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Happy 30 weeks Lou! Good luck on your scan tomorrow!

Andrea happy 8 weeks!!!

Jenny you might not see the fetal pole so don't stress. My first scan with this pregnancy was 5+5 and all they saw was a gestational sac. I was having my hcg levels checked every 48 hours to monitor for an ectopic and they were over 11,000 that day of the scan. I was told that since my hcg was so high they should be seeing more on the scan and was told I would probably miscarry. Two days later there was a hb.

Sunny it sounds like the ladies covered you. I'll just add that I had my progesterone checked but didn't do it on cd 21 because I usually ov between cd 21-28. I tracked ov with temps and did the test 7 days after that. It came back normal but I'm not convinced I have normal progesterone production. My LP is usually 10-11 days and has sometimes been 8 or 9 days. I also spot for a few days before AF. This is the first pregnancy I took progesterone suppositories after OV and so far so good. I haven't had my progesterone checked during pregnancy but I think it's helping.

Mandy I wrote the same on the RMC thread for you.

Pup blah to the sickness. I'm not as sick as you but have been feeling pretty nauseous lately. No fun at all!

Hopeful well done chasing out the ghosts! You are a Ghostbuster!

Davies any more Doppler stories? Your trick of putting a pillow under the bum with knees bent helps. I find my little one immediately. I haven't been able to go a day without listening. But I'm down to once a day.

Fili you are an exercising machine! Before my ectopic I got into the best shape of my life. I was so depressed and wanted to do something about it. It gave me some control back of my body. Unfortunately I ended up pregnant with the ectopic at that time but once I healed from the surgery I was right back at it. It really helped me. You go girl!

Pip is there a new bump pic? I must go look now!

I'm producing a relaxation CD for work and have to be in the recording studio today. Won't be here much today. I think it's very ironic I'm doing this CD as relaxing hasn't been my strong point during this pregnancy! Hope you all have a relaxing day!!
PS - don't forget that I update the front page with scan dates. If you are ever wondering who has one coming up, check out the front page. I try to keep it up to date but if you aren't on there and want to be, let me know. xoxo
thanks amanda im looking forward to the scan it will make everything seem more real xx
Happy 30wks Lou xxxx single number countdown is exciting xxxx

Happy 8wks nsn xxxx

Congrats Mandy xxxx

afm x feeling old it's my daughters 18th today! Where does the time go? X

Not long in from work x never got to sleep till 3again! An up at 6! so took the next 3 Sunday's off work knowing my luck I'll start to sleep an ms will kick in lol x can't stop thinking about scan on fri an every possible senario x

With first scan did you ask to see screen straight away or ask to wait till sonogropher had looked? I'm really not sure what to do x could hardly breathe last night thinking about it an I'm not normally a nervous person dreading how I'll be on fri xxx
Jen I really hope you see something on the scan. Only a few more sleeps!

Mrskg, my doctor showed me the screen immediately. I didn't have a choice. I was glad that I didn't have to make the decision because like you I was also torn about what to do.

Hang in there girls. The first scan is definitely the scariest. I don't have any good advice about how to relax with these scans. I never was able to myself.
Ok just done another 3 laps! Feel so much better but I am still puffing!! As from tomorrow it's two exercise sessions a day for about half an hour each and I'm going to get my hair done and a pedicure and manicure. I've ordered the 30 day shred from amazon too. Im aiming for some significant weight loss in a month. Then I'm heading to my face clothes shop to spend my voucher there for which I have £300! So half of it I'll spend a month later when I've lost more weight. What do you think girls? should be able to do a stone in two months shouldn't I?
thanks darling , in regards to the scan machine the one we were scanned on at st marys before the pregnancy had a little tv thing next to the bed so we could watch what they were doing so it will be interesting if all of them will be the same but in the epau i asked to see the screen as they were doing it and sometimes they moved it and done it at the same time xx
Thanks jenny in our epu have a telly beside you with my mmc they never gave me a choice it was just on I knew as soon as I saw empty sac it was over an it was not what I was expecting I was supposed to be 12wks x with the scans I had after to check if sac had passed they always asked if i wanted to see which i did because I knew what to expect x I'm just not sure this time hopefully will all fall in to place when I'm there x

