Yeah I've seen the same confusing information. My doctor seems to think I need to give it another minute. Believe me, the wasting time has been on my mind! Lol. I'm wondering if I don't have one of those tilted uteruses. I've been reading (because I'm crazy and anxious and ready to have a baby yesterday) that it's pretty common and can make it more difficult to conceive. Pairing that information with my mother's OBGYN telling her she had "a bend" in her tubing and having personally been told by two different gynos "I'm having trouble finding your cervix" (to which I replied "keep looking! It's in there!") I'm wondering if there might be something to it. I've read that a different position might actually help if that's the case. So maybe we will try that and see.
Baby girl is still scared to be alone. Nora said the panic seems to come in waves and then go completely away. She's hoping to get appointments next week but the pediatricians office is making them so who knows. The boys are fine. They come in and say " Violet's crying again. She's scared. I told her it's OK but she just keeps crying." They are having no issue and are concerned. Poor thing. Nora was supposed to go register the littlest for pre-k today. I reminded her yesterday. I hope she did it.
My mom has been here for two weeks. She left this morning and then I pretty much slept most of the day. I've not caught up since the kids were here and we were up all night with the girl.
Corn, I'm guilty, too, of thinking I would get pregnant right away. I didn't realize I thought that until it didnt happen and I was confused! Lol. I told DH I've decided for sure that I need to have four babies at a time since its taking so long to get pregnant. He thinks I'm nuts. Maybe I am. Lol
Annie, this stuff has been like a miracle. I keep being shocked at how much better I feel, just in general, even! And the PMS stuff is amazing. I just barely had any cramping all through AF, which lasts exactly four days now. I used to always get really bad soreness in my legs down to my knees. None of it now. Crazy boob pain. None of it now. Terrible back pain. Very mild in comparison. Crazy woman mood swings complete with excessive crying fits. NOTHING now. Seriously, miracle!!