Overdue Club - Anyone joining me?

Ooo that's all sounds promising! Hope it is the start! :)

I have drunk 2 litres of pineapple juice, done a 3 mile walk and got a spicy stir fry for tea *sigh*.

I have done all these over and over with no avail. Can't help but think I'm destined to be induced. I am a nurse but I am a terrible terrible patient.

Fingers crossed for you and keep me updated. The Overdue Club is running out of members! Hahah.
How do you feel about nipple stimulation? I've heard that can be effective, but I am hesitant to try it because it can bring on especially long or strong contractions. I guess that's kind of the idea though, right?
It's funny - we attempted some acupressure points last week, but then I kind of chickened out. I guess part of me is still in denial that I am actually going to have to birth this kiddo, and so I didn't keep going with it. (I also was concerned I wasn't doing it right, and I didn't want to trigger some unwanted reaction somewhere else in my body!)
With the other remedies, I guess I don't wholeheartedly buy into them. I mean, I'm trying them, because why not? But ultimately I think the baby is going to come when he's ready. It's an exercise for me, in patience and in learning that I'm not in control. He must need more time to fully develop, and so I don't have a choice but to let him and trust that it's alright. Only trouble is, doctors don't want to wait too long. So, since we're on a timetable, I'll try this, that, and the other, with a prayer that baby is gonna get the memo!
I was at the hospital today getting checked out, NST, attempted sweep that I didn't need as I'm in early labor, even if I can't feel it right now. Woohoo!
My midwife send me home to get some rest and eat while I still can. She said I'm ready and to be patient a little while longer, but not too long now!

Nipple stimulation: I'm thinking about trying it later tonight and see if it works :haha: I will use my breast pump, I've done it before and it cause a big BH, so apparently uterus and nipples really do have some connection.

Mica, you are so right, docs hate waiting too long, this is why I really put pressure on mine to let me be until Thursday. He is cool thank god, he even went to my midwife to let her know that if we need induction he will give me plenty of time to let things develop slowly/ more naturally.

Annaki, I'm craving pineapple juice now, lol thanks!:haha:
Well... went to the doctor this afternoon, and while the baby and I are doing well, there isn't much change. He did say that my cervix is soft (and at my last check on Friday it was still hard), and I've dilated 0.5cm more, for a grand total of 1.5cm. And... so... he scheduled me for an induction on Thursday morning! Super bummed! I know, I know... I still have time to have the baby before then, but now I have the thought looming in my mind - What if I don't? Argh!
Well, when I got home I started with the nipple stimulation! Have just done a bit here and there, not for hours as is suggested. But tomorrow I'm going for it! Gonna bounce on my ball lots more, go ride around in the golf cart with my husband again, DTD again (husband says he's starting to feel cheap!), more pineapple... maybe even some pregnancy tea.
I also need to get my mind right and try to be positive about the whole situation. Whatever happens, happens, and will be for the best. Also, I'll have my baby in my arms by Thursday, at the latest (I assume).
How are all you ladies doing? Any updates? Wishing you all the best. xox
Mica I'm with you all the way! We are both on Thursday countdowns! I am trying to make the induction a positive thing. Lots of my friends have had positive inductions and haven't needed a c section so I am goi g to try and lose the control freak in me and go with the flow!

Where abouts are you? I am in the UK. Just wondering when Thursday arrives for both of us.

Going to give nipple stimulation and go for a long walk again today. The weather is lovely.

I have woken up with period pains and a bit of lose stools (sorry TMI!) but I am not reading into this at all! I had cramps last week and thought it was it. I want contraction pain but not sure what I am looking for!

Let's try and keep positive together and keep in mind our babies will be with us by the weekend :))))
I'm scheduled for going in the hospital for the pessary induction on Wed midnight, and if it doesn't work I'll be induced on Thurs morning with drip.
So we are all in the same boat :p on a Thursday countdown...

My no 1 concern is that baby is going to be distressed with the drugs and I will need a c section... But if it means he is going to be healthy I can't argue.

Pineapple juice, check, O, check, nip stim with breast pump, check, now I'm going to go for a walk and later clean the apartment.
I contract, but they are not painful, so I'm not convinced that I have any progress...

Keeping an eye out for you ladies and any of your updates!
Hey ladies. My 3rd sweep is this afternoon (after already having 2 unsuccessful ones last week) Ate whole pineapple yesterday,went swimming and walking then had loads of pains/contractions/whatever they may be! from about 5pm-10pm then nothing!!!!
Countdown to Friday Induction for me it seems :(
I'm in the US, in Texas. So I have a little under 48 hours before my induction. Drinking some raspberry leaf tea this morning. Cheers!
Fingers crossed for all of us! Have a nice day/evening! xox
Hoping all efforts to evict these babies work soon for you

Annaki -anything??
Lily...yay another member to wait out the Thursday countdown! I am getting my head around the idea of an induction :) Let's stay positive! (but you slightly freaked about possibility of section!). Where are you based Lily? My hospital doesn't give any induction mess at night :-(.

Rubyblu...how did the sweep go. This afternoon? Let us know x

Mica...keep drinking the tea girl! :)))

Rah...hope you are treasuring this time with your new bundle.. One way or another, our babies eviction notices are imminent!

As for me, crampings stopping when I got out of bed (grrr!) and lose stools too (putting it down to ODing on pineapple juice!).

An interesting development though, I have lost a tiny amount of plug! It was a yellows tinged thing (sorry TMI!). So now back on the birthing ball trying to make things progress! :)))

Pathos thread is keeping me sane!
My little man finally arrived on Friday, 10 days late!
I started on the Thursday morning with what felt like cramps. As the day progressed they were coming often and frequent so then I knew they were contractions.

Had a water birth and it was great.

