PAL Fall 2011 ***26 Healthy Babies***

MA this should be your second labour. I would say you need to forget your previous labour and relax into this one. The more you relax and let your body do its job the quicker your labour should be.

I am not having lots of people at my home birth, my husband and mum. I would be having my mum there even if we went to hospital.
I am very excited, I have been practising my hypnobirthing techniques quite a bit.
My lodger/friends mum bought me a slider chair and sliding footstool as a gift and so I plan to spend this week sat in the chair practising even more.
Gosh so many of you with just a few weeks to go. I was excited at the thought of Wriggle Bum arriving in a couple of months, but it sure sounds good to hear you say next month!

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week so off for a growth scan tomorrow. Does anyone know whether I'll need a full bladder like I did at the 20w anomaly scan? I'll be seeing the consultant on Wednesday to discuss what happens next re diet, blood testing and possible induction.

Pip x
I'm sorry to hear to have developed gd hun. I would presume u need a full bladder for any scan hun. Hope everything goes well.

My dd is a month today!! So exciting but so scary all at the same time :-)
Pip....WHAT? You need an induction because you have GD? I have type II diabetes and am on an insulin pump. I get a TON of insulin pumped since second trimester and Amelia is right on target with size and isn't big at all.

How high are your numbers? Usually they don't take baby unless baby is big due to REALLY high numbers...we're talking over 200 or more for a long period of time. Usually your GD can be controlled with diet and exercise (if you can) by eating 100% whole grains instead of white processed things....switch sugars.....instead of white go for Agave Nectar which is like honey but low on the glycemic index. Lots of greens, berries are also low on the glycemic index...etc. Lots of protein and exercise can help keep those numbers down...the exercise will depend on how much your allowed to do...I'm limited with a cerclage stitch in...I DO watch what I eat. Nicu consult as well as all the Dr.'s have said they're proud of me...I've only gained 14lbs and lost 2 this week. Keeping in mind I'm plus size and don't have to gain the 25 or more lbs most women gain. My baby is safe and healthy so far. I pray you will find help during this and that you will be able to control with diet. It's not so bad, but then I've lived with this since 2000 so it's different for people newly dx'd with gd. Baby will be just fine as long as you control your numbers and keep them from being 200 or more all day long. :winkwink: So glad your almost there as well. What blessing to be here. :happydance:
Thanks Mommy. I don't know my numbers yet as the results came through when I was on holiday. I'm having a growth scan this morning and then seeing the dietician and consultant on Wednesday morning.

I'm 5'5" and weighed 13st when I last ovulated. My BMI was 30 and until my holiday I'd gained 8lb at 27w. I was keeping active until the SPD kicked in badly. I've got a pelvic belt and crutches now which should help.

Because of my age (I'll be almost 41 when Wriggle Bum is due), BMI and the fact that I have a dicky ticker (leaking heart valve) the consultant said he wouldn't let me go overdue. It was mentioned when I went for my 3 HR OGTT that if I was found to have GD they may bring him earlier.

I think there's a lot of ifs and buts at the moment and hopefully everything will be clearer in a few days. My priority is the baby and I'll do whatever is necessary to keep him safe and healthy.

Thanks for the food tips. At the moment, until I see the dietician, I've cut out all obvious sugar and made sure any processed food contains little or no sugar. I've switched to wholemeal bread, increased my fruit intake (satsumas and apples) and stay active (walking or housework) for 15 minutes after eating.

I just remembered my second blood test came back at 9 which is a clear fail I believe.

Thanks again.

Pip x
Thanks Mommy. I don't know my numbers yet as the results came through when I was on holiday. I'm having a growth scan this morning and then seeing the dietician and consultant on Wednesday morning.

I'm 5'5" and weighed 13st when I last ovulated. My BMI was 30 and until my holiday I'd gained 8lb at 27w. I was keeping active until the SPD kicked in badly. I've got a pelvic belt and crutches now which should help.

Because of my age (I'll be almost 41 when Wriggle Bum is due), BMI and the fact that I have a dicky ticker (leaking heart valve) the consultant said he wouldn't let me go overdue. It was mentioned when I went for my 3 HR OGTT that if I was found to have GD they may bring him earlier.

