie I can't believe your SILs didn't act better than that. It would hurt my feelings, too. Maybe they need a moment to process. I'm sure they'll come around. It is really hard to join someone else's family. Being the new kid on the block is so stressful.
When MIL told me about her "think things through" conversation with DH I told her I agree that people in general should think about things more before they do them, right down to what they say to people. It didn't land. She didn't get it that I was telling her to shut up, so it was pointless. She doesn't really like joking. She knew I was joking but took the opportunity to throw a jab. The more time I spend with her the more it becomes very clear that she doesn't like me at all. We were all outside with the kids because the weather was so nice. All the kids wanted to take off their shoes and socks while they played in the yard. DH and I told them they could if they wanted to. MIL couldn't handle it. She asked me over and over and over if they needed to go in and get different shoes on. I told her repeatedly that they were fine and to let them play. (They run around with no shoes all the time, and her lawn is like thick, soft, carpet!) So she finally grabbed the oldest boy while I was talking to one of the other children, dragged him in the house, and put shoes on him! When he asked me if he could take them off I said yes! So then she made everyone go inside because she was losing her mind. This woman makes me want to beat her! We don't let the children drink their drinks while they eat because they'll chug it and then try not to eat their food. They get drinks just as soon as they're done. Well MIL asked me over and over and over if she could give them their drinks (despite knowing our rule) and I said over and over not until they're done eating. So, she looks at DH and says "Benjamin can your children please have their drinks now so they don't choke to death on their meals?" He said no. She thought she was going to divide and conquer. The thing is you don't pour liquid down somebody's throat if they're choking! That's how you drown somebody! She just couldn't stand it! What she doesn't understand is, its not my rule. It's DHs rule. Also his rule, they have to eat all their food. I don't care. I'm more in the "they'll eat when they're hungry" camp usually. She AND my SIL jumped down my throat about that. SIL threw some sass at me and said that she didn't believe in making people clean their plates. I said "well that's your prerogative for your plate and your children, but these aren't yours and your opinion doesnt count!" She didn't speak to me the rest of the day. It's hard because in general I agree with her but with all the weird ideas about food the kids have from their mother, they just won't eat if you don't make them. I'm not carb counting for a four year old. Girl child has decided bread is evil. Wtf!?!
Sorry y'all. I didn't mean to ramble on so badly!
Libby, that sounds so irritating! I'm so glad you put them in their place and stood your ground. I'm impressed you didn't freak out. I'm worried if something like that happens that I'll lose my temper and pack every one up and take off that minute. Have you spent much time around MIL and SIL? And what is with a kid not eating bread....you have so many crazies around you!

Ugh, Corn....totally understandable. It makes me sick that she gets a stepmother title after cheating with the kids' father. It was the same situation for dh and his parents. It's gross.
I haven't been around them much. I didn't even meet them until three days before our wedding! I think DH was afraid they would run me off. He may have been right! Lol. SIL is usually a bit more chill than that. But, as I said, I haven't spent much time around them. Probably about a month if you add up all the days together! I'm just so glad they live so far away!
Wow just wow! I don't know how you can stand it! Why do they have to be so mean?! Why can't they be happy for DH that he found someone that loves his kids as their own...and loves him. Just blows by mind the way some people treat others!
MIL has pretty severe anxiety, but refuses to acknowledge it. DH was telling her that having some extra junk hooked up (that they don't use) was causing their internet to be almost impossible to use because it is so slow. (Don't quote me on the details there. I don't really understand all that.) So she yelled at him that it was better than the internet they used to have. And he argued back that while that may be true,they aren't actually getting what they pay for and it could easily be remedied. So she started screaming and crying and telling him that if he lived nearby she would let him fix it but he's not around and he left to go to Texas and won't ever come back! And then she walked around the house crying for twenty minutes. This literally happened. I couldn't believe the amount of crazy flying around there. It is some kind of miracle that DH is as sane as he is!
How are you ladies? I hope you are both having a good weekend!
You're both in my thoughts. Annie, I hope your little bean is doing well, and Corn I'm hoping good things for this TWW!
Oh my god, Libby. That is nuts! The hysterics are ridiculous!

