over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Libby I hear good things about vitex! I couldn't find any I think it's chase tree berry that's the ingredients. And I've heard of prime rose too. Don't worry Libby, I think at our age supplements help but isn't necessary. I got pregnant by accident 2x and never took any supplements with my 3 pregnancies until after. I'm just terrified of having another MC. Mine was very tramatic and I lost a lot of blood. So I will be pretty upset if I take all these supplements and end up with negative results.

Annie I'm sure your fertile if you got pregnant on your first try : ) our body's just need a bit of time to heal I think. Hopefully we get it right this time.

I could be a vegetarian if I didn't live with meat eaters. I could eat avocado, cheese spinach and bread every day. Love veggie burgers and beans ect. But my husband has to have meat so I can eat meat too. I do love A good burger.

Libby your symtoms sound promising, I know what you mean about not wanting to get your hopes up. You should test a day or two before your period is due if you want.
Haha it cracks me up that he feels so strongly. I'm an unnatural perversion. I told dh that we are going to hide my eating habits from little kids so they can grow up to be normal. It's funny, because I like the taste and I look at recipes and think how good they sound...it's totally an emotional problem haha.

Yeah, my dr said the cysts from the imaging might not even be there anymore. I didn't know they came and went. I'm not going to add it to my things to obsess over.

So I definitely need to be taking more maca then...

I'm going to do some research right now on vitex and primrose. Enjoy the roast, there are far worse things than canned soup :)
I didn't want to admit it, but I tested a few hours ago lol. I was on a tww thread and someone got a bfp ultra early. Surprise: it was negative. Totally impulsive.

I didn't realize you got pregnant accidentally twice, Corn! Well look at you! You've had a terrible year, but your body's up for the task :)
I didn't want to admit it, but I tested a few hours ago lol. I was on a tww thread and someone got a bfp ultra early. Surprise: it was negative. Totally impulsive.

Annie that Muffin is totally nuts ; ) don't let her influence you haha...
10dpo with fmu and a frer is as early as I dare go. muffin influenced me last time to test early too. She's on number 5! And she's not even 30 yet : )
I have a big blue vein showing up on my boob that's never been noticeable before. DH said he's never noticed it either. So now he's convinced. He was trying to make me POAS last night. I told him its too early. He is the most optimistic person I know. Lol.
AF is supposed to come Monday according to FF. But it has been giving me some screwy data recently. Idk. Maybe ive given it screwy data it doesn't know what to do with. Lol
I found the Vitex on amazon.com! I'm going to give these a try if things aren't working this time. DH was so excited I ordered the Maca when I told him what its for. Poor guy.
Pot roast was fantastic. Its my grandmothers recipe from the 50s. Super easy and super yum. DH kept fussing about how his mothers pot roast should be illegal because its terrible. She's not a good cook, at all. Funniest thing is, when I first met her she told me her pot roast was DHs favorite food!!! I told him she said that and he said "she's nuts!! Just because I'll eat it doesnt mean its my favorite!" Seriously, the poor woman needs help, but she wont take it. Her mother didn't really cook much so she never really learned. She married into a family with 6 girl children and a mother and aunts who cooked constantly and she wouldn't let them teach her. Its a shame. I always feel a little bad for DHs dad to have grown up in such a yummy food family and then go the rest of his life eating MILs very uninspiring rations. He survives. Lol

Idk who this muffin is but she sounds like maybe I hate her. She's on her 5th kid already!?! How is that fair!?! I know. I shouldn't use the F word. That's what my mama always called it when I was little. She said life isn't fair and we only encourage disappointment when we expect it to be. When I would get whiney and all "its not faaaaaaiiiiiiir" she would say "are you using the F word at me?!" It was sort of funny.
Libby if AF is due Monday I would totally test this weekend. Buy a frer 2pk : )
Muffin is really sweet and funny she can't help it if she's a fertile mertil hehe..
Hey you will have 5 too if you have one, you got a head start with your step babies.
5 is way to much for me, but if I didnt work maybe I would feel different.
Libby - I'm excited for you to test! The veiny boob thing is a real deal symptom! That's cute that your husband wants to buy a test. Mine is ultra optimistic too.

Hahaha, my mom is a pretty bad cook. Everything is wet and soggy. So gross. And she thinks it's so good and insists on being the only one to cook big meals. I don't understand! We were cracking up because she left us a lasagna when I had a surgery and dh cut a piece out for himself and when he turned back to cover the dish, everything had slid around to fill up the space. It was like it had never been disturbed.