Fili with your determination i think you can an will achieve anything xxx
I was checked 7dpo an mine was low xx
I just had soup, chips peas tomato mushrooms an tried bit of steak! But yuk!! So I had pub coke an then I had strawberrys an cream an they were lovely?!!! Sooooo nice!! Hopeful strawberrys an cream yum yum! X
Jenny, before 6 weeks I think you should just expect to see a little circle, which is the gestational sac. Seeing that in the right place is a good sign :thumbup:
They don't always point it out at the scan but a white halo/cloud around the edges is also a good sign. That's called the decidual reaction and shows that your body has recognised the pregnancy and is responding to it. If you are unsure whether you see it (as it is thin at the beginning you can always ask your sonographer to point it out. If you are lucky (depends on equipment, sonographer skills and how close to six weeks you are) you may be able to see the yolk sac. The fetal pole itself is quite difficult to make out in my opinion. It is often hiding along the edge of the gestational sac :D Generally, just because you don't see the fetal pole doesn't mean it isn't there, it's just so tiny and difficult to distinguish from the lining of the sac.
Please don't be disappointed or worried if all you see is a sac and cannot make anything out inside it. At this stage that can be absolutely normal!
From six weeks it becomes more interesting as almost all internal scans can pick up the yolk sac and then the heartbeat.

By the way, these dates are from ovulation. So 14dpo is 4 weeks, 21dpo is 5 weeks pregnant etc.
If you go from lmp then all bets are off as even someone with a textbook 28 day cycle could have ovulated earlier or later during the cycle they fell pregnant. If someone doesn't know their ovulation date then scans showing bigger or smaller should not surprise or even worry them. I find it silly when people in first tri freak each out over scans when they don't know when they ovulated.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think everyone should track their ovulation. That's a personal choice but at the same time they need to understand that it is entirely normal to be off by days or even weeks.

Mandy, doctors in my town don't mind prescribing progesterone for rpl. It's cheap and can't harm you. As for delaying an mc. Maybe in some people for a few hours or a day or two but I doubt it will be much. I was on progesterone, had a heartbeat but some spotting and it was all over that night. It made no difference to me :shrug:
I think with us ladies we get regular scans so if you were in the unlikely situation of it delaying your m/c then scans would show a baby with no heartbeat and no growth and you would know to stop. So it's not like you would continue for weeks unwittingly iygwim?

Since you seem to have a pattern to your m/cs I would suggest trying progesterone from ovulation (well, 2dpo actually as you shouldn't start until you know you have definitely ovulated). I don't know whether it works but there is a trial called the PROMISE trial looking at just that. I recently mentioned it to another lady on here and she managed to join it quite quickly. If you google it and contact them directly you'll be able to find out more info and maybe join despite already being pregnant?
Otherwise, you can print out the info and ask your doctor to prescribe you cyclogest based on that trial (say you'd join but you don't want to risk getting the placebo and also you are already pregnant so may not be eligible with pregnancy).

Fili, supposedly, progesterone lowers our immune system so we are less likely to reject a new pregnancy. Interestingly, it also means we are more likely to catch an illness in the second half of our cycles than in the first.

Puppy, I love it that you call your mum for poopy nappies. I'm going to have to remember that idea!
Ok just done another 3 laps! Feel so much better but I am still puffing!! As from tomorrow it's two exercise sessions a day for about half an hour each and I'm going to get my hair done and a pedicure and manicure. I've ordered the 30 day shred from amazon too. Im aiming for some significant weight loss in a month. Then I'm heading to my face clothes shop to spend my voucher there for which I have £300! So half of it I'll spend a month later when I've lost more weight. What do you think girls? should be able to do a stone in two months shouldn't I?! love it Fili, I love pedicures xxxxxx
Happy 30 weeks, Lou! What an achievement!

Happy 8 weeks, NSN :yipee:

Yep, I took a new bump pic last night. It is in the first post of my journal. You'll see that I was bigger over Christmas but I ate A LOT :haha:

I kept getting interrupted during my last post so I hope I haven't forgotten to mention anyone or answer any questions?
Pip love the new bump picture!

I agree with everything you said about Ov dates. I did a medicated cycle with IUI and my follies were being monitored. I know I ov'd on day 16. I lie to everyone who asks me when my LMP is because they make the assumption I Ov'd on day 14 which would put my dates off. Every time I try to tell them my Ov date they still go by LMP. It's a losing battle so I've just learned to lie.
Evening ladies

How are we all?

