Hi there!
Had my first chiropractic appointment. she said I had a TON of nerve and muscle interference. It wasn't like the regular type of chiropractic adjustments with exception to my neck adjustment. With the water retention I couldn't lay on my stomach so I sat up and she used this odd mechanism to work through the back. Goodness, my neck, shoulders and lower back felt light right away. She messed with the round ligaments and I thought I was going to DIE!!

She did it twice on each side holding for awhile. I was thinking she should do it again but so glad she didn't or I wouldn't have made it through the night. I was in SO MUCH PAIN! That ligament was SO tight!
I wasn't going to go again as I did that, the inversion technique, laid on my side for 30 minutes and then did the birthing ball most of the night to open things up.....she still didn't turn from transverse at all...BUT, I remember you said it took 4 tries fides. So I figure I'll go again tomorrow if only to loosen these muscles for myself. Then may even make two more for next week and try it to four.
If she doesn't move..which I'm honestly thinking she won't, I'm at peace we've done everything and it's just Gods will to have her by c-section because something is stopping her...either the heart shaped uterus or who knows, maybe a cord!
Latest update is I got home after my non-stress test yesterday and saw a pool of blood and white stuff. Almost passed out. Wondered if I was in labor. Turns out the water retention in the lower belly caused one of the water polyps to burst and it was leaking. It's SO disgusting! I've never seen anything like this before. My feet and legs are huge with water polyps on my toes, my lower abdomen feels like an orange peel and has water polyps that are now popping.
Also the past two days, my blood pressure has gone up past 140. So we're monitoring for pre-eclampsia. Honestly...there's so much going on.....This morning I woke up with my husbands cold. My c-section is in two weeks from tomorrow and I have a flippin cold! I'm trying my hardest to rid myself of it just in case my water breaks and I have emergency section.
THEN when it rains it pours.

My husband was downstairs for a couple of hours and I wondered what was going on. Turns out he was trying to dry our clothes with the iron because our drying went caput.

That man kills me.

He's too cute for words!
So, ((sigh)) dealing with a few pregnancy related things the last few weeks with a baby that's still refusing to turn and I think I'm handling it quite well. I've decided NOT to panic. If I need the section, then I will go in with a positive attitude and make it a positive experience instead of panicking and making it a possible negative experience. All that matters is that we have a healthy and happy little girl.
How is everyone else?!