awww, congrats on the scan, barbie - your tummy must be sore already with 6 lbs of baby in there!
hayley, SO excited for you to meet your rainbow baby some time after Monday's induction!!! Hope all goes well with your induction and birth!!! Can't wait to hear about it - will this make you the first Fall rainbow baby?

I'm so excited for you!
afm, went to the chiropractor today for turning (at 27 wk m/w appt, it was breech; "hammock" transverse at 29; a crooked posterior transverse at 31 wks - that's when the m/w referred me to a chiropractor who specializes in turning babies b/c she thinks it's trying to go head-down and something's blocking it). So, today, the doctor put a bunch of pressure on my left ligament between my hip bone and the baby's head in order to loosen up the uterus, then I have to go back on Monday for the adjustment that will (hopefully, please Lord!) get the baby turning head-down... Really need this baby to go head-down! He said if it doesn't work Monday, there is still some time (he can do the maneuver up until 37 weeks), but it's best to get it head-down now since it's getting bigger.
Sounds like my issue. Amelia has been breech and gone to transverse several times. She's transverse right now. By any chance, do you have a heart shaped or bicornuate uterus? This is my issue and they say that it gets harder with each week the baby gets bigger for her to turn. I REALLY wanted a natural vaginal labor.
Have you seen ? I did some inversions and it turned her from breech to transverse....but she moved back to breech at that time. Now she's transverse again. I went to the acupuncturist to do moxybustion technique which has been known to turn babies. We're on day two and I know that sometimes it can take awhile. I'm hoping we'll see she's turned by sonogram tomorrow morning, but I'm feeling her way up top right now.

I thought of going to the chiropractor for prenatal work but the issue is I'm plus size and I have a cerclage stitch in...she's hanging low. I'm afraid the pelvic adjustment could be detrimental to her physically where she's located so I figured the non-invasive procedure would be the moxybustion technique.
I honestly don't want a c-section and am SO anxious about it. I am however at peace if this is what happens that I've tried everything I can. There is a reason she's not turning and I've heard from some of my friends she could have a cord wrapped around her neck which freaks me out even more! I don't want to push her to move if she has a cord somewhere like that. I'm a mess where this is concerned!
On another anyone constipated?? I've NEVER been before and I'm at tears. Yesterday I took two colease and NOTHING. I was in agony. Today I sat on the toilet for 20 mins. each time. It was AWFUL. I've had two more colease and will take another one tonight if I don't see results. I'm downright MISERABLE! Not only do I have that, but I have acid reflux around the clock even when I don't eat acidic stuff.
I seem to have every pregnancy symptom in the book with this pregnancy.