PAL Fall 2011 ***26 Healthy Babies***

mommy's, i'll be keeping you in my thoughts/prayers - there really was nothing done to hurt the baby - the closest to the baby that he got was when he'd put a bunch of pressure on my round ligament near the baby while i was laying on my back, then they have a way to make the bench middle go up so that you can lie forward with your weight on your thighs and not squash the baby while he works on your lower back with his tools. I really do hope it works for your lil' one!! Please keep us updated - i know it took my lil' one 4 visits to get head-down, so it might not happen overnight (for some babies, it does, though).
This thread makes me happy too. :D
If you think back to how scared we all were prior to the 12 week scan and how slow we were to enjoy our pregnancies and now we are nearly at the end or in Hayleys case have reach the end and soon we will have little bundles in our arms.
Great news Fides. I go to the MW next Tuesday and should sort out the home visit then. I starting decorating the living room this week so really need to get a move on.

Mommy's it won't hurt baby and would be much nicer than letting the hospital try and turn baby. You have nothing to lose by giving it a go. I hope baby plays ball. x
Hi ladies. Had midwife appt this morn n baby us 2/5th engaged but back to back so I've been on all fours all day trying to help him turn. I'm not sure if he will though as his head has started to engage!

Hope everyone else ok xxx
Fantastic news Fides :D

And CONGRATULATIONS Hayley :happydance:
Good luck Aquarius! Only 4 days left until baby is term. I am so excited for you! and slightly jealous ;). I still have 3 weeks of work left and baby will finally be term.
Yay for everyone else! Good luck and happy last weeks/months of pregnancy.
Hi ladies. Had midwife appt this morn n baby us 2/5th engaged but back to back so I've been on all fours all day trying to help him turn. I'm not sure if he will though as his head has started to engage!

Hope everyone else ok xxx

Amelia is still transverse only she decided to move from one side to the other now. :wacko:

I swear we must look like dummies doing all these different things to try to turn them. Our kids have proven they have minds of their own these little stinkers. :lol:

37wks is on Sunday for me. I have the chiropractic appointment on Monday. Ugh! I hope I have time to get her to move. I REALLY don't want a c-section.

They scheduled it for 130pm. That's not eating from midnight the night before and they've been known to push the sections LATER in the evening if they go longer. Can you imagine not eating from midnight and having a section pushed to 6pm the next night?! I'm a type II diabetic on insulin and I told her I'd bottom out. she said I'd go in earlier and they'd put me on an iv with insulin. Already I'm NOT a happy camper. You'll put me on insulin so I won't bottom out but who will pay that price but Amelia!! The more insulin going in me, means the more potential for HER to bottom out.:dohh:

Oh PALEASE turn little one PLEASE!
Oh Mommy's I really hope that she turns for you. My hypnobirthing teacher said that going swimming and diving to the bottom of the pool, or handstand in the water helps to turn babies. Apparently the water also helps, if you can get in a pool it might be worth a try, even if you aren't into water that much.

Last I heard/saw my little one was in the right position they just needed to drop which they are doing. I know this as my bump has dropped down I can breath and the heartburn has all but gone :)

3 weeks until term for me.
Good luck Aquarius! Only 4 days left until baby is term. I am so excited for you! and slightly jealous ;). I still have 3 weeks of work left and baby will finally be term.
Yay for everyone else! Good luck and happy last weeks/months of pregnancy.

Thanks hun I was term last tues :-) xx
MA - I really hope our babies turn too! I have also heard swimming helps so it's defo worth a try. I am with you on the section I would do anything to avoid one as the thought of it scares the shut outta me! But saying that if it's the only way to get baby out safely then there's not much else to do. Hopefully Yr princess will turn xxx
Okay, ladies - we're 2 days away from Fall!!! :yipee:

how is everyone hanging in there?
Hi there!

Had my first chiropractic appointment. she said I had a TON of nerve and muscle interference. It wasn't like the regular type of chiropractic adjustments with exception to my neck adjustment. With the water retention I couldn't lay on my stomach so I sat up and she used this odd mechanism to work through the back. Goodness, my neck, shoulders and lower back felt light right away. She messed with the round ligaments and I thought I was going to DIE!! :wacko: She did it twice on each side holding for awhile. I was thinking she should do it again but so glad she didn't or I wouldn't have made it through the night. I was in SO MUCH PAIN! That ligament was SO tight!

I wasn't going to go again as I did that, the inversion technique, laid on my side for 30 minutes and then did the birthing ball most of the night to open things up.....she still didn't turn from transverse at all...BUT, I remember you said it took 4 tries fides. So I figure I'll go again tomorrow if only to loosen these muscles for myself. Then may even make two more for next week and try it to four.

If she doesn't move..which I'm honestly thinking she won't, I'm at peace we've done everything and it's just Gods will to have her by c-section because something is stopping her...either the heart shaped uterus or who knows, maybe a cord!

Latest update is I got home after my non-stress test yesterday and saw a pool of blood and white stuff. Almost passed out. Wondered if I was in labor. Turns out the water retention in the lower belly caused one of the water polyps to burst and it was leaking. It's SO disgusting! I've never seen anything like this before. My feet and legs are huge with water polyps on my toes, my lower abdomen feels like an orange peel and has water polyps that are now popping.

Also the past two days, my blood pressure has gone up past 140. So we're monitoring for pre-eclampsia. Honestly...there's so much going on.....This morning I woke up with my husbands cold. My c-section is in two weeks from tomorrow and I have a flippin cold! I'm trying my hardest to rid myself of it just in case my water breaks and I have emergency section.