I think there's a lot of ifs and buts at the moment and hopefully everything will be clearer in a few days. My priority is the baby and I'll do whatever is necessary to keep him safe and healthy.

Thanks for the food tips. At the moment, until I see the dietician, I've cut out all obvious sugar and made sure any processed food contains little or no sugar. I've switched to wholemeal bread, increased my fruit intake (satsumas and apples) and stay active (walking or housework) for 15 minutes after eating.

I just remembered my second blood test came back at 9 which is a clear fail I believe.

Thanks again.

Pip x
Oh you have various reasons as to why they'd induce. That makes sense. It wouldn't make sense to just induce because they think the baby will be big unless the baby actually IS. They like to jump the gun here in the states to induce or have c-sections. Sounds like your doing very well. I'm 37 and I'm plus size partly due to issues from PCOS...hypothyroid which gives me sluggish metabolism and since ttc, any insulin that goes unused stores as fat. :wacko: I have a cerclage stitch in and thus cannot exercise as I would not being pregnant so while I've only gained 14 lbs and lost 2, I am going batty not being active to keep more wait from coming on. I'm very nervous but I have no doubt that it's worth it for our daughter and I'll eventually lose more weight afterward by kicking my own bum!

If your measurements are similar to ours 9 is NOT good. They're right My last pregnancy I was 9 and it was uncontrolled. They usually like a 6 or lower. I went from 6.5 to 6.0 this last test so I'm under control. Since you just found out, I'd bet that they're concerned about all factors and since you got a 9 it's more than they'd like. Keep in mind that just because your 9 doesn't mean you'll have a big just means they've caught it and want to get it under control before birth. So as long as your doing what your doing now and will be going to the nutricianist, you'll be just fine. Sounds like you have a great medical team!:winkwink:
Hi everyone! :wave:

I also got diagnosed with GD last week and I also meet with someone on Wednesday (dietician) to go over blood sugar testing, diet, exercise, etc. I feel for you, Pip! :hugs:

Mommy, thanks for the all of the good advice.

It came as kind of a surprise to me since I only failed my 1 hour test by 4 points (my blood sugar was 139, cut off 135) and everyone kept telling me I'd pass the 3 hour, even the nurse! And I failed 2 of the 4 blood draws. My bloods peaked at 183 during the 3 hour GTT. Is that really bad? What I'm struggling with is wondering how long I've had it and if I've harmed the baby at all? I have eaten okay, and exercised this pregnancy (well, walking a lot) but I've also consumed a TON of sugar, I've had major sugar cravings! It's been hard to go off sweets this weekend....I've been drinking diet juices/soda and reduced sugar yogurt, etc, to ward off the cravings but now I'm worried I'm ingesting too many artificial sweetners! :dohh:
Hi everyone! :wave:

I also got diagnosed with GD last week and I also meet with someone on Wednesday (dietician) to go over blood sugar testing, diet, exercise, etc. I feel for you, Pip! :hugs:

Mommy, thanks for the all of the good advice.

It came as kind of a surprise to me since I only failed my 1 hour test by 4 points (my blood sugar was 139, cut off 135) and everyone kept telling me I'd pass the 3 hour, even the nurse! And I failed 2 of the 4 blood draws. My bloods peaked at 183 during the 3 hour GTT. Is that really bad? What I'm struggling with is wondering how long I've had it and if I've harmed the baby at all? I have eaten okay, and exercised this pregnancy (well, walking a lot) but I've also consumed a TON of sugar, I've had major sugar cravings! It's been hard to go off sweets this weekend....I've been drinking diet juices/soda and reduced sugar yogurt, etc, to ward off the cravings but now I'm worried I'm ingesting too many artificial sweetners! :dohh:

Okay, first things first...your not harming the baby right now so put your mind at ease. There are MANY women who get GD during their pregnancy and have lovely outcomes. While it can be stressful and overwhelming you have to keep in mind "moderation is the key". My gram shared that with me as a type I diabetic and I am type II so it helps as well.

