Had a scan Friday and the scanner said it all looked perfect, heartbeat and right size for my dates, but I’m really worried - baby measuring 2.3mm and I’m 6+2. Some things I’ve read say that’s right and after 6 weeks you grow 1mm per day, so 6+2 is bang on, but then most things say that’s way to small and more like 5 weeks? I have no idea but I’m a wreck now. That’s just the embryo size not the sac etc. I don’t know. I’m so glad there was a heartbeat but I know that’s not enough from experience. I’m just really struggling. We’ve got another scan in 2 weeks (which again makes me worried as if it was all perfect why invite us back so soon?). I’m second guessing everything it’s ridiculous!
It also makes me really sad as I’m in another group for Jan babies, and people as far along as me are all buying everything and so excited. It just makes me sad to have lost that innocence you know? I wish I could be that hopeful. Even with my last pregnancy I’d only got a few bits and I was five months when we lost him. It’s all upstairs boxed up and it breaks my heart.
Sorry to vent. I just feel so alone, like no one understands and I don’t know how I can get through this. I honestly don’t think I can cope with losing another baby. I feel like if I survive, there would be no chance I would ever want to be pregnant again, and that pressure on this pregnancy makes it even harder.
Sorry to be such a downer. I have asked for a mental health referral, but the waiting times are so long and I don’t know where else to turn xx