I'm trying not to get excited, but something's definitely up with boobs. And I could cut people with my nipples haha. They were like that last time. But the main symptom was them being really painful. But the symptoms weren't noticeable until after af was due. I don't even remember what lead me to take the test on that particular day. It was just random. Oh well.
She made soggy corn bread last week!!!!!!!!!!!! How is that even freaking possible!!?? I gagged. Does she look at every recipe and add her secret signature 5 cups of water?
Yes I wouldn't want a ton if I worked. I'm lucky, I think.
Obviously I dont actually hate this muffin person. I'm just jealous! Lol.
DH is an engineer so he slips right into planning and logistics and specifics really easily when you dont want him to. So he decided last night that I'm def preggers and asked how many children I intend to have because usually they dont let you have more than 3 caesarians and he really thinks if I carry babies to full term I'll have to have Cesarians because the other kids had such big heads that vaginal births were impossible and should we consider being induced a little early in the hopes that we can deliver vaginally because that is best and would allow me to have more babies, etc. (Deep breath) I was all "whaaaaaaaaaaat????????" I finally told him let's just wait and see how things go. He can't handle that. He's a planner. Its sort of hilarious sometimes. He's like a windup toy.
I will probably test this weekend. I can't help but hope though I dont want to let myself down.
Seriously, I always wanted 5 kids. But I want them to be MINE. Isn't that horrible? I love my stepchildren more than I can even begin to explain. But they aren't mine. No matter how hard I love them, they have a mommy who isn't me. It is a hard thing for. I wish they were mine.
Haha! Annie!! My lasagna is a wet mess like that, too, but my goodness it tastes so good its worth eating it with a spoon! My cornbread is not soggy. I dont have soggy issues. Cornbread would be especially bad soggy, I think. How does that even happen? I dont understand.

Is the boob vein a thing? I had never heard of it.DH said it made sense that blood flow would increase to the area if I was preggo, so just logically he thought it might be a thing, but I'd never heard that.
Annie are your boobs giving you away, too?! Wouldn't it be so exciting if we all got BFPs the same month!?
Haha, your dh sounds funny. Mine says we're going to do practice runs to the hospital lol. It's not even half a mile away. I wish I could have 5 kids too (I think!). And there's not one weird thing about you saying you would like to experience motherhood with 5 children that you don't share. It's vastly different and of course you'd feel that way. Do you guys have any idea how many you'd like to have? Dh is adamant about just having two. I'm cool with that and I'll just see how I feel after having the second (at age 75).

Anything good is worth eating with a spoon! But this lasagna is not one of those things. There is nothing notable about it except that it's like soup with cheese covered lasagna noodles floating on top. Her cooking really goes along with her personality - complete lack of self-reflection. No one can be 63, look at wet cornbread and think, yeah this was done right. It was greyish-yellow! Did she treat it like ahi tuna and just sear some clumps of dough? Lol. I keep going on about it and am not the best chef I know, but it's noticeably weird.

YES the boob veins are without a doubt a THING! Lots of pregnant women get all these super noticeable veins all over their breasts. Yeah, mine are bigger for sure. I need to stop evaluating them or I'm going to get used to playing with my boobs and accidentally find myself bouncing them around in public lol. I am really starting to hope for us. I get worried about the let down of a bfn, but it sucks anyway, right? And is it good for me to be robotic and blah constantly anyway? What baby wants to join that? My body will think there's something wrong. But then I get anxiety that my body thinks there's anxiety and it's a downward spiral lol.
Libby I have high hopes for you!
Glad your boob's are growing you two! Mine are already huge so I wouldn't notice haha.. But last time they were super sore. Can't wait for your tests!
DH will be happy with as many as I'm willing to have. His dad was one of eleven.he was one of two and always wished for more siblings. My mom is one of five. I'm an only and always wanted a bunch. If I can handle being pregnant and giving birth five times, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Of course, I'd be 103 by the time I was done having babies! Lol
I know I've got some little symptoms and DH thinks I'm prego but I really don't feel like I am. Idk if my brain is trying to trick me into not being disappointed maybe. My gut thinks I'm not, though.
Annie, I think it would be hilarious to get caught walking down the street bouncing your boobs around. That cracks me up. Imagine the looks. Imagine the traffic accidents you could cause! Ha-ha!
Corn, what CD are you?
OK. So potential implantation is approaching for you! I'm hoping for you real hard!
Idk why I'm feeling good things about you two and bad things for me. I think that's why I went ahead and ordered the stuff to help. I think my brain knows I'm not pregnant. Idk. I hope it's wrong, but I doubt it.
I think Annie's got something cooking over there! I'm wishing and wishing!
Lol if I all of a sudden got veins in my boobs, I don't think I'd be able to reign in the excitement. Don't count yourself out yet, Libby. I have never felt less like I could be pregnant as when I got a bfp and then the symptoms were all there probably around 20dpo. And I'd had a few cycles in the past where I was sure there was going to be a happy accident. My body doesn't communicate shit to me!