I still feel rough, lol. I won't say any more because you know how I feel and probably get fed up of hearing me moan.

I didn't end up going out for lunch with DH and his son because I just felt too sick. I went to bed instead and they went out with my mum, sister and step dad.
I thought about buying some maternity clothes from ebay, I'm not buying new because this is the last time I'll use them and I can't afford to buy new BUT I have lost nearly a stone now (12lbs as of this morning) so I have no idea which size. Lol
Wow that's a lot of weight you've lost! That makes it quite tricky to buy clothes.

Are there any stores that sell used maternity clothes where you could go try them on? It's so much easier to shop online though.
Haven't had chance to catch up properly I just skimmed to many good things on tv! Lol! Love wild at heart, then desperate housewives!! It's homework time in our house so I'm trying my best to remember my science!!

Pip lovely neat bump xc
Lou good luck Tom my lovely hope they put u forward, we're u classed as high risk Lou? My midwife put me as high risk an consultant care but do u get extra scans?? X
Puppy I am going to do the same I just don't want to spend fortunes out on maternity clothes!! It's a waste of money!! Put them through the wash an there fine!! I'm the same I do like to try on though! I go into h and m or mothercare first an I try on then I look on eBay!! I have a couple of pairs of jeans from before so I'm not going to buy any jeans I just would like a belly band an then in the summer I will buy maxi dresses!! Xx
Jenny, before 6 weeks I think you should just expect to see a little circle, which is the gestational sac. Seeing that in the right place is a good sign :thumbup:
They don't always point it out at the scan but a white halo/cloud around the edges is also a good sign. That's called the decidual reaction and shows that your body has recognised the pregnancy and is responding to it. If you are unsure whether you see it (as it is thin at the beginning you can always ask your sonographer to point it out. If you are lucky (depends on equipment, sonographer skills and how close to six weeks you are) you may be able to see the yolk sac. The fetal pole itself is quite difficult to make out in my opinion. It is often hiding along the edge of the gestational sac :D Generally, just because you don't see the fetal pole doesn't mean it isn't there, it's just so tiny and difficult to distinguish from the lining of the sac.
Please don't be disappointed or worried if all you see is a sac and cannot make anything out inside it. At this stage that can be absolutely normal!
From six weeks it becomes more interesting as almost all internal scans can pick up the yolk sac and then the heartbeat.

By the way, these dates are from ovulation. So 14dpo is 4 weeks, 21dpo is 5 weeks pregnant etc.
If you go from lmp then all bets are off as even someone with a textbook 28 day cycle could have ovulated earlier or later during the cycle they fell pregnant. If someone doesn't know their ovulation date then scans showing bigger or smaller should not surprise or even worry them. I find it silly when people in first tri freak each out over scans when they don't know when they ovulated.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think everyone should track their ovulation. That's a personal choice but at the same time they need to understand that it is entirely normal to be off by days or even weeks.

Mandy, doctors in my town don't mind prescribing progesterone for rpl. It's cheap and can't harm you. As for delaying an mc. Maybe in some people for a few hours or a day or two but I doubt it will be much. I was on progesterone, had a heartbeat but some spotting and it was all over that night. It made no difference to me :shrug:
I think with us ladies we get regular scans so if you were in the unlikely situation of it delaying your m/c then scans would show a baby with no heartbeat and no growth and you would know to stop. So it's not like you would continue for weeks unwittingly iygwim?

Since you seem to have a pattern to your m/cs I would suggest trying progesterone from ovulation (well, 2dpo actually as you shouldn't start until you know you have definitely ovulated). I don't know whether it works but there is a trial called the PROMISE trial looking at just that. I recently mentioned it to another lady on here and she managed to join it quite quickly. If you google it and contact them directly you'll be able to find out more info and maybe join despite already being pregnant?
Otherwise, you can print out the info and ask your doctor to prescribe you cyclogest based on that trial (say you'd join but you don't want to risk getting the placebo and also you are already pregnant so may not be eligible with pregnancy).

Fili, supposedly, progesterone lowers our immune system so we are less likely to reject a new pregnancy. Interestingly, it also means we are more likely to catch an illness in the second half of our cycles than in the first.

Puppy, I love it that you call your mum for poopy nappies. I'm going to have to remember that idea!

thank you darling all that info has made me feel so much better thank you hun for your info been snappy at hubby i feel mega bad so ive said my sorrys just think its cause im nervous xxx

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