Kind of a draining weekend. Went to MIL with the entire family, but it's a 5 hour drive each way. So on the way there I puked 3x (once on the breakdown lane on the highway, which was cute). Then I re-hurt my back (I am never going to get in shape!). And then this morning I was spotting bright red blood. Not a ton. I'm not freaking out - just numb. So I am on bed rest today and if I bleed anymore in the next 24 hours they'll bring me in for a sonogram. I almost want to say that I did so that I can get reassured! Anyway, I can't move because of my back anyhow, so whatever, let's kill two birds with one stone doing bed rest today!

Hope your weekends were nice! I was too tired to even bother logging in and typing on my phone. And there was a little stress because my one SIL told her kids at dinner that I was pregnant and then the other one who had a mc in January got up and left the table and didn't come in the same room as me for the rest of the night :(
Update: Phew! Went in because I had some cramping in addition and they did a sono and we were good with a heart beat of 180-something. Still in the game. I'm honestly wondering the cramps were muscular anyway. My back is so bad today that I'm at the crying when you sneeze or change position point, so maybe those lower abdominal muscles are aching since they're oppositional ones. Probably time for an MRI although I'm pretty sure it's a bad muscle tear based on the symptoms.
I'm sorry about the back Annie...I've been there...actually I go there often ; ) bad back from my work. You poor dear...so glad your baby is safe! Did u get to hear the heart beat? Wonder if muscle relaxers are safe during pregnancy? They r such a life saver....and over the counter here ; )
We got the heartbeat and HR was over 180, so very strong.

I was going to ask you about muscle relaxers - I knew you could commiserate! This back pain is wild! I ate dinner lying on my stomach on the floor with my chin 3 inches off the plate. My only do-able position is on my back on a heating pad. When I have to sit up or stand, you should hear me! It sounds like a tv show when someone's digging a bullet out of themselves or resetting a bone. I don't know how people deal with this shit! I keep thinking I need to get this ligament/muscle wherever the tear is healed up before I carry extra weight around. I would not be able to care for a child right now.

What else do you do for your back, Corn? I feel like I'm 85!
I was very conservative and took a Tylenol. I know it won't kill the pain, but even if it causes the slightest disruption in those nerve tracts, maybe it'll lessen the time I deal with this.
Oh lord Annie! That sounds awful! When I first injured my back it was like that...I was visiting my husband here, before I moved here and he introduced me to muscle relaxers with Tylenol and it was great! I mean it took the edge off for a few hours. I also have TMJ bad and it helps.
It's so hard when ur pregnant....you can't take anything! I use a lot of heating pads and hot showers...and stretching. Having a growing belly isn't gonna make it easier : / but at least the baby is doing good!
Oh no! That stinks that it was your first visit! You guys were getting a little too acrobatic? ;)

I slept two hours last night, but only in spurts. It was awful. (Poor Libby, I don't know how you live through your insomnia). Lots of Netflix and crying. I used the heating pad so much I was afraid I cooked the bean. I emailed a PT I know that does one-on-one hour long sessions to try to sort me out on a weekly basis. I'm so weak from these surgeries and terrified of more back stuff. It didn't take much for yesterday to happen - just bent over slightly - and I'm nervous about being huge.

How is everyone feeling? What dpo/cd are we on?!
Oh Annie I'm so sorry your back is hurt! That sounds just terrible! I get a general hurting (from the Rheumatoid Artheritis) in mine that runs me down real bad but its not such an acute, injury, type pain it sounds like you have. I pound the Tylenol and advil. And I have a nice big bottle of Lortab for just in case. My GP gives me a new script for it when I ask because the one bottle lasts two or three years. I really try not to take it. But if I was on the floor like that I'd be calling the doc begging for pregnancy permission! Lol.
The insomnia is rough! I'm sorry you couldn't get any sleep. I'm in a phase where I want to sleep for 20 hours per day. I don't have time. Got the kids right now and DH has to go to work during the day. Kids wake up crazy early and come climb in my bed and tell me "rise and shine, sleepy head!" Its very cute, really, but I want to just sleep!
I'm so glad the little bean is doing well! Such good news!!
Corn, what's happening with you? I've been thinking about you!
I'm on CD13, so its crazy BDing all the time for us! Been keeping up with my supplements and all. They seem to keep me feeling a little better than usual, so that's good. Plus all the BDing keeps the mood cheery! Lol
Ugh, I know. I think I have oxycodone still from my surgeries and that would do me wonders. I'm going to the massage therapist tomorrow. My brother is going to drive me so I can lie in the backseat even though it's only 8 blocks. This is crazy! I save one tylenol for nighttime but it's pointless. I'm sure RA is tough. It just wears you down. I'm glad you have a sympathetic doctor.