I'm sending positive thoughts your way, Corn! Really, none of us are in medically-concerning territory even though there has been nightmare stress all the way around and we're not proving to have great luck. The anticipation is awful and we're not thrilled with our ages, but no one has really been trying for a suspiciously, excessively long time.

Sometimes I feel like I've dissociated as compared to last month and just sort of settled into bfn world. I do know I made some ttc mistakes though, because I didn't know saliva was terrible for sperm. So I guess my plan is to buy preseed if I need help and if no bfp by Sep, I'll take the specialist referral, because why not.
Yeah might as well. I didn't know that about saliva either. Jeez. I feel like I don't know anything sometimes! I should maybe look into pressed, as well. Couldn't hurt.
I'll test if AF is late. DH needs to chill. I've got some of the wondfo tests. I'll use one Tuesday if no AF by then. I think that's reasonable.
A dear old friend, college roomie and BFF, is getting married in August. Her family is pretty much just ignoring the whole thing. They suck so bad. Some of our other friends are throwing her a shower and I guess none of her friends or family are RSVPing. She is just the sweetest and they treat her like dirt. I hate it. I bought her a purple ruffly sexy think from Victoria's Secret and a bunch of the smelly stuff she likes. She won't buy herself that stuff. I hope some other people will come through or she will be sad at her shower. I can't go to the shower because its in Indiana the day we are driving to Georgia! Lol
Why do people suck so bad these days?
I just learned about saliva and I'm so mad! Obviously plenty of pregnancies must be happening despite it, but it's too acidic and really hinders motility. Badly. Dh seemed offended when I mentioned preseed, but I'm just not as into sex and need some help starting. And he used saliva without warning this last O time and I was so pissed off that he doesn't listen to me. I felt like it doomed us for this month. Must be nice to be oblivious and let me do everything to increase our odds. They basically just get the good news when it happens. Now wonder they're still into sex. Anyway, glad I mentioned that. Preseed doesn't really do anything except create a safe environment.

I looked into diet stuff, but I honestly can't remember anything else. I'm sick of remembering things. I remember chickpeas because I like those, so just made a bean salad out of them. Maybe it sounds gross, but it's really good. I wonder if I started a fertility recipe site if it would be a hit. It's one thing to know the foods, but it's annoying to find good recipes.

That is so sad about your friend. I am becoming a near-misanthrope. But I think the flip side is that I adore the people I do like and appreciate them. RANT ALERT IF YOU'RE NOT IN THE MOOD. NO OFFENSE TAKEN! I would honestly put my best friend ahead of my family. She and I are 5 hours apart and I've seen her far more than my brother in the last 2 years who lives 5 miles away. He didn't come once to visit me after 3 surgeries. My sister has been to my house once (last summer) and I've lived here 4 years. She is 45 min. away. And they both know I've had a brutally hard 2 years. I feel like people are selfish and self-centered and petty. Loyalty and kindness trump blood in a heartbeat. Thanks for hearing the rant haha. You hit a nerve that I've been feeling! Anyway, I even appreciate you two more than most people I know just knowing you do stuff like send a friend fun stuff when she feels neglected. My brother and sister barely acknowledged my wedding. Yeah, I ran off and got married in St. Lucia, but they weren't offended. They just don't give a shit. And we haven't even had a falling out or anything.

Ok, once again, thanks for letting me rant. I feel like it will make me less likely to scream at everyone in my family in the near future (I never do that. I just suck it up. But I'm at my boiling point). It's like when you realize you're the only one holding up your end of a friendship and then when you stop going out of your way, you get text messages like, "Is everything ok?! Are you mad at me?!" because they're not getting attention anymore.

Anyway, I don't know if people have always sucked or if I just have more of a backbone and higher expectations for who I spend my time with. Have they always sucked or is this new?

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