While the 180's is high, it's not as high as it could be to be detrimental to your baby. We're talking 200's and higher. Women who go uncontrolled that high can have placental abruptions, HUGE babies..we're talking 11lbs or larger and can do damage to the babies heart. My numbers started out in the high 200's for the second trimester which can be bad IF I left them that high all day long. Bolusing insulin for me helps to bring down that high and watching what I eat is even better for keeping my levels maintained. AS a type II diabetic, it's mandatory that I have a pediatric cardiologist check my babies heart through scan. It's been determined she's fine.

I can tell you that GD usually is found once you hit second trimester because for some reason that's when your body starts to change with baby taking in more. So it's likely it may have started somewhere in the second trimester. Dr.'s are cautious and it's why they do the testing. The good news is it's found early this way and you can start to see a dietician who will share tips on how you can control your blood sugars with healthy eating and exercise.

As someone who loves chocolate myself I know how hard it can be. I've had to switch some things around. You can find plenty of low carb options out there for sweets. If your concerned about too much sweetener, how bout trying some natural sweeteners like Agave nectar (which is like honey) and low on the glycemic index so it won't spike your sugars....or stevia? You can also try to go without's hard sometimes but it can be done.

I'd steer clear of juices altogether. They are no good. soda's that are diet are no good either...they are just calories with nothing in them that is of nutrient value. If you need one once in awhile, that's okay....but I wouldn't have too many. They actually cause weight gain anyways so it's better to go with something else. I drink Iced tea, LOTS Of water and I've purchased the stoneyfield single serving milks you can find in the organic section of your store....usually skim is what I drink.

My regular endocrinologist said if I get hungry for chocolate and need something quick for a snack or meal replacement to buy the extend bars. They're not bad....not the best, but not the worst either. They maintain your blood sugar levels for up to 9 hours and have enough protein and fiber in them that they work miracles on me for the day. I have one of those in chocolate flavor with a skim milk when I get cravings.

Be careful of fruit. While they're natural, some have natural sugars that raise blood sugar levels. Stick with berries, apples and pears for low glycemic index so it will keep your levels even and won't spike the. I also have a half of a small banana. It's high in sugar so I pare that with a protein like peanut butter and dip it in chopped flax seed for some crunch. It's pretty awesome.

Watch cereals in the morning. The only cereal I've found is Special K Protein plus that will give you more protein than crap carbs. So if your planning to have that, you won't spike...I sometimes add blueberries or strawberries to it.

Eggs are your friend if you like them. Hard boiled, poached, even fried if you need to...but they are protein. Pare them with a carb like oatmeal for fiber or even hashbrowns...but be careful...white potatoes can cause spikes if you eat them you MUST pare with a protein.

Low sugar yogurts are great and even better if you can get greek yogurt which has higher the amount of probiotics in them than regular yogurt. Nuts, and legumes or beans are good. If you pare brown rice with beans they equal one full protein.

Turkey bacon, turkey sausage, ground turkey and turkey breast are lean sources of protein as well. Cheeses are good as long as you stick with pasturized.

So those are a few things to get you'll most likely hear this schpeal from your dieticians and they will give you more insight to food parings that will help you.

Moderation is the key...if you want a cookie have 1, if you want a slice of cake, have a small slice. Just don't go overboard and know when to stop.

You'll be just fine, don't worry about harming the are being monitored and educated on what to do now and following those steps will help prevent your numbers from going through the roof to 200 or above which is why they do this.

Hope I've set your mind at ease.:winkwink::flower:
Thanks for the advice Mommy's Angel. It really is appreciated :flower:

Pip x
Thank you so much for the great advice and information! :hugs: It really does help me feel better and is some great advice.

I hope everyone is doing well....happy Monday. :)
Bummer about the GD people.
I am pleased that I past my 3 hours test. At 4ft 9" the last thing I needed was reason for a bigger baby, given that it is already getting squashed.
Not long now, it seems odd to think of the journey we have taken to get to this point and how nervous we all were at the start of our pregnancy.
Bummer about the GD people.
I am pleased that I past my 3 hours test. At 4ft 9" the last thing I needed was reason for a bigger baby, given that it is already getting squashed.
Not long now, it seems odd to think of the journey we have taken to get to this point and how nervous we all were at the start of our pregnancy.

