Overweight or obese and TTC?

Happycloud..good luck!

So ladies I am sort of in a funk...i fear af is gonna show her face this weekend....is there anyone around 280lbs......that has conceived? Im stressing.....i have lost about 90 lbs workout about 4 times a week..eat right....and track my cycles....i started using the fertility monitor this month....i ust need hope....this was our sixth month trying....any words of wisdom? Anyone my size get preg? I know I ovulate each month...i have reg periods......im just in a bummer mode rigjt now :(

I have, I was about 275ish when I got pregnant with my daughter.. it did take 7 years but my cycles were all over the place.
When we started ttc I was about 220 and went up quite a bit. I had seen a fertility specialist at one point but nobody could figure out what the problem was so they suggested I lose weight. That obviously didn't happen but I did eventually get pregnant. I'm just hoping I can do it again!
I've 5'7 and weight 255 lbs and I've been ttc for 7 years now. I've lost 35lbs over the past few years, I'm really focusing on weight now though, extra careful and trying to lose weight, its a slow process since I have 3 rupture discs in my lower spine, and possiblely one in my upper, and I have degenerative disc disease so I literally could rupture another one at any time, so obviously exercising is out of the question, although I did get rid of my car and walk a lot more now. I haven't noticed a HUGE change in weight but I feel healthier so I'm happy, plus my legs are getting huge from muscles LOL. I'm the type of person where my legs and my arms are just about normal size and all 100lbs of my overweight seems to be in my stomach :lol:
im overweight myself and my husband and i have been trying for 3 years its so hard and this is the only place i can come to for support so glowbug and anyone else i need all friends like me i can get lol
Hey hopeful and newbies!!!!!!

Welcome! We are here for you! Some of us are losing weight And supporting eachother!
Even if you are not losing weight were here for you!!!

For me personally. My cycles are finally normal because I have lost 35 lbs.

I ovulated on cd 17,18 this cycle and am having a great luteal phase too!
Hoping for a BFP soon!

Good luck gals!!

WhAt dpo is everyone or cd?
Hi girls,

Mind if I join in? Im very obese and ttc number 1 - really need to drop some weight and I suppose this is the best incentive I am ever going to have! I am 5'10 so quite tall but weigh about 20 stone! DH is highly annoying as he used to be about 18 stone but lost a load by himself and is now 12 and half stone - and I am nothing but jealous!

Been ttc for about 8 months but I have very irregular periods for I haven't had 8 cycles in that time if that makes sense, im only on my 5th now (day 32 'yawn').

I went to the doctors in December last year as I hadst had a period for 7 months and they did bloods and an ultrasound but everything came back fine so they just said to go away and come back in a year if I hadn't managed to conceive. Great! They didst even mention my weight, even though I kept prompting them to suggest that may be the reason I have irregular periods.

I tried soy on my 4th cycle and had a 28 day cycle - OMG! I was amazed. I had never had a 28 day cycle in my life up til that point! Took it again this cycle but nothing yet. I think I may have a dodgy ovary as I have had two cycles now where I got a positive opk and then no ovulation til 30 days later. Thats all I bloomin need!!

Here's hoping this will be a lucky thread and we get lots of BFPs!!
Oh no, just realised I am on CD36 today *even bigger yawn*!
I'm CD2, getting ready to start my first round of clomid tomorrow for days 3-7. I'm nervous and excited! :happydance:
I've lost 50 lbs over the last 13 months. I really hope that will make it faster to conceive. I was 5'4 and weighed 216 when I conceived DS and I now am 187, so I hope that will help!
Pushangel. I remember you!!!!!
You had a chemical about 7 months ago?
I was feelcrazy ;)
Hi everyone!
Elanesse...how about some clomid? My doc was super nice and put me on it after one month of charting temps/watching cervical fluid and seeing no change or ovulation (though I also had the info that I hadn't had a period since April, so she put me on prometrium to kick start a period).
I did clomid days 3-7 and am on cd24, pretty sure I o'd (based on charting/elevated temps) on cd16. Will find out my progesterone levels hopefully tomorrow, as I did blood draw on Saturday. Hopefully it will just confirm that i DID ovulate!
Reeeeally wanted to test today but only 8 dpo and I know that's too early! I think I'll test 10dpo (thurs.) and 13dpo (sunday).
It's so hard to wait!
I am new to ttc and can't imagine going through all this again month after month. How do you ladies do it who have been trying a long time?

My main advice: CHART!! Knowing your temps, cf, understanding all that totally brings you out of the dark. Read Taking Charge of Your Fertility!

Baby dust!
I just posted that I was looking for some buddies as I challenge myself to eat healthy and work out. Looks like I should have checked this thread first! I would like to join you ladies! I'm currently doing Weight Watchers. I started in December and lost almost 30 pounds over the winter/spring, but have since been sliding on it and have gained back 5 lbs. I'm starting over with a clean slate and am ready to commit to working out. I recently picked up a couple new taebo videos and am trying to do at least 30 minutes per day for 30 days!

