I suppose the time has come for me to update... I've been avoiding posting because I wanted to have wonderful, reassuring news to post first... But I need the support. And I hate feeling depressed, perhaps writing this all down will somehow help.
On Friday, my husband and I were off work and decided to make the journey to downtown DC to sight see with our 2 year old and our best friends. After walking around, chasing my little girl, carrying her, playing with her, looking at museums and having fun, I went to the bathroom and notice some pink mucus on the toilet paper. I immediately told DH and we decided it was time to go back. Once we arrive at our temp lodging I called my ob... closed for the holiday, so I called the ER, who, after hearing my history suggested I go to the nearest ER, only 1 mile away. Though it was only a bit of pink on the toilet paper, it was still there every time I wiped, and this is EXACTLY how my first miscarriage started. However that time, I waited 4-5 days to go in to the doctor. So within 3 hours of the first sight of pink spotting I got my first ultrasound... Healthy baby measuring 2 days bigger than my LMP suggested! (I was supposed to be 7w4d, baby was measuring at 7w6d) They couldn't see much through the belly ultrasound so they had to do a transvaginal, they saw arm buds, leg buds, yolk sack and heartbeat of 161! I was told my cervix was completely closed and that they couldn't tell where the discharge was coming from, just to stay on pelvic rest (which I have been on for the past 3 weeks anyways, of my own accord). So here I am driving home, happy with my baby pictures and having heard the heartbeat.
Saturday morning I woke up... went to the bathroom and noticed the discharge had changed, it was no longer a pink mucus but a dark red discharge, a bit more runny than mucus with little tiny... pieces... like toilet paper that got dipped in red juice and broken apart into tiny pieces (but this wasn't old toilet paper). So I worry again, call my ob, still closed. Call the ER, because there was a change in the discharge I was asked to go in again. This time I drove 35 miles to the my hospital, where I get my prenatal care and went to that ER. After taking blood, getting an IV, and my rhogam shot (I'm RH negative), the doc came in and did the belly ultrasound, all he said was, well your kidney bean is still in there. They didn't want to do another transvaginal ultrasound because that may have been why my spotting had increased, so they said, there's pretty much not much else they could do for me because I am so early on, couldn't tell me where the blood was coming from or why. And sent me home, not on bedrest but on pelvic rest again.
So today is Monday... my first REAL ultrasound appointment is this Wednesday, and I am of course keeping it, hoping to see my baby's heartbeat again... hoping beyond hope everything is alright. It sucks that the doctors can't tell me much. I am not having any cramping worse than what I have been having, just more pressure, but I also haven't had a good bowel movement in about 5 days... so that could be why. Fun constipation. The spotting has turned brown, still not filling a whole pad, even in 24 hours. Still has the little "pieces" in there... nothing big but... still there.
Now I'm on wait... worried, depressed. Ugh. I just keep looking at my pictures from the transvaginal ultrasound on Friday and using that to keep me from being in despair. My beautiful baby, arm buds, leg buds, yolk sack and heartbeat of 161. I'll scan them soon so you all can see.
Thanks for reading, I just needed to share.