This weekend did not go quite as planned - did a little tiny bit of tidying, and that was it haha

I felt really queasy after my breakfast on Saturday, and eventually it wore off enough to go out. I was almost certain my AF was going to show up, but it didn't. Yesterday wasn't so bad, although I didn't go anywhere so it might have been helped by me being lazy lol! Today I felt sick again - not as bad, but my abdomen definitely ached - moreso at my right side. I've pretty much convinced myself it's a cyst
I rang the doctors this morning and, surprise surprise, they had no appointments. However, I was told to get back in touch at 2pm and fortunately someone had cancelled, so I've been to see the GP. I've not seen him before but he was actually really pleasant. He told me to do another HPT in the next week or two if nothing changes, but he's referred me for an ultrasound to see what's going on. He reckons it can take at least 3 to 4 weeks, but possibly longer because it's near Christmas. Either way, it's positive news so I'm looking forward to getting to the bottom of it
On the downside, my boyfriend is still being a prat about it all. He seems to be under the impression that I'm wasting my time, exaggerating and that he's not going to show me any concern whatsoever until he knows whether there is something wrong. I said to him, "Either way, it aches and is uncomfortable," but he said being bloated is down to me eating more lately, having too much gravy, possibly a reaction to MSG, etc. I had some pancakes after my tea and he then said, "It's no wonder your tummy aches, look at all the rubbish you're eating!" Pretty sure my stomach is not in my abdomen, but that obviously isn't relevant in his mind lol! He is a total pain sometimes - he's quite intelligent but he refuses to look into TTC and try to understand it better because, "It'll make it a chore." I'd rather he just understood a little better and stopped making ridiculous statements. The GP suggested I take folic acid, but now I've been told I'm not allowed because I can get it all through eating more healthily. It would seem he knows 'best'.
Sorry for the rant but I've not really got anyone else to talk to about this and I feel better for venting haha
Hope everyone else is well