And this sounds like a really nice month, Libby! Good sex and supplements and drugs? Sounds fantastic! And glad you're getting it on at cd13!

Thinking about you, Corn xo
Been thinking about you guys!
Annie, how are you and your bean?
Corn, haven't heard from you in a little while. I hope you are well!
CD19, here. Crampy and sore boobs. Probably AF is coming early like last month again. I think the Vitex is shortening my cycle. I didn't do any OPK this cycle. Too much going on. My parents are here for a visit. My baby girl is having some sort of depression. She's been stuck to me like glue for about five days now. She bursts into tears or screams and cries hysterically for no apparent reason. She told me she's having nightmares while she's awake. It's worrying me...
Hi Libby! I'm sorry I havnt said hi in awhile. I've been thinking of you. Poor baby girl! Wonder what's wrong with her...sounds very concerning : ( hope nothing bad has happened to her. So much stress for you with his family and the kids...I feel for you it's a tough situation.
Cd19....hmm those cramps and boobs could mean different things...it's so confusing. When I've been pregant I start getting those boob pains around implantation area, period usually only a day before. Now with all my miscarrages my body is all over the map though and not as easy to figure out.

Libby I had another chemical this month last Thursday and have been a bit down. I just feel broken like my body just can't do it. My AF was late a day or two and I took a test only to get a faint BFP. I knew because it was faint and I was already late my chances werent promising..but I was hopeful. My boobs hurt like crazy all night long...only to wake up and start AF right before work. As soon as I went to work someone asked me why I was so quiet and I lost it. It's been a hard month with out this on top of it.

Me and my DH are by our selves for 5wks while kids are at there dads, we had a great weekend, but everyday there's been a point where I burst into tears. I swear these mini mcs really screw with your hormones and I feel like I'm going crazy! My husband also told me that he's worried about being laid off at work and that combined with the mcs is overwhelming me. So I'm struggling at the moment.....I know this all sounds so depressing!

We really did have a nice weekend though dispite it all...with mini golf, bowling and a retro arcade bar that was pretty cool and lots of good food sampling.
Oh Corn, I'm so sorry! I cannot even imagine how you must be feeling. I guess it's all very frustrating and upsetting. I'm glad you had a good weekend. It sounds fun!
My parents are here visiting. Baby girl can't stand to be by herself. As soon as she wakes up she starts crying and runs and gets in bed with me and holds my hand. I'm just so worried. We have to coordinate with her mother to get her in to see any professional so I'm afraid it will happen much later than it should. I hope it's just a phase she will slip out of. She is just miserable.
Corn, I can't wait until that ridiculous doctor gets you in and addresses some of your concerns. Your hormones are definitely all over the place. You'll even out one of these days, but I know it's so hard. I hope dh has some promising leads. Going through all this shit at once is just not fair. xo

Wow, it really seems like Vitex is having an effect on your system, Libby. Maybe it's going to be really helpful! I hate all of those symptoms. So frustrating and confusing. Keep us updated! Fx! That is so scary about your little girl. I am so suspicious of what's happening at her other home. The behavior is so severe and abnormal. Is she able to talk with you about how she's feeling much or is she too hysterical or clamming up? Maybe you could try 1-800-4-a-child or another hotline with crisis counselors. One of my close friends has been receiving support on those as he waits to get into a therapist. His 3 year old daughter was molested at daycare recently. That's not to scare you, but I know you really want to get to the bottom of this and with her acting so severely, maybe talking to a crisis counselor sooner than later would be good for your peace of mind.

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