Even if you did have it, GD doesn't mean your going to have a bigger baby unless your blood sugars are uncontrolled and you stuff yourself with carbs and sugars. :winkwink:

They watch for bigger babies, placental abruptions and the babies for heart defects....but many women with GD have healthy babies. It's all about moderation and self control.:thumbup:

Glad you don't have GD. It's one less issue to deal with.
Hi ladies

Just a quick update as I'm shattered.

Very long day. Frustrating appointments due to lack of communication in the ante-natal department. Anyway:

Have to test my bloods 4 times a day

Have to see the Diabetes Team every fortnight

Will be scanned at 32w and 36w, plus any other scans they see fit

WB's head circumference, femur length and abdominal circumference were all in proportion (they are particularly interested in the abdominal circumference as this would be the only one of the three measurements affected by my GD) and measuring in the 95th percentile (they're not worried about this at present as OH is 6' tall)

If Wriggle Bum hasn't made an appearance by 38w I will be induced - the actual date for induction will be set at my 36w appointment

I can't have a home birth or water birth

I will be monitored throughout labour and given insulin if required

Both WB and I will have our blood sugars tested immediately after the birth

We will not be able to leave the hospital until our blood sugars have been stable for 24 hours

Think that pretty much sums everything up.

Catch up properly tomorrow. I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that 9 weeks from today I will have Wriggle Bum in my arms!

Pip x
Yup. That's pretty much the protocol! I'm pretty much going through that. Amelia is transverse so we may have to be scheduled for a c-section. We're discussing it on Friday. I'm hoping they'll let me go until October 3rd before scheduling. I'm about 4wks left. It went REALLY quick. It's so exciting isn't it?! :happydance: Congrats dear friend!
Thanks MA. I do feel tonnes better now I know what's going on. Your help and advice has been invaluable. Thank you :flower:

Pip x
oh, pip - so sorry - that sounds like a lot!! lets hope WB comes early so that you don't have to be induced. :hugs:
They watch for bigger babies, placental abruptions and the babies for heart defects....but many women with GD have healthy babies. It's all about moderation and self control.:thumbup:

Glad you don't have GD. It's one less issue to deal with.

I understand about the big babies....but what causes placental abruptions and heart defects related to GD? Scary.
They watch for bigger babies, placental abruptions and the babies for heart defects....but many women with GD have healthy babies. It's all about moderation and self control.:thumbup:

Glad you don't have GD. It's one less issue to deal with.

I understand about the big babies....but what causes placental abruptions and heart defects related to GD? Scary.

The causes are uncontrolled sugars. constant numbers of 200's and much higher. You honestly have to go unmonitored, eat all kinds of crap and not care. There was someone who posted an article on this site who had a HUGE baby. I knew right away that not only did she have GD, but she must have been eating high fat, high carb junk all the time and not testing at all for the baby to be that bad.

Dr.'s STILL give diabetics fetal echocardiograms to check for heart defects. I had one. Thankfully Amelia's testing came out good. The placental issues happen also with uncontrolled sugars. I'm honestly not sure what causes the placenta to go bad but overall having uncontrolled numbers can do damage to you and your baby.

You guys with GD shouldn't have that high a number. I'm sure you "could" if you overeat junkfood but your numbers are borderline and your being watched sooner and closer. :winkwink:

Pardon me if I'm not making sense. I'm really tired to I think I'm hard to understand a bit. :lol:
Sorry to hear your pregnancy has suddenly become high-risk.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and the labour and birth :hugs:
Hey everybody. Had an ultra sound today to check and see how big the baby is. Apparently she is 6 pounds already! I know these are not always accurate and can fluctuate up or down a pound though. With 6 weeks still to go I am very surprised. Dr. thinks she may end up somewhere above or slightly below 9lbs. I cannot believe she is so huge! Although, it sure feels like it. sheesh! She also wouldn't cooperate for the ultra sound tech. So all we have is a picture of her hand over her face with her palm out. Looks like she is telling the tech to stop lol. Everything else looks good! So we get to see the little kiddo in the next 6 or so weeks. yay!

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