THEN when it rains it pours. :rofl: My husband was downstairs for a couple of hours and I wondered what was going on. Turns out he was trying to dry our clothes with the iron because our drying went caput. :rofl: That man kills me. :haha: He's too cute for words!

So, ((sigh)) dealing with a few pregnancy related things the last few weeks with a baby that's still refusing to turn and I think I'm handling it quite well. I've decided NOT to panic. If I need the section, then I will go in with a positive attitude and make it a positive experience instead of panicking and making it a possible negative experience. All that matters is that we have a healthy and happy little girl. :thumbup:

How is everyone else?!
gosh mommys sounds like a nightmare.

You are right about the section though. I believe babies don't turn for a reason and that sometimes it is necessary to have a section. As you say so long as the baby is happy and healthy that is all that matters.

We are doing fine here. Waiting to hit 37 weeks and then baby can come whenever they are ready.
You poor thing MA :hugs: That's a lot of stuff to have going on right before having a baby, hopefully baby will turn but like you say, if not then you can at least say you have tried everything and the most important thing is you and baby being well :hugs:

I'm suffering a lot with pelvic pain, it started at the weekend but was made worse by me bumping my car into the back of a taxi yesterday :dohh: so i am just hobbling around and very uncomfortable. I also have crazy bad heartburn and drinking gaviscon like it's juice, it actually woke me up last night it was that bad :(

Hope everyone is ok and enjoying waiting for these little ones to start making their appearances? We're very nearly term now, i'm not quite at the super-impatient and fed-up stage but i reckon it won't be long before i get there- another couple of weeks and i will be getting my grumpy head on! :winkwink: :lol:
Rebaby, glad your okay after the bump in with the cabbie. I too have had bad acid reflux. Seems since Amelia is transverse she's pushing everything upward and giving me the acid reflux. zantac isn't working at all or at least it didn't last night.

Thought I'd add that I caught my husbands cold! :shrug: Last night was like death warmed over. I had horrible braxton hicks in the upper belly, the lower back pressure made me feel like I wanted to I woke my husband up every hour to rub it and put accupressure on it. I hope this stupid cold goes quickly. I have this odd feeling that Amelia will be come before the schedule c-section on Oct. 6th. This cold HAS to go away soon! :thumbup:

Take care everyone! I'm getting excited about our lovely little ones coming over the next few weeks. Can't wait to share miracle stories! :hug:
It is so amazing that we are all so close now. I am hoping that Pickle decides to come along as soon as I hit 37 weeks. I really can't cope with not being able to walk properly and being told I need bed rest and can't do anything is killing me. I am not a sit around and do nothing kind of people.
Hi ladies,

Well, my bp was high again today. The Dr. scheduled an Amnio for Tuesdays appointment if my bp is high again. That will tell if her lungs have matured. If they see protein in the urine they'll forgo the amnio and just schedule the c-section. What I got is that she doesn't want to wait the added week with potentially getting full blown pre-eclampsia. With my history she'd rather not risk anything further. SO, as it stands we may have Amelia next week sometime. I'm guess wed. or thurs.

I'm SO NERVOUS! I can't wait to hold her. She's been 10 years in the waiting. I think that's why I'm so nervous. All these emotions, all this love....wondering if I'll be a good mommy. I also don't have everything in order.

I'm sure it will all work out well. I'll keep everyone posted after Tuesdays appointment. In the meantime, I'm taking the weekend to try to get rid of this cold. The leaking Adema I have will continue. The Dr. said it will get worse before it gets better because they'll be giving me lots of liquid through IV. :wacko: I can't imagine how heavy in water weight I'll be. I'm already feeling like a truck. At any rate, we may have a baby next week. Holy Cats! ((FAINT))
Gosh MA that will be amazing. I hope your appointment goes well and if not then good luck with the C section and I hope that Amelia has a lovely birthing day.
Hi ladies,

Well, my bp was high again today. The Dr. scheduled an Amnio for Tuesdays appointment if my bp is high again. That will tell if her lungs have matured. If they see protein in the urine they'll forgo the amnio and just schedule the c-section. What I got is that she doesn't want to wait the added week with potentially getting full blown pre-eclampsia. With my history she'd rather not risk anything further. SO, as it stands we may have Amelia next week sometime. I'm guess wed. or thurs.

I'm SO NERVOUS! I can't wait to hold her. She's been 10 years in the waiting. I think that's why I'm so nervous. All these emotions, all this love....wondering if I'll be a good mommy. I also don't have everything in order.

I'm sure it will all work out well. I'll keep everyone posted after Tuesdays appointment. In the meantime, I'm taking the weekend to try to get rid of this cold. The leaking Adema I have will continue. The Dr. said it will get worse before it gets better because they'll be giving me lots of liquid through IV. :wacko: I can't imagine how heavy in water weight I'll be. I'm already feeling like a truck. At any rate, we may have a baby next week. Holy Cats! ((FAINT))

Sorry you're having such a tough time :hugs: i hope everything goes well at your appointment. It's so incredibly exciting to think you'll have your little girl in your arms in just a few days. Good luck! :flower:
wow, mommy's - so much going on with you!! Prayers for you and your family during this stressful time! :hugs: With the BP stuff, are you going back to the chiro, or letting that go? Please keep us updated. :flower:

Well, ladies, as of Friday, WE'VE MADE IT TO FALL!!!! :yipee:

I can hardly believe we're finally in Fall. Wow. That's just crazy!

Hope everyone is doing well!
I always feel like Autumn/Fall starts the first day of September. So Ive been feeling excited for a few weeks now! lol
So my baby is due in October, and this Saturday will be October 1st....and thats scary!!

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