30lbs is fab! I'm in similar positiin, lost 2stone with sw, been maintaining, gained a few lbs over hols, but want to get back into losing to be in best position for ttc. Only just got a period after a year, so need to stay focused! What are the videos you've got?
I'm the same, I'm actually enjoying cooking more because I'm making things from scratch rather than out of a packet or a jar. Two stone is great! I can't wait until I've lost 2 stone :haha: x[/QUOTE]

SOUNDS like yoy are well on your way to it! My mother in law is picking me up the new sw mag from her group, so hoping to get inspired tonight.
I've got another 14.5lbs to go then I'll have lost 2 stone :thumbup:
WhAt dpo is everyone or cd?

I am cd 29 of 32. I didn't O this month :( wonder if AF will even visit this month. Been taking met for a month and a half now and my "cycle" hasn't changed at all. What really sucks is that I KNOW I O'd in june but dh and I couldn't BD that week like we wanted bc of his stupid work schedule. :'(
Hey ladies,

I can't take this anymore and i need to "talk" to someone. On July 15, 2011 i thought i was having my period, but it was really heavier, very painful and i noticed that i was passing blobs of tissue that wasn't normal. After consulting with a Dr., we were informed that I had miscarried and we didn't even know I was pregnant. My husband refuses to talk about it and wants me to "just forget it" and not tell anyone. I feel as if I'm at my wits end trying to keep up this happy facade and I'm not doing a good job. I found out yesterday that another of my friends is pregnant. That makes 5 due in March 2012 and 1 due in December. The dr. told us that I was about 6 weeks pregnant when we mc. I just need advice bc I'm super heartbroken and I can't keep it bottled up. :sadangel:
Hey ladies,

I can't take this anymore and i need to "talk" to someone. On July 15, 2011 i thought i was having my period, but it was really heavier, very painful and i noticed that i was passing blobs of tissue that wasn't normal. After consulting with a Dr., we were informed that I had miscarried and we didn't even know I was pregnant. My husband refuses to talk about it and wants me to "just forget it" and not tell anyone. I feel as if I'm at my wits end trying to keep up this happy facade and I'm not doing a good job. I found out yesterday that another of my friends is pregnant. That makes 5 due in March 2012 and 1 due in December. The dr. told us that I was about 6 weeks pregnant when we mc. I just need advice bc I'm super heartbroken and I can't keep it bottled up. :sadangel:

Fleurdelis...I am soooo sorry for your loss.... :hugs: I wish there was something I could do but know I will be thinking about you (even though I don't know you). Did they tell you when you can try again?
Hey ladies,

I can't take this anymore and i need to "talk" to someone. On July 15, 2011 i thought i was having my period, but it was really heavier, very painful and i noticed that i was passing blobs of tissue that wasn't normal. After consulting with a Dr., we were informed that I had miscarried and we didn't even know I was pregnant. My husband refuses to talk about it and wants me to "just forget it" and not tell anyone. I feel as if I'm at my wits end trying to keep up this happy facade and I'm not doing a good job. I found out yesterday that another of my friends is pregnant. That makes 5 due in March 2012 and 1 due in December. The dr. told us that I was about 6 weeks pregnant when we mc. I just need advice bc I'm super heartbroken and I can't keep it bottled up. :sadangel:

awwww I'm so sorry...hopefully you will be able to try again real soon! :)
Awww Fleurdelis...hugs! Hang in there!

Rosey - We sound pretty similiar! I've maintained pretty well also but am ready to see the scales move again. :) I've recently started cooking a lot more, which I think it going to help quite a bit. The hubs and I are in a small apartment right now so most of our videos are in storage, so I had to pick up some new ones. I used to love love love the original Tae Bo videos, so I picked up This is Taebo and Ultimate Taebo. They were both only $10 at Walmart and I think they were well worth it. I recommitted myself to tracking in WW and going my exercise this weekend and so far so good! I've done at least 45 mins each day and stayed within my points! It's a small start but a start just the same! Do you work out at home as well?
Hey ladies,

I can't take this anymore and i need to "talk" to someone. On July 15, 2011 i thought i was having my period, but it was really heavier, very painful and i noticed that i was passing blobs of tissue that wasn't normal. After consulting with a Dr., we were informed that I had miscarried and we didn't even know I was pregnant. My husband refuses to talk about it and wants me to "just forget it" and not tell anyone. I feel as if I'm at my wits end trying to keep up this happy facade and I'm not doing a good job. I found out yesterday that another of my friends is pregnant. That makes 5 due in March 2012 and 1 due in December. The dr. told us that I was about 6 weeks pregnant when we mc. I just need advice bc I'm super heartbroken and I can't keep it bottled up. :sadangel:

aw fleur!!! that sucks! you can definitely talk to us! I just met for lunch today with a former student from my first year of teaching who became a friend after she graduated (she's 25 now) and she just miscarried at six weeks too, just this week. It doesn't make it any easier that it's "early". That's not fair that your hubby wants to not talk about it. That's how some men deal. I'm afraid that if it happened to me that my hubby would be similar...like "it just wasn't meant to be, let's move on" when I know I would be broken about it. You're going to heal, but take all the time you need to be sad. but also be hopeful for future babies!! :hug:

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