Good luck ladies for your arrivals
Congratulations Solitaire! Enjoy your little one x

Well, day 40 +11 in the Overdue Club for me!

Still feel cramping, no more plug lost :-( In for a day of bouncing on the ball and shopping! Yay!

Tomorrow is induction day! :) (positive thoughts, positive thoughts!). Hope there has been some progress with you fellow over-duers while I have been snoozing over night! Xx
Congratulations, Solitaire! Glad your birth went well.
This is the last thread I am really following on B&B... I feel like I've read all the others before. A few days ago, I chimed in on a thread about estimated due dates, when I really should have left it alone. This wait, and looming induction, have me in an over-emotional state.
Yesterday we had some excitement. My hubby and I had breakfast (and I had my RLT) and we went off to run a couple of errands. By the time we were finished with those (an hour, hour and a half) I was starting to feel kind of discouraged and tearful. When we got back to the house, I decided to take a little nap. When I woke up an hour later, my belly was hurting pretty persistently. I took note of the time and got up. Well, the pain didn't ever really go away. I told my husband what was going on, and well, he started to get kind of antsy. Almost immediately he wanted to call our moms, and the hospital... he started throwing a bunch of stuff in the car... I told him that this might just be the start of things, but I also was concerned that I wasn't getting a break from the pain. So I did make some phone calls to see what I should do. (meanwhile, he was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, LOL)
First I called L&D, and they told me to call my doctor. Called his office, got the voice mail, left a message. I also called the home health nurse through my insurance company, but got her voice mail, didn't leave a message. Doctor's office called back some time later and I talked to the nurse(?), she asked me some questions, but didn't really clue me in if what I was experiencing sounded normal or not. She said she would talk to the doctor and see what he wanted me to do. Probably 20 minutes later (I wasn't tracking time really well) she called back and said they couldn't find me in their records. That's because I see my doctor at a clinic, not his practice. So she has me call the clinic to talk to the on-call doctor. REally?! ugh. I call the clinic, and get the damn voicemail! Lunch break!
Well, by this time I had been having the pain for over an hour. Had some spikes in it, which we tried to time, but it was hard as I wasn't really getting a break. The spikes came between 6 and 9 minutes apart, but it was hard to say how long they lasted. This whole time I had been on my feet for the most part. I was really uncomfortable if I tried to sit down on a chair or my yoga ball, or get in any other kind of position. So I was just pacing around my house, taking off clothes, putting on clothes, trying to tidy up to distract myself, going to the restroom, coming back out because I was too uncomfortable to even do that, leaning on the walls... and so on. I was also drinking water, and ate about half of an apple. Then, with my last change of clothes and a couple of sips of juice, the pain just went away. Relief! I was so glad for a break. Except the pain never came back!
Well, we still hadn't been able to talk to anyone at the clinic, but my home health nurse had texted me to see what was going on. I texted her back what had happened, and that I hadn't had any pain in almost an hour. But she called me and asked me some questions, and while I don't have a definitive answer what that whole episode was, it seems it was Braxton Hicks or false labor. I told her about the tea, and she told me NOT to drink that right now. Said something about how it might cause a hyperstimulated contraction. I only had one cup, so I find it hard to believe that it caused me an hour-and-a-half long contraction, but I don't mind laying off of it.
After all of this, I have decided that I'm just going to try and take it easy. I don't really want to try any more of these home remedies. The baby's gonna come when he's ready, or he's gonna come tomorrow when I have the induction. I'm just trying to be at peace with that.
Sorry for the ridiculously long post! Have a lot of time on my hands, obviously, and also kind of itching to share a birth story. Sorry, this was was just the pre-amble!
Anyway, thinking of all of you. Hope you are doing well today, and hanging in there. Looking forward to the updates to come in the next few days, as we will be having our babies, one way or the other. And once they're here, the rest won't matter so much. Sending lots of positive, calming, comforting energy to all of you. xox
My little man finally arrived on Friday, 10 days late!
I started on the Thursday morning with what felt like cramps. As the day progressed they were coming often and frequent so then I knew they were contractions.

Had a water birth and it was great.

Good luck ladies for your arrivals

Many congrats on your little guy!:flower:

Annaki, hope normal contractions start soon! If not , good luck for tomorrow's induction :thumbup:

Mica, omg this was tough hun... I feel for you, we 're all so stressed about being overdue that it makes complete sense that you feel you must vent :hugs:
We are here to listen!

Tomorrow or Friday we will have our babies, so don't worry so much. They will come one way or another :)

No progress here either, so I'm going to the hospital tonight...

All the home remedies failed, so I'm taking it easy today, I will watch some dvds, try to get a nap etc.

Lot's of good vibes to all!:flower:
Sending lots of positive labor vibes to you ladies! For what it's worth, on the day I went into labor I had a membrane sweep, walked for 3.5 miles, ate a shrimp vindaloo and did a little nipple stimulation on the couch. I'm sure you've tried all those things but just putting it out there. Best of luck! I'm stalking this thread
well, a little over 16 hours before my induction, and I just lost my mucous plug! cautiously optimistic, and I do mean cautiously. still, I had to do a little happy dance! :D
Yay for that Mica! I thought I had started to lose mine but it was only a very very small amount and haven't seen nothing since! :-(

14 hours to go for me! :-/ xx
Day 40 + 12 for me in here and my LO has his eviction notice! Eeek!

Today's the day Lily and Mica! Pleased to say I am more excited than nervous at the minute!

Everything is ready :-D. Taking the iPad into hospital with me so will update as I can. All the best for today and positive positive positive labour dust your way -)))))
Good luck for everyone's inductions xx
Update from us, we had our little babygirl two days ago :o) very happy, will write a proper birth announcement soon :o)

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