I do have a question for you ladies. I posted this elsewhere but didn't get a clear answer really. The first time around I never asked my doctor this question and I am slightly lost. How exactly do you judge how far along you are? I know that supposedly in the U.S. and some other places we start counting from your LMP. Other places date from the day of ovulation. So does this make the 12 week scan really that "safe zone" if you are only technically 10 weeks (or later for us late ovulators)? I did find this site that says the end of the first trimester in places that start dating from the day of ovulation ends at 10-11 weeks. In the US it is 12-13 weeks using the LMP. Has anyone heard anything diffinitive? I know when I ovulated and I will be 4 weeks past ovulation tomorrow. Does that actually make me 6 weeks pregnant?
Thanks for the help and welcome all the Autumn